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New Griz Wallpaper!


Staff member
I did this two or three weeks ago, but just now got around to posting it for you guys. Enjoy!

MrTitleist said:
I did this two or three weeks ago, but just now got around to posting it for you guys. Enjoy!

Bobby Hauck is in it, you can shove it up your ass! :lol: ;)
Not complaining, just suggesting... how about Don Read instead of Bobby? At least throw Papa Bear in since he won a title. Other than that... Very Cool, Mr. T. :thumb:
Grizmayor said:
Not complaining, just suggesting... how about Don Read instead of Bobby? At least throw Papa Bear in since he won a title. Other than that... Very Cool, Mr. T. :thumb:

I would have had Read in there if I could have found a picture of him on the interwebs that was usable.. not too much out there available of him.
Anyone have the wallpaper (or know how to find it) that was on here about 6 months ago? Just got a new computer and would like to get that back on here! It was of the Griz logo and 2 or 3 paw prints.
MrTitleist said:
I did this two or three weeks ago, but just now got around to posting it for you guys. Enjoy!


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks! :thumb:
(and, I don't mind BH in it...he didn't play wheel barrow after scrimmages :lol:)


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