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Who's in charge?


Well-known member
“In real-dollar terms unadjusted for inflation, Bush's budget forecasts a RECORD deficit of $427 billion for 2005, including war costs. For 2006, he expects a deficit of $390 billion, but that does not include spending in Iraq and Afghanistan. The figures compare to a $236 billion surplus in 2000.” http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6908656/

Which political party has the White House?
Which political party controls the House?
Which political party controls the Senate?
Why have we gone from a $240 billion surplus to a $427 billion deficit under one political party controlling the White House, House, and Senate?
Which political party would be up s**t creek had it gotten the balanced budget amendment it was whining for in 2000?
Notice how that party doesn't talk much about balanced budgets any more?
There's leadership for you.
Re/Max & Georgie:

Please tell us... just which programs should be cut or eliminated? In fact, wasn't it you Re/Max that was screaming on another thread about the cuts that the Bush administration was making to school funding, health care, veterans benefits... eh?

There is NO weaker argument coming from the left... than their "supposed" concern about the budget deficit. :loser:
ponezone said:
Re/Max & Georgie:

Please tell us... just which programs should be cut or eliminated? In fact, wasn't it you Re/Max that was screaming on another thread about the cuts that the Bush administration was making to school funding, health care, veterans benefits... eh?

There is NO weaker argument coming from the left... than their "supposed" concern about the budget deficit. :loser:

Well, let me see, the last time we had a balanced budget was under a democrat. And if memory serves one of the ways he accomplished that feat was to make government smaller by cutting over 100,000 federal jobs.
ponezone said:
Re/Max & Georgie:

Please tell us... just which programs should be cut or eliminated? In fact, wasn't it you Re/Max that was screaming on another thread about the cuts that the Bush administration was making to school funding, health care, veterans benefits... eh?

There is NO weaker argument coming from the left... than their "supposed" concern about the budget deficit. :loser:

Happy to PZ!

No programs! None at all. My statement was when Bush ran for office in 2000 one of his main messages was "small government" and that didn't happen at all. Thats why I posted that way.

I am unhappy about the cuts, or whatever you guys choose to call it. Here's what I want;

More funding/programs for education, housing assistance, transportation, scientific research, healthcare, social security reform (that works), and foreign aid.

There's also "the war" issue as well. I think an immediate boosted training effort to get more Iraqi soldiers trained and battle ready and then a 3 - 5 year withdrawl plan.

I would accoplish this by repealing most of the tax cuts Bush & congress have given, if Clinton were able to balance the budget, it can be done again.

Of course thats how I feel, and how I view America, I am happy to pay a little extra to make my country a better place. I know about half of all Americans don't feel the same way and I understand that, but that's just where I stand.

The thing about this record defecit spending is that someone is going to have to pay it back. And that someone is the future generations of this country, my generation and my son's generation. Someone's going to have to make those big payments and bite the bullet, and I rather that we solve the problem before it gets any bigger.
Surplus was a lie. If the government ever really has a surplus and doesn't give our money back to us I am going to be pissed off.

A surplus of money in the federal government is pure theft and those responsible should be prosecuted beyond the extent of the law..
Surplus was a lie. If the government ever really has a surplus and doesn't give our money back to us I am going to be pissed off.

A surplus of money in the federal government is pure theft and those responsible should be prosecuted beyond the extent of the law..
Re/MaxGriz said:
ponezone said:
Re/Max & Georgie:

Please tell us... just which programs should be cut or eliminated? In fact, wasn't it you Re/Max that was screaming on another thread about the cuts that the Bush administration was making to school funding, health care, veterans benefits... eh?

There is NO weaker argument coming from the left... than their "supposed" concern about the budget deficit. :loser:

Happy to PZ!

Of course thats how I feel, and how I view America, I am happy to pay a little extra to make my country a better place. I know about half of all Americans don't feel the same way and I understand that, but that's just where I stand.

The thing about this record defecit spending is that someone is going to have to pay it back. And that someone is the future generations of this country, my generation and my son's generation. Someone's going to have to make those big payments and bite the bullet, and I rather that we solve the problem before it gets any bigger.

Problem solved... it sounds like you're willing to pick up a larger share. Maybe the dems should be taxed at a higher rate..

Alpha I believe the surplus was there to payoff owed debt, and yes if the government was just sitting there making money with no debt, I'd either want that money back, or invested in the country.

Pone, yeah, I get it. But I'm very concerned about this spending, someone is going to have to repay it, and it shouldn't be our future generations, this is our own mess. We need to take care of this quickly or else things are just going to get more out of hand.
Re/MaxGriz said:

Alpha I believe the surplus was there to payoff owed debt, and yes if the government was just sitting there making money with no debt, I'd either want that money back, or invested in the country.

Pone, yeah, I get it. But I'm very concerned about this spending, someone is going to have to repay it, and it shouldn't be our future generations, this is our own mess. We need to take care of this quickly or else things are just going to get more out of hand.


are you concerned just about millitary spending or entitlement spending *ie welfair*
GeorgeAllen said:
“In real-dollar terms unadjusted for inflation, Bush's budget forecasts a RECORD deficit of $427 billion for 2005, including war costs. For 2006, he expects a deficit of $390 billion, but that does not include spending in Iraq and Afghanistan. The figures compare to a $236 billion surplus in 2000.” http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6908656/

Which political party has the White House?
Which political party controls the House?
Which political party controls the Senate?
Why have we gone from a $240 billion surplus to a $427 billion deficit under one political party controlling the White House, House, and Senate?
Which political party would be up s**t creek had it gotten the balanced budget amendment it was whining for in 2000?
Notice how that party doesn't talk much about balanced budgets any more?
There's leadership for you.

Terrorist in NYC

What would you do?
Hells bells said:
Re/MaxGriz said:

Alpha I believe the surplus was there to payoff owed debt, and yes if the government was just sitting there making money with no debt, I'd either want that money back, or invested in the country.

Pone, yeah, I get it. But I'm very concerned about this spending, someone is going to have to repay it, and it shouldn't be our future generations, this is our own mess. We need to take care of this quickly or else things are just going to get more out of hand.


are you concerned just about millitary spending or entitlement spending *ie welfair*

Well I'm concerned about Military spending, but not because it's for the military. The "military" spending I'm concerned about is fighting a war that the country was mislead to. And then, when that war (and the one in Afghanistan - which I support by the way) inflates our budget we cut taxes in response, that makes sense...
cutting taxes can only help things during war time. people with money will be freed to use their money to create jobs for workers. lowers unemployment and creates more tax payers. why anyone would be agisnt these things i will never know.