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Kaepernick nominated for Nobel (not “noble”) Peace Prize; who would have thought?

gotgame75 said:
Lol at the predictable flag worship posts.

There is absolutely nothing more patriotic you can do than fighting to call attention to injustice, which makes America better for EVERYONE. Current events have done nothing but validate Kap's point of view on racial injustice. He took a stand and sacrificed his entire livelihood in the process. Say whatever you want you about the flag, but I highly doubt most would have the courage to make the same sacrifice Kap did.

Do I think the guy is NFL starter material? No, but the guy has won a decent amount of games and made it to the Super Bowl, which undoubtedly makes him better than the vast majority of no-namer C-grade backups in the NFL. Or maybe while you're at it, you anti-Kap heads can enlighten me as to why the likes of Sean Mannion, David Fales, and John Wolford deserve a seat in an NFL QB room while CK does not. It certainly isn't based upon merit or talent.
He probably is rusty as hell but he’s only 31 and not much wear and tear I bet the guy can still ball. There have been 63 different starting qbs in the last 50 Super Bowls and SB Nation has him picked as the 36th best out of the 63. There have been thousands of guys who tried to play qb in the NFL and only 63 made it to the super bowl. He’s in pretty rare air. Your right Gotgame it wasn’t about his talent, he was blacklisted by the billionaires who own the league. They were cowed by Trump, but since this is ‘Murcia and its always about the money, when his jerseys start selling out fuck politics they will sign him. Lol :thumb:

Ps. The guy is an athletic specimen. He’s 6-4 with a huge stride. I caught a giants baseball game the summer after he lost the super bowl with the 49ers and he threw out the first pitch. He was in jeans and sneakers and had on an oversized giants jersey and without warming up he threw an 86 mph ceremonial first pitch over the plate. Lol
Dutch Lane said:
bigsky33 said:
I have a hard time with your stating that he started a PEACEFUL protest movement. The looting, burning of buildings, businesses destroyed and people killed and injured in many major cities is about as far from peaceful as you can get.

Were you around in the 60’s or the ‘92 LA riots? This is nothing compared to those. The difference is the overwhelming majority of people are peacefully protesting and not just here but around the world. You are conflating the riots and outrage sparked by George Floyd’s televised lynching with Kaep’s peaceful protest. Do you know this Jefferson quote—“the tree of liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” We are literally descendants of revolutionaries and insurrectionists. I bet you would have been a good Tory though. Lol. Thanks for posting, I’m going to put you as a thumbs down on Kaep and the Nobel. So it’s 2 up and 5 down. Tough crowd :thumb:

Yes, was right there in the 60’s and the LA riots. LA riots are very similar to this episode. Not buying your liberal bs. BLM is a Marxist organization as is Antifa. Their goal is to take down the USA. It is very clear what they are doing. Kap is a supporter.

Also, a sporting event is not the place for political bs. Play the game and do the politicking some other place.
From the pig-cop socks, pro Castro stance, and Nike/Betsy Ross flag fiasco, the guy is a first class douche in my book. I hope he never steps foot on a football field again.
Griz2k said:
From the pig-cop socks, pro Castro stance, and Nike/Betsy Ross flag fiasco, the guy is a first class douche in my book. I hope he never steps foot on a football field again.

I agree!
Griz2k said:
From the pig-cop socks, pro Castro stance, and Nike/Betsy Ross flag fiasco, the guy is a first class douche in my book. I hope he never steps foot on a football field again.
Definitely a thumbs down on the Nobel then? Thanks for posting. :thumb:
bigsky33 said:
Dutch Lane said:
Were you around in the 60’s or the ‘92 LA riots? This is nothing compared to those. The difference is the overwhelming majority of people are peacefully protesting and not just here but around the world. You are conflating the riots and outrage sparked by George Floyd’s televised lynching with Kaep’s peaceful protest. Do you know this Jefferson quote—“the tree of liberty from time to time must be refreshed with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” We are literally descendants of revolutionaries and insurrectionists. I bet you would have been a good Tory though. Lol. Thanks for posting, I’m going to put you as a thumbs down on Kaep and the Nobel. So it’s 2 up and 5 down. Tough crowd :thumb:

Yes, was right there in the 60’s and the LA riots. LA riots are very similar to this episode. Not buying your liberal bs. BLM is a Marxist organization as is Antifa. Their goal is to take down the USA. It is very clear what they are doing. Kap is a supporter.

Also, a sporting event is not the place for political bs. Play the game and do the politicking some other place.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the John Birch Society? Asking for the thread. :thumb:
Dutch Lane said:
bigsky33 said:
Yes, was right there in the 60’s and the LA riots. LA riots are very similar to this episode. Not buying your liberal bs. BLM is a Marxist organization as is Antifa. Their goal is to take down the USA. It is very clear what they are doing. Kap is a supporter.

Also, a sporting event is not the place for political bs. Play the game and do the politicking some other place.
Are you now or have you ever been a member of the John Birch Society? Asking for the thread. :thumb:

No, just a veteran who served proudly and shows respect to our flag for what it represents.and to honor for those who have sacrificed and given their life.
Dutch Lane said:
AZGrizFan said:
I’m not the one worshiping a terrorist. :roll:

One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. So I tried to research this and all I could come up with was Kaep seen wearing a t-shirt with Malcolm X and Castro pictured on it, and him wearing another t-shirt with the iconic Alberto Korda photo “Guerillero Heroico” printed on it. It’s only the most reproduced photograph in history, the face that launched a thousand revolutions. So in your world that makes him a terrorist worshiper because he wore a t-shirt with Che’s face on it? Lol. Batista murdered something in excess of 20,000 Cubans in his 7 year reign of terror prior to the revolution, but that gets lost in the narrative doesn’t it. AZ, Cuba’s Cold War benefactor Russia is now our new bud didn’t you get the memo, it’s all good now. Thanks for posting :thumb:

Dutch here’s the thing: I really don’t give two shits whether you agree with me or not about him. And I really don’t care whether he kneeled for or against the flag or whatever. Makes ZERO difference to me. But he’s not a guy I admire, and he’s a washed up version of Johnny Manziel (and that’s saying something) who didn’t start “sacrificing” until he wasn’t starting anymore. And has made more in endorsements SINCE the knee than before.

yep, real sacrifice. Perfect for the Nobel Peace Prize. :lol: :lol:
AZGrizFan said:
Dutch Lane said:
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. So I tried to research this and all I could come up with was Kaep seen wearing a t-shirt with Malcolm X and Castro pictured on it, and him wearing another t-shirt with the iconic Alberto Korda photo “Guerillero Heroico” printed on it. It’s only the most reproduced photograph in history, the face that launched a thousand revolutions. So in your world that makes him a terrorist worshiper because he wore a t-shirt with Che’s face on it? Lol. Batista murdered something in excess of 20,000 Cubans in his 7 year reign of terror prior to the revolution, but that gets lost in the narrative doesn’t it. AZ, Cuba’s Cold War benefactor Russia is now our new bud didn’t you get the memo, it’s all good now. Thanks for posting :thumb:

Dutch here’s the thing: I really don’t give two shits whether you agree with me or not about him. And I really don’t care whether he kneeled for or against the flag or whatever. Makes ZERO difference to me. But he’s not a guy I admire, and he’s a washed up version of Johnny Manziel (and that’s saying something) who didn’t start “sacrificing” until he wasn’t starting anymore. And has made more in endorsements SINCE the knee than before.

yep, real sacrifice. Perfect for the Nobel Peace Prize. :lol: :lol:

The Nobel Peace Prize has lost all credibility over the last decade. It is really sad. It is a total sham.
Dutch Lane said:
Griz2k said:
From the pig-cop socks, pro Castro stance, and Nike/Betsy Ross flag fiasco, the guy is a first class douche in my book. I hope he never steps foot on a football field again.
Definitely a thumbs down on the Nobel then? Thanks for posting. :thumb:

I couldn't care less if he gets it. It means nothing.
ChesterGriz said:
Why aren’t you complaining about this Everett? Only complain from one political perspective I see.

Hadn’t seen it till now. That said, I don’t understand your comment. I don’t have a political perspective on here. Because it’s NOT A POLITICAL BOARD!!!!! I’m against ANY political shit on the main board.

That said, I don’t know why the hell this thread got moved when all of the other political shit is left to ruin the main board. At least this is marginally football related.
Griz2k said:
Dutch Lane said:
Definitely a thumbs down on the Nobel then? Thanks for posting. :thumb:

I couldn't care less if he gets it. It means nothing.

But just to try and keep the thread going, any thoughts on who might need a qb with his skill set? I’m thinking the Titans right now, but would have loved to seen him signed by the packers instead of Love. Hopefully we will get to see him play this fall. Thanks for posting :thumb:
Hey moderators why does this thread keeping getting buried down in the political basement which requires one to be a member and login to read it? It had over 700 (now 800) views already. A Supreme Court decision regrading a tax credit to help Christian schools and you guys leave that up on the main board? Smdh. PR complains and admonishes anyone for posting content he doesn’t like on the Taboo thread. So I think ok I won’t post a current event regarding a footballer who played at a former bsc school on the total free skate thread and this is the thanks I get. Wtf it’s not cool to try and suppress ideas or speech on a message board, it reeks of authoritarian/Marxist censorship man. This will not stand.

So just to give a heads up I’m working on a new thread about the SEC and pressuring Mississippi to remove the confederate battle flag from the state flag. Not football related enough? Where you gonna bury that one? Listen man the Supreme Court has roundly rejected prior restraint ok, I have buddies laying face down in the muck so that you and I could enjoy this family restaurant. This affects all of us man they’re basic freedoms, I’m staying, I’m finishing my coffee. I’m enjoying my coffee. Carry on.
EverettGriz said:
ChesterGriz said:
Why aren’t you complaining about this Everett? Only complain from one political perspective I see.

Hadn’t seen it till now. That said, I don’t understand your comment. I don’t have a political perspective on here. Because it’s NOT A POLITICAL BOARD!!!!! I’m against ANY political shit on the main board.

That said, I don’t know why the hell this thread got moved when all of the other political shit is left to ruin the main board. At least this is marginally football related.

This is my second thread that gets hi jacked by political nut jobs. I’m starting to feel your pain and appreciate your learned advice. Lol.
reinell30 said:
This country is full of huggers! This POS should be banned from the US! I don't have a racist bone in my body, but I love my country and my flag. ANYONE who disrespects should leave this country now!

Shirley you can’t be serious?
I see where CK denounced Independence Day as a white supremacist holiday. Regardless if you feel he can still play in the NFL or not, what owner in their right mind or coach for that matter would want this dickhead on their team? I think he is doing way more harm than good for the causes in which he is supposedly standing up for. Or maybe I should say "kneeling" for?
Dutch Lane said:
...who might need a qb with his skill set...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats why they have been breaking down his door trying to get him. Al NoSoSharpston is probably looking over his shoulder at the coming competition. Race baiting con-man. Totally washed up phoney.
tourist said:
Dutch Lane said:
...who might need a qb with his skill set...

:lol: :lol: :lol: Thats why they have been breaking down his door trying to get him. Al NoSoSharpston is probably looking over his shoulder at the coming competition. Race baiting con-man. Totally washed up phoney.

You know Tourist I don’t agree with you on much but I dig the way you always bring it and fuck political correctness. I have my ideas on how the world should be and I state my positions. It’s weak though that I seemed to be the only lefty dui lawyer on here who (ghost calls it laying a “trap”)tries to engage and understand the other sides points of views and if they hold up under scrutiny. Pretty much crickets or drive by name calling by the fellas. There’s only one of my ilk against the rest of the political not jobs. Why don’t more of the other fellas grab a nut like you always do, which I appreciate.

From Wyatt Earp: So run you cur, tell all the other curs I’m coming, you tell em I’m coming and hells coming with me, you hear, hells coming with me :lol:

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