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Well-known member
Said it in an earlier thread;

A wiretap without a warrant is illegal. Bush/NSA ordered wiretaps without a warrant, they broke the law.

It's happened in the past, and I don't endorse it then either, by anyone! Also, Ponezone you asked me what about all these Dems crying foul now compared to when the Clintons were found with FBI files, keep in mind there are many Republicans expressing serious concerns with this as well. This goes beyond party politics, this is about the executive brance abusing its power.
Stop crying about it, i dont care if people that I dont know and will never know are tapping into my wires because I personally have nothing to hide. I dotn know about you but I would never like to see 911 every happen again and if we have to tap into peoples phones that are calling to the middleast then i say we do that. Get over it....Morals>>>Laws


Are scared enough to forfeit some of your civil liberties, yet?


How 'bout now? C'mon, my time is valuable. I've elections to rig and brains to wash...
hey i dont care if the goverment wiretaps my cell phone somehow *for the record i got rid of my land line a year ago*....if they do they will be seriously dissapointed by (1) the sheer volume of calls...not and (2) how i have the habbit of not using it at all, and if used, usually begging for directions

remax....what do you say about clinton holding fbi files on private US citizens?
Let me ask this question then. If another 9/11 style attack happens, are we going to be upset that we didn't do all that we needed?

Does anyone really think the U.S. cares what you are talking about if it isn't about terrorism. If you do, then you really think highly of yourself.

Name one right you have given up because of the Patriot Act? Although this is not the same instance, it is another subject people like to complain about. I have nothing to hide from my country - do you?
PhxGriz said:
Let me ask this question then. If another 9/11 style attack happens, are we going to be upset that we didn't do all that we needed?

Does anyone really think the U.S. cares what you are talking about if it isn't about terrorism. If you do, then you really think highly of yourself.

Name one right you have given up because of the Patriot Act? Although this is not the same instance, it is another subject people like to complain about. I have nothing to hide from my country - do you?

my ability to not let the goverment know that i just checked out a coffee book from the library... :shocked:

phx you are speaking to the croud that would blame bush for the next 9/11 and probibly blame him for the first.. :shocked:
I see it as the government is spying on me. No I have nothing to hide, but I don't think its right.

First its wiretaps, library books and cookies on your computer, then what? Homeland security officials opening your mail. A government record of every personal action of your life. Then what, a telescreen in everyones house to keep an eye on them :wink:

OK going super extreme.

Its not my governments right to spy on me, tell me where in the constitution does it say that.

And there are many people who have been affected by the Patriot Act. Those who were held as terrorist suspects without a warrant and then released due to lack of evidence would probably say the Patriot Act has affected their lives.
Hells bells said:
PhxGriz said:
Let me ask this question then. If another 9/11 style attack happens, are we going to be upset that we didn't do all that we needed?

Does anyone really think the U.S. cares what you are talking about if it isn't about terrorism. If you do, then you really think highly of yourself.

Name one right you have given up because of the Patriot Act? Although this is not the same instance, it is another subject people like to complain about. I have nothing to hide from my country - do you?

my ability to not let the goverment know that i just checked out a coffee book from the library... :shocked:

phx you are speaking to the croud that would blame bush for the next 9/11 and probibly blame him for the first.. :shocked:

For the record I blame Osama Bin Laden and Al Queda for the attacks, I blame Bush for not taking as much action as he could have on it. Just like I blame Mother Nature for Hurricane Katrina and FEMA/Fedral Gov't for not acting properly.
I understand the idea of not wanting the government to invade people's privacy. I don't want to give them a stepping stone to infringe a little more each time they choose to do so.

The wiretapping that Bush is doing isn't illegal, there is a loophole. I also don't have a problem anytime they check calls to and from Iraq or overseas. If that is what they need to do while fighting this war then so be it. If it goes any farther than I will have a problem with it and it won't matter who is in office at the time.
Re/MaxGriz said:
Said it in an earlier thread;

A wiretap without a warrant is illegal. Bush/NSA ordered wiretaps without a warrant, they broke the law.

It's happened in the past, and I don't endorse it then either, by anyone! Also, Ponezone you asked me what about all these Dems crying foul now compared to when the Clintons were found with FBI files, keep in mind there are many Republicans expressing serious concerns with this as well. This goes beyond party politics, this is about the executive brance abusing its power.

.. that's all fine and dandy... but you didn't answer my question! :liar: :wink:
Re/MaxGriz said:
Said it in an earlier thread;

A wiretap without a warrant is illegal. Bush/NSA ordered wiretaps without a warrant, they broke the law.

It's happened in the past, and I don't endorse it then either, by anyone! Also, Ponezone you asked me what about all these Dems crying foul now compared to when the Clintons were found with FBI files, keep in mind there are many Republicans expressing serious concerns with this as well. This goes beyond party politics, this is about the executive brance abusing its power.

Can you show me the legal opinion from a court that shows what he did is illegal? I am not up to speed on this topic, but the White House has been pretty adamant that what they have done is legal.
This relates somewhat to this discussion and gives a little perspective to this argument:

Did anyone else see the political cartoon from a few years ago:

It showed two people that were obviously in a hijacked airliner. Next to them standing in the aisle were obviously two young male middle-eastern men holding guns (hijackers)... and one male passenger turned to his seat-mate and said:

"Thank heaven we didn't offend them by profiling"


I try and evaluate this scenario by looking at the world I want my children to inherit. I pray that this "surveillance" is temporary and that in a few years this argument will be moot. However, I am completely in support of taking steps such as these to help find those individuals that THREATEN THE FUTURE OF MY CHILDREN.

It just amazes me the number of people who bash Bush for not having done more to "protect the country" against 9/11 and yet turn around and scream bloody murder about Bush's terrorist surveillance program. Doesn't it appear as if many of these "screamers" are more interested in their own political position at the expense of our country? Why don't people understand that it HURTS THIS COUNTRY when our president is undermined so consistently?

:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah: Sorry... I'm done with my morning rant now. Anyone hear about the Griz recruits? :wink:
Bush is an idiot. There never were weapons of mass destruction. bush vacationed too much the first months of his presidency. Bush is big oil. He used to do coke. he wants to make all abortions illegal. It's the same crap I have been hearing for years now. it's time to hop aboard the train and make solutions to energy, social security, education, etc. People pissing and moaning about what has happened isn't going to solve the issues at hand. I take issue with the democrats who stood and applauded that the social security plan was killed in Congress. It was so damn hihg schoolish to do that. What is their solution? Joint effort is needed. Too bad most of us will never see it.

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