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Two people ejected, one ...

yeah swill i feel sorry for the senitors wife that got booted for wearing a support the troops tshirt......

or the former congresswoman who was booted because she was in Harry Reid's seat :shocked: :thumb: :laugh:
While I am at it We have this group of people here who protest the war every Sunday after church. I have now decided that I am going to form my own protest across from them on every Sunday. I am going to protest Clinton sending help over to Somalia and causing among other things the death of US soldiers at the hands of Somalian warlords and the downfall of Tom Sizemores acting career. I will show those liberal punks that it works both ways.
grizfaninkalamazoo said:
If you go out to a dinner that requires a tie and jacket, you damn well better have them.

Not really an argument rooted Constitutional law. Besides, restaurant = private property. Capitol building = public area.

“The officers made a good faith, but mistaken effort to enforce an old unwritten interpretationof the prohibitions about demonstrating in the Capitol,” Capitol Police Chief Terrance Gainer said in a statement late Wednesday.

The Police Chief himself admits that they were in the wrong. As far as I am concerned this is case closed. It is freightening that our leadership feels that a t-shirt represents such a threat. What does that say about the confidence they have in themselves, let alone the confidence (or lack thereof) of the electorate?

Booting someone for a T-shirt? Sad, actually.
grizfaninkalamazoo said:
I am going to protest Clinton sending help over to Somalia and causing among other things the death of US soldiers at the hands of Somalian warlords and the downfall of Tom Sizemores acting career. I will show those liberal punks that it works both ways.

ya know you are a fellow concervative but the first president bush placed our troops in somolia right before he left office. clinton would not have had the balls to place troops anywhere
"Clinton would not have had the balls to place troops anywhere"

He would if the opinion polls showed it was popular.
You have a point there 2002. However I was brought up that a person is to dress for the occassion. If you dress for success you will be taken more seriously. Going to a game or a large protest go ahead and wear ratty ass clothes. A State of the Union address, dinner at the boss's, an evening at the theatre, you should wear what 99% of the others wear. If I have a person come in and interview with me and they are wearing a t-shirt, they will not be hired. First impressions last forever. While going door to door on behalf of the Michigan GOP last fall I noticed that those of us dressed nicely got more of a response from folks than those who worse shorts and shirt. As the guest of apolitical official, you should act as a guest and not as you do at home. Maybe I would take Cindy Sheehan more seriously if she wasn't wearing that t-shirt and arrived and sat and then maybe afterwards made some remarks. Nope, I wouldn't take her more seriously. Your fifteen minutes are up Cindy.
The State of The Union address is, simply put, a photo op! Until all the networks picked it up many Senators, and yes, even Presidents, never attended (attendance is not mandatory). They would appoint somone to give their address. This incident was about more than petty party politics. The DC police handcuffed, arrested and charged a US citizen with a crime that didn't exist! To bad some have such a narrow understanding of why we send/sent troops into harms way! :(
In case you didnt know they also arrested a republican for a T shirt supporting the troops so it was even.
grizfaninkalamazoo said:
While I am at it We have this group of people here who protest the war every Sunday after church. I have now decided that I am going to form my own protest across from them on every Sunday. I am going to protest Clinton sending help over to Somalia and causing among other things the death of US soldiers at the hands of Somalian warlords and the downfall of Tom Sizemores acting career. I will show those liberal punks that it works both ways.


You forget it was Bush, not Clinton, who sent troops to Somalia. Bush promised to bring the troops home before Clinton ever took office. Clinton was just trying to clean up Bush's mess:


With only weeks left in his term as president, George Bush responds to the UN request, proposing that US combat troops lead an international UN force to secure the environment for relief operations. On December 5, the UN accepts his offer, and Bush orders 25,000 US troops into Somalia. On December 9th, the first US Marines land on the beach.

Bush assures the American people and troops involved that this is not an open ended commitment; the objective is to quickly provide a secure environment so that food can get through to the starving Somalis, and then the operation will be turned over to the UN peacekeeping forces. He assures the public that he plans for the troops to be home by Clinton's inauguration in January.
Grizbacker1 said:
In case you didnt know they also arrested a republican for a T shirt supporting the troops so it was even.

Was the republicans wife arrested, handcuffed and thrown in jail?
Re/MaxGriz said:
Grizbacker1 said:
In case you didnt know they also arrested a republican for a T shirt supporting the troops so it was even.

Was the republicans wife arrested, handcuffed and thrown in jail?

my god do you only read dumocrat stuff?
grizfaninkalamazoo said:
I saw what Sheehans shirt said. I can give her the answer. As many as it takes to complete the job at hand.
Just what is the "job at hand"? I don't think sacrificing thousands of more young Americans in order to more firmly establish a Shiite Muslim regime in Iraq is even close to worth it. Incidentally, Iran also has a Shiite Muslim regime. How the hell does any of this make sense? And now we are talking about a $500 billion deficit to help pay for this. Yeah, this is working out just great! :tounge:
Grizbacker1 said:
In case you didnt know they also arrested a republican for a T shirt supporting the troops so it was even.

EVEN! Some just can't see past PETTY PARTY POLITICS! The number and party are of little importance. This happened to a US citizen. There was no legislated law broken yet police handcuffed, arrested and charged a person with a crime. This incident happened in Washington DC. Sure, these people possibly used bad judgement, but i've seen many more folks do much worse on game days and folks ignore or laugh it off.

Oh, there were three people removed from this function.
Grizbacker1 said:
of course clinton never did anything wrong :lame:

Of course Clinton did a lot of things wrong. He was an immoral, unethical, slime bucket. That doesn't change the fact it was Bush who sent troops to Somalia, if you can read. :laugh:

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