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2012 Griz Football Recruiting Class/ Summer Transfers

mtgrizrule said:
NewfoundGriz said:
He is just about 5 10" 195lbs
4.5 40

I was not so sure about his size, and speed is hard to judge on video. Good to hear he has solid size, and great speed. He played against some damn big kids, based on that video.

What really stood out to me was his quick decision making, reactions, field vision, and awareness. A mix of Sambrano (speed), Nguyen (cuts), and Reynolds (field vision, and awareness).

Agreed. Great field awareness. :clap:
Welcome, and thanks for the film of your son. Good-looking player - very shifty! Sounds like he's been through a lot, and I bet he'll look back on it as a great learning experience. Can't wait to see him wearing maroon and silver!
Good to be here, he has been through a lot. More than I can share on this board. All I have to say is he's dealt with injury, and far worse...a DADDY COACH!!
He is already working, getting ready. Hes running routes at the high school after school, running track, and at the gym every morning at 5am. HE is coming in with a chip on his shoulder for sure.
NewfoundGriz said:
Good to be here, he has been through a lot. More than I can share on this board. All I have to say is he dealt with injury, and far worse...a DADDY COACH!!
He is already working, getting ready. Hes running routes at the high school after school, running track, and at the gym every morning at 5am. HE is coming in with a chip on his shoulder for sure.

Great to hear. Montana has had almost as many walk-ons make the NFL as scholly players :thumb:
Choosing to play here was an easy decision based on how the school historically has handled walk-ons. And they reaffirmed that with how they treated him this weekend. He has been on a few official visits and there was no difference in the treatment he received at UM.
Those ankle injuries can be tough, particularly if they're high. Your young man might do well greyshirting this fall, taking less than 12 credits, which would be cheaper for you too, and then officially joining the team in the spring as a 2013 signee. He would suit up for spring ball with five years in tact. Might you go that route, NewfoundGriz?
We have given that alot of thought...he had a level 2 high ankle sprain. He has been off of it since September, with the exception of one all star game he played in. I'm going to leave the decision up to him, if he thinks he can contribute without risking further injury ill support him, if doesn't look to get much if any playing time then sitting out a year would be a good route. So we are going to approach this as a wait and see thing.
I remember the video and thought your son would be a very good cat, if thats possible. I AM GLAD HE IS A GRIZ!!!!

What's is his GPA? I teach in AZ and just got a student into Montana thru the WUE scholarship. If he has a good GPA, maybe this could help him affort MT until he earns that big football scholarship.

The WUE scholarship basically waves all out of state fees. It was more affordable for my student to go to Montana thru this scholarship as opposed pay in state tution at ASU.

Welcome to Montana!
griz4life said:
Those ankle injuries can be tough, particularly if they're high. Your young man might do well greyshirting this fall, taking less than 12 credits, which would be cheaper for you too, and then officially joining the team in the spring as a 2013 signee. He would suit up for spring ball with five years in tact. Might you go that route, NewfoundGriz?

There is something to be said to this approach. It worked well for us as far as a first year is considered allows you & your athlete a lot of additional flexibility. Plus his academic clock is delayed until 2013 as a starting date!
We are keeping all of his options open. He wants to play, if he cannot get time then greyshirting is a very good option. We will see what happens...
"What's is his GPA? I teach in AZ and just got a student into Montana thru the WUE scholarship. If he has a good GPA, maybe this could help him affort MT until he earns that big football scholarship.

The WUE scholarship basically waves all out of state fees. It was more affordable for my student to go to Montana thru this scholarship as opposed pay in state tution at ASU.

Welcome to Montana!"

Whaaah GrizinAZ? You TEACH in AZ and you can't spell waive, afford, his or tuition? My condolences to your school district.
66volvo said:
"What's is his GPA? I teach in AZ and just got a student into Montana thru the WUE scholarship. If he has a good GPA, maybe this could help him affort MT until he earns that big football scholarship.

The WUE scholarship basically waves all out of state fees. It was more affordable for my student to go to Montana thru this scholarship as opposed pay in state tution at ASU.

Welcome to Montana!"

Whaaah GrizinAZ? You TEACH in AZ and you can't spell waive, afford, his or tuition? My condolences to your school district.

Dear 66volvo,

I am so sorry that I misspelt a few words in my last post. Let me educate you why I misspelt a few of those words.
1. Did you ever think I was using a cell phone when I wrote that message? You probably didn’t realize I wrote that post in 2 minutes on my short 10 minute lunch break. I’m sure you have perfect grammar when you text.
2. I'm a HS band dude (as you can guess I could give a F if I had bad grammar at that point). Sure I could have reread the post and corrected all of my typos, but I didn’t think it mattered too much since I’m posting on ‘f’ing Egriz. I teach 8 music classes in the spring and 9 in the fall. To put this in perspective to you, the average high school teacher teaches what is called a 5/5’s schedule (which means they teach 5 classes). Have you ever had to organize 550 students between 4 jazz bands, 4 concert bands and 1 marching band? I’m at school at 6 am and leave at 9 pm 90% of the time and work every Saturday. I’m sorry I didn’t take enough time to proof.
3. The whole reason I posted was to help some kid’s dad find his son money because college is really expensive and being an out of state student is WAY more expensive. How much money have you helped a graduating senior find lately? The 60+ seniors who just graduated from my band program received over $2,000,000 in scholarships this past year. I am not afraid to call schools and find money for kids who need it. You should give it a try, it’s kind of fun and my student's parents love me!
66, if you have a problem with teachers why don’t you get off your ass and move to a big city and help educate some of those poor kids with your fancy knowledge. Apparently you are an amazing SOB! Remember you get what you pay for. When you want someone to pay for a $50,000-$100,000 teaching certificate (college isn’t free), you better pay them more than $33 k per year, or you are not going to get too many applicants. I made more money working at Denny’s and pouring concrete to put myself through college. 66, I will do my best to type every one of my posts into a word document and proof it prior to sending out a response from here on out. (That’s sarcasm if you haven’t figured it out.)

Thank you and sorry for my rant….

Now the whole point to my original post…..
Sorry I didn’t reply in a timely manner. Make sure you call UM and ask around to see if there is any work studies or extra scholarships that your son can apply for. His GPA is a little low, but his SAT scores are ok. Don't be afraid to call and ask for help. Remember if you do not ask for help, you will not receive it. Also, don’t be afraid to ask admissions if there is and money left through the WUE program. If there is some money left, he may be a prime candidate since it’s so late in the process.
Good luck to you and your son!
Ursa Major said:
argh! said:
what a friend we have in jesus!

Does he still have a year of eligibility left? Medical redshirt?

I think he was injured to late in the season for the Medical redshirt (my sources tell me). I think we are pretty much screwed out of this guy. Total bummer...felt an undefeated season coming!

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