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HB 112 barely passes second reading on the senate floor. Contact your legislator immediately

Griz til I die said:
alabamagrizzly said:
So for the record, besides making sure we get home football games, then after that you care about women’s rights.
Jesus Christ :roll: I absolutely support women’s rights. The point I’m trying to make though is that the legislature is so gun ho on ramming through a bill on something that is a virtual non-issue in Montana, that they’re willing to put so much on the line.

Do you wanna know in all honesty what they should’ve done? They should’ve killed the bill, and then in the next 2 years leading up to the next session, we could’ve tried to sort things out with the NCAA, MUS and the federal government and then re-introduce the bill next session when they would have clearer idea of how to get around all of this. Instead, today they passed it on 3rd reading and now if Gianforte signs it, then we find ourselves in legal battle after legal battle. And I guarantee if they would’ve done that, we likely wouldn’t have seen any transgender athletes compete in the state of Montana in the next 2 years that it wouldn’t have been an issue and it would’ve bought us more time.

Well put. That's what I was trying to say above, albeit much less effectively.
Three different threads on this subject, and still not a single proponent of this bill can explain why “in the spirit of protecting girls’ sports competition” forcing trans boys who have been on testosterone hormones for years to compete with girls because they are “biologically female” isn’t making the problem you’re trying to solve worse.

I can find just as many if not more instances of trans boys dominating girls sport because laws like these force them to compete against their “biological sex”.
Grizfan-24 said:
SoldierGriz said:
I have not heard anyone say they can't compete...they can compete their hearts out. I'd simply prefer my daughter not to have to compete against men. She's worthy of your compassion and empathy as well in my opinion.

There are plenty of examples of young women losing titles and opportunities to people born as men...just a Google search away.

I understand the perspective. As I noted elsewhere, my experience as a girls basketball and softball coach, your perspective isn't the one that bothers me. We might disagree, but I am entirely respectful of that viewpoint. However for most of those voicing their passionate stance for it aren't anywhere to be found when it comes to the myriad of other fairness and equity issues facing women athletes. Because for most it isn't about fairness or equity, it is about their narrow world view and how transgender people don't fit in it.

I have worked my ass off advocating for young women and women's sports. I am part of an advisory committee working women's wrestling into the NCAA and it won't be long until we see D1 women's wrestling...I am also knee deep in the effort to get Stanford to reinstate the sports they plan on cutting. As part of that effort, we've raised enough money to fully endow the men's wrestling team....and START a fully endowed women's team.

I have also led thousands of Soldiers in and out of combat. Men are physically superior to women...the VAST majority of the time. That is not a knock on women...they CAN do the job.

I'd just prefer my 17 year old daughter run hurdles, pole vault, and run relays against other women. Fair play.
Watching this board explode after the cat/Griz game when both cat stadium and Washington Grizzly Stadium are shuttered. Can see it now :lol: A conference winner and top 5 ranked Griz and a highly ranked cat team getting to travel somewhere that holds 5000 fans. In a unrelated story the only transgender woman athlete tears ACL and will take months to recover while Bozeman and Missoula restaurants, hotels, and bars lose out on millions of dollars of revenue. If the pandemic didn’t hogtie these establishments our state legislature surely will. :lol: :lol:
Well maybe PR can whisk Mr. GiantFarty off to the lake house in the next week and talk some sense into him. Hard to lose out on potentially millions of dollars of revenue, as well as lose marketing opportunities to impress future students and athletes, and call yourself open for business. Something to remember for the next election.
nzone said:
Watching this board explode after the cat/Griz game when both cat stadium and Washington Grizzly Stadium are shuttered. Can see it now :lol: A conference winner and top 5 ranked Griz and a highly ranked cat team getting to travel somewhere that holds 5000 fans. In a unrelated story the only transgender woman athlete tears ACL and will take months to recover while Bozeman and Missoula restaurants, hotels, and bars lose out on millions of dollars of revenue. If the pandemic didn’t hogtie these establishments our state legislature surely will. :lol: :lol:
Well put :clap:
sdk.catfish said:
Well maybe PR can whisk Mr. GiantFarty off to the lake house in the next week and talk some sense into him. Hard to lose out on potentially millions of dollars of revenue, as well as lose marketing opportunities to impress future students and athletes, and call yourself open for business. Something to remember for the next election.
Let’s see if he’s truly a business man or not.
Griz til I die said:
alabamagrizzly said:
So for the record, besides making sure we get home football games, then after that you care about women’s rights.
Jesus Christ :roll: I absolutely support women’s rights. The point I’m trying to make though is that the legislature is so gun ho on ramming through a bill on something that is a virtual non-issue in Montana, that they’re willing to put so much on the line.

Do you wanna know in all honesty what they should’ve done? They should’ve killed the bill, and then in the next 2 years leading up to the next session, we could’ve tried to sort things out with the NCAA, MUS and the federal government and then re-introduce the bill next session when they would have clearer idea of how to get around all of this. Instead, today they passed it on 3rd reading and now if Gianforte signs it, then we find ourselves in legal battle after legal battle. And I guarantee if they would’ve done that, we likely wouldn’t have seen any transgender athletes compete in the state of Montana in the next 2 years that it wouldn’t have been an issue and it would’ve bought us more time.

Well that’s a far different opinion then your OP. Your OP was calling for Griz and scat fans to demand from their legislators that they not pass this bill solely on the fact that we might lose home playoff games with zero consideration of the hundreds of girls in the state that will be affected by a couple of MTF transgender athletes. Yes, hundreds because all the girls/women in their respective sports will more then likely lose to a MTF transgender.
alabamagrizzly said:
Griz til I die said:
Jesus Christ :roll: I absolutely support women’s rights. The point I’m trying to make though is that the legislature is so gun ho on ramming through a bill on something that is a virtual non-issue in Montana, that they’re willing to put so much on the line.

Do you wanna know in all honesty what they should’ve done? They should’ve killed the bill, and then in the next 2 years leading up to the next session, we could’ve tried to sort things out with the NCAA, MUS and the federal government and then re-introduce the bill next session when they would have clearer idea of how to get around all of this. Instead, today they passed it on 3rd reading and now if Gianforte signs it, then we find ourselves in legal battle after legal battle. And I guarantee if they would’ve done that, we likely wouldn’t have seen any transgender athletes compete in the state of Montana in the next 2 years that it wouldn’t have been an issue and it would’ve bought us more time.

Well that’s a far different opinion then your OP. Your OP was calling for Griz and scat fans to demand from their legislators that they not pass this bill solely on the fact that we might lose home playoff games with zero consideration of the hundreds of girls in the state that will be affected by a couple of MTF transgender athletes. Yes, hundreds because all the girls/women in their respective sports will more then likely lose to a MTF transgender.
Perhaps I was a bit panicked in my OP. Let me just set the record straight. I’m absolutely pro-woman, and like most of the posters, I agree that a MTF transgender should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports. However, with the timing of this bill and the long term implications that this bill had at this moment in time, I felt it was important that they killed it.
Griz til I die said:
alabamagrizzly said:
Well that’s a far different opinion then your OP. Your OP was calling for Griz and scat fans to demand from their legislators that they not pass this bill solely on the fact that we might lose home playoff games with zero consideration of the hundreds of girls in the state that will be affected by a couple of MTF transgender athletes. Yes, hundreds because all the girls/women in their respective sports will more then likely lose to a MTF transgender.
Perhaps I was a bit panicked in my OP. Let me just set the record straight. I’m absolutely pro-woman, and like most of the posters, I agree that a MTF transgender should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports. However, with the timing of this bill and the long term implications that this bill had at this moment in time, I felt it was important that they killed it.

That I can agree with.
alabamagrizzly said:
Griz til I die said:
Perhaps I was a bit panicked in my OP. Let me just set the record straight. I’m absolutely pro-woman, and like most of the posters, I agree that a MTF transgender should not be allowed to participate in women’s sports. However, with the timing of this bill and the long term implications that this bill had at this moment in time, I felt it was important that they killed it.

That I can agree with.
I probably should’ve just said that from the beginning but I’ve known to have a tendency to worry pretty bad.
22 years old, brimming with knowledge and wisdom, or so YOU think. There is no reason on earth you could not have taken your time and perfectly expressed yourself on this site. Oh, you claim to have been panicked. Liar. Revisionist crap.

The truth is you lost, and can't stand the fact that your point if view is abhorrent to a most people. You can't go back and edit your posts. Your own words show your true self.

This is a states rights issue. This needs to be fought to the death. Hopefully it will result in the evisceration of the NCAA, and put the federal government back on a Constitutional basis, which enumerates and limits federal powers, reserving all others to the states(Tenth Amendment). The federal government does NOT make Montana's laws, nor does anyone or other entity, such as the NCAA, dictate anything.
Griz til I die said:
alabamagrizzly said:
That I can agree with.
I probably should’ve just said that from the beginning but I’ve known to have a tendency to worry pretty bad.

Deep breaths....deep breaths...IMMEDIATELY!

Try to have some empathy for both sides of this issue...serve one side...screw another. Screw one side...serve another.

It's a tough issue. But, in one scenario...everyone gets to compete fairly. In another...not so much.
Posts: 2198
Contact: Contact tourist
Fri Apr 23, 2021 6:58 pm

22 years old, brimming with knowledge and wisdom, or so YOU think. There is no reason on earth you could not have taken your time and perfectly expressed yourself on this site. Oh, you claim to have been panicked. Liar. Revisionist crap.
The truth is you lost, and can't stand the fact that your point if view is abhorrent to a most people. You can't go back and edit your posts. Your own words show your true self. This is a states rights issue. This needs to be fought to the death. Hopefully it will result in the evisceration of the NCAA, and put the federal gover
The two pillars of political correctness are, willful ignorance and a steadfast refusal to face the truth.

Pretty funny despite your need to grab an alcoholic beverage and not complete your post. I separated your post from your reminder to all of your political leanings. Willful ignorance is not recognizing that trans athletes in Montana are such a trivial, inconsequential subset of total male and female athletes that this is in no way a problem that needs addressing at this time. Secondly you are not facing the truth that this will cost Missoula, Bozeman, and the entire state millions of dollars in increased revenue. And finally it very well may cost one or the other of the University's a deep playoff run or in UM's case a national championship. This may be a priority issue for you but not for most Montana football fans. I believe the Florida senate did not approve a similar law - wonder why. Stupid is what it is - just remember when the Griz have to go to a dark, foggy Weber State night playoff game with Weebs dressed in black, even though the Griz will be ranked higher.
tourist said:
22 years old, brimming with knowledge and wisdom, or so YOU think. There is no reason on earth you could not have taken your time and perfectly expressed yourself on this site. Oh, you claim to have been panicked. Liar. Revisionist crap.
The truth is you lost, and can't stand the fact that your point if view is abhorrent to a most people. You can't go back and edit your posts. Your own words show your true self. This is a states rights issue. This needs to be fought to the death. Hopefully it will result in the evisceration of the NCAA, and put the federal gover

Tourist you still trying to fight the civil war with your states rights bullshit? As a state Montana has about as much pull as a tampon string. Yeah we’ll show those NCAA sumbitches they’re not gonna force transgender rights down our throats cause we got what leverage? It’s a non issue but keep on fightin for our state’s right to discriminate against a minuscule percent of the population cause why, what exactly are we fighting for this time? Let’s just hope the morons in Helena don’t cost us home playoff game. And the south will rise again, not.
I finished my post, which I tried to save but not send, trying to separate myself from eGriz for a while. Evidently, I failed. Crown Royal aided error. :lol: My sentiments remain unchanged. :fuel: Back to the separation process.
Jesse said:
tourist said:
22 years old, brimming with knowledge and wisdom, or so YOU think. There is no reason on earth you could not have taken your time and perfectly expressed yourself on this site. Oh, you claim to have been panicked. Liar. Revisionist crap.
The truth is you lost, and can't stand the fact that your point if view is abhorrent to a most people. You can't go back and edit your posts. Your own words show your true self. This is a states rights issue. This needs to be fought to the death. Hopefully it will result in the evisceration of the NCAA, and put the federal gover

Tourist you still trying to fight the civil war with your states rights bullshit? As a state Montana has about as much pull as a tampon string. Yeah we’ll show those NCAA sumbitches they’re not gonna force transgender rights down our throats cause we got what leverage? It’s a non issue but keep on fightin for our state’s right to discriminate against a minuscule percent of the population cause why, what exactly are we fighting for this time? Let’s just hope the morons in Helena don’t cost us home playoff game. And the south will rise again, not.

Definitely not a non issue. One today, two tomorrow, four the next day. Shouldn’t need to spell that out but for some reason I do. By “not discriminating” against one group, you’re destroying the dreams of almost half of the high school and collegiate athletes in the country. I don’t understand how this is even a debate except for that our society is so afraid of hurting people’s feelings that we’ve put blinders on to the repercussions of what we’re doing. I think that’s pretty moronic. If you don’t believe me, how about listening to these highly established female athletes.


But the group of women’s sports leaders, including tennis legend Martina Navratilova, several Olympic gold medalists and five former presidents of the Women’s Sports Foundation, is asking Congress and the Biden administration to limit the participation of transgender girls and women who “have experienced all or part of male puberty (which is the scientific justification for separate sex sport),” while accommodating and honoring their sports participation in other ways. Options could include separate heats, additional events or divisions and/or the handicapping of results.
RainierGriz said:
griz4life said:
Just curious. How did June Eastwood do as a Griz runner? Rewrite the record books? All state? Slayed the NCAA tournament? Totally unbeatable? Thwarted by helicopter dads at every turn?

June was toward the bottom of the ranks when competing against men. Was a Big Sky Conf. champion after competing against women.

He won by 50 meters in the Big Sky finals as a "female" and slowed down the last 30 meters to make it look better. It's all bullshit and makes me sick. And for those of you that say it's not very many then tell me where the line is. Would you be ok with a Griz men's bball player transferring to the Carroll women's team? How about a men's wrestler joining the women's team. Once this door is open it will lead to the end of women's sports. If you think you are a tree it doesn't make you a tree. You still have the genetics of a male human and that will never change. There is a simple fix. Have trans race against other trans athletes. That is fair and equitable. And isn't that what title 9 was all about?
Paytonlives said:
RainierGriz said:
June was toward the bottom of the ranks when competing against men. Was a Big Sky Conf. champion after competing against women.

He won by 50 meters in the Big Sky finals as a "female" and slowed down the last 30 meters to make it look better. It's all bullshit and makes me sick. And for those of you that say it's not very many then tell me where the line is. Would you be ok with a Griz men's bball player transferring to the Carroll women's team? How about a men's wrestler joining the women's team. Once this door is open it will lead to the end of women's sports. If you think you are a tree it doesn't make you a tree. You still have the genetics of a male human and that will never change. There is a simple fix. Have trans race against other trans athletes. That is fair and equitable. And isn't that what title 9 was all about?

Sick he says it just make him sick. Keep working on it for us to save it from making you sick. Get a fucking life dude
Jesse said:
Paytonlives said:
He won by 50 meters in the Big Sky finals as a "female" and slowed down the last 30 meters to make it look better. It's all bullshit and makes me sick. And for those of you that say it's not very many then tell me where the line is. Would you be ok with a Griz men's bball player transferring to the Carroll women's team? How about a men's wrestler joining the women's team. Once this door is open it will lead to the end of women's sports. If you think you are a tree it doesn't make you a tree. You still have the genetics of a male human and that will never change. There is a simple fix. Have trans race against other trans athletes. That is fair and equitable. And isn't that what title 9 was all about?

Sick he says it just make him sick. Keep working on it for us to save it from making you sick. Get a f###[#] life dude
So your position is that anything goes. Noted.

It is sickening that so many people are blinded by what is going on. Trans athletes are just another liberal pawn to as Obama said "fundamentally change America" Its never been about fairness and equality it's always been about making America weaker and more corrupt. Follow the money... It always ends up in the same places.

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