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suspicious voting pattern of votes..fix algorithm in place?

grizghost said:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OumhrE6JV3A argh no clue what China up to....clueless...okay take the cheap shot!

this is how you boy donny is helping the ccp. well, at least one way, he's done a lot more to play right into their hands:

argh! said:

this is how you boy donny is helping the ccp. well, at least one way, he's done a lot more to play right into their hands

...first of all I've talked with lots of people who went to the rally and said that Trump incited violence is pure " Bullshit " second
the protestors who started with the capitol police were not MAGA people...the MAGA people who were there were an older
crowd and younger crowd excluding 20/30/40 probably working so if Trump wanted to overthrow the government ( laughable )
this is not the people you would use...they were a Mom and Pop Grandma crowd with no arms or ammo ...so that narrative is
another bullshit .....were there MAGA people who went inside " Yes " were they armed and dangerous " NO "...but because these
milk toast politician's felt threaten by unarmed people all hell is breaking loose to get Trump...not that our Democratic cities
have been looted and burned for months...small business robbed but that doesn't matter because it doesn't involve Trump and
doesn't fit the CCP Media and Big Tech agenda ...censorship and other threatening tools are being used to silence any opposing
voice that they view as hostile!....where was FBI aggressiveness to get Antifa/BLM thugs who destroyed property?....this is a joke..
when a real civil war comes you will know it...this was not it was just tax paying people who wanted their voices to be heard about
abuses and thievery in the Election process that never got heard!....welcome CCP America! ...put up and shut up!
grizghost said:
argh! said:
this is how you boy donny is helping the ccp. well, at least one way, he's done a lot more to play right into their hands

...first of all I've talked with lots of people who went to the rally and said that Trump incited violence is pure " Bullshit " second
the protestors who started with the capitol police were not MAGA people...the MAGA people who were there were an older
crowd and younger crowd excluding 20/30/40 probably working so if Trump wanted to overthrow the government ( laughable )
this is not the people you would use...they were a Mom and Pop Grandma crowd with no arms or ammo ...so that narrative is
another bullshit .....were there MAGA people who went inside " Yes " were they armed and dangerous " NO "...but because these
milk toast politician's felt threaten by unarmed people all hell is breaking loose to get Trump...not that our Democratic cities
have been looted and burned for months...small business robbed but that doesn't matter because it doesn't involve Trump and
doesn't fit the CCP Media and Big Tech agenda ...censorship and other threatening tools are being used to silence any opposing
voice that they view as hostile!....where was FBI aggressiveness to get Antifa/BLM thugs who destroyed property?....this is a joke..
when a real civil war comes you will know it...this was not it was just tax paying people who wanted their voices to be heard about
abuses and thievery in the Election process that never got heard!....welcome CCP America! ...put up and shut up!

So what’s the evidence that the election was stolen, We have been waiting for months now, you need to unhook that from the bandwagon because it makes your side appear delusional. If you no new evidence, respectfully don’t respond. Thanks
Jesse said:
grizghost said:
...first of all I've talked with lots of people who went to the rally and said that Trump incited violence is pure " Bullshit " second
the protestors who started with the capitol police were not MAGA people...the MAGA people who were there were an older
crowd and younger crowd excluding 20/30/40 probably working so if Trump wanted to overthrow the government ( laughable )
this is not the people you would use...they were a Mom and Pop Grandma crowd with no arms or ammo ...so that narrative is
another bullshit .....were there MAGA people who went inside " Yes " were they armed and dangerous " NO "...but because these
milk toast politician's felt threaten by unarmed people all hell is breaking loose to get Trump...not that our Democratic cities
have been looted and burned for months...small business robbed but that doesn't matter because it doesn't involve Trump and
doesn't fit the CCP Media and Big Tech agenda ...censorship and other threatening tools are being used to silence any opposing
voice that they view as hostile!....where was FBI aggressiveness to get Antifa/BLM thugs who destroyed property?....this is a joke..
when a real civil war comes you will know it...this was not it was just tax paying people who wanted their voices to be heard about
abuses and thievery in the Election process that never got heard!....welcome CCP America! ...put up and shut up!

So what’s the evidence that the election was stolen, We have been waiting for months now, you need to unhook that from the bandwagon because it makes your side appear delusional. If you no new evidence, respectfully don’t respond. Thanks

....yep censorship is in high gear if we disagree shut it down...brilliant! ..here comes Hair Sniffin Joe!...this is going
to get good...Popcorn time!....I'm giving him 6 months....oh be careful what you wish for Jesse boy!...please don't respond :clap:
I wouldn't bet on Biden in Vegas if I was you.

I could be wrong, but remember what I said earlier, I'm not even going to look for my statement verbatim...

Do you seriously think after 4 years of constant vitriol, Trump didn't set a few booby traps?

Stay tuned.
Even CNN is publishing this...

"Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the attack on the U.S. Capitol was not just a protest that spiraled out of control."
3 Part Fraud in Detail... I'm going to read the whole thing, long weekend.



So, has the Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy guy said anything of substance yet?

AKA anything that makes sense?
Cuervohola said:
I wouldn't bet on Biden in Vegas if I was you.

I could be wrong, but remember what I said earlier, I'm not even going to look for my statement verbatim...

Do you seriously think after 4 years of constant vitriol, Trump didn't set a few booby traps?

Stay tuned.

grizghost said:
Cuervohola said:
I wouldn't bet on Biden in Vegas if I was you.

I could be wrong, but remember what I said earlier, I'm not even going to look for my statement verbatim...

Do you seriously think after 4 years of constant vitriol, Trump didn't set a few booby traps?

Stay tuned.


..yes I think Trump knows what going on but the mechanism of the government and foreign interference is to big for him to overturn ....
bar the patriots in the military we will move into a global government not run by U.S. but global elites... I say compromised Biden gets
in and the powers to be takes him out and Kamala takes control ...falsely Dems blame it on Trump people 'on the Biden takedown'
( similar to Capitol ) and this will start to bring more censorship crack down... pushing more gun control we will start to go into a
police state where they get total control of the people ( like the mask mandate )....little by little we start to lose more of our freedoms ...
..you think I'm kidding just watch!

...as we speak they are fencing off DC like its a prison...30k troops as of now..as if they are preparing for war..protection for Biden
who couldn't draw a crowd is odd?....everything is strange..nothing seems right..the Election wasn't right...no real Audits were done..
no real investigations on the Biden connections to China..Ukraine..Iran and others...there is something weird going on in the power
struggle of DC..almost seems like a big military sting operation .. troops in DC will be there until the end of April...and there is the
De-Class coming out this weekend...get ready anything can happen!
grizghost said:
grizghost said:

..yes I think Trump knows what going on but the mechanism of the government and foreign interference is to big for him to overturn ....
bar the patriots in the military we will move into a global government not run by U.S. but global elites... I say compromised Biden gets
in and the powers to be takes him out and Kamala takes control ...falsely Dems blame it on Trump people 'on the Biden takedown'
( similar to Capitol ) and this will start to bring more censorship crack down... pushing more gun control we will start to go into a
police state where they get total control of the people ( like the mask mandate )....little by little we start to lose more of our freedoms ...
..you think I'm kidding just watch!

...as we speak they are fencing off DC like its a prison...30k troops as of now..as if they are preparing for war..protection for Biden
who couldn't draw a crowd is odd?....everything is strange..nothing seems right..the Election wasn't right...no real Audits were done..
no real investigations on the Biden connections to China..Ukraine..Iran and others...there is something weird going on in the power
struggle of DC..almost seems like a big military sting operation .. troops in DC will be there until the end of April...and there is the
De-Class coming out this weekend...get ready anything can happen!

Well, if they thought they could take over like that, they would have tried in obama's first 2 years when he had the House and Senate. There isn't enough Cops or Military that will break their oath to take private citizens' guns. A good percentage of Mayors and Sheriffs these days tell Blue State Governors to go to Hell over their regulations.

I think the massive Military buildup is to take down the traitors.
If Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy takes office, it will be beyond hilarious to watch the Civil War between the Old School Leftists, the Progressives and the Communists... HAHAHAHA

"The new chair of the DNC will likely be a former lobbyist for weapons companies, pharmaceuticals, and a coal industry trade association. Joe Biden will name former South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison as his pick for the position, according to reports. Harrison was a lobbyist for the Podesta Group and worked for multiple clients that oppose things like climate change legislation that the Democratic Party generally supports."

Cuervohola said:
If Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy takes office, it will be beyond hilarious to watch the Civil War between the Old School Leftists, the Progressives and the Communists... HAHAHAHA

"The new chair of the DNC will likely be a former lobbyist for weapons companies, pharmaceuticals, and a coal industry trade association. Joe Biden will name former South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison as his pick for the position, according to reports. Harrison was a lobbyist for the Podesta Group and worked for multiple clients that oppose things like climate change legislation that the Democratic Party generally supports."

You and ghost having any trouble forming a circle?
grizghost said:
grizghost said:

..yes I think Trump knows what going on but the mechanism of the government and foreign interference is to big for him to overturn ....
bar the patriots in the military we will move into a global government not run by U.S. but global elites... I say compromised Biden gets
in and the powers to be takes him out and Kamala takes control ...falsely Dems blame it on Trump people 'on the Biden takedown'
( similar to Capitol ) and this will start to bring more censorship crack down... pushing more gun control we will start to go into a
police state where they get total control of the people ( like the mask mandate )....little by little we start to lose more of our freedoms ...
..you think I'm kidding just watch!

...as we speak they are fencing off DC like its a prison...30k troops as of now..as if they are preparing for war..protection for Biden
who couldn't draw a crowd is odd?....everything is strange..nothing seems right..the Election wasn't right...no real Audits were done..
no real investigations on the Biden connections to China..Ukraine..Iran and others...there is something weird going on in the power
struggle of DC..almost seems like a big military sting operation .. troops in DC will be there until the end of April...and there is the
De-Class coming out this weekend...get ready anything can happen!

Good god dude, you are legitimately off your rocker. The scenarios you Trumpians come up with are beyond absurd. Honestly how do you come up with this shit?

Not that you care, but does any part of you understand how insane this sounds to the rest of us? When are you going to going to stop living your lives based around ridiculous conspiracy theories?

The outright paranoia among you folk is disturbing to say the least.
Cuervohola said:
If Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy takes office, it will be beyond hilarious to watch the Civil War between the Old School Leftists, the Progressives and the Communists... HAHAHAHA

"The new chair of the DNC will likely be a former lobbyist for weapons companies, pharmaceuticals, and a coal industry trade association. Joe Biden will name former South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison as his pick for the position, according to reports. Harrison was a lobbyist for the Podesta Group and worked for multiple clients that oppose things like climate change legislation that the Democratic Party generally supports."


I admire the fact that you keep laughing while losing. Be prepared to keep that same energy for the next 8 years.

The fact that you think Harrison will be a controversial pick shows how out of touch you are with politics. But keep up that wishful thinking if it makes you feel better. Harrison had literally overwhelming support among the Democratic establishment and state party chiefs because of his experience as a state party chair and ability to smash fundraising records (as evidenced in his race against Graham).
gotgame75 said:
Cuervohola said:
If Sleepy Creepy Touchie Feelie Sniffy takes office, it will be beyond hilarious to watch the Civil War between the Old School Leftists, the Progressives and the Communists... HAHAHAHA

"The new chair of the DNC will likely be a former lobbyist for weapons companies, pharmaceuticals, and a coal industry trade association. Joe Biden will name former South Carolina Senate candidate Jaime Harrison as his pick for the position, according to reports. Harrison was a lobbyist for the Podesta Group and worked for multiple clients that oppose things like climate change legislation that the Democratic Party generally supports."


I admire the fact that you keep laughing while losing. Be prepared to keep that same energy for the next 8 years.

The fact that you think Harrison will be a controversial pick shows how out of touch you are with politics. Harrison had literally overwhelming support among the Democratic establishment and state party chiefs because of his experience as a state party chair and ability to smash fundraising records (as evidenced in his race against Graham).

You think you're winning? You might have the next 2 years, then it's over.

Harrison is controversial because the Old Democratic party is done for. The Ocasio Squad is taking over, and she is going to beat the Old Man Schumer for his seat. Pelosi is done in 2 years.

You Leftists are adorable, you never stop paying attention to Trump long enough to see the Trojan Horse that infiltrated the party. The Progressives are batshit crazy, and they don't give a shit about the old guard. It's their mission to end the old guard.
tourist said:

The irony of someone like you saying this is truly hilarious. You Trumpians have literally become the joke of the entire world.

Like your boy Cuervo, I'll keep laughing while you keep losing.

How's this L taste?
Cuervohola said:
gotgame75 said:
I admire the fact that you keep laughing while losing. Be prepared to keep that same energy for the next 8 years.

The fact that you think Harrison will be a controversial pick shows how out of touch you are with politics. Harrison had literally overwhelming support among the Democratic establishment and state party chiefs because of his experience as a state party chair and ability to smash fundraising records (as evidenced in his race against Graham).

You think you're winning? You might have the next 2 years, then it's over.

Harrison is controversial because the Old Democratic party is done for. The Ocasio Squad is taking over, and she is going to beat the Old Man Schumer for his seat. Pelosi is done in 2 years.

You Leftists are adorable, you never stop paying attention to Trump long enough to see the Trojan Horse that infiltrated the party. The Progressives are batshit crazy, and they don't give a shit about the old guard. It's their mission to end the old guard.

Keep living in the land of make believe.

Trump and his cult are the laughingstock of the universe at this point. You literally have ZERO credibility. That's why you are left to dwell on B-level football forums and conspiracy subreddits. NO ONE, INCLUDING SOCIAL MEDIA, WANTS YOU AROUND OR TAKES YOU CLOWNS SERIOUSLY.

Isn't it about time you go form a militia or something?
Sleepy, Creepy, Touchy, Feely, Sniffy won't last til spring. His 'own' people will impeach his ass. They've had lots of practice lately.

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