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Top 25 in the History of 1-AA

This is so true. I'll try putting it in their language so they might get it. I hope you don't mind:

"Geez, ya know, it's not polite when you talk about weight, but geez, you betcha I'll take 3 more strudels! Gotta make sure I stay big in the trenches, ya know, geeez!
Somebody is a lil' bit bitchy about a team of Minnesotans losing on the main stage, haha! :lol: :lol: :lol:
Drink a few bowls of gravy. You'll be fine.

Is it wrong to read every T-Buff post in a Making a Murderer-type voice in my head? Yah?

Why do you suggest drinking a few bowls of gravy? That must be a Montana thing. You sheep fuckers sure are weird.

Wait sorry I called you a sheep fucker. I forgot you don't actually live in Montana.
Grizz Man said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Like I said man, I just don't care too much about those preseason games as they never mean much. They put a lot of the preseason NFL games on ESPN too.

Chris Klieman wanted to win that game: he just about split his khakis running up and down the sidelines trying to get those timeouts called at the end - all to no avail, unfortunately. Jesse Palmer had some good cracks about it at the time.

But seriously, you really should care about those early games, because things aren't going to be so easy in the playoffs if you ever have to come through Missoula, and you know that.

Congrats on your 5th - and I sure as hell hope we never have to go through Fargo in the playoffs again. I have no problem admitting that.

Nah, he didn't care. If there is one thing I've learned about the T-Buffs, it's that if they didn't win, they didn't care. They might care going in, but if they get beat on national TV, they didn't care about the game. They are basically the BYU of the type II diabetes belt. Yah?

Meh there are a bunch of preseason NFL games on national TV too. I don't get too worked up about when my favorite NFL team loses those games.

Never seen a fan base so excited to win a preseason game as you guys were. Guess that is what happens when you are playing your big brother and you have not ended the season with a win in going on 16 years.
AZGrizFan said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
AZGrizFan said:
We fully understand why you'd want to forget that August day. :lol: :lol:

No I remember it now. NDSU played the Griz in an exhibition game and lost. Was nice for the team as it learned from it and was better prepared for the real season.

Like I said, I just don't get too worked up about those exhibition games that don't count. Kind of like watching an NFL team in preseason.

Good for you. Admitting it is the first step.

If it was an exhibition, the T-Buffs sure exhibited that they can't handle the main stage. The looks those fat faces exhibited were priceless, though!

Well if a couple point loss in a preseason game means you can't handle the main stage, I wonder what getting beat by 31 points in the playoffs means?

Have the Griz ever lost a playoff game that bad? What an ass kicking. Happy you got some satisfaction out of that preseason game because the way the Griz ended their season was just plain brutal.
2011BisonAlumni said:
Grizz Man said:
2011BisonAlumni said:
Like I said man, I just don't care too much about those preseason games as they never mean much. They put a lot of the preseason NFL games on ESPN too.

Chris Klieman wanted to win that game: he just about split his khakis running up and down the sidelines trying to get those timeouts called at the end - all to no avail, unfortunately. Jesse Palmer had some good cracks about it at the time.

But seriously, you really should care about those early games, because things aren't going to be so easy in the playoffs if you ever have to come through Missoula, and you know that.

Congrats on your 5th - and I sure as hell hope we never have to go through Fargo in the playoffs again. I have no problem admitting that.

Nah, he didn't care. If there is one thing I've learned about the T-Buffs, it's that if they didn't win, they didn't care. They might care going in, but if they get beat on national TV, they didn't care about the game. They are basically the BYU of the type II diabetes belt. Yah?

Meh there are a bunch of preseason NFL games on national TV too. I don't get too worked up about when my favorite NFL team loses those games.

Never seen a fan base so excited to win a preseason game as you guys were. Guess that is what happens when you are playing your big brother and you have not ended the season with a win in going on 16 years.

I'm attempting to understand this. Do you wake up each morning, take your insulin shot and begin to think:
1) I wonder what they're saying about UNDSU on e-Griz?
2) I wonder what they're saying about fat people on e-Griz?
3) I wonder if UNDSU is relevant. I should log on to e-Griz and find out.
4) I need to feel validated. I should see what Montana people think. I'm going to log on to e-Griz.

I've never seen a fan base that is so bad at winning. UNDSU is to winning what msu is to losing. Can I make a suggestion? Tomorrow morning just go back to your old morning routine of eating an enormous bacon and sausage breakfast with plenty of hash browns and waddle out to your ice fishing shack, my chubby friend. Don't worry about us over here. Like your Senator used to say, You're Good Enough, You're Smart Enough, and Doggone It, People Like You!
Grizz Man said:
This is so true. I'll try putting it in their language so they might get it. I hope you don't mind:

"Geez, ya know, it's not polite when you talk about weight, but geez, you betcha I'll take 3 more strudels! Gotta make sure I stay big in the trenches, ya know, geeez!

You guys are mean.

I was ready to switch allegiances and jump on the Grizz band-wagon. I was ready for a new challenge. Then I looked up the definition of "band-wagon," and realized I had it confused with "chuck-wagon," which was quite a disappointment.

So, anyways, back to Carlson Ventz, did you hear he is going to be a sure thing at the next level? The Laurel Loco Express are rumored to have him high on their draft board. This is a big deal for Carlson because he is really into hunting.
Can we please get back to the subject at hand, and the title of this thread, which is the "greatness of UNDSU?" Oh wait, this is about "1-AA." What is that, anyway? Junior varsity? Small ball? Jesus, I'll bet Boise State wishes they were still at the 1-AA level so they could engage in some good-natured trash talk with the fine people of Fargo/Grand Forks, Pocatello and/or Missoula. Hang on. What's for supper, Gloria? Meat loaf? Again? Christ, can't we get some pork tenderloin next time we're at Costco?
And NDSU has done it in less than 10 years. Although NDSU transitioning teams had 3 NFL players on them that are still in the NFL and we're 11-0 & 10-1 with wins over Minnesota Central Michigan and Ball State of the MAC.

NDSU doesn't belong here and I have no idea why Mountain west wouldn't offer an invite already. The MWC only averaged 23k last year. (NDSU & GRIZ to MWC !)
Bisonation said:
And NDSU has done it in less than 10 years. Although NDSU transitioning teams had 3 NFL players on them that are still in the NFL and we're 11-0 & 10-1 with wins over Minnesota Central Michigan and Ball State of the MAC.

NDSU doesn't belong here and I have no idea why Mountain west wouldn't offer an invite already. The MWC only averaged 23k last year. (NDSU & GRIZ to MWC !)

If I were you, I would slam the door when the inevitable MWC offer comes. Wait for the Big Ten to come crawling on their hands and knees to Forko.

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