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Dolan commits to the Cats!

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SoldierGriz said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
First off, congrast to JJ.

Second, this probably has more to do with the hard-on Hauck has over Rylan Ortt and Bobby's insultling comments about Sentinel kids needing to be drug tested than it does about Crews. (No it wasn't at a press conference, but Missoula is a small town and word gets around.).

Third, no, bgbigdog and Htowngriz. Zac didn't make this an issue. He never posted anything on social media or went out of his way to hurt anyone. He made a bad joke in a Venmo message to a close friend that he thought was private. That was his crime.

*Someone* took a screenshot of that joke and saved it for more than a year. Then *multiple people* used the screenshot that *someone* provided to them to attack Zac and smear his family to satisfy their agendas.

Those are the people who made it a big deal, not Zac and not his family.

Finally, Zac practiced personal responsibility. And he continues to. He's a bigger man than both of you.

He began by apologizing immediately after realizing a bad joke he made more than year prior was being pushed on Twitter and people were offended and hurt.

He was also scared because realized there was an coordinated effort to disqualify him from post-season football award consideration, derail his shrine football game selection, revoke his Griz football scholarship, and destroy his college football career.

Zac tried to speak with his future teammates and coaches, but Hauck denied his request. Instead, Hauck told Zac and his family to stay quiet, let the outrage mob tire itself out, and that his football scholarship would be there next year.

They trusted Hauck and did as he said. For months they stayed quiet while hate-filled, self-righteous, uninformed, virtue-signaling strangers lied, smeared, and insulted all of them. And things eventually died down until the *same people* with the same agenda used an activist at the Kaimin with his own agenda to create yet another outrage mob on campus in April.

It then became clear that Hauck failed to address the issue internally. He never bothered to discuss the situation with university administrators, the athletic department, faculty advisors, or the football team. So when the Kaimin conspired with some of the *same people* to publish their character assassination, they created a new outrage mob instead of people viewing it as old news.

Despite Zac and his family doing everything he told them to do, Hauck pulled his scholarship. By this time, Zac had been passed over for the Gatorade Player of the Year (yes, he was a lock). He wasn't selected to play in the Shrine game (yes, he was a lock). And he didn't get to participate in the signing-day activities (yes, he had an actual scholarship offer -- not an invitation to walk on -- an actual scholarship).

Hauck also ensured he didn't have to worry about another school offering Zac a scholarship because the recruiting cycle was effectively over by then. And since the Kaimin intentionally destroyed his reputation before he ever set foot on campus as a student, Zac withdrew from The University of Montana before he even graduated from high school.

The mobs did their job. They canceled Zac. And *some people* got their wish.

Through it all, Zac and his family demonstrated humility and personal responsibility. Most impressively, the Crews family didn't reciprocate the hateful abuse from people like bgbigdog and Htowngriz. The party of angry, hate-filled people who "fight racism" by spewing divisiveness and hatred while simultaneously accusing others of being divisive and hateful. :roll:

To his credit, Zac continues to take responsibility. The story of how he went to the Shrine Game practices to speak to the players and share his story. Then went to the game, supported his friends, and watched them play in a game he wasn't allowed to play. I can't image how difficult that was for him. That takes a tremendous amount of humility and personal character.

For anyone who hasn't read it, Zac and his family finally shared their story last summer. It's worth a moment of your time.



Perfect post.

A fine and informative post, but it doesn't go far enough or answer any questions, in my view.
mthoopsfan said:
SoldierGriz said:
Perfect post.

A fine and informative post, but it doesn't go far enough or answer any questions, in my view.

Nobody asked for your take on the post, but thanks for offering nothing to the conversation...as usual.
SoldierGriz said:
mthoopsfan said:
A fine and informative post, but it doesn't go far enough or answer any questions, in my view.

Nobody asked for your take on the post, but thanks for offering nothing to the conversation...as usual.

No one has ever asked you for anything either, but you keep spewing incorrect information and nonsense. You are a loser.

And, I added plenty to the conversation. Those questions should be answered. Hit the road Private.
mthoopsfan said:
SoldierGriz said:
Nobody asked for your take on the post, but thanks for offering nothing to the conversation...as usual.

No one has ever asked you for anything either, but you keep spewing incorrect information and nonsense. You are a loser.

And, I added plenty to the conversation. Those questions should be answered. Hit the road Private.

You added nothing but a list if questions. If you want answers to them, ask Bobby. You say you have much access...

But, you won't. Because you don't care what the answers are. You have a position in the matter; and want to stir the pot.

You are worse than ever single one of the cat trolls here this week.
Congrats for him. If UM truly wants to be a National Title contender the recruiting needs to move into the 21st Century. I love that almost 1/2 players are Montana boys, but that doesn’t get the job done anymore. They need to be recruiting the transfer portal more than they have been, and get down into actual football states like Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, The southern states, Ohio, Florida, Louisiana. There might be a total of five to ten FCS level athletes in the state, there MAY be more ne or two elite level players, but if you want to see successful teams, look at the NDSU, SDSU, and JMU rosters…
mthoopsfan said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
First off, congrast to JJ.

Second, this probably has more to do with the hard-on Hauck has over Rylan Ortt and Bobby's insultling comments about Sentinel kids needing to be drug tested than it does about Crews. (No it wasn't at a press conference, but Missoula is a small town and word gets around.).

Third, no, bgbigdog and Htowngriz. Zac didn't make this an issue. He never posted anything on social media or went out of his way to hurt anyone. He made a bad joke in a Venmo message to a close friend that he thought was private. That was his crime.

*Someone* took a screenshot of that joke and saved it for more than a year. Then *multiple people* used the screenshot that *someone* provided to them to attack Zac and smear his family to satisfy their agendas.

Those are the people who made it a big deal, not Zac and not his family.

Finally, Zac practiced personal responsibility. And he continues to. He's a bigger man than both of you.

He began by apologizing immediately after realizing a bad joke he made more than year prior was being pushed on Twitter and people were offended and hurt.

He was also scared because realized there was an coordinated effort to disqualify him from post-season football award consideration, derail his shrine football game selection, revoke his Griz football scholarship, and destroy his college football career.

Zac tried to speak with his future teammates and coaches, but Hauck denied his request. Instead, Hauck told Zac and his family to stay quiet, let the outrage mob tire itself out, and that his football scholarship would be there next year.

They trusted Hauck and did as he said. For months they stayed quiet while hate-filled, self-righteous, uninformed, virtue-signaling strangers lied, smeared, and insulted all of them. And things eventually died down until the *same people* with the same agenda used an activist at the Kaimin with his own agenda to create yet another outrage mob on campus in April.

It then became clear that Hauck failed to address the issue internally. He never bothered to discuss the situation with university administrators, the athletic department, faculty advisors, or the football team. So when the Kaimin conspired with some of the *same people* to publish their character assassination, they created a new outrage mob instead of people viewing it as old news.

Despite Zac and his family doing everything he told them to do, Hauck pulled his scholarship. By this time, Zac had been passed over for the Gatorade Player of the Year (yes, he was a lock). He wasn't selected to play in the Shrine game (yes, he was a lock). And he didn't get to participate in the signing-day activities (yes, he had an actual scholarship offer -- not an invitation to walk on -- an actual scholarship).

Hauck also ensured he didn't have to worry about another school offering Zac a scholarship because the recruiting cycle was effectively over by then. And since the Kaimin intentionally destroyed his reputation before he ever set foot on campus as a student, Zac withdrew from The University of Montana before he even graduated from high school.

The mobs did their job. They canceled Zac. And *some people* got their wish.

Through it all, Zac and his family demonstrated humility and personal responsibility. Most impressively, the Crews family didn't reciprocate the hateful abuse from people like bgbigdog and Htowngriz. The party of angry, hate-filled people who "fight racism" by spewing divisiveness and hatred while simultaneously accusing others of being divisive and hateful. :roll:

To his credit, Zac continues to take responsibility. The story of how he went to the Shrine Game practices to speak to the players and share his story. Then went to the game, supported his friends, and watched them play in a game he wasn't allowed to play. I can't image how difficult that was for him. That takes a tremendous amount of humility and personal character.

For anyone who hasn't read it, Zac and his family finally shared their story last summer. It's worth a moment of your time.



Okay, so what's your bottom line, or complaint, if any?

Hauck failed to lead these young men and to address the issue head on with administrators and faculty members.

Hauck should have known that he was giving Crews what may have turned out to be the wrong advice, i.e. to stay quiet and let things calm down? Why would Hauck intentionally give Crews bad advice? UM wanted Crews.

Hauck didn't address the situation head on. He allowed activist former players define the issue on social media instead.

Do you know what advice Hauck was getting from Haslam and Bodnar, if any?

He failed to address it with either of them, as far as I know.

Do you think the Crews way would have saved the day? I'm just asking. I don't know.

There are a number of Sentinel alumni on the Griz roster. They know Zac and the kind of young man he is and the family he comes from. Had Zac been allowed to explain himself and apologize directly to the team instead of allowing players like Sammy to smear him internally and push a false narrative about him, yes, I believe it would have made a difference.

Hauck should not have pulled the scholarship later in the summer, when the matter hadn't blown over, but had heated up? Is that what you think? I would have been okay having UM fight this for Crews. Again, what were Haslam and Bodnar, and various UM professors saying? The profs were saying absolutely not.

Now you're getting into the on-campus politics. Most of the faculty does not like the the athletic department, especially the football team. And the JSchool professors hate Hauck. They don't care about Zac or fighting racism, their true agenda is to attack Hauck and the football program. They used the same tactics with Jordan Johnson to attack the football program in 2011.

Hauck could have brought everyone together used these events as a teaching, healing moment at the conclusion of the football season. Instead, Hauck did nothing and hoped the problem would just go away. When the Kaimin cleaned up Brennan Corbin's story in April, and made his Twitter profile private, and then attacked Crews a second time to harm the football program, Hauck and Rosey, both showed thier true character.

Do you think Foley's story was balanced, having only talked to the Crews side and presumably not to Hauck or the UM side?

This question doesn't make sense when you look at the full timeline. The Foley article was published in July 2022 as a response to the coordinated attack on Zac that began on Thangsgiving 2021. Specifically the character assassination perpetrated by the Kiamin in April of 2022. And you're implying that their response to nine months of slurs and insults, where they finally had the opportunity to respond and share their experience, was unbalanced?

To be crystal clear, Tye Brown's "opinion" piece in the Kaimin was an unbalanced smear job, filled with actual disinformation (i.e. fake news). The Kaimin failed to explain who Brennan Corbin was, his lackluster career with the Griz football program and how he resented Hauck cutting him from the team after his junior season.

From the JSchool's perspective, Hauck is their enemy. It appears the Jschool teaches that the enemy of my enemy is my friend. So they worked with Brennan Corbin. First making his Twitter profile private -- which was full of racial slur and misogynist comments in the fall -- and then uncritically accepting that Corbin, who hadn't played for Montana since 2018 and who was now a grown man living and working southern California, still following high school kids from Missoula on Snapchat and happened to come across screen shot of Zac's Venmo message.

The Kaimin's crack journalism skills also didn't acknowledge the Keenan Curran, another former Griz player, admitted on Twitter to coordinating the Thanksgiving Twitter campaign with Brennan Corbin and Sammy Akem. The Jschool activists never bothered to ask who provided the former players with the screenshot they used to for the "activism." Keep in mind, these are the same young men who regularly used the n-word and made mysoginstic comments about "white girls" on Twitter, but were wholesome BLM social justice warriors offended and worried that Zac would destroy the football program. :roll:

Why don't you tell us more, and perhaps answer some questions? I'd like to see your responses. You obviously have paid more attention to this than most of the rest of us on egriz.

I've shared these details before, along with links to the Tweets from Brennan, Keenan, and Sammy that corroborate everything I've said. Unfortunately the mods just take them down, so I'm not going to spend the time again to repost the links.

Crews may have gotten screwed, but he will be fine. I think he will come back to haunt the Griz. I'm rooting for him.
Thats the first time I read the Crews story. Thats just not right. Akem should of tried harder to help the kid out. Bobby is a pussy for not standing up to the woke kaimin. I wonder how concerned the kaimin is about the liberal bias of the national news media. Kids get second chances following stupid moves in our society its just the way it is. This kid was really screwed over and no one gives a rats ass. This is just a pathetic story. Bodnar should step in but I guess a kid makes a stupid post is a lifelong felony conviction now. Im really disappointed in the football team, the University and all the other cowardly institutions involved in this nonsense.
SinCityGriz2005 said:
Congrats for him. If UM truly wants to be a National Title contender the recruiting needs to move into the 21st Century. I love that almost 1/2 players are Montana boys, but that doesn’t get the job done anymore. They need to be recruiting the transfer portal more than they have been, and get down into actual football states like Texas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, The southern states, Ohio, Florida, Louisiana. There might be a total of five to ten FCS level athletes in the state, there MAY be more ne or two elite level players, but if you want to see successful teams, look at the NDSU, SDSU, and JMU rosters…

It's my understanding this young man is not going to go play with his brother at MSU as Justin Herbert did the same. He's headed to the other MSU to play for that Cody asshole.

CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
It's my understanding this young man is not going to go play with his brother at MSU as Justin Herbert did the same. He's headed to the other MSU to play for that Cody asshole.

kemajic said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
It's my understanding this young man is not going to go play with his brother at MSU as Justin Herbert did the same. He's headed to the other MSU to play for that Cody asshole.


Seriously? Leach is from Cody. Mitch Herbert played for the Cats. Justin had one offer before LOI day and the big zero decided to offer.

Back when I had to send VCR tapes of kids we thought would be able to play collegiate ball, I frequently got calls (on landlines) asking for more tapes of different kids.

I assumed everyone followed football, not just a couple of teams. With the portal and the transfer changes, you're going to have to watch more than a few college teams if you're in secondary education now.
BillingsMafia said:
Thats the first time I read the Crews story. Thats just not right. Akem should of tried harder to help the kid out. Bobby is a pussy for not standing up to the woke kaimin. I wonder how concerned the kaimin is about the liberal bias of the national news media. Kids get second chances following stupid moves in our society its just the way it is. This kid was really screwed over and no one gives a rats ass. This is just a pathetic story. Bodnar should step in but I guess a kid makes a stupid post is a lifelong felony conviction now. Im really disappointed in the football team, the University and all the other cowardly institutions involved in this nonsense.

+1....... Stop ruining a kids life for a mistake he made in a post at 17 years of age. Some of you want this kid to wear the scarlet "N" letter across his chest for the rest of his life!
mthoopsfan said:
SoldierGriz said:
Perfect post.

A fine and informative post, but it doesn't go far enough or answer any questions, in my view.

Of course it doesn't because you are smarter than all of us combined, are good or great friends with your hero Bobby Hauck, and will defend every decision he makes to-the-death, even if he is wrong. Pathetic old man.
RoseyMustGo said:
mthoopsfan said:
A fine and informative post, but it doesn't go far enough or answer any questions, in my view.

Of course it doesn't because you are smarter than all of us combined, are good or great friends with your hero Bobby Hauck, and will defend every decision he makes to-the-death, even if he is wrong. Pathetic old man.

You are unknowledgeable about football.
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