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Need to get this off my chest!

Griz til I die

Well-known member
I am VERY terrified for the next 4 years with Gianforte as governor. I realize we all have different political views and different things that are important to us, but as an avid outdoorsmen and fishermen, his view on public lands and stream access horrify me. COVID has me a little bit concerned too, it’s obviously not good right now, but I feel it will be way worse if Gianforte lifts the restrictions. Plus god only knows what his views are on a sales tax. Anybody share my same feelings? Disagreements?
I had Civics in Junior High. You, evidently, don't know how laws are made. My mailbox had all kinds of political fliers from GG, so IF you live in Montana, you got the same things that I did. He does not, and will not support any sales tax. At any rate, the people of Montana repeatedly rejected any sales tax at the polls, last time the idea went down in flames 4-1. Educate yourself. Read. :thumb:
As far as the Chinese Plague goes, just stay home, and hide under your bed. While under the bed, read a Civics book.
I think if he were to try and implement a sales tax he would not be re-elected so I don’t think it would happen, but I certainly don’t think it’s out of the realm that he may consider it. What about public lands and stream access? What’re your thoughts on that?
Griz til I die said:
I think if he were to try and implement a sales tax he would not be re-elected so I don’t think it would happen, but I certainly don’t think it’s out of the realm that he may consider it. What about public lands and stream access? What’re your thoughts on that?

Go to his property in Bozeman and ask to hunt or fish, I bet he tells you absolutely, have fun!
A sales tax that only makes out of state people pay is a good idea. When I was stationed in North Dakota in the 80's with the Air Force. I remained a Montana resident. Everything I purchased in North Dakota was tax exempt, all I had to do was show my Montana drivers license and I didn't pay ND sales taxes. The same thing could happen here to use the money for our infrastructure. Hell the Motels, hotels Campgrounds ect... already are doing this. It isn't that hard. Show your Montana ID card and no sales tax.
reinell30 said:
Griz til I die said:
I think if he were to try and implement a sales tax he would not be re-elected so I don’t think it would happen, but I certainly don’t think it’s out of the realm that he may consider it. What about public lands and stream access? What’re your thoughts on that?

Go to his property in Bozeman and ask to hunt or fish, I bet he tells you absolutely, have fun!
A sales tax that only makes out of state people pay is a good idea. When I was stationed in North Dakota in the 80's with the Air Force. I remained a Montana resident. Everything I purchased in North Dakota was tax exempt, all I had to do was show my Montana drivers license and I didn't pay ND sales taxes. The same thing could happen here to use the money for our infrastructure. Hell the Motels, hotels Campgrounds ect... already are doing this. It isn't that hard. Show your Montana ID card and no sales tax.
You’re trying to say their should only be a sales tax for out of staters? I’ve never heard of that anywhere. I’ve gotten tax exemption in Washington before because Montana doesn’t have it. There’s no way Montana would implement a sales tax for just out of staters. You’d have to check every single persons ID in Montana. That’s way too inconvenient.

With regards to stream access, I’ve never fished the Gallatin, nor been near his property in Bozeman. All I know is his running mate, Kristen Juras, is highly against it. Everybody wants to talk about what happened outside of his house, and who knows who was right about this? That’s my main concern about Gianforte is public lands and stream access!
Griz til I die said:
reinell30 said:
Go to his property in Bozeman and ask to hunt or fish, I bet he tells you absolutely, have fun!
A sales tax that only makes out of state people pay is a good idea. When I was stationed in North Dakota in the 80's with the Air Force. I remained a Montana resident. Everything I purchased in North Dakota was tax exempt, all I had to do was show my Montana drivers license and I didn't pay ND sales taxes. The same thing could happen here to use the money for our infrastructure. Hell the Motels, hotels Campgrounds ect... already are doing this. It isn't that hard. Show your Montana ID card and no sales tax.
You’re trying to say their should only be a sales tax for out of staters? I’ve never heard of that anywhere. I’ve gotten tax exemption in Washington before because Montana doesn’t have it. There’s no way Montana would implement a sales tax for just out of staters. You’d have to check every single persons ID in Montana. That’s way too inconvenient.

With regards to stream access, I’ve never fished the Gallatin, nor been near his property in Bozeman. All I know is his running mate, Kristen Juras, is highly against it. Everybody wants to talk about what happened outside of his house, and who knows who was right about this? That’s my main concern about Gianforte is public lands and stream access!

I think it'd be very easy to implement a sales tax for out of staters if they so choose to. I personally think they should do exactly that. We already do it in high tourist areas like Big Sky and Yellowstone. I can't imagine it'd be very difficult to pull off and would generate a lot of money. I've always been curious why we haven't been doing this all along.
ilovethecats said:
Griz til I die said:
You’re trying to say their should only be a sales tax for out of staters? I’ve never heard of that anywhere. I’ve gotten tax exemption in Washington before because Montana doesn’t have it. There’s no way Montana would implement a sales tax for just out of staters. You’d have to check every single persons ID in Montana. That’s way too inconvenient.

With regards to stream access, I’ve never fished the Gallatin, nor been near his property in Bozeman. All I know is his running mate, Kristen Juras, is highly against it. Everybody wants to talk about what happened outside of his house, and who knows who was right about this? That’s my main concern about Gianforte is public lands and stream access!

I think it'd be very easy to implement a sales tax for out of staters if they so choose to. I personally think they should do exactly that. We already do it in high tourist areas like Big Sky and Yellowstone. I can't imagine it'd be very difficult to pull off and would generate a lot of money. I've always been curious why we haven't been doing this all along.

If you go to a motel anywhere in Montana for a room, you pay the bed tax, no exceptions. If you show a Montana ID you wouldn't have pay it. It is not hard.
Out of Stater's don't show ID unless they have a valid Montana ID. Not everyone shows an ID. Every one from out of state is used to a sales tax, it wouldn't bother them a bit.

I don't know much about Juras, if you say she is against' hunting and fishing, she won't last long.
I ATV all summer long and I can tell you this, there is more state land that is not accessible for the public because of land owners blocking access to it. My brother in-law is in a law suit fighting to get access to state land that a certain landowner is blocking. The landowner has the MT Fish Wildlife and Parks in his pocket.
Our corrupt politicians (current) could care less about us getting on public land. They line their pockets with the money of the big land owners and that is all they want.
Griz til I die said:
I am VERY terrified for the next 4 years with Gianforte as governor. I realize we all have different political views and different things that are important to us, but as an avid outdoorsmen and fishermen, his view on public lands and stream access horrify me. COVID has me a little bit concerned too, it’s obviously not good right now, but I feel it will be way worse if Gianforte lifts the restrictions. Plus god only knows what his views are on a sales tax. Anybody share my same feelings? Disagreements?

You have legitimate concerns. He is and has always been concerned about himself. Best wishes.

tourist said:
I had Civics in Junior High. You, evidently, don't know how laws are made. My mailbox had all kinds of political fliers from GG, so IF you live in Montana, you got the same things that I did. He does not, and will not support any sales tax. At any rate, the people of Montana repeatedly rejected any sales tax at the polls, last time the idea went down in flames 4-1. Educate yourself. Read. :thumb:
As far as the Chinese Plague goes, just stay home, and hide under your bed. While under the bed, read a Civics book.

:lol: :lol:
All I know is that the worker's comp premiums for all news outlets in the state of Montana tripled this week.
reinell30 said:
ilovethecats said:
I think it'd be very easy to implement a sales tax for out of staters if they so choose to. I personally think they should do exactly that. We already do it in high tourist areas like Big Sky and Yellowstone. I can't imagine it'd be very difficult to pull off and would generate a lot of money. I've always been curious why we haven't been doing this all along.

If you go to a motel anywhere in Montana for a room, you pay the bed tax, no exceptions. If you show a Montana ID you wouldn't have pay it. It is not hard.
Out of Stater's don't show ID unless they have a valid Montana ID. Not everyone shows an ID. Every one from out of state is used to a sales tax, it wouldn't bother them a bit.

I don't know much about Juras, if you say she is against' hunting and fishing, she won't last long.
I ATV all summer long and I can tell you this, there is more state land that is not accessible for the public because of land owners blocking access to it. My brother in-law is in a law suit fighting to get access to state land that a certain landowner is blocking. The landowner has the MT Fish Wildlife and Parks in his pocket.
Our corrupt politicians (current) could care less about us getting on public land. They line their pockets with the money of the big land owners and that is all they want.

No you still have to pay he local hospitality tax. Showing your id in washington or idaho will get you out of it but not here.
Sales taxes are a regressive tax as it hurts lower income people the worst as they have less money.
fanofzoo said:
reinell30 said:
If you go to a motel anywhere in Montana for a room, you pay the bed tax, no exceptions. If you show a Montana ID you wouldn't have pay it. It is not hard.
Out of Stater's don't show ID unless they have a valid Montana ID. Not everyone shows an ID. Every one from out of state is used to a sales tax, it wouldn't bother them a bit.

I don't know much about Juras, if you say she is against' hunting and fishing, she won't last long.
I ATV all summer long and I can tell you this, there is more state land that is not accessible for the public because of land owners blocking access to it. My brother in-law is in a law suit fighting to get access to state land that a certain landowner is blocking. The landowner has the MT Fish Wildlife and Parks in his pocket.
Our corrupt politicians (current) could care less about us getting on public land. They line their pockets with the money of the big land owners and that is all they want.

No you still have to pay he local hospitality tax. Showing your id in washington or idaho will get you out of it but not here.
Sales taxes are a regressive tax as it hurts lower income people the worst as they have less money.

No, Showing your ID in Washington will waive the sales tax but not in bed/hospitality tax.
TrueGriz said:
fanofzoo said:
No you still have to pay he local hospitality tax. Showing your id in washington or idaho will get you out of it but not here.
Sales taxes are a regressive tax as it hurts lower income people the worst as they have less money.

No, Showing your ID in Washington will waive the sales tax but not in bed/hospitality tax.

Right will get you out of sales tax but you owe the rest.
grizpsych said:
Griz til I die said:
I am VERY terrified for the next 4 years with Gianforte as governor. I realize we all have different political views and different things that are important to us, but as an avid outdoorsmen and fishermen, his view on public lands and stream access horrify me. COVID has me a little bit concerned too, it’s obviously not good right now, but I feel it will be way worse if Gianforte lifts the restrictions. Plus god only knows what his views are on a sales tax. Anybody share my same feelings? Disagreements?

You have legitimate concerns. He is and has always been concerned about himself. Best wishes.


Gianforte is not concerned about himself in any respect. I know him well. Feel free to try to prove your point, and I will blow you out of the water every time. Put up or shut up.

Almost everything in that NYT article regarding him is wrong. Happy to debate anyone on the article.
Griz til I die said:
I am VERY terrified for the next 4 years with Gianforte as governor. I realize we all have different political views and different things that are important to us, but as an avid outdoorsmen and fishermen, his view on public lands and stream access horrify me. COVID has me a little bit concerned too, it’s obviously not good right now, but I feel it will be way worse if Gianforte lifts the restrictions. Plus god only knows what his views are on a sales tax. Anybody share my same feelings? Disagreements?

You obviously don't know his views on public lands and steam access.

Gianforte probably hunts and fishes, and hikes and camps, more than you do.

Again, I know him well. Try to prove your point. Happy to listen and respond.
Griz til I die said:
reinell30 said:
Go to his property in Bozeman and ask to hunt or fish, I bet he tells you absolutely, have fun!
A sales tax that only makes out of state people pay is a good idea. When I was stationed in North Dakota in the 80's with the Air Force. I remained a Montana resident. Everything I purchased in North Dakota was tax exempt, all I had to do was show my Montana drivers license and I didn't pay ND sales taxes. The same thing could happen here to use the money for our infrastructure. Hell the Motels, hotels Campgrounds ect... already are doing this. It isn't that hard. Show your Montana ID card and no sales tax.
You’re trying to say their should only be a sales tax for out of staters? I’ve never heard of that anywhere. I’ve gotten tax exemption in Washington before because Montana doesn’t have it. There’s no way Montana would implement a sales tax for just out of staters. You’d have to check every single persons ID in Montana. That’s way too inconvenient.

With regards to stream access, I’ve never fished the Gallatin, nor been near his property in Bozeman. All I know is his running mate, Kristen Juras, is highly against it. Everybody wants to talk about what happened outside of his house, and who knows who was right about this? That’s my main concern about Gianforte is public lands and stream access!

Juras is terrific, but conservative. I know her well. She will be a very good Lt Gov.
PlayerRep said:
Griz til I die said:
You’re trying to say their should only be a sales tax for out of staters? I’ve never heard of that anywhere. I’ve gotten tax exemption in Washington before because Montana doesn’t have it. There’s no way Montana would implement a sales tax for just out of staters. You’d have to check every single persons ID in Montana. That’s way too inconvenient.

With regards to stream access, I’ve never fished the Gallatin, nor been near his property in Bozeman. All I know is his running mate, Kristen Juras, is highly against it. Everybody wants to talk about what happened outside of his house, and who knows who was right about this? That’s my main concern about Gianforte is public lands and stream access!

Juras is terrific, but conservative. I know her well. She will be a very good Lt Gov.
His point was she is against the stream access law which is really popular. So is he wrong and we shouldn’t be concerned with them trying to chip away at it and public lands access?
Jesse said:
PlayerRep said:
Juras is terrific, but conservative. I know her well. She will be a very good Lt Gov.
His point was she is against the stream access law which is really popular. So is he wrong and we shouldn’t be concerned with them trying to chip away at it and public lands access?

I said that Juras is terrific. What does your point have to do with that.

What's your evidence that she is against stream access? Or public lands access?

"in 2016, she authored an op-ed for the Helena Independent Record in which she called the law “settled,” praised its balance between public-access and private-property rights,"

She doesn't want to change anything om stream access.
reinell30 said:
Griz til I die said:
I think if he were to try and implement a sales tax he would not be re-elected so I don’t think it would happen, but I certainly don’t think it’s out of the realm that he may consider it. What about public lands and stream access? What’re your thoughts on that?

Go to his property in Bozeman and ask to hunt or fish, I bet he tells you absolutely, have fun!
A sales tax that only makes out of state people pay is a good idea. When I was stationed in North Dakota in the 80's with the Air Force. I remained a Montana resident. Everything I purchased in North Dakota was tax exempt, all I had to do was show my Montana drivers license and I didn't pay ND sales taxes. The same thing could happen here to use the money for our infrastructure. Hell the Motels, hotels Campgrounds ect... already are doing this. It isn't that hard. Show your Montana ID card and no sales tax.
Sorry reinell that isn't how it works. If you get a sales tax everyone pays even out-of-staters you don't get a pass for being a resident, that only works for going to Washington or other places. A sales tax is regressive as it hurts the people who aren't wealthy enough to fund it.
The state needs its money, where are you going to get it, sales tax(ever see it go down once it's in place?), income tax, property tax, you choose.
PlayerRep said:
grizpsych said:
You have legitimate concerns. He is and has always been concerned about himself. Best wishes.


Gianforte is not concerned about himself in any respect. I know him well. Feel free to try to prove your point, and I will blow you out of the water every time. Put up or shut up.

Almost everything in that NYT article regarding him is wrong. Happy to debate anyone on the article.

The ball is in your court. So, go ahead and refute the Times article. Please include sources.

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