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Time for confederate flag to be gone


Well-known member
Looks like it's time for the confederate flag to be retired. Some posters called for this previously.

Mods and Chris, time to pay attention to this and get with the program.

"Once politically sacrosanct, Confederate flag moves toward an end"

"After decades of bitter debate over whether the Confederate battle flag is a proud symbol of regional heritage or a shameful emblem of this nation’s most grievous sins, the argument may finally be moving toward an end.

South Carolina is leading the way for other states, as it considers removing the flag from its capitol grounds in the wake of a horrific racial hate crime.

The historical poignancy is heavy and resonant, given that the killings last week of nine African Americans took place in a church basement just a few miles from where the first shots of the Civil War were exchanged in 1861."

PlayerRep said:
Looks like it's time for the confederate flag to be retired. Some posters called for this previously.

Mods and Chris, time to pay attention to this and get with the program.

"Once politically sacrosanct, Confederate flag moves toward an end"

"After decades of bitter debate over whether the Confederate battle flag is a proud symbol of regional heritage or a shameful emblem of this nation’s most grievous sins, the argument may finally be moving toward an end.

South Carolina is leading the way for other states, as it considers removing the flag from its capitol grounds in the wake of a horrific racial hate crime.

The historical poignancy is heavy and resonant, given that the killings last week of nine African Americans took place in a church basement just a few miles from where the first shots of the Civil War were exchanged in 1861."


Agreed. Posters who use the Stars and Bars need to drop it. If the don't they should be banned.
The flag didn't bring a gun, mingle with the soon to be victims, then pull the trigger and reload as needed. The trigger man is the problem, always is. As far as I know, he hasn't gotten a psychiatric evaluation, yet. Maybe hes just fu*kin' nuts. Why this rush to DO SOMETHING? Banning a flag that has been around for 154 years will do nothing but popularize it. As for banning the flag from this site, go ahead if you want to get sued. First Amendment issue. Political Correctness is killing this country. YOU want to do something? Read the history of the events leading up to the War of Northern Aggression.
statler & waldorf said:
The flag didn't bring a gun, mingle with the soon to be victims, then pull the trigger and reload as needed. The trigger man is the problem, always is. As far as I know, he hasn't gotten a psychiatric evaluation, yet. Maybe hes just fu*kin' nuts. Why this rush to DO SOMETHING? Banning a flag that has been around for 154 years will do nothing but popularize it. As for banning the flag from this site, go ahead if you want to get sued. First Amendment issue. Political Correctness is killing this country. YOU want to do something? Read the history of the events leading up to the War of Northern Aggression.

The flag should be banned from all government agencies and properties. Individuals will continue to have a right to display it on clothing, automobiles, etc. This is good, as Bill Maher says, because it will help us identify the worst people among us.
Instead of banning what some people view as a symbol of racism, how about we end the hate in our hearts. Wait, banning symbols is easier and more symbolic.
Symbols have a powerful effect on people. If you refuse to believe that then why not put a swastika on your front door? No real meaning right?
The rebs were a bunch of big talkin, racist, treasonous pussies who tried to run with the varsititiy squad and got their asses kicked by the stars and stripes. Not sure what is worth celebrating.
The left portrays racism as a white trait. Racism knows no racial boundaries. Banning symbols, such as flags, hardens positions. After flags, what's next? Statues, articles of clothing, jewelry, vehicle art, body art, speech, burning offensive books? Where does it end? Not just the KKK, its Nazis, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEChA, American Indian Movement, gangs of every description. The lists go on and on, depending on polítical perspective, today including 939-1007 indentified groups in the USA alone. Then, there are the unaffiliated 'LoneWolf' category.This is a slippery slope, which there is no end in sight. You can't legislate beliefs into or out of existence. The last six years have been the most racially divisive in recent US history, and look who is in the White House. I don't see all this ending well.
At any rate, it is their decisión to make. States Rights, like secession was long ago.
statler & waldorf said:
The left portrays racism as a white trait. Racism knows no racial boundaries. Banning symbols, such as flags, hardens positions. After flags, what's next? Statues, articles of clothing, jewelry, vehicle art, body art, speech, burning offensive books? Where does it end? Not just the KKK, its Nazis, Black Panthers, Nation of Islam, La Raza, MEChA, American Indian Movement, gangs of every description. The lists go on and on, depending on polítical perspective, today including 939-1007 indentified groups in the USA alone. Then, there are the unaffiliated 'LoneWolf' category.This is a slippery slope, which there is no end in sight. You can't legislate beliefs into or out of existence. The last six years have been the most racially divisive in recent US history, and look who is in the White House. I don't see all this ending well.
At any rate, it is their decisión to make. States Rights, like secession was long ago.

Its obious that you are white. Where is your shame? /purple
Of course this issue/post is very provocative. Call the flag what you want but I personally think that the Confederate Flag, the Stars and Bars, the Confederate Battle Flag etc. represent beliefs that I find abhorrent. But make no mistake PR, everyone knows you're are going after Alpha by submitting this thread......Just don't hide behind the issue. Alpha is an excellent poster. I'll continue to support his right to post on egriz.
Some of you really need to read some history. If you actually did, you would quit posting this crap. Talk about a diversionary argument to detract from true problems. So lets rewrite our history. Stupid.
I gave 23 years of my life on active duty in the US Air Force and I still work for the Air Force so that people of this country can do and say anything they want! Many others gave the ultimate price for this right!. All the huggers and goodie two shoe people need to remember this. The flag flown is a persons right and choice, not for someone (Govn't) to decide for them.
Exactly, and the left doesnt get to pick and choose which flags fly and which flags dont.

Control freak douchebags :jack:

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