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gregorak leaving bobcats?

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OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


It appears you have been smoking those scented scandels!
Bjorn Bjornstein said:
If you're not getting results with your buddist, I can recommend someone:


I lol-ed. :lol:
bigsky33 said:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


It appears you have been smoking those scented scandels!

So, it's just what everyone has heard, and Choach is still on the wrong side of the median?
bigsky33 said:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


It appears you have been smoking those scented scandels!

So, it's just what everyone has heard, and Choach is still on the wrong side of the median?

Only here on EGRIZ! :lol: :lol: :lol:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


This is absolutely plausible, but conspiracy theorists will recognize that you may have missed the grassy shooter on the knoll (aka mid-season firing of the passing game coordinator, Bob Cole, and the demotion of offensive coordinator, Brian Armstrong). Further, this doesn't address the mysterious QB scholarship offer which was pulled mid-season after the recruit committed and then communication was just stopped with the recruit. Lastly, this doesn't touch on the voice of the cats resigning to obviously attend to family business. These all are very clearly related. Surely you can work these additional items into the alternate theory. I'm practically begging you to do this for entertainment purposes.
go96griz said:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


This is absolutely plausible, but conspiracy theorists will recognize that you may have missed the grassy shooter on the knoll (aka mid-season firing of the passing game coordinator, Bob Cole, and the demotion of offensive coordinator, Brian Armstrong). Further, this doesn't address the mysterious QB scholarship offer which was pulled mid-season after the recruit committed and then communication was just stopped with the recruit. Lastly, this doesn't touch on the voice of the cats resigning to obviously attend to family business. These all are very clearly related. Surely you can work these additional items into the alternate theory. I'm practically begging you to do this for entertainment purposes.

On a related note, once you're designated the "Voice of the Bobcats," is that considered a lifetime appointment, or can you be de-voiced?
go96griz said:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


This is absolutely plausible, but conspiracy theorists will recognize that you may have missed the grassy shooter on the knoll (aka mid-season firing of the passing game coordinator, Bob Cole, and the demotion of offensive coordinator, Brian Armstrong). Further, this doesn't address the mysterious QB scholarship offer which was pulled mid-season after the recruit committed and then communication was just stopped with the recruit. Lastly, this doesn't touch on the voice of the cats resigning to obviously attend to family business. These all are very clearly related. Surely you can work these additional items into the alternate theory. I'm practically begging you to do this for entertainment purposes.

I'm not saying this is or is not related to your current alternate theory, but X-Files fans will tell you that Bob Cole and the Smoking Man are one in the same. I can't believe I'm even going here without definitive proof, but is it possible this whole series of cat scandals are an alien cover up? Waded Cruzado has always appeared a bit suspicious to me.
Look, Choate is an extremely insecure control freak. Anyone who knows what he tried to do to one of their most talented Cat kickers knows when he blows his top its nutsville. Choate's special teams coach had the kid punting the "running side kick." The kicker's field goal kicking suffered. Choate told him to work hard over the summer to get back to form. Kicker visits his private kicking coach from high school (yes they have them in high school) for help and he fixes him, pointing to the running punting as the culprit for messing up the field goal kicks. When the kicker reported to camp, showed how his kicking was back to prior form and told Choate what the private coach thought was the source of the problem, Choate went butthurt ballistic and told the kicker he would not play that season. By this time schollies are signed, sealed etc. He then tells the kicker he's pulling his scholly (but can't.) When he finds that out, he then asks the kid to renounce his scholarship since he wouldn't leave the bench or go on away games and was told to pound sand. Result, Cats were effectively down one schollie that year, more if you realize most kickers aren't full ride. Choate dumping Ty may be as simple as insecurity that the D players are more loyal to Ty, particularly one forced to play out of his recruited position.

Nah, its a sex scandle all the way.
Ursa Major said:
poorgriz said:
Not a chance in hell I'm going to post it here. In fact I don't even know for sure but I heard from a fairly credible resource what happened and while it wasn't what Alpha posted and it wasn't anything that extreme, it definitely could have painted MSU in a bad light..... which is something the Flagship University in the state wants no part of right now with all the momentum that's building.

Totally. There is no reason for transparency when it comes to public employees, especially when it could paint MSU in a bad light. The journalists played this one the right way. The public should be happy to pay the salaries and STFU.
I believe the word “paint” offends many state people who view it as a micro aggression referring to their South-by-southeast rusting bleachers.

Very true. I apologize to the strong, independent Bobcats. That comment was out of line. This is my first scandal, and I clearly have a lot to learn as a person. I'm seeing a buddist about it.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey fella, don’t forget the Neanderthal Code, it isn’t a scandal/scandle until you admit it’s a scandal/scandle.
Spanky2 said:
Ask Dutch Lane as he has read over100 articles and books.

First of all Spanky just what is your point? Again, you have me confused with a post made by Jdoub, who commented that he was married to a survivor of sexual abuse and how he had educated himself along the way. Good for him. However I am pretty well versed in the under side of the human condition having been court appointed to represent rapists and other sexual deviants spanning the spectrum from incest to child porn and everything in between. I have also represented many viticms of sexual violence both male and female and let me tell you the long term affects are not pretty. Neurological trauma is a very real phenomenon whether you chose to accept it or not.

As for Ty and his situation being splattered all over the internet, its really unfortunate and I feel for him and his family and sincerely hope they can move on to a better place.
bgbigdog said:
Ursa Major said:
Scented Candles. Scandles.
IDK, these things just come to me.

I bet scented candles could come in handy in the cats coaches lounge.

Sounds like it’s been seeing more action than a Playboy mansion grotto orgy with a coked up James Cann and Sammy Davis Jr. back in’74.

True story. One of my college jobs was working for a caterer & I was actually there the night that Hef got so mad @ a stumbling drunk Dennis Weaver that he knocked him to the floor & startled literally pummeling him. Out of nowhere comes Mick Jagger & he starts yelling “Hey Hugh, get off of McCloud.” Those were the days man.
I remember that episode on the old show. Steve Lawrence and Eydie Gormé were gorked out of their minds on the coach and looking on pie-eyed. In the background you can see Burt Reynolds never stopped dipping his potato chips in California onion dip and laughing during the entire melee. Fucker was cool under pressure.
go96griz said:
OK, I'm going to throw this alternate theory out there and let poorgriz and BS33 tell me if I'm warm:

--Choach's first year: shitty, but beat the Griz.
--Choach's second year: shitty, but beat the Griz.

At this point he's 9-13 two years after replacing the winningest coach in modern program history, but inexplicably thinks he deserves some long term job security. "I Beat Sky . . . Soon." The big donors (those who manage Best Buys and Subway restaurants) say, "Hey, Pres Waded, tell that secondhand AD to give that caveman puppet an early extension. He's easily influenced. We will be making the decisions from here on out."

--Cheatin' Choach gets the early nod, but with more strings attached than a bulletin board in a detective's office when he's trying to catch the Zodiac Killer. He's under some thumbs.

--Choach's third year: Choach's first winning season in his entire career, and the first winning season and playoff beatdown in program history since like 2012, but the retail manager donors ("RMD") aren't happy with the defense. Why? Well . . .

--A former Bobcat DC sits waiting, editing video tape. The RMDs determine he's ready, and remind caveman about the early extension. Tyler gets fired, and Chaveman says it's due to poor performance.

--Many BobBob posters have heard about the RMD arrangement, and hint about scandals with scandles, but are unwilling to blow the cover on who really calls the shots in the program. Instead, they say something happened, but nothing happened because Tyler was fired for poor performance, but he wasn't really fired because something happened, but they can't say what.


This is absolutely plausible, but conspiracy theorists will recognize that you may have missed the grassy shooter on the knoll (aka mid-season firing of the passing game coordinator, Bob Cole, and the demotion of offensive coordinator, Brian Armstrong). Further, this doesn't address the mysterious QB scholarship offer which was pulled mid-season after the recruit committed and then communication was just stopped with the recruit. Lastly, this doesn't touch on the voice of the cats resigning to obviously attend to family business. These all are very clearly related. Surely you can work these additional items into the alternate theory. I'm practically begging you to do this for entertainment purposes.

So Coach Cole must have been banging another coaches wife, too? Armstrong probably just got an old fashioned from another coaches wife?
bigsky33 said:
Dutch Lane said:
Point out where I am wrong. :thumb:

It was not just Ty that recruited Troy. The coaching staff were all aware of his talents. He was recruited as a LB. The QBs issue was a result of a perfect storm. Prukrop transferred. Jordan Hoy left team and went JC. They brought in Bruggerman a transfer who was highly regarded. He looked great in practice but was terrible in games. They throw in 17 yo true frost Murray. He can’t pass but could run. He is off team because of academics. They recruit Rovig and he gets hurt in Spring. Choate recruits two excellent freshman, Bauman and Beltran. They were not ready. They needed experience and the Troy played QB in HS. He gave best chance to win. Yes, LB is his strongest position. Next year he will be back at LB and play some RB. Rovig, Bauman and Beltran will battle for qb. The Coaches made a good move with Troy last year. Look at what he accomplished.

Why won’t you at least admit that it was Ty who brought Troy to the attention of choate and the offensive coaches during the first week of early ball, who all clearly failed to properly evaluate his talent unlike Ty did. Let me give you another tid bit, Troy is planning on playing and starting at qb for the next two season for your bobcats. Where do I get this stupid stuff? You would be surprised. Read some of my older posts regarding Troy.
Dutch Lane said:
bigsky33 said:
Dutch Lane said:
Point out where I am wrong. :thumb:

It was not just Ty that recruited Troy. The coaching staff were all aware of his talents. He was recruited as a LB. The QBs issue was a result of a perfect storm. Prukrop transferred. Jordan Hoy left team and went JC. They brought in Bruggerman a transfer who was highly regarded. He looked great in practice but was terrible in games. They throw in 17 yo true frost Murray. He can’t pass but could run. He is off team because of academics. They recruit Rovig and he gets hurt in Spring. Choate recruits two excellent freshman, Bauman and Beltran. They were not ready. They needed experience and the Troy played QB in HS. He gave best chance to win. Yes, LB is his strongest position. Next year he will be back at LB and play some RB. Rovig, Bauman and Beltran will battle for qb. The Coaches made a good move with Troy last year. Look at what he accomplished.

Why won’t you at least admit that it was Ty who brought Troy to the attention of choate and the offensive coaches during the first week of early ball, who all clearly failed to properly evaluate his talent unlike Ty did. Let me give you another tid bit, Troy is planning on playing and starting at qb for the next two season for your bobcats. Where do I get this stupid stuff? You would be surprised. Read some of my older posts regarding Troy.

Was Troy gonna run that by the coaches or will he just make that call...? :lol:
ilovethecats said:
Dutch Lane said:
bigsky33 said:
Dutch Lane said:
Point out where I am wrong. :thumb:

It was not just Ty that recruited Troy. The coaching staff were all aware of his talents. He was recruited as a LB. The QBs issue was a result of a perfect storm. Prukrop transferred. Jordan Hoy left team and went JC. They brought in Bruggerman a transfer who was highly regarded. He looked great in practice but was terrible in games. They throw in 17 yo true frost Murray. He can’t pass but could run. He is off team because of academics. They recruit Rovig and he gets hurt in Spring. Choate recruits two excellent freshman, Bauman and Beltran. They were not ready. They needed experience and the Troy played QB in HS. He gave best chance to win. Yes, LB is his strongest position. Next year he will be back at LB and play some RB. Rovig, Bauman and Beltran will battle for qb. The Coaches made a good move with Troy last year. Look at what he accomplished.

Why won’t you at least admit that it was Ty who brought Troy to the attention of choate and the offensive coaches during the first week of early ball, who all clearly failed to properly evaluate his talent unlike Ty did. Let me give you another tid bit, Troy is planning on playing and starting at qb for the next two season for your bobcats. Where do I get this stupid stuff? You would be surprised. Read some of my older posts regarding Troy.

Was Troy gonna run that by the coaches or will he just make that call...? :lol:

Actually it has already been discussed and the call has been made. It’s Troys job to lose if he wants it and he does want it. Only you and the other tools over on bobcat nation still dont get it. :roll:
Could this all be because Choate and Gregorak are both alpha males and Choate was threatened. So he gets rid of the other alpha and brings in someone he can push around without fear.
Dutch Lane said:
ilovethecats said:
Dutch Lane said:
bigsky33 said:
It was not just Ty that recruited Troy. The coaching staff were all aware of his talents. He was recruited as a LB. The QBs issue was a result of a perfect storm. Prukrop transferred. Jordan Hoy left team and went JC. They brought in Bruggerman a transfer who was highly regarded. He looked great in practice but was terrible in games. They throw in 17 yo true frost Murray. He can’t pass but could run. He is off team because of academics. They recruit Rovig and he gets hurt in Spring. Choate recruits two excellent freshman, Bauman and Beltran. They were not ready. They needed experience and the Troy played QB in HS. He gave best chance to win. Yes, LB is his strongest position. Next year he will be back at LB and play some RB. Rovig, Bauman and Beltran will battle for qb. The Coaches made a good move with Troy last year. Look at what he accomplished.

Why won’t you at least admit that it was Ty who brought Troy to the attention of choate and the offensive coaches during the first week of early ball, who all clearly failed to properly evaluate his talent unlike Ty did. Let me give you another tid bit, Troy is planning on playing and starting at qb for the next two season for your bobcats. Where do I get this stupid stuff? You would be surprised. Read some of my older posts regarding Troy.

Was Troy gonna run that by the coaches or will he just make that call...? :lol:

Actually it has already been discussed and the call has been made. It’s Troys job to lose if he wants it and he does want it. Only you and the other tools over on bobcat nation still dont get it. :roll:
:lol: :thumb:
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