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Ash: "Only way to stop Jamaal is to trip him. Dammit!! Missed again!!".

#66: "Ohhhhhhh Caannnnnaaddddaaaaa" (clearly confused on his Griz players).

#66's twin brother to his right: "F*ck! I knew I should've played at Rocky".
Ash...."Sweet catch, now i can go soak in my hot tub and not have to worry about coming up with a reason for another playoff loss".....
It looks to me like the Cat players are in awe of the Griz cheerleaders across the field and Ash is trying to join in their routine.

Maybe they should have concentrated on football instead.
Just couldn't stay in Washington could ya? Son of a biscuit, 0 and Fricking 4 against these filthy Grizzly bears at home. 0 and Fricking 4!!

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