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UM is 5th best average ranked FCS team in past 3 seasons

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Oldschoolhornet said:
As I indicated earlier I am a Native American and I have never made a racist comment on this site or any other.

Yes, you have. Here's one of the racist things you said: "Stating the truth about how he got into Dartmouth and Stanford doesn't make anyone a racist. That's EXACTLY how he got in."

You are a liar and talking about race. You have no idea how I got into college and law school. I don't appreciate your lies. If you keep this up, I will do my best to get you kicked off the board. Feel free to try to take me on over this.
mthoopsfan said:
Egriz has frequently allowed racist comments. They let Alpha get away with it for years. He used to go after Tru and other black players. A number of people have gone after Native Americans. Given some of your comments, I wonder about you.

Dude - you have lost your mind. I lead in the most diverse organization in the Nation...and I do so well.
ElrodGrizzly said:
SoldierGriz said:
Again - please post then bandable content. I am sure the mods would not let it pass...if it was bad - the mods would have band that dude without question.

I never said bannable. I don't even know the rule specifics on that. I'm not seeking the banning of anyone. I don't remember what thread it was in. It was a thread a short while ago, I'm sure most people involved in the conversation remember. I recall it being deleted by the end of the thread.

So, assertion without evidence? Why throw out such a toxic claim? You were making your points well without it.
Let me get this straight…questioning your version of how you got into college makes me a racist but you calling me a liar is fine. You keep forgetting I know exactly who you are. The only reason you want me gone is because I keep pulling the curtain back.
Oldschoolhornet said:
Let me get this straight…questioning your version of how you got into college makes me a racist but you calling me a liar is fine. You keep forgetting I know exactly who you are. The only reason you want me gone is because I keep pulling the curtain back.
Mods— please band this dirty, lying, racist troll.
We all saw his racist diatribe which he is now trying to lie about. And now he is threatening to out a poster’s anonymity. He’s a troll who is here to needle one person in particular and these threats aren’t just against board policy, they’re illegal. This overt threat requires you to take action and drop the band hammer
SoldierGriz said:
ElrodGrizzly said:
I never said bannable. I don't even know the rule specifics on that. I'm not seeking the banning of anyone. I don't remember what thread it was in. It was a thread a short while ago, I'm sure most people involved in the conversation remember. I recall it being deleted by the end of the thread.

So, assertion without evidence? Why throw out such a toxic claim? You were making your points well without it.
He deleted it, so it's not on here anymore, but he definitely said that hoops is only where he is because he played the race card his whole life. Elrod isn't making it up.
uofmman1122 said:
SoldierGriz said:
So, assertion without evidence? Why throw out such a toxic claim? You were making your points well without it.
He deleted it, so it's not on here anymore, but he definitely said that hoops is only where he is because he played the race card his whole life. Elrod isn't making it up.

Yuck. I missed that post.
Seems mods would have crushed that crap.
garizzalies said:
Oldschoolhornet said:
Let me get this straight…questioning your version of how you got into college makes me a racist but you calling me a liar is fine. You keep forgetting I know exactly who you are. The only reason you want me gone is because I keep pulling the curtain back.
Mods— please band this dirty, lying, racist troll.
We all saw his racist diatribe which he is now trying to lie about. And now he is threatening to out a poster’s anonymity. He’s a troll who is here to needle one person in particular and these threats aren’t just against board policy, they’re illegal. This overt threat requires you to take action and drop the band hammer

Thanks, gariz. Well said. It's long since time for this poster to be banned. He adds nothing positive to the board.
I’m not threatening anyone…I merely said that I know Hoops. His name has been discussed on this board many times but never by me…he has qualified those posts and advertised his name. He wants people to know who he is. I have attempted to contribute to this site and I have never deleted any posts. I’m sure the mods can verify all of this.
Oldschoolhornet said:
I’m not threatening anyone…I merely said that I know Hoops. His name has been discussed on this board many times but never by me…he has qualified those posts and advertised his name. He wants people to know who he is. I have attempted to contribute to this site and I have never deleted any posts. I’m sure the mods can verify all of this.

I think you are going down. You threaten frequently. You provide nothing of value to board.
SoldierGriz said:
uofmman1122 said:
He deleted it, so it's not on here anymore, but he definitely said that hoops is only where he is because he played the race card his whole life. Elrod isn't making it up.

Yuck. I missed that post.
Seems mods would have crushed that crap.

They did. Which is why it's not there anymore.
oldrunner said:
What I don't understand is why anyone would brag about being fith at being average???? ;-)

No one is bragging. It’s a statement of fact. UM was ranked about 33d the year before Hauck returned. Any average of 5th in ranking is much better. Hauck brought the Griz back fast. There are only 4 teams above UM in that 3-year average. Note that Weber is below UM. And 5th in all of FCS is not average or mediocre. It is very good. Not good enough, but very good.

What I don’t understand is your dumb and incorrect post.
oldrunner said:
What I don't understand is why anyone would brag about being fith at being average???? ;-)

You would have to be lurking here enough to know that there is a large argument about whether or not the team is going in the right direction since Hauck returned. Some people seem to think it is a huge failure, some think it has been a success. This was one guy making his argument that it is a success because we went from tanked in the 30's to an average of 5th.
Mousegriz said:
garizzalies said:
O Really? So why did you make this threat?

How did he find out? That's the real concern.
You’re asking how a creepy stocker found out his victim’s anonymous identity which the stocker threatened to publicly doxx?
Does it really matter?
Publicly doxx? Anyone who has paid attention knows Hoops has posted MULTIPLE articles about his personal/athletic and professional life on this site. His identity is well known because he wants it to be. Stating that I know someone is hardly a threat. So much for your threat allegations, Karen.
poorgriz said:
Oh, and do you honestly think the griz will have any chance of slowing down the Cat offense next fall? With the likes of Mellott, Chambers, Sumner, Coon, Snell, Johnson, Pickering, White..... the list goes on, behind that dominant O Line? Good luck with that.

Simmer there Eddie. You did a great job with Vs. I'm sure you'll give it you're best efforts and have some success as you did with Animal and Vitology. Sorry but you are kind of a 1 or 2 album hit wonder, and not bult for the long haul
Oldschoolhornet said:
Publicly doxx? Anyone who has paid attention knows Hoops has posted MULTIPLE articles about his personal/athletic and professional life on this site. His identity is well known because he wants it to be. Stating that I know someone is hardly a threat. So much for your threat allegations, Karen.
FU you piece of shit. Keep lying. Who do you think you’re fooling? It’s all there in black-n-white for the world to see.
You didn’t just attempt to identity him, you tethered it with a threat. When you threaten to out an anonymous person online, it’s a form of doxxing.
If not, why don’t you tell us, then, what was the purpose of your threat? If not to doxx, it must have been for something even worse?

Seriously, why did you make the threat?

I don’t know Mr Hoops from Adam but nobody deserves doxxing. Do us all a favor and delete your account
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