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Fat Weasels vs Shawled Goats

Poor stupid, ignorant southerner. The Montana football program will always have more tradition and class than Georgia Southern could ever imagine. I've said time and again that I don't care about Georgia Southern but the only reason I keep responding to these posts is because I've got to defend my home turf. I'll put it this way: If an intruder breaks through my front door, I'm compelled to bash his skull in with a 2x4, not only because it's my right, but I have fun doing it as well. You need to ask yourself why you keep coming back to make such an ass of yourself. My guess is that you're just born that way. Your parents are related, so funny things happen when they have kids, especially idiocy. And then the cycle just repeats itself. Don't get me wrong, it's not your fault. That's just the way things work in Georgia. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Jimus said:
You need to ask yourself why you keep coming back to make such an ass of yourself.

You're missing the point J-musty. I don't come over here to make an ass of myself. I come over here to make an ass out of people like you and it appears I'm doing a good job of it. :D
Well look who's the Griz fan. I woundn't get caught dead over on the GSU board, but it appears you've found a new home. Maybe the "Montana Grizzly" under your name means a little extra something to you. Gotta love them Grizzlies.
I think that the Bison have a fair shot at beating the Grizzlies this year but I may be wrong. With what the Grizzlies have returning combined with a new coaching staff at NDSU I may in fact be dead wrong. Even so, in 2-3 yrs I will put the Bison on the field with anybody in I-AA (even you mighty Montana Grizzlies) and expect nothing less than a victory. That may have to wait until we're eligible for the playoffs so we'll see. That should be more than enough time for NDSU to notch up our program to the next level and make full use of our additional scholarships in order to knock heads with anybody. I love how you Griz fans like to talk smack, which gives us something in common. It used to be fun to smack talk with the UND Fighting Susans until political correctness ran amok and now all they do is whine and file reports when they get treated badly when they come to Fargo. It appears to me that Griz fans can hold their own so let's get it on.
Jimus said:
Who's NDSU? Never heard of 'em.

NDSU is the team that was beating the Griz before you joined the Big Sky. NDSU currently holds a 2-1 advantage in the series. Give us a chance to get to 63 scholarships plus membership into the BSC and there will be a new sheriff in town.
Of course I've heard of NDSU. That was a joke. We've only had their other fans on this site for the last four months.

And now a history lesson for you. Technically, Montana has a 3-2 edge in the series (not that I live in the past):

1914: Montana, 13-0
1921: Montana, 7-6
1941: Montana, 27-0
1969: North Dakota State, 30-3
1970: North Dakota State, 31-16

ndsubison, them's fightin' words. Draw, pilgrim. The sheriff's here to clean up.
Jimus, it's obvious that you are a Griz fan. But do you also consider yourself a fan of IAA football in general, or could you not care less about the IAA world outside of Montana or the BS?
Jimus Posted: Wed Apr 16, 2003 7:35 pm Post subject:
1969: North Dakota State, 30-3
1970: North Dakota State, 31-16

The last two meetings were bowl games, and 1969 was for a National Championship. :D
BisonMav said:
The last two meetings were bowl games, and 1969 was for a National Championship. :D

True, true. But I can't say I count games that were played before I was even born, so as far as I'm concerned the series is 0-0. It's a new era, and a great time to start again.
eaglesrthe1 said:
Jimus, it's obvious that you are a Griz fan. But do you also consider yourself a fan of IAA football in general, or could you not care less about the IAA world outside of Montana or the BS?

I love all football. College football is the only sport that I will watch no matter who's playing. That said, I doesn't matter to me how well any team does unless they're the Griz. And I'm also content with seeing the Bobcats lose any game. But otherwise I don't really wish any team to win or lose, but I love watching the games and I always keep up with what's going on. I made sure to watch both I-AA semifinals and the championship, and I'd probably watch any other I-AA game if it's on TV and there aren't any major games on at the time.
eaglesrthe1 said:
Jimus, it's obvious that you are a Griz fan. But do you also consider yourself a fan of IAA football in general, or could you not care less about the IAA world outside of Montana or the BS?

I love all football. College football is the only sport that I will watch no matter who's playing. That said, it doesn't matter to me how well any team does unless they're the Griz. And I'm also content with seeing the Bobcats lose any game. But otherwise I don't really wish any team to win or lose, but I love watching the games and I always keep up with what's going on. I made sure to watch both I-AA semifinals and the championship, and I'd probably watch any other I-AA game if it's on TV and there aren't any major games on at the time.
So why was Georgia Southern all wearing those Western Kentucky uniforms when they beat McNeese State? Seems like a weird way to go into a National Championship game. :roll:
Jimus said:
And now a history lesson for you. Technically, Montana has a 3-2 edge in the series (not that I live in the past):

Jimus, apparently our (NDSU's) media guide is wrong because two of those losses are attributed to Montana State. I wonder if a Montana State fan could take a peek in their media guide and settle just where NDSU's team played in 1921 and 1941.

It's almost certain that NDSU's media guide is wrong, but I'd I'd like to make sure.
I believe that MSU became MSU in the early sixties. Before, they were knowen as Montana State College. At one time the University of Montana was actually Montana State University. Not to sure when that changed, probably around the same time. Good luck next year griz hopefully we will be playing for the conference championship in Bozeman come November. However I am sure ISU will have something to say about that.
nybison Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2003 6:54 am Post subject:
Jimus, apparently our (NDSU's) media guide is wrong because two of those losses are attributed to Montana State. I wonder if a Montana State fan could take a peek in their media guide and settle just where NDSU's team played in 1921 and 1941.

The 1970 NDSU Media guide has a series history vs Montana State, and 1921 and 1941 do not appear on the list. In the yearly results 1970 also list Montana for 1921, but has Montana St in 1941. Probably has to do with the name change from Montana St to Montana being a little confusing.
Yeah, I checked with the good folks at the Bobcat athletic department and they said that they didn't play NDSU in 1921 or 1941 and explained about Montana being Montana State before the '60s. What's weird is that they say the all-time series (Bison-Bobcat) is 13-15-1 and even taking the two games out, I have NDSU trailing 12-20-0. Did Montana have another Montana State the could have beat NDSU or maybe Montana State has five wins against North Dakota Agricultural College and don't realize that it's now NDSU.
Sure HFE......and EVERYBODY, includin the Igglets, knew our 2001 season was titled 'Unfinished Business' So what happens? The Igglets dont show, knowing they escaped the year before.
Sure DuCharme, and everybody knows, including the teddybears that the Eagles and the Griz met on the field in 00'. And it was the Eagles that "took care of business". :lol:

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