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Choke Artists and Bush Leaguers


Well-known member
Here is the opening smack talk, I just happen to think it is the truth but I am sure McNeese fans and Western Kentucky fans will disagree.

McNeese choked on the big pickle again, it was awful to watch. You might get back to the NC next year but you will choke again and watch us take the trophy home for the 3rd time.

Western Kentucky had a good showing in the NC but I just think #15 is bush league because of his actions in the GSU game and their coach didn't have the balls to bench him. Anyway WKU, I think you are one shot wonders, enjoy your year because it won't happen again.
Here is my take, the ol' tooth less gumbo eatin cowboys were the luckiest team in the playoffs.
1.) because they got the #1 seed.
2.) They play in a lame ass conference.
3.) They play a 7-5 bobcat team to only a 3 point
4.) They beat the Griz JV team by only 4 points.
5.) Beat Villinova with a 1 armed QB.
6.) They get some favorable calls by officials
throughout the playoffs.
7.) They are 2 time losers.

WARNING: To all you cowboy fans. The Griz had a astronomically devistating year for injuries, we never had less than 3 starters out of any game this year, and had as many as 7 starters out of 1 game, when we played you we had 6 starters out and still played with a banged up RB with no one to back him up. Granted you also had your top RB out for most of the game against us, but do you think you would have beaten us with 5 more of your starters out? .........
I'll answer for you NO!!!!

Here is the really bad news for you and the rest of 1-AA football. The Griz only lose 2 players on Defense, but we get back 2 pre season All Americans who never even played a down this year due to injuries and surgeries. One of the losses is going to be tough to replace, but the other may actually have a red shirt Freshman who could have been better than the senior who was a 2 year starter, bigger and faster too. The one loss on offense is not really a loss at all, our starting QB was actually not our best, but his father donated millions to the program over the past 2 years so figure that out. Our 2 QB for next year will be Craig Ochs, a 2 year starter at U of Colorado a perenial top 20 team in D-1, he will have 2 years left at U of Montana, thats right he started as a Frosh. and Soph.at Colorado. He will own 1-AA football next year. The other QB is a JC transfer from California, he owns many JC passing records. My greatest wish for the new year is to play McNeese in Missoula next year, then you will hear what real fans sound like in the noisiest stadium in 1-AA. Just to give you an incling of what it's like, a NW St. fan who came up this year told me after the game that he went to U of Mississippi and our croud was way louder than any game he had been to at Mississippi. See you guys next year!

Oh and one other thing our new coach is not offensivly conservative like our old coach, the past 3 years we have won many games but the Offense was not a all out gang break like Griz fans are use to, the good ol days of 45 point wins will be back next year.
All very well said...except the part about the two pre-season all-americans we get back that never played a down.

Johnny Varona never played a down and was a pre-season All american.

The other guy we get back, that I think you are talking about, is Pitcher. He did play in three games this year.......and he wasn't a pre season all-american this year. He should have been....but wasn't.

We do get them back, and niether lose a year of eligbility.
Yeah Yeah Yeah we choked! its that damn Chattanooga Jinx as we are starting to call it! You guys have an awesome team and will have a great one next year as well! that is a given. McNeese will lose some quality players (Hadley Prince, BJ McNutt, Jermaine Martin, Vick King,) among others but we will replace them the best we can. Luke Lawton is another huge loss. But Tommy Tate is an outstanding coach and he will have the guys ready next year to play! recruiting should be easy this year, maybe a little easier had we won in Chat! But I will say this I am proud to be associated with McNeese football. as you guys should be to be Griz fans! I saw the WKU following they were only 3 hours away and could only get 2000 fans there!! But you know It is a good feeling to be mentioned with the great teams in 1AA football! Montana, GSU, YSU and now McNeese has to join those ranks! Our turn to win in Chat will come and I really hope it is against you guys! would be one hell of a party don't think Chatt could handle both Poke and Griz fans there at the same time!!!! CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR!!! \

First, Congratulations to both Montana AND McNeese for great seasons. Heck, I even congratulate most of the WKU team. WKU did whip all three top seeds, so they deserve the Championship. We were actually very fortunate to win as many games as we did, as this was a rebuilding season for our GSU Eagles. Our success exceeded our expectations at the 1st of the season. The problem is that we are use to winning so much that a loss in the playoffs is devistating to us. I don't know much about the McNeese program, but I know the Montana team and fans have the same mindset as our GSU folks. As for next season when you and McNeese State are deciding "who" will be in the playoff, please remember that GSU are "equal opportunity" opponents minded, and we will welcome either of you to be our opponents in Chattnooga. Actually since we have "history" with Montana our 1st pick would be to play you guys. We have the greatest respect for the Griz program and you guys have always been a class act. I could be wrong, but I feel the WKU team are probably one hit wonders, and I doubt we'll see them repeat.. Hope all the Griz & Cowboys and their fans and other supporters have a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year..
WKU is defintely a one hit wonder and deserve all the credit in the world. It's hard to beat the #2 and #3 teams back to back on the road. Then they faced the #1 team in the championship game and soundly beat them.

Injuries are part of the game.
Injuries ARE part of the game indeed. It is a total fluke when 5-7 starters are out at any given game throughout the year no team college or pro has endured such plight this year. I am totally licking my chops for next year. If we only have half the injuries next year we will be NC for sure. 'cause TURNER BROWN says SO!
Although I predicted there would be no WKU brawling with MSU, I was looking for it. By the end of the game I was hoping there would be something to liven up MSU, brawl if need be. The Chattanooga Choke Choke was in full effect. You let us down. But we all have shitty games. I like McNeese but here is my impression of the Cowboys after the Choke Choke (since this is the smack forum):
:drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking: :drinking:

And this one is for the other MSU:
By the way Cadwiz. I think you pulled out "Bush League". I'm almost done with bushleaguesass.com and you made the That's Bushleage page when it is up. I love it.... pulling out the bushleague.
Turner Brown said:
we will be NC for sure. 'cause TURNER BROWN says SO!
Well she-at! I guess Georgia Southern might as well not even field a team next year if we don't have a shot at our 7th NC...because Turner Brown said so. :roll:
Yep you might as well not play next year. The only thing you have to look forward to is an ass whoopin by us.
HiFlyinEagle said:
Well she-at! I guess Georgia Southern might as well not even field a team next year if we don't have a shot at our 7th NC...because Turner Brown said so. :roll:

Awwwww......be a sport. The other 115 teams arent complaining.
(If we are still at 117 1-AA teams that is. I know a couple more are moving up next year. But, that's beside the point here. :crazyeyes: )
Turner Brown said:
The one loss on offense is not really a loss at all, our starting QB was actually not our best, but his father donated millions to the program over the past 2 years so figure that out. Our 2 QB for next year will be Craig Ochs, a 2 year starter at U of Colorado a perenial top 20 team in D-1, he will have 2 years left at U of Montana, thats right he started as a Frosh. and Soph.at Colorado. He will own 1-AA football next year. The other QB is a JC transfer from California, he owns many JC passing records. .

I hope the JC transfer beats out the IA transfer. Not that I have anything against the kid, I just hate to see a IA player do well in IAA. It just gives IA more amunition to say we are below their level.
Soweagle said:
I hope the JC transfer beats out the IA transfer. Not that I have anything against the kid, I just hate to see a IA player do well in IAA. It just gives IA more amunition to say we are below their level.

I would probably agree with you on that if I rooted for some school other than Montana but since it is Montana that has this QB "problem" I am going to be happy no matter which QB wins the starting spot because that means we have the best player out there and will give us the best chance to win games.

If it were another school that had this QB "problem" then yes, I would probably root for the juco transfer as well, for the same reason that Soweagle already said.
If the qb from Colorado does win the starting spot, it won't be too big of a deal b/c he did start and do well at the IA level. It is not like he couldn't play at the IA level and if he is the best of the bunch then more power too him but I will still root for the jc transfer to be the best.
OCHS IS THE MAN!!!!! He will have many in Big Sky country forgeting that Dave D. guy. Welcome to GRIZNATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Non Griz fans are going to take this the wrong way, but just accept it and move on...

I know of only three of four teams out of 117, plus how many others get added to I-AA in the 2003 football season, that can possibly win the National Championship during the upcoming season.

One is the Griz, the other ones just won't be able to.

Next December, the other playoff teams will be trying to shift into another gear that's just not there, while the Griz will be putting "IT" into overdrive.

A little premature "smack"...possibly, but I'm pretty sure 2003 is the Year of the Griz...not the Year of "one shot wonders". And most Griz fans I've talked to agree with the fact that the road to the 2003 National Championship go through Missoula.

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