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A game to past the time.......


A distant view
HGF that'd be our house baby! And I can see my seats if I sit real close to the screen - and that dome would be UNI I think
Helena.....You are at the greatest 1-AA stadium in thbe world! Washington Grizzly baby!!!!!

Cad....how bout a hint?
GeauxGriz said:
Helena.....You are at the greatest 1-AA stadium in thbe world! Washington Grizzly baby!!!!!

Cad....how bout a hint?

Rocky already got it, it was East Tenn. St. Geaux, that was SFA.
Here is a tough one, we lost a HOME game to these guys quite a few years ago, could have been a first round playoff game. If I remember right it was a one point loss, something like 49-48 or close to it. We missed a PAT to tie the game at the end.
