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AllWeatherFan said:
Quick follow-up question: What about Jesus songs or old spirituals?

[Please note that I don't have anything against Jesus songs. But in a way, if you only listened to Jesus songs, it would be like only listening to songs about boats, i.e., it might get old.]

This is a great question asked of me frequently. Jesus songs can be interesting. Inevitably, however, the bridge leaves one looking for something. Coach Ron Ash has kissed honey lips, felt the healing in her finger tips (it burned like fire, and he burned inside her), but he still hasn't found what he's looking for.
I'm a huge Gordon Lightfoot fan and saw him a couple years ago and it was sad. He just wasn't able to sing many of the songs my wife and I like. We decided then that we'll just listen to the cd's and skip the concerts from now on. We figured that he's in his mid to upper 70s now.
CDA, long time listener, first time caller

I have been hearing a lot about Ron Ash and his comments regarding "commitment" during his brutal and savage recruiting period. It got me thinking, that Ron Ash is getting up there in age and soon football is going to be just too demanding on him and his family.

So my question to you is, should Ron Ash start to think of life after football and if so what lines of work do you think he would fit into with his unique skill set?

If I may, I would like to offer a couple suggestions, but by no means am I insinuating that I can answer this enigma as well as you, forgive my dalliance.

One, do you think Ron Ash would make a good carnival barker?

He kind of has a semi circus going on in Bozeman right now so he might be able to make a seamless transition.

Two, would he be a better guess your weight kind of guy?

Three, could he pull off a bearded lady? I think this would be a dangerous and saucy move, I am not certain he has the commitment to sell it properly.

The floor is yours, and we anxiously await your answer.
LongTimeCatFan said:
Oh I got this....

Hot tub time machine salesman

Please read the "Why" thread...................... :cool:

Not to go all eGriz mod on you (acting cu*ty) but this is CDAs thread, its a simple concept, you ask him a question..............then..................wait for it.........................................

He answers it.

I am getting worried about you lately, you OK man?
LongTimeCatFan said:
Oh I got this....

Hot tub time machine salesman

Please read the "Why" thread...................... :cool:

Not to go all eGriz mod on you (acting cu*ty) but this is CDAs thread, its a simple concept, you ask him a question..............then..................wait for it.........................................

He answers it.

I am getting worried about you lately, you OK man?

No, I'm not ok. I'm obsessing about time machines. Some say they exist, some say they are like Bigfoot, and just a myth. Hey, speaking of Bigfoot, did you see the video of 4 Bigfeet (or is it Bigfoots) in Yellowstone? Creepy looking. One had a gimp, kinda like you. Hey, you weren't down by old faithful recently were ya? Anyway, Ash already sells Hot Tubs, the logical next step is Hot Tub Time Machines. (If you can find one).

Sigh, ok CDA grace us with your brilliance. Tell us the truth soothsayer.
Did you just ask CDA a question?

Didnt think so, do I need to make you a thread so CDA can come in and gum it all up for you?

Get with the program man, you are better than this!!! Its why we like you
Fine, ya don't need to get all Florio here

CDA, was the Bigfoot in Yellowstone really Alpha?

Follow up... Is there a time machine in NE Montana?
CDA, long time listener, first time caller

I have been hearing a lot about Ron Ash and his comments regarding "commitment" during his brutal and savage recruiting period. It got me thinking, that Ron Ash is getting up there in age and soon football is going to be just too demanding on him and his family.

So my question to you is, should Ron Ash start to think of life after football and if so what lines of work do you think he would fit into with his unique skill set?

If I may, I would like to offer a couple suggestions, but by no means am I insinuating that I can answer this enigma as well as you, forgive my dalliance.

One, do you think Ron Ash would make a good carnival barker?

He kind of has a semi circus going on in Bozeman right now so he might be able to make a seamless transition.

Two, would he be a better guess your weight kind of guy?

Three, could he pull off a bearded lady? I think this would be a dangerous and saucy move, I am not certain he has the commitment to sell it properly.

The floor is yours, and we anxiously await your answer.

Sometimes he should turn his big head the other direction.
CDA, long time listener, first time caller

I have been hearing a lot about Ron Ash and his comments regarding "commitment" during his brutal and savage recruiting period. It got me thinking, that Ron Ash is getting up there in age and soon football is going to be just too demanding on him and his family.

So my question to you is, should Ron Ash start to think of life after football and if so what lines of work do you think he would fit into with his unique skill set?

If I may, I would like to offer a couple suggestions, but by no means am I insinuating that I can answer this enigma as well as you, forgive my dalliance.

One, do you think Ron Ash would make a good carnival barker?

He kind of has a semi circus going on in Bozeman right now so he might be able to make a seamless transition.

Two, would he be a better guess your weight kind of guy?

Three, could he pull off a bearded lady? I think this would be a dangerous and saucy move, I am not certain he has the commitment to sell it properly.

The floor is yours, and we anxiously await your answer.

AG1, this is a great question and one people often ask me.

Carnival barker is out. The man has too much pride, and too good of a head of hair to demean himself so.

Guess your weight dude is closer to Ron Ash's aptitude. He's mastered the art of neither impressing, nor offending, anyone.

The bearded lady move would indeed be saucy. You are spot on in questioning Ron's commitment to pull this off. It's a high-risk-high-reward choice, and that completely goes against the principles taught in Playing .500 Ball. This career is a nonstarter for Ron Ash.

Risking everything dear to me, I would suggest that Ron Ash apply with the DMV. It's perfect. Nobody would expect anything from him, and he wouldn't have to impress anyone. A true, classic "under promise, under deliver" situation is just what the night nurse orders for Coach Ron Ash.
LongTimeCatFan said:
Fine, ya don't need to get all Florio here

CDA, was the Bigfoot in Yellowstone really Alpha?

Follow up... Is there a time machine in NE Montana?

These are great questions, and ones people ask often.

1. The Bigfoot in Yellowstone was not AG1. It was a true Bigfoot. Many wonder why there has never been a clear picture of Bigfoot. The oversight in those wonderings is that Bigfoot is blurry in real life.

2. There may or may not be a time machine in Montana, but it's not in NE Montana. Scholars contend that a time machine exists in The Yaak, but the people with access to it are too busy talking about counter culture and witness protection to give a shit about the possibility of time travel.
cclarkblues said:
Can you believe that I moved this thread?

Cclark, this is a great question that I'm asked often. Yes, I can believe you moved this thread. I don't agree with the decision, but I accept it.
There is no way this thread could be any better, definitely one of the top 5 in eGriz quality. (Even though that is not saying very much)
cclarkblues said:
Would it have been better if I had nuked it?

That is a great and often asked question. No, I do not feel it would have been better if you had "nuked" it. Some opinions might differ, but those fuckers are dumb. I hope this answer finds you well.
Before I ask CDA the next question, I implore you......DO NOT PANIC!!
(Yes, this is a pelican eating a cat)

CDA, would this image be considered "bulletin board" material, or would Ron Ash take offense to this image of a pelican eating a cat more so than when a Grizzly, Lumberjack, Bearcat, Bison, Mountaineer, Eagle gives them the ole Tennessee woodshed treatment? How about any other of a long long list of teams that endanger the cats season and playoffs?

I know that you know, that I know you know a cat is pretty much at the bottom of the food chain, next to banana slugs and other animals with no arms, and we all know pelican vitriol is at an all time high, just wondering which avenue King Ashcat was going to take?


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