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Assad Smackdown

Huge tax cuts for the 1% and a rip off for the geniuses who voted for him ... these serfs like to be kicked around.
Ryan’s senior tax counsel blow up Trump’s ‘magic unicorn’ tax plan

George Callas, the senior tax counsel for House Leader Paul Ryan (R-WI) declared Trump’s plans dead before it has ever even been submitted.
According to a report from the Wall Street Journal, Trump’s proposal would slash the top corporate rate down to 15 percent and would primarily benefit, “professionals that organize themselves in an LLC or partnership. Doctors, lawyers, consultants, lobbyists.”

Speaking at an international finance summit last week, Ryan’s tax law specialist George Callas called out Trump’s plan for a massive tax cut without offsetting cuts to pay for it a “magic unicorn.”

“A plan of business tax cuts that has no offsets, to use some very esoteric language, is not a thing,” Callas patiently explained to the panel and attending crowd. “It’s not a real thing. And people can come up with whatever plans they want. Not only can that not pass Congress, it cannot even begin to move through Congress on day one. And there are political reasons for that. No. 1 of which is, members wouldn’t vote for it. But there are also procedural, statutory procedural, legal reasons why that can’t happen.”
reinell30 said:
Fat Bruno said:
reinell30 said:
Trump is not a puppet like the other politicians that a lot of people are used to. He can think for himself and speak for himself. Although people may not always like what he says, tough, he still says it. Political correctness needs to stop!

Far more dangerous and in need of stopping is political stupidity. And, this pinheaded nut case is the worst we've ever had.

97 days in office and he is the worst? There is fairness at it's best!

We knew he would be the worst 97 days BEFORE the election ... he's a corrupt sociopath and an ignorant blowhard from hell ... how could you not know?
Fat Bruno said:
Cuervohola said:
Fat Bruno said:
I like that heroic denial of massively reported news stories ... reality is not friendly to the right wing lunatics.

Tweets or transcripts of an interview are not "massively reported news stories"...

Trump apparently believes we are all hopelessly naive. With his presidency nearing the 100-day mark, he is desperate not to have to acknowledge that his outrageous, ridiculous, impossible campaign promises were, in fact, outrageous, ridiculous and impossible.

EVEN IF the wall never happens in his 8 years, it won't come CLOSE to the disaster that is "If you like your Doctor, you can keep your Doctor... If you like your plan, you can keep your plan", and Nothing Trump does would ever be as disastrous as what would happen if your Communist candidate was elected

The ACA is even more popular than ever. It was a bad GOP plan but still a yuuuuge improvement over what we had and a life saver for literally millions of people. A disaster only in the minds of brainwashed pinheads of the Reich. Bernie is the most popular politician in America and would have been one of the best prez we've ever had. We'll get him or one of his clones in 2020 after the enormous backlash to the Trump catastrophe.

Here we go again with calling it the "Affordable care act"... I guess you like the possibility of rates going up 100%, the very real possibility you only have ONE insurer to pick from, hence the massive rate hike...

The Obamacare geniuses couldn't even figure out how to set up the website to buy the soon to fail insurance... Obamacare will implode by the end of 2018. Of course, the Leftists will blame Trump, even though not one of them voted for the new plan

Bernie would have been... HAHA even the DNC couldn't stand the chance of a Communist in office, so they shafted him... He's only popular to the people that sit on their asses and are allergic to actually contributing to society, but want free handouts including College.

Granted, College is worthless these days, but still... In 2024, when President Trump is done, another Trump will take over...
Yeah, dood ... those "possibilities" which exist only in the fact free zone ... most compelling. Btw, I'd lose that pathetic commie thing ... unless you never escaped the fifties. Of course, all thinking people understand that education should be free. It's what you call an i-n-v-e-s-t-m-e-n-t in society ... no different than primary ed, but we know your type loves kissing rich man's ass, so why should a poor kid get an education without putting himself in debt for life. I actually like the idea of Dump as pres if only to see him impeached and jailed.
Conservative historians on Trump’s first 100 days
Daniel Pipes

Professor of public policy at Pepperdine University and the president of the Middle East Forum.

Donald Trump as president hardly differs from Trump as candidate: a blowhard who insouciantly breaks with customs and laws, delighting his fans and infuriating the rest of the world, sometimes getting it right but more often proving ineffectually amateurish. The great question is whether he will learn from his many mistakes and turn into a more conventional, respectable, and intelligent president – or whether he will continue in the same mold through the whole four-year period. I am pessimistic. However, if he is egregious enough and Republican members of Congress sick enough of him, we could well have a President Pence.

In my field, the Middle East, the new administration has strikingly ignored Trump’s campaign assertions about such matters as the Iran Deal, moving the embassy to Jerusalem, and staying out of Syria’s civil war. This makes prediction of its future steps particularly difficult.

Robert Merry

Editor of The American Conservative, former columnist for the Wall Street Journal, the author of four books, and a graduate of the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

We had LBJ campaigning in 1964 with promises that he wouldn’t send American boys to fight in Vietnam – and then did. We had GHW Bush saying “read my lips; no new taxes” – then raising taxes. We had Woodrow Wilson campaigning on the slogan, “He kept us out of war” – and then maneuvering America into the European war. But never have we had a president so totally abandon the promises and the spirit of his campaign to such an extent as Donald Trump. Whether Russia, Syria, China’s trade posture, the World Bank, NATO, or draining the swamp, Trump has abandoned not just a promise or two, but the entire rationale of his campaign. This is the greatest open display of political cynicism in American history.

It doesn’t bode well for his administration. Perhaps he can craft some kind of governing coalition in the face of erosion of support from his core constituency from the campaign, but that doesn’t seem likely. But this is an agile politician, unencumbered by strict adherence to any body of principle. So maybe he can wend his way through the political thicket he has created. More likely he will prove a failure at governance, like James Buchanan, another president with serious character issues.
Fat Bruno said:
Yeah, dood ... those "possibilities" which exist only in the fact free zone ... most compelling. Btw, I'd lose that pathetic commie thing ... unless you never escaped the fifties. Of course, all thinking people understand that education should be free. It's what you call an i-n-v-e-s-t-m-e-n-t in society ... no different than primary ed, but we know your type loves kissing rich man's ass, so why should a poor kid get an education without putting himself in debt for life. I actually like the idea of Dump as pres if only to see him impeached and jailed.

"DOOD"... Those possibilities are FACTS in other states... They don't mention MT, hence the reason I said possibilities... Try to start tracking... Any-Time now

Bernie is a proven Communist, unless you count joining the Young People’s Socialist League and organizing for the United Packinghouse Workers Union or when he headed the American People’s History Society, an organ for Marxist propaganda... Just "normal activities"

"Education" is free for those that sit on their ass and follow the progressive way in the liberal media or Facebook or Twitter, because it's the same garbage being taught in worthless Liberal "Universities"...

Poor kids that aren't Liberals WORK, I know that's Kryptonite to Leftists, but it's not that difficult to get a full time job in the Military or as an Apprentice in almost anything if one puts some EFFORT into it...
A brain filled with as many hackneyed cliches, general ignorance and sheer stupidity as your is belongs in a jar in a lab someplace ... not going around attached to a motor mouth spreading horse shit in its wake. Poor kids should go to school like rich kids do, then go out and work far more productively. Btw, tell us all why the liberal states have to constantly support the ignorant red mess of yokel America with their tax dollars.
Trump plan will slash taxes for rich people and corporations — and deliver a major boon to his own family

President Donald Trump on Wednesday unveiled his tax reform proposal — and it contains massive giveaways for America’s richest individuals.

Among other things, the plan would completely eliminate both the alternative minimum tax and the inheritance tax — two taxes that were designed to stop rich people from gaming the system to avoid paying any taxes.

The plan would also slash the corporate tax rate down to just 15%, which would be lower than what millions of Americans pay on their individual taxes.

The plan also says it will at least partially offset the drop in revenue from the elimination of “special interest” deductions — but it also didn’t list any specific deductions it would kill.

Trump Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said during a press conference that President Trump will still not release his own taxes, despite the fact that critics have claimed that we need to see them to understand if Trump is crafting policy designed to maximize benefits to his own family.
Sure don't want to do anything to benefit your own family now do you? Must only help trumps family is pisses you off? If the corporations don't get help, they will leave or not comeback. If you benefit all the poor you still have poor. The rich have to assist in making the poor rich. The poor being assisted by the rich need to be smart use the assistance (Like a job.) If the poor remain on welfare, nobody can help them and they will remain what they are. Sounds to me a lot of folks on welfare wouldn't have it any other way, what is wrong with that picture? Health care, why is it I have to pay anything for health care for anyone? Get a job that offers health care thru the employer, not ACA. Oh wait, I don't think that option is available anymore, you have to have ACA?
Look at how congress is obstructing the great leader from WINNING ... and that's his own congress.

LOSING again on ACA repeal ... flipped on NAFTA ... THE WALL is becoming a running joke, even among Republicans, courts keep slapping the poor pissant around, can't find N. Korea on the map, Dems tell him to stuff it on the budget, wife won't put out ... what a LOSER.

Congress will not vote on Trumpcare despite Trump’s demand
28 APR 2017

U.S. House leaders have decided against holding a vote on a reworked healthcare system overhaul this week after failing to find the necessary support, congressional aides said on Thursday.

But by Thursday evening Republican leaders still had not collected enough votes from moderate Republicans whose backing was also needed for passage in the House, given united Democratic opposition.
reinell30 said:
Sure don't want to do anything to benefit your own family now do you? Must only help trumps family is pisses you off? If the corporations don't get help, they will leave or not comeback. If you benefit all the poor you still have poor. The rich have to assist in making the poor rich. The poor being assisted by the rich need to be smart use the assistance (Like a job.) If the poor remain on welfare, nobody can help them and they will remain what they are. Sounds to me a lot of folks on welfare wouldn't have it any other way, what is wrong with that picture? Health care, why is it I have to pay anything for health care for anyone? Get a job that offers health care thru the employer, not ACA. Oh wait, I don't think that option is available anymore, you have to have ACA?

So, what's this ... special ed conservatism?
I'm coming around to the Trump way. I've always thought that growth was the wrong way to go. We're too big, already; we need to shrink the economy and get back to where we were when we were, like, you know, great. Trump is going in the right direction, after all!!

President Trump came into office promising to make the economy grow at rates the United States hasn't seen for decades. On Friday, as the government reported that the U.S. economy expanded in the first quarter at its slowest pace in three years, he got a glimpse of just how far he has to go.

In the first official growth estimates of Trump's presidency, federal economists reported gross domestic product, a broad measure of economic growth, grew at an annualized rate of just 0.7 percent in the year's first quarter, down from 2.1 percent growth in the fourth quarter of 2016.
UK spy documents: Trump Organization paid Russian hackers who took orders from Putin

Last December, the U.K. government was reportedly given extensive records of Trump campaign officials’ interactions with the Kremlin.
Steele outlined how four Trump campaign representatives traveled to Prague in the Czech Republic in August or September to have “secret discussions with Kremlin representatives and associated operators/hackers.” The group discussed how they would pay hackers for breaking into the Democratic Party’s computers and developing a “contingency plans for covering up operations.”
The memo reported that hackers were paid by the Trump Organization, however, the hackers were under the direction of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Cuervohola said:
I think Bruno needs a relaxation cookie

Haha ... there's a really white flag. Did you use bleach on that?

Meanwhile, back at the funny farm:

‘It’s getting worse’: Joe Scarborough sounds alarm on Trump’s ‘rambling and incoherent’ speech patterns
TRUMP: I mean, had Andrew Jackson been a little later, you wouldn't have had the Civil War. He was a very tough person, but he had a big heart. And he was really angry that -- he saw what was happening with regard to the Civil War. He said, “There's no reason for this.” People don't realize, you know, the Civil War — if you think about it, why? People don't ask that question, but why was there the Civil War? Why could that one not have been worked out?
Whadda Deal Maker

Trump’s Budget is another LOSER:

The EPA was slated for massive cuts – roughly 31%. It will retain 99% of its funding.

Trump demanded funding for his border wall. He didn’t get any.

Trump wanted to cut funding for the National Institutes of Health. It’s getting $2 billion of additional funding.

Funding is included for the Obamacare subsidies Trump has threatened not to pay.

There’s no provision for “defunding Planned Parenthood.”

There’s no language to defund “sanctuary cities.”

... a continuation of Obama’s last budget
...the guy is an ass clown fcuking moron...
...no other way to describe it...

... :shock: ...