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Another black eye for the administration?


Well-known member
Of course it's all speculation right now, but there's an interesting storm brewing;


It appears Libby was ordered by people he refers to as his "superiors" to leak Valerie Plame's name. And then there's the more interesting story


Looks like Cheney had almost a vendetta against Plame's husband Joseph Wilson, and used tax payer money to make up a smear-campaign against the guy that was basically made up. The wrath of Cheney seems to come from a time when Wilson publicly criticized Cheney & Bush in 2003 over their intelligence gathered to warrant the Iraq war.

A very interesting paragraph;

In interviews over the course of two days this week, these officials were urged to speak on the record for this story. But they resisted, saying they had already testified before a grand jury investigating the leak of Wilson's wife, covert CIA operative Valerie Plame Wilson, and added that speaking out against the administration and specifically Vice President Cheney would cause them to lose their jobs and subject their families to vitriolic attacks by the White House.

The officials said they decided to speak out now because they have become disillusioned with the Bush administration's policies regarding Iraq and the flawed intelligence that led to the war.

Lets hear a big round of applause for our national leadership!
.. shall we wait for the investigation to conclude? or has cnn already done it all for you? We could sure save some money if we don't need to go through the "farce" of a trial, right? I mean.. he's guilty... Cheney's guilty ... Bush is guilty. Eh? :rolleyes:
Funny ReMax I seem to remember hearing a news story stating that Joe Wilson was always running around telling friends that his wife was a operative. Although many are saying that she was not in any covert operations while all of this went down.
ponezone said:
.. shall we wait for the investigation to conclude? or has cnn already done it all for you? We could sure save some money if we don't need to go through the "farce" of a trial, right? I mean.. he's guilty... Cheney's guilty ... Bush is guilty. Eh? :rolleyes:

Right because we'll burn Harry Reid at the stake for his non-direct donations from Ambarmoff but when Cheney's in hot water we need to just chill and wait until the investigation is over.
Re/MaxGriz said:
ponezone said:
.. shall we wait for the investigation to conclude? or has cnn already done it all for you? We could sure save some money if we don't need to go through the "farce" of a trial, right? I mean.. he's guilty... Cheney's guilty ... Bush is guilty. Eh? :rolleyes:

Right because we'll burn Harry Reid at the stake for his non-direct donations from Ambarmoff but when Cheney's in hot water we need to just chill and wait until the investigation is over.

If only this were true.
Funny ReMax I seem to remember hearing a news story stating that Joe Wilson was always running around telling friends that his wife was a operative. Although many are saying that she was not in any covert operations while all of this went down.

in some circles the accusation is much more important then if they had done it or not...

besides it isnt as sexy if you out sombody who works a non-secrative job flying a desk for the cia

btw you didnt mention the reports that she got her hubby the plumb assignment of going to niger to find the yellowcake uranium even though he doesnt know uranium from uranus

Watch all the conservatives dance around the issue! :bounce:

So what do you guys think of this, is this something you want your party to be doing? (of course, investigation pending) But if this is found to be actions taken by Cheney & co, what do you guys think?
Re/MaxGriz said:

Watch all the conservatives dance around the issue! :bounce:

So what do you guys think of this, is this something you want your party to be doing? (of course, investigation pending) But if this is found to be actions taken by Cheney & co, what do you guys think?

...okay.. okay... let's send him to Gitmo too... along with you (remember your confession about buying bobcat stuff ~ I'd call that aiding the enemy).. and gosh, we didn't even need to wiretap your phone to find it out!
Re/Max I have no problem if they did do it. I think sometimes people need to let other people know who is boss. This whole story is so insignificant anyway, but your side just needs something to cling to in hopes of trying to save some face.

I really don't care if it did or didn't happen.
Re/Max I have no problem if they did do it. I think sometimes people need to let other people know who is boss. This whole story is so insignificant anyway, but your side just needs something to cling to in hopes of trying to save some face.

I really don't care if it did or didn't happen.

Wow...you don't care about the fact that the higher ups in our administration put lives at risk, used tax payer dollars, and made up stories about someone just because they questioned them?

Bush sits in a room full of people who just nod their heads after he speaks, if anyone speaks against him or has an objection, they're fired. Thats not how you run a business, let alone the country!!!!

By the way, how many battle-ready battalions are there in the Iraqi army? Last I heard, one. A general told the administration that they needed more money/troops/time/training to get the iraqi army ready and he was fired for it.
Or a walk in central park with the Clintons.

The Foster "murder or suicide" investigation revolved around a variety of claims, made by journalists in and out of the mainstream, but mostly out. The claims can generally be divided into two major categories for useful contemplation. Category one is outright lies, category two is gross distortions. First, the lies:

Wounds not consistent with self-inflicted gunshot.
Not enough blood on the scene given the injuries.
Foster's hands lacked gunshot residue consistent with self-inflicted shot.
Firing position "inconsistent" with suicide.
The body was "neatly arranged" where it lay.
Foster's clothing not examined by investigators.
Evidence on scene, including patterns of bloodstains, indicated Foster's body had been moved
Investigators failed to interview neighbors and area residents after the incident.
Crime scene photos missing or otherwise unusual in format.
Then there are the gross distortions:
Foster's head moved after death. (His head was moved by rescue workers, consistent with a routine procedural verification that he was, in fact, dead.)
Suspicious carpet fibers found on Foster's clothes. (The fibers were tested and determined to have come from Foster's house.)
No fingerprints on the gun's trigger. (The gun handle wasn't smooth, but textured, a surface which the FBI stated was unlikely to retain prints.)
The body was found in "unusual surroundings" on a steep slope in dense brush. (What is a usual surrounding for a suicide in a park?)
Foster's glasses were found 19 feet from head, an "impossible" outcome of the shot. (It was 13 feet from Foster's feet, down slope, and the glasses had blood and gunpowder residue, and forensics experts determined what one would think would be obvious — that the glasses were flung from his head when he fired the gun.)
Foster's car keys were not found on his person at the scene. (Foster's pockets were patted down briefly on the scene and the keys were not found. Police went to the morgue a few hours later and turned the pockets out, where they found the keys.)
Foster's wife couldn't identify the gun used in the suicide as his, raising doubts that he owned the gun. (Foster owned several guns he had received from his family, including a .38 caliber gun received from his father that matched the gun on the scene. His wife couldn't definitely identify it, but confirmed one of his guns was missing.)
Five witnesses claimed Foster had a briefcase in his car, which was omitted from the police report. (Four witnesses said they thought "maybe" they thought they saw a briefcase in the car. A fifth said there was definitely a briefcase and also some wine coolers. No one else saw any wine coolers. Where is the outrage over the wine coolers?)