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LadyGriz "In Women's Hoops, NCAA Admits Error All Too Often"


Well-known member
“The NCAA was notified today that the three-point lines on the court at Moda Center in Portland are not the same distance,” the organization’s statement read. “The court will be corrected before tomorrow’s game in Portland. The NCAA regrets the error was not discovered sooner.”

"Somebody, multiple people actually, didn’t care enough to make sure the Sweet 16 court in Portland, Ore., had the right proportions."

"the women’s NCAA basketball tournament, that ceiling-rupturing Roman candle of an event, is still being treated with a combination of incompetence and indifference by its stagers."

“I hate to say this,” Texas Coach Vic Schaefer said afterward, “but I have a lot of colleagues who would say, ‘Only in women’s basketball.’ It’s a shame, really, that it even happened.”

"A ref named Tommi Paris had to be peeled off an early-stage game between N.C. State and Chattanooga when it was discovered late that she had a conflict — namely, she received a degree from Chattanooga.

Utah was housed fully 30 miles from its Spokane, Wash., competition site in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho — notorious as the longtime home of the Aryan Nations. Surprise: Players were accosted by revving pickup truckers yelling racial slurs at them and had to be moved for safety.

Notre Dame’s Hannah Hidalgo was benched by a martinet ref in the Sweet 16 for more than four minutes, ordered to remove a diamond stud in her nose that she had worn all season without penalty, including in the earlier rounds."

"Officiating in the women’s game remains inferior. Some of the regional sites and accommodations are less than ideal."

[Some of the officiating of women's games has been atrocious. Just terrible.]

[A few years ago, there was the venue with no real gym for the women to lift.]

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