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One and Done

He had a hell of a year playing for the Falcons. Had a good game tonight as well. How many rookies from bozeman made it to the playoffs this year? Oh Yeah none....
Cats2506 said:
But I suppose Kroy is used to that happening, Maybe Carp can do better ;)

Coming from none and done..... :loser: :loser: :loser: Just like your football team :loser:

I taut I saw a puddy cat....It must really suck to have nothing to be proud of in your football program....and nothing better to do....
Cats2506 said:
But I suppose Kroy is used to that happening, Maybe Carp can do better ;)

By the way looking for Bobcats on this team but of course found none :lol: :lol:

Thats a Huge Stinky BobKitten Beey- atch!!!

Whiny little troll...

I'm happy for the 5 remaining Griz / Cats in the playoffs... (Counting Lex)... If the Titans or Dolphins win the super bowl, former Griz and Cats are gonna get rings...

And as far as Kroy, he had a hell of a rookie season, and impressed alot of people in Atlanta...
Cats2506 said:
You pathetic piece of crap. You pulled your finger out of your anus to peck that posting?

On a day when your women's and men's basketball teams were going down for the count in Missoula?

Let's see, now. You've watched the Griz in FOUR playoff games this year -- while your pussies were home for thanksgiving, then three more weekends of nothing to do, and now you're watching a GRIZ in a fifth playoff game with another in the Sixth game on Sunday? And you're trying to find something to shoot off your mouth?

Stick your finger back where you had it. You are absolutely a pathetic piece of dung.
LakGriz said:
You pathetic piece of crap. You pulled your finger out of your anus to peck that posting?

On a day when your women's and men's basketball teams were going down for the count in Missoula?

Let's see, now. You've watched the Griz in FOUR playoff games this year -- while your pussies were home for thanksgiving, then three more weekends of nothing to do, and now you're watching a GRIZ in a fifth playoff game with another in the Sixth game on Sunday? And you're trying to find something to shoot off your mouth?

Stick your finger back where you had it. You are absolutely a pathetic piece of dung.

He now qualifies as being a typical :laugh: kitten fan!
Well maybe Cats2506 could graduate in 2506 but I heard it was more like this...his IQ was 25 when they last tested him in 2006.
Great Season Kroy, you and the rest of the Griz playing in the NFL made us proud!
A Griz 4ster said:
How many former Puddy Cats are playing this weekend?

100% are still in the playoffs

I hope Dan doesnt choke like he did last year, it would ruin Joey Thomas's chance at a ring.

Ken has a bye this week though
Cats2506 said:
But I suppose Kroy is used to that happening, Maybe Carp can do better ;)

Cats2506 said:
A Griz 4ster said:
How many former Puddy Cats are playing this weekend?

100% are still in the playoffs

I hope Dan doesnt choke like he did last year, it would ruin Joey Thomas's chance at a ring.

Ken has a bye this week though

This has to be one of the most stupid threads ever started by a sCat fan. Are you really that big of a moron?
Cats2506 said:
But I suppose Kroy is used to that happening, Maybe Carp can do better ;)

By the time these guys graduate and are good enough to make it to the bigs you'd think we'd support them whether they are GRIZ or Cats. Cats2506, you are really reaching here ... trying to find something you can crow about.
TheBud said:
Cats2506 said:
But I suppose Kroy is used to that happening, Maybe Carp can do better ;)

Cats2506 said:
A Griz 4ster said:
How many former Puddy Cats are playing this weekend?

100% are still in the playoffs

I hope Dan doesnt choke like he did last year, it would ruin Joey Thomas's chance at a ring.

Ken has a bye this week though

This has to be one of the most stupid threads ever started by a sCat fan. Are you really that big of a moron?

Of course he is
Same ol, Same ol for Carp too huh

Oh well Ken and Tuff have still have a shot at a ring.
Is tuff playing or still on the practice team?
There is a TXST Bobcat on the Vikings D, # 90 - Fred Evans. They use him mainly in the red zone.

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