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Griz Football Coaching Staff

dayday said:
grizcountry420 said:
dayday said:
Kraig Paulson just retweeted a recruit thing for Southern Illinois so I personally feel better.

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Hopefully we dodged a bullet.

Fingers crossed but I’m getting the feeling we might not get an official announcement on OC, DC or other staff until after early signing period, maybe even after the 1st of the year. I suppose it makes some sense to a degree but sure makes it tougher for Hauck and Green with recruiting. Maybe they have guys and are telling the recruits but not sure why. Maybe Colter or Kyle might be able to update us more on this.

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Well, we know who the OC will be. I know it's a big pipe dream but man it would be awesome to get Thompson up here running the defense and bring Vernon Smith JR with him. We all know that Thompson has it too good down there to pass up a coaching gig with Montana but I hope they will find someone soon.
grizcountry420 said:
dayday said:
grizcountry420 said:
dayday said:
Kraig Paulson just retweeted a recruit thing for Southern Illinois so I personally feel better.

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Hopefully we dodged a bullet.

Fingers crossed but I’m getting the feeling we might not get an official announcement on OC, DC or other staff until after early signing period, maybe even after the 1st of the year. I suppose it makes some sense to a degree but sure makes it tougher for Hauck and Green with recruiting. Maybe they have guys and are telling the recruits but not sure why. Maybe Colter or Kyle might be able to update us more on this.

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Well, we know who the OC will be. I know it's a big pipe dream but man it would be awesome to get Thompson up here running the defense and bring Vernon Smith JR with him. We all know that Thompson has it too good down there to pass up a coaching gig with Montana but I hope they will find someone soon.

He looks to be the heir apparent to UNAU when they decide to off-load Jerome @ the end of next season.
bgbigdog said:
grizcountry420 said:
dayday said:
grizcountry420 said:
Hopefully we dodged a bullet.

Fingers crossed but I’m getting the feeling we might not get an official announcement on OC, DC or other staff until after early signing period, maybe even after the 1st of the year. I suppose it makes some sense to a degree but sure makes it tougher for Hauck and Green with recruiting. Maybe they have guys and are telling the recruits but not sure why. Maybe Colter or Kyle might be able to update us more on this.

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Well, we know who the OC will be. I know it's a big pipe dream but man it would be awesome to get Thompson up here running the defense and bring Vernon Smith JR with him. We all know that Thompson has it too good down there to pass up a coaching gig with Montana but I hope they will find someone soon.

He looks to be the heir apparent to UNAU when they decide to off-load Jerome @ the end of next season.

So I've heard...
I do kind of wonder what the hold up is for official word on Rosenbach. If he is in the boat get him out there recruiting is my opinion. Maybe there is something administratively holding it up but if its just to wait until they can announce the rest of the staff that does not make much sense to me.
dayday said:
I do kind of wonder what the hold up is for official word on Rosenbach. If he is in the boat get him out there recruiting is my opinion. Maybe there is something administratively holding it up but if its just to wait until they can announce the rest of the staff that does not make much sense to me.

dayday RELAX. You are nervous over everything from head coach, to OC, to DC, to assistant coaches, to recruits, to foot speed of a recruit that had been at Oregon State. Trust that Bobby has a better handle on things than you do and just go with it. I sure am! I am not sure I would ever want to be in a foxhole with you. You make me nervous! :lol:
My guess is Bobby wants to announce both coordinators at same time. Hopefully any early signing recruits on offense are not waiting to see who it is....or maybe they actually know and it is a secret. I can hardly wait for the early signing days...
Griz1 said:
dayday said:
I do kind of wonder what the hold up is for official word on Rosenbach. If he is in the boat get him out there recruiting is my opinion. Maybe there is something administratively holding it up but if its just to wait until they can announce the rest of the staff that does not make much sense to me.

dayday RELAX. You are nervous over everything from head coach, to OC, to DC, to assistant coaches, to recruits, to foot speed of a recruit that had been at Oregon State. Trust that Bobby has a better handle on things than you do and just go with it. I sure am! I am not sure I would ever want to be in a foxhole with you. You make me nervous! :lol:

Haha well I would not say nervous but its a forum where conversation happens. That is the point of it. I am sure they do have it handled just curious when we get little news. If you don't want to read it go somewhere else. I would not be in a foxhole with you either because this isn't WWII. I prefer a more modern DFP.
Ursus1 said:
My guess is Bobby wants to announce both coordinators at same time. Hopefully any early signing recruits on offense are not waiting to see who it is....or maybe they actually know and it is a secret. I can hardly wait for the early signing days...

Yeah I am figuring we should know more by then..Get the popcorn ready.
dayday said:
Griz1 said:
dayday said:
I do kind of wonder what the hold up is for official word on Rosenbach. If he is in the boat get him out there recruiting is my opinion. Maybe there is something administratively holding it up but if its just to wait until they can announce the rest of the staff that does not make much sense to me.

dayday RELAX. You are nervous over everything from head coach, to OC, to DC, to assistant coaches, to recruits, to foot speed of a recruit that had been at Oregon State. Trust that Bobby has a better handle on things than you do and just go with it. I sure am! I am not sure I would ever want to be in a foxhole with you. You make me nervous! :lol:

Haha well I would not say nervous but its a forum where conversation happens. That is the point of it. I am sure they do have it handled just curious when we get little news. If you don't want to read it go somewhere else. I would not be in a foxhole with you either because this isn't WWII. I prefer a more modern DFP.

The other coaches contracts run though January, there may not be enough money in the budget to get Rosenbach or anyone else officially hired on-board as yet.
bgbigdog said:
dayday said:
Griz1 said:
dayday said:
I do kind of wonder what the hold up is for official word on Rosenbach. If he is in the boat get him out there recruiting is my opinion. Maybe there is something administratively holding it up but if its just to wait until they can announce the rest of the staff that does not make much sense to me.

dayday RELAX. You are nervous over everything from head coach, to OC, to DC, to assistant coaches, to recruits, to foot speed of a recruit that had been at Oregon State. Trust that Bobby has a better handle on things than you do and just go with it. I sure am! I am not sure I would ever want to be in a foxhole with you. You make me nervous! :lol:

Haha well I would not say nervous but its a forum where conversation happens. That is the point of it. I am sure they do have it handled just curious when we get little news. If you don't want to read it go somewhere else. I would not be in a foxhole with you either because this isn't WWII. I prefer a more modern DFP.

The other coaches contracts run though January, there may not be enough money in the budget to get Rosenbach or anyone else officially hired on-board as yet.

grizpack said:
bgbigdog said:
dayday said:
Griz1 said:
dayday RELAX. You are nervous over everything from head coach, to OC, to DC, to assistant coaches, to recruits, to foot speed of a recruit that had been at Oregon State. Trust that Bobby has a better handle on things than you do and just go with it. I sure am! I am not sure I would ever want to be in a foxhole with you. You make me nervous! :lol:

Haha well I would not say nervous but its a forum where conversation happens. That is the point of it. I am sure they do have it handled just curious when we get little news. If you don't want to read it go somewhere else. I would not be in a foxhole with you either because this isn't WWII. I prefer a more modern DFP.

The other coaches contracts run though January, there may not be enough money in the budget to get Rosenbach or anyone else officially hired on-board as yet.


Well that kind of tells me that was poor negotiation and management by Haslem to not make their contracts just go to December if that is the case. A month is a big difference right now. I kind of think that can’t be the case but have no direct knowledge to refute it.

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dayday said:
grizpack said:
bgbigdog said:
dayday said:
Haha well I would not say nervous but its a forum where conversation happens. That is the point of it. I am sure they do have it handled just curious when we get little news. If you don't want to read it go somewhere else. I would not be in a foxhole with you either because this isn't WWII. I prefer a more modern DFP.

The other coaches contracts run though January, there may not be enough money in the budget to get Rosenbach or anyone else officially hired on-board as yet.


Well that kind of tells me that was poor negotiation and management by Haslem to not make their contracts just go to December if that is the case. A month is a big difference right now. I kind of think that can’t be the case but have no direct knowledge to refute it.

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Just a simple question. If we were playing for a National Championship in January wouldn't it be a good thing to have coaches under contract through that period?

That is the logic behind the decision and it certainly isn't poor negotiation and management by Haslem.
Griz1 said:
dayday said:
grizpack said:
bgbigdog said:
The other coaches contracts run though January, there may not be enough money in the budget to get Rosenbach or anyone else officially hired on-board as yet.


Well that kind of tells me that was poor negotiation and management by Haslem to not make their contracts just go to December if that is the case. A month is a big difference right now. I kind of think that can’t be the case but have no direct knowledge to refute it.

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Just a simple question. If we were playing for a National Championship in January wouldn't it be a good thing to have coaches under contract through that period?

That is the logic behind the decision and it certainly isn't poor negotiation and management by Haslem.

Yeah that makes some sense but if you can’t pay out a month of lame duck coaching salaries to get others in to be able to effectively get the job done in year 1 than we may have bigger problems than trying to get back to the chipper. Most ADs plan for this contingency even at other FCS schools. It’s either clear in the contract language that it ends when football season ends or you have some money saved for this. So that is why I think that is either not the case or poor drafting of the assistant contacts.

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The recruiting staff is in place. Would it be nice to have the OC and DC on board? Yes. But one may be working behind the scenes, and one may not be available yet. Hypothetically, of course.
grizpack said:
The recruiting staff is in place. Would it be nice to have the OC and DC on board? Yes. But one may be working behind the scenes, and one may not be available yet. Hypothetically, of course.

Valid points. Still everyone on the staff recruits. More bodies on the ground can’t be a bad thing is my point but glad they least announced the retentions.

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Paytonlives said:


Oh oh someome isn't too happy. Can't say I blame him. Heard he's a phenomenal receivers coach. I'd like to see him stay around.
Paytonlives said:
Makes me wonder if he might move to a Big Sky School...

I think Idaho State has an opening and there is a connection. Ferriter was one I was honestly shocked by because of his coaching connection as a GA under Hauck at UNLV, and his receivers did well here. Colter said on the radio he was fairly disappointed. I would think that would sting. This tells me that obviously Bobby has had a guy in mind from the get go. I hope the best for him moving forward. Every time I talked to him at the Rec always a really nice person.

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It was largely assumed that Mike Marlow would be named the next AD at Pullman. He had the support of Mike Leach. Since he has left (assume told he wasn't getting the WSU job) for the NAU athletic director job, i'm wondering if Andy Thompson might be a candidate to go to Montana should he be offered.

There is no gaurantee he is going to be the next coach at NAU. With a new AD coming in, he (Marlow) might want some of his own people, i doubt Jerome is going to be there much longer. A very bad loss in the playoffs this year at home in which they were heavy favorites. Perhaps a move to Montana to work for Hauck might be a good scenario for Andy?

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