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Montanans for Trump?

GrizLA said:
grizghost said:
....don't you think the Mueller hit job team would have found out everything Trump has been doing for the pass 50 years and found NOTHING..
Mueller had forensic accountants,,,FBI' professionals..auditors...hundreds of white collar so-called professionals and found NOTHING!
40 million of tax player's money..NOTHING! ....who is the REAL CRIMNALS the BIDEN's....taking millions from China and Ukraine...or the
Clintons and their foundation Laundering schemes making millions...Obama came into Presidency with no money know he is worth 40 million
...as Hair Plug Biden would say: Come on Man!,,,still believe everything you read!

Mueller found more than enough but no one wanted to read the full report. Now, we have a tax cheat, extraordinaire, whose daughter might well be facing jail, but, hey, Montanans rejected the class and distinction of Mansfield and Metcalf and let the people who moved to the Gallatin or Western Montana or the Aryan nation lands influence their their lives.

..pretty laughable!....Mueller was a joke..had the full weight of the government and came up EMPTY!...now there finding out the
full corruption of his right hand hack attorney Weissman...corrupt leftist! Montana people know corrupt politicians and the dirty
games the Dems have been playing for years..preaching their hate and stirring up racial hated to divide us as Americans..Trump
has been in office over 3 1/2 years and they blame him for everything under the sun..its a wonder how many accomplishments in
such a short amount of time....screw ball Biden has been in DC for 47 years and what has this loser done for us except lining his
pockets and family members with tax players and foreign money,,..shameful...

Trump crash their little party and now Schumer and the old hag Pelosi are beside themselves..

..we should have term limits so these creepy people were kept out of power...the founders never intended it to be full time jobs
but to serve and return to normal life..
Trump had a chance last night to put this election back within the margin of outright theft. But he blew it. A rude, raving, jabbering "hot" crankbutt on a "cool" medium, television.

This will go down in the annals of Presidential Debates as the worst performance ever by any candidate from either party.

He lost senior citizens and suburban housewives, two groups he desperately needs.

In 2016, Trump had a ton of good slogans: "Make American Great Again;" "Lock Her Up;" "Drain the Swamp."

This year, his only memorable slogan is the one he gave last night to the Proud Boys: "Stand Back and Stand By."

There's only one crucial stat to note: His approval rating. Any time in the modern era that an incumbent President has had an approval rating of 50% or above, he's been re-elected: Reagan, Clinton, Bush II, Obama.

Any time his approval rating is below 50%, the incumbent has lost: Ford, Carter, Bush. Even before the pandemic, Trump was well below 50%

His performance last night was a national disgrace.

Last night, he lost the election.
citay said:
Trump had a chance last night to put this election back within the margin of outright theft. But he blew it. A rude, raving, jabbering "hot" crankbutt on a "cool" medium, television.

This will go down in the annals of Presidential Debates as the worst performance ever by any candidate from either party.

He lost senior citizens and suburban housewives, two groups he desperately needs.

In 2016, Trump had a ton of good slogans: "Make American Great Again;" "Lock Her Up;" "Drain the Swamp."

This year, his only memorable slogan is the one he gave last night to the Proud Boys: "Stand Back and Stand By."

There's only one crucial stat to note: His approval rating. Any time in the modern era that an incumbent President has had an approval rating of 50% or above, he's been re-elected: Reagan, Clinton, Bush II, Obama.

Any time his approval rating is below 50%, the incumbent has lost: Ford, Carter, Bush. Even before the pandemic, Trump was well below 50%

His performance last night was a national disgrace.

Last night, he lost the election.
Acting like a thirteen year old on meth is not a good look for him. He was pathetic and totally humiliated himself and, sadly, the country! I couldn't believe what I was seeing!
GrizWhiz said:
citay said:
Trump had a chance last night to put this election back within the margin of outright theft. But he blew it. A rude, raving, jabbering "hot" crankbutt on a "cool" medium, television.

This will go down in the annals of Presidential Debates as the worst performance ever by any candidate from either party.

He lost senior citizens and suburban housewives, two groups he desperately needs.

In 2016, Trump had a ton of good slogans: "Make American Great Again;" "Lock Her Up;" "Drain the Swamp."

This year, his only memorable slogan is the one he gave last night to the Proud Boys: "Stand Back and Stand By."

There's only one crucial stat to note: His approval rating. Any time in the modern era that an incumbent President has had an approval rating of 50% or above, he's been re-elected: Reagan, Clinton, Bush II, Obama.

Any time his approval rating is below 50%, the incumbent has lost: Ford, Carter, Bush. Even before the pandemic, Trump was well below 50%

His performance last night was a national disgrace.

Last night, he lost the election.
Acting like a thirteen year old on meth is not a good look for him. He was pathetic and totally humiliated himself and, sadly, the country! I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

..I agree not a good debate..Trump had a chance to put this clown away but he didn't...not his best performance..Joe
on the other hand is just a loser...the way he was smiling reminded me a used car salesman selling you a piece junk...
just trust me!..both sides lost out...both performances were a disgrace! ...hoping for the next 2 to be better!...
...scares the hell out of me when you think Biden, Schumer and Pelosi would be running this country!..all 3 have probably
over a hundred fifty years of being subsidize by the tax player money!...that's a national disgrace!

btw do we really know what his approval rating is ?
grizghost said:
GrizWhiz said:
Acting like a thirteen year old on meth is not a good look for him. He was pathetic and totally humiliated himself and, sadly, the country! I couldn't believe what I was seeing!

..I agree not a good debate..Trump had a chance to put this clown away but he didn't...not his best performance..Joe
on the other hand is just a loser...the way he was smiling reminded me a used car salesman selling you a piece junk...
just trust me!..both sides lost out...both performances were a disgrace! ...hoping for the next 2 to be better!...
...scares the hell out of me when you think Biden, Schumer and Pelosi would be running this country!..all 3 have probably
over a hundred fifty years of being subsidize by the tax player money!...that's a national disgrace!

btw do we really know what his approval rating is ?

MCConnell of Kentucky is nearing 47 years in DC and trying for his 7 term in the Senate..Now, that should bother everyone outside of the Blue Grass State.
GrizLA said:
grizghost said:
..I agree not a good debate..Trump had a chance to put this clown away but he didn't...not his best performance..Joe
on the other hand is just a loser...the way he was smiling reminded me a used car salesman selling you a piece junk...
just trust me!..both sides lost out...both performances were a disgrace! ...hoping for the next 2 to be better!...
...scares the hell out of me when you think Biden, Schumer and Pelosi would be running this country!..all 3 have probably
over a hundred fifty years of being subsidize by the tax player money!...that's a national disgrace!

btw do we really know what his approval rating is ?

MCConnell of Kentucky is nearing 47 years in DC and trying for his 7 term in the Senate..Now, that should bother everyone outside of the Blue Grass State.

The debate was an utter cluster F&^k! That being said, I believe the majority of the people who voted for Trump, voted for him because he wasn't a politician. People are tired of politics as normal. I hope he does better at the next debate. He is not, nor has he ever been known as a great speaker. He flies off the handle just like the majority of us non-politicians do. The media keys in on every word he says just looking for reason to say he is wrong! I believe he hasn't had a fair handshake since arriving in DC. Any way, I stand behind him.

Any politician who has been in DC over 10 years, needs to be removed! Both parties!
Probably biased but interesting take, nonetheless:

.....one can only hope the American people can wake up and see the censorship happening in our media and social networks..
how long can they hide the corruption of the Biden's who have been caught 'red handed' profiting millions from the Chinese and
the Ukraine's...Hunter's activities should alarm ALL Americans!

....Biden's are the real thieves and the low life's they have accused Trump of...supposedly it will all COME OUT how the Biden's
like the Clintons have sold us out for the bucks!
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/10/15/ben-sasse-trump-criticism-comments-raju-manu-vpx.cnn From Ben Sasse, Nebraskan Republican Senator !
GrizWhiz said:
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/10/15/ben-sasse-trump-criticism-comments-raju-manu-vpx.cnn From Ben Sasse, Nebraskan Republican Senator !

...nice try! Ben Sasse has been a never Trumper from the beginning...so he disagrees with Trump and doesn't like him...
I get it! But the way dodge the corruption scandal and the evidence that is coming out and being censor by media sources..why?

If Trump had corruption Mueller hit squad would have shown it ... it would have been on every news network and social

.....seems like the Biden's have a lot of explaining to do!...pictures with Hunter are coming out that seem to be right up there
with the Weiner scandal ... underage girls and drug use...emails linking Joe to the mafia money laundering...with China..
...padding their pockets with millions!...why is it being covered up...any answer anyone?

..they are suppressing conservative new sites that are bringing this to the surface ...welcome to the new Democrat Socialist Party!..
.if Joe would become President he would be compromised....they spent 40mm on investigating Trump...nothing that tied him to any
laundering of Russian or foreign entities..( only to a fake dossier )........why should Joe be any different...double standard!

...this is not about Republican or Democrat but finding out the truth!...if Joe has nothing to hide he and his son should come clean
and explain to the American people the emails and the money Hunter received by foreign counties ...crickets!

......this should scare the hell out of everyone!
China and the Russians do this. sh*t...its call media censorship!
grizghost said:
GrizWhiz said:
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/10/15/ben-sasse-trump-criticism-comments-raju-manu-vpx.cnn From Ben Sasse, Nebraskan Republican Senator !

...nice try! Ben Sasse has been a never Trumper from the beginning...so he disagrees with Trump and doesn't like him...
I get it! But the way dodge the corruption scandal and the evidence that is coming out and being censor by media sources..why?

If Trump had corruption Mueller hit squad would have shown it ... it would have been on every news network and social

.....seems like the Biden's have a lot of explaining to do!...pictures with Hunter are coming out that seem to be right up there
with the Weiner scandal ... underage girls and drug use...emails linking Joe to the mafia money laundering...with China..
...padding their pockets with millions!...why is it being covered up...any answer anyone?

..they are suppressing conservative new sites that are bringing this to the surface ...welcome to the new Democrat Socialist Party!..
.if Joe would become President he would be compromised....they spent 40mm on investigating Trump...nothing that tied him to any
laundering of Russian or foreign entities..( only to a fake dossier )........why should Joe be any different...double standard!

...this is not about Republican or Democrat but finding out the truth!...if Joe has nothing to hide he and his son should come clean
and explain to the American people the emails and the money Hunter received by foreign counties ...crickets!

......this should scare the hell out of everyone!
China and the Russians do this. sh*t...its call media censorship!

What, specifically, did Sasse say that is not true? As for the torrent of Russian/Guliani disinformation you spewed, you can continue to discuss that with yourself.
grizghost said:
GrizWhiz said:
https://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2020/10/15/ben-sasse-trump-criticism-comments-raju-manu-vpx.cnn From Ben Sasse, Nebraskan Republican Senator !

...nice try! Ben Sasse has been a never Trumper from the beginning...so he disagrees with Trump and doesn't like him...
I get it! But the way dodge the corruption scandal and the evidence that is coming out and being censor by media sources..why?

If Trump had corruption Mueller hit squad would have shown it ... it would have been on every news network and social

.....seems like the Biden's have a lot of explaining to do!...pictures with Hunter are coming out that seem to be right up there
with the Weiner scandal ... underage girls and drug use...emails linking Joe to the mafia money laundering...with China..
...padding their pockets with millions!...why is it being covered up...any answer anyone?

..they are suppressing conservative new sites that are bringing this to the surface ...welcome to the new Democrat Socialist Party!..
.if Joe would become President he would be compromised....they spent 40mm on investigating Trump...nothing that tied him to any
laundering of Russian or foreign entities..( only to a fake dossier )........why should Joe be any different...double standard!

...this is not about Republican or Democrat but finding out the truth!...if Joe has nothing to hide he and his son should come clean
and explain to the American people the emails and the money Hunter received by foreign counties ...crickets!

......this should scare the hell out of everyone!
China and the Russians do this. sh*t...its call media censorship!

how many people associated with trump were charged and went to jail? manafort, gates, cohen, stone, etc
argh! said:
grizghost said:
...nice try! Ben Sasse has been a never Trumper from the beginning...so he disagrees with Trump and doesn't like him...
I get it! But the way dodge the corruption scandal and the evidence that is coming out and being censor by media sources..why?

If Trump had corruption Mueller hit squad would have shown it ... it would have been on every news network and social

.....seems like the Biden's have a lot of explaining to do!...pictures with Hunter are coming out that seem to be right up there
with the Weiner scandal ... underage girls and drug use...emails linking Joe to the mafia money laundering...with China..
...padding their pockets with millions!...why is it being covered up...any answer anyone?

..they are suppressing conservative new sites that are bringing this to the surface ...welcome to the new Democrat Socialist Party!..
.if Joe would become President he would be compromised....they spent 40mm on investigating Trump...nothing that tied him to any
laundering of Russian or foreign entities..( only to a fake dossier )........why should Joe be any different...double standard!

...this is not about Republican or Democrat but finding out the truth!...if Joe has nothing to hide he and his son should come clean
and explain to the American people the emails and the money Hunter received by foreign counties ...crickets!

......this should scare the hell out of everyone!
China and the Russians do this. sh*t...its call media censorship!

how many people associated with trump were charged and went to jail? manafort, gates, cohen, stone, etc

.....this goes way pass that my friend!....once this comes out about the Biden crime family laundering scheme with the Chinese
communist Joe will be on ice! ..I'm glad you agree that if a crime is done it should be served...the damn is about to break! ....
FBI has appointed a child porn agent to the case.... Joe is toast!...play with fire Joe you get burn you corrupt bastard who have
taken millions in cash from foreign enemies! ...selling us all out!..the leftist tech giants can only censor so long before the bust!
grizghost said:
argh! said:
how many people associated with trump were charged and went to jail? manafort, gates, cohen, stone, etc

.....this goes way pass that my friend!....once this comes out about the Biden crime family laundering scheme with the Chinese
communist Joe will be on ice! ..I'm glad you agree that if a crime is done it should be served...the damn is about to break! ....
FBI has appointed a child porn agent to the case.... Joe is toast!...play with fire Joe you get burn you corrupt bastard who have
taken millions in cash from foreign enemies! ...selling us all out!..the leftist tech giants can only censor so long before the bust!

yeah, let's investigate the kushner family for trying to get rich chinese to give them money in exchange for visa's - after jared was given government jobs with his wife - nepotism at it's finest! as chris rock said, game shows have higher bars for employment than the trump administration. speaking of which, how did ivanka's trademark requests get fast tracked by the ccp? hmmmmmm https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/#2cfc64141d60
argh! said:
grizghost said:
.....this goes way pass that my friend!....once this comes out about the Biden crime family laundering scheme with the Chinese
communist Joe will be on ice! ..I'm glad you agree that if a crime is done it should be served...the damn is about to break! ....
FBI has appointed a child porn agent to the case.... Joe is toast!...play with fire Joe you get burn you corrupt bastard who have
taken millions in cash from foreign enemies! ...selling us all out!..the leftist tech giants can only censor so long before the bust!

yeah, let's investigate the kushner family for trying to get rich chinese to give them money in exchange for visa's - after jared was given government jobs with his wife - nepotism at it's finest! as chris rock said, game shows have higher bars for employment than the trump administration. speaking of which, how did ivanka's trademark requests get fast tracked by the ccp? hmmmmmm https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/#2cfc64141d60

OK, I got an idea. Lets investigate every damn politician and there corrupt family members. Every politician is corrupt! Just some get caught! Why is Hillary not in prison? This is the one that sticks out most to me.
argh! said:
grizghost said:
.....this goes way pass that my friend!....once this comes out about the Biden crime family laundering scheme with the Chinese
communist Joe will be on ice! ..I'm glad you agree that if a crime is done it should be served...the damn is about to break! ....
FBI has appointed a child porn agent to the case.... Joe is toast!...play with fire Joe you get burn you corrupt bastard who have
taken millions in cash from foreign enemies! ...selling us all out!..the leftist tech giants can only censor so long before the bust!

yeah, let's investigate the kushner family for trying to get rich chinese to give them money in exchange for visa's - after jared was given government jobs with his wife - nepotism at it's finest! as chris rock said, game shows have higher bars for employment than the trump administration. speaking of which, how did ivanka's trademark requests get fast tracked by the ccp? hmmmmmm https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/22/ivankas-trademark-requests-were-fast-tracked-in-china-after-trump-was-elected/#2cfc64141d60

..if there was any wrong doing's the congress leftist would be all over this ... Shiff Pelosi Schumer would be holding
congressional hearings...you know it too...again nice try! ..the Biden's are in trouble!...btw Im for investigating any
wrong doing by any politician and I'm for term limits...
I've thought about this a bit of the last year or two as well. Though I don't live in Montana anymore, I spent the first 28 years of my life there. Montana was always purple because more than anything I thought we valued hard work, integrity, humility, and a person's character in a candidate above any political party. Trump flies so much in the face of these things that I was raised believing about Montana. The election of Trump and more recently of Greg Gianforte has shown me that it's clear that frankly I was wrong. I won't pretend to understand what drives people to vote for Trump, and unlike others I do believe a lot of good, decent people voted for him. But people like Trump and Gianforte do not represent my values, they are not relatable to me whatsoever as a 3rd or 4th generation Montanan (I suck at my family history I'm not sure which it is), and honestly the fact that so many Montanans do feel like they represent their values does in some sad way help ease the pain of now not living in Montana, a state which I do miss every day and would love to move back to some day, because it's clear that the values I was raised with in Montana are not in line with the majority of the state.
CatzWillRise said:
I've thought about this a bit of the last year or two as well. Though I don't live in Montana anymore, I spent the first 28 years of my life there. Montana was always purple because more than anything I thought we valued hard work, integrity, humility, and a person's character in a candidate above any political party. Trump flies so much in the face of these things that I was raised believing about Montana. The election of Trump and more recently of Greg Gianforte has shown me that it's clear that frankly I was wrong. I won't pretend to understand what drives people to vote for Trump, and unlike others I do believe a lot of good, decent people voted for him. But people like Trump and Gianforte do not represent my values, they are not relatable to me whatsoever as a 3rd or 4th generation Montanan (I suck at my family history I'm not sure which it is), and honestly the fact that so many Montanans do feel like they represent their values does in some sad way help ease the pain of now not living in Montana, a state which I do miss every day and would love to move back to some day, because it's clear that the values I was raised with in Montana are not in line with the majority of the state.

....most Montanan are still the same ...I have lived here so long that most of my friends go back generations...here's what I think most are missing..
if you look at the issues most Montana values line up with Trump's...especially the second amendment and how he values the love for the
country and doesn't back down and apologize for it...I think they look past Trump's boastful personality and realize he fights for the rights of the
Americans and won't sell us out.. and will always put America first! ...so it's more action more than personality..

...that's my best shot but when I drive across this great state there were massive signs for Trump..Trump is sorta like the coach you
hate but he keeps you winning therefor you love him...

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