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Well-known member
Just blew the anti-Trump's assertations all to hell. His performance today showed he was either an active participant in an attempted silent coup, or a brain dead figurehead for the conspirators. Get the rope and find a tree, lots of business to finish.
tourist said:
Just blew the anti-Trump's assertations all to hell. His performance today showed he was either an active participant in an attempted silent coup, or a brain dead figurehead for the conspirators. Get the rope and find a tree, lots of business to finish.

zzzz the left and the right wingnuts, both hearing what they want to hear.
tourist said:
Just blew the anti-Trump's assertations all to hell. His performance today showed he was either an active participant in an attempted silent coup, or a brain dead figurehead for the conspirators. Get the rope and find a tree, lots of business to finish.

zzzz the left and the right wingnuts, both hearing what they want to hear.
Mueller apparently looked like he was past his prime at the hearings. Too bad. He didn't want to testify anyway. Too bad he got put into that position by the Dems.

I will give Mueller credit for many things. His investigation, while criticized by some, seemed thorough. There were no leaks, which is pretty amazing. There have been no leaks after the report, to my knowledge. Mueller has stayed with his view to stay within the report. He has not been political. I can understand some of the criticism of him, but my view is that he was professional and is a patriot. He didn't asked to be appointed, but he accepted and has done a good service for the country. A more political person could have said more things, and even recommended that Trump be indicted.

Personally, I think the Dems and the country need to get back to the business of legislating and running the country, and paying attention to international threats.

A friend told me that one of Mueller prosectors told him that right after a big trial, the prosector flew to MT the next day to join his family on vacation. He glanced at a local paper when he arrived. He found a little story on his trial on page 10. The trial was all over the front pages of the NY Times and WaPost. He knew he had come to the right place for vacation.