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2019 Defense

kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
Mousegriz said:
But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.

I was too busy noticing the 41 straight, the 46 straight and the 29-3 runs given up to count tackles. When you can’t get off the field, you tend to really rack up the tackles.

No one counts tackles. You look at the stats after the game. Don't be silly.

The point was to compare safeties. Did you not notice a difference between the 3 mentioned safeties with lots of tackles and Epperly?

Opponent points scoring, opponent plays, and opponent TOP, were virtually the same for 2017 and 2018.

Right thanks for making my point. We fired the last guy who produced those numbers.
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.

Don't know about pitchforks, but coaches are, and should be, judged according to the number of years they've been in a program, obviously combined with their results. Hauck is rightly judged different than Stitt, as he was a first year coach and Stitt would have been a 4th year coach had he been here. Also, as I've said, other factors like tackling, physical play, big plays, etc. are also part of it.

Don't know why you think a first year coach, who clearly doesn't have his players and has had less than a year to put in his scheme and coach up the team, should be judged the same as a 3d or 4th coach. Seems pretty obvious and basic to me.
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.

Don't know about pitchforks, but coaches are, and should be, judged according to the number of years they've been in a program, obviously combined with their results. Hauck is rightly judged different than Stitt, as he was a first year coach and Stitt would have been a 4th year coach had he been here. Also, as I've said, other factors like tackling, physical play, big plays, etc. are also part of it.

Don't know why you think a first year coach, who clearly doesn't have his players and has had less than a year to put in his scheme and coach up the team, should be judged the same as a 3d or 4th coach. Seems pretty obvious and basic to me.

so let's compare stitt's first year to hauck's...
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook
Holy crap. I don't care how Hauck year 1 compares to Stitt year 1 or any other comparison anyone tries to make to direct the narrative. Bottom line to me, is the coach getting the job done? Semore did not, Baer might not, but I am not sure his 1 season tells me that yet. Stitt didn't get it done, Hauck may or may not.
garizzalies said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook
:clap: :clap: :clap:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
Then carry on and keep digging your hole deeper.
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.

Don't know about pitchforks, but coaches are, and should be, judged according to the number of years they've been in a program, obviously combined with their results. Hauck is rightly judged different than Stitt, as he was a first year coach and Stitt would have been a 4th year coach had he been here. Also, as I've said, other factors like tackling, physical play, big plays, etc. are also part of it.

Don't know why you think a first year coach, who clearly doesn't have his players and has had less than a year to put in his scheme and coach up the team, should be judged the same as a 3d or 4th coach. Seems pretty obvious and basic to me.

so let's compare stitt's first year to hauck's...

Okay, Stitt inherited a team that had been ranked nos. 12 and 8 in the post-season polls, made the playoffs and beat the Cats, in the 2 prior years. Stitt lost to the Cats, but made the playoffs in first year. Nice first game win over NDSU. Had mainly Delaney/Pflu recruits.

Hauck inherited a team that lost to Cats and didn't make playoffs, for 2 prior years. With mostly Stitt recruits, lost to Cats and missed the playoffs. Showed some improvement in various areas, like tackling, physical play and not giving up as many big plays.

Who inherited a better team and better recruits? I say Stitt did on both.
PlayerRep said:
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
AZDoc said:
I think this is an excellent point. They certainly were better at fundamentals/tackling. Were also obviously more physical.
I didn't really look at the specific numbers when I accidentally starting this fiasco saying they needed an upgrade at DC, i just used the eye test from watching them both live and on TV last year and this. I was anti Baer from day 1, which I admit probably mucks up the water a bit, but OTHER THAN the fundamentals, I did not see a defense put in the right positions to make plays. Yes, they were short some horses overall, and the increased depth/recruits will help, but the scheme needs to be adjusted in my uneducated opinion.
I agree with those that say if it's really no better this year, it's not a player issue and that year 2 is a bit more important for Baer's job going forward. I also think/feel/hope BH replaces him as soon as someone he wants to hire is available.
On a side note, I chuckle at the jabbing back and forth that happens on here between posters and how some get uptight at times. I, for one, think everyone's opinion is good to read whether I agree or not. Also would love to catch a FB or BB game with PR or some other knowledgeable posters in here some time to talk the game and laugh and the douchery that happens in this forum at times! :lol:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.

My point wasn't 2018 tackle numbers. Epperly and Sandry played less in 2018 than 2017 due to Hauck and Miller getting starting nods and most time all year. Hauck was an impressive tackler who also missed quite a few angles on long plays all year. Probably had more "assisted" tackles than anyone else in America as he seemed to like to look like he got in on plays that were already stopped.

The tackling stats tell me Hauck and Miller played the most this year. The "eye test" (at least for me watching the home games only and TV), team record and bizarre defensive lapses that happened several times during the year don't convince me that the 2018 defense improved much over 2017. Agree to disagree PR.... does it have to turn into yet another belittlement?
Mousegriz said:
PlayerRep said:
Mousegriz said:
Spanky2 said:
Doc, you started all of this

But what does Stitt's offense and what it did to his defenses have to with the 2018 (or 2019) defense? Stitt's offense put pressure on his defenses but how does that relate to giving up 41 point and 48 point runs in 2018 games when Stitt was in Oklahoma? And what did "who Stitt brought in for 2018" (no one he was gone!) to fill in the holes have to do with 2018's defense. Yes, understand the point might be he didn't have the guys coming in had he kept the job, but you never know who may have come had he held the job. Personally, I think Sandry/Epperly wasn't much different than Robby/Arkansas kid.

Tackled better, more physical, gave up fewer big plays.......but somehow got run over late in many games...and gave up those two consecutive point runs that I venture could be record holders in all-time Griz stats.

If you didn't notice much difference between Hauck (95 tackles and frosh all-American), Miller (68 tackles), and Robertson (48 tackles), and Epperly (19 tackles), then maybe you should stay on the hoops board.

My point wasn't 2018 tackle numbers. Epperly and Sandry played less in 2018 than 2017 due to Hauck and Miller getting starting nods and most time all year. Hauck was an impressive tackler who also missed quite a few angles on long plays all year. Probably had more "assisted" tackles than anyone else in America as he seemed to like to look like he got in on plays that were already stopped.

The tackling stats tell me Hauck and Miller played the most this year. The "eye test" (at least for me watching the home games only and TV), team record and bizarre defensive lapses that happened several times during the year don't convince me that the 2018 defense improved much over 2017. Agree to disagree PR.... does it have to turn into yet another belittlement?

Don't get suckered completely into stats that are season "averages". They can be useful, but can also be very misleading in a vacuum. As a wise Montana farmer noted about "average rainfall", you can put one foot in a bucket of boiling water and the other a bucket of ice, and "on average" you will be quite comfortable. UCD had 519 yards of offense, 409 in the second half, just 110 in the first half (3 points). MSU had 132 yds at the half (7 points) and 387 for the game. You don't get how badly the Griz defense played in 2018 from looking just at total game or total season stats. If you were at those games, you know how bad it looked.
garizzalies said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook

I’m not trying to prop up Semore. If you get that out of my posts, you might want to go take a basic reading comprehension course. Exactly how did our D improve? PR already posted that the points scored, yards, etc., etc. (all the “statistical” data) were virtually the same. And a “vastly improved run D” just means teams knew they could pass on us, so they did. Meanwhile, they gave up 41 and 46 straight (numbers that are likely to stand for a VERY long time), and then blew a 21-0 lead against MSU with the playoffs on the line, giving up a 29-3 run to end the game. We went 6-5, remember? You can measure success however YOU want. I measure it in wins and losses, not in feel good individual awards.

And I stand by my comment: If last year’s performance had been a SEMORE coached D, Kem (and you, apparently) would be leading the pitchfork brigade. But because Baer was hired by BH and has that magical FBS experience, a mediocre D is suddenly seen as a huge upgrade.
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
AZGrizFan said:
Even the apologists here have said Baer was just a placeholder...that, to me, does the kids a HUGE disservice that are out there busting their asses.
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
Then carry on and keep digging your hole deeper.

The only one digging is Baer.
Mousegriz said:
Sandry played less in 2018 than 2017 due to Hauck and Miller getting starting nods and most time all year.
O really? Seems like people are starting to simply make shit up again to prove some point.
I could’ve sworn Sandry started in ‘18. I think he technically moved positions under the new scheme but I’m pretty sure he played more, or maybe the same, but not “less.”
garizzalies said:
Mousegriz said:
Sandry played less in 2018 than 2017 due to Hauck and Miller getting starting nods and most time all year.
O really? Seems like people are starting to simply make shit up again to prove some point.
I could’ve sworn Sandry started in ‘18. I think he technically moved positions under the new scheme but I’m pretty sure he played more, or maybe the same, but not “less.”

Correct. Sandry played the new Nickel position. McGinnnis was his back up. Hauck, Miller and Roberson played the other two safety positions. Sandry had about 61 tackles this year and about 49 last year. Hauck and Miller didn’t take playing time from Samdry.

Mouse, better get back to the hoops board and stop embarrasaing yourself.
AZGrizFan said:
garizzalies said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook

I’m not trying to prop up Semore. If you get that out of my posts, you might want to go take a basic reading comprehension course. Exactly how did our D improve? PR already posted that the points scored, yards, etc., etc. (all the “statistical” data) were virtually the same. And a “vastly improved run D” just means teams knew they could pass on us, so they did. Meanwhile, they gave up 41 and 46 straight (numbers that are likely to stand for a VERY long time), and then blew a 21-0 lead against MSU with the playoffs on the line, giving up a 29-3 run to end the game. We went 6-5, remember? You can measure success however YOU want. I measure it in wins and losses, not in feel good individual awards.

And I stand by my comment: If last year’s performance had been a SEMORE coached D, Kem (and you, apparently) would be leading the pitchfork brigade. But because Baer was hired by BH and has that magical FBS experience, a mediocre D is suddenly seen as a huge upgrade.
:lol: “You don’t know shit, Lebowski.”
AZGrizFan said:
garizzalies said:
AZGrizFan said:
kemajic said:
Baer is far more than just a placeholder. He is there to identify and mentor his successor. He has the experience to do a good job of that. Are you ever going to get off his case?
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook

I’m not trying to prop up Semore. If you get that out of my posts, you might want to go take a basic reading comprehension course. Exactly how did our D improve? PR already posted that the points scored, yards, etc., etc. (all the “statistical” data) were virtually the same. And a “vastly improved run D” just means teams knew they could pass on us, so they did. Meanwhile, they gave up 41 and 46 straight (numbers that are likely to stand for a VERY long time), and then blew a 21-0 lead against MSU with the playoffs on the line, giving up a 29-3 run to end the game. We went 6-5, remember? You can measure success however YOU want. I measure it in wins and losses, not in feel good individual awards.

And I stand by my comment: If last year’s performance had been a SEMORE coached D, Kem (and you, apparently) would be leading the pitchfork brigade. But because Baer was hired by BH and has that magical FBS experience, a mediocre D is suddenly seen as a huge upgrade.

Again, the obvious and significant differences are that Semore would have been doing it with his/Stitt's recruits in his 4th year, and Baer was doing it with mostly Semore's recruits in his first year. Huge difference.

If Baer and Hauck repeat this season in their 4th year, they will be run out of town.
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
garizzalies said:
AZGrizFan said:
I will when you admit that if Semore produced his numbers and results you’d be leading the pitchfork crew to run him out of town.
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook

I’m not trying to prop up Semore. If you get that out of my posts, you might want to go take a basic reading comprehension course. Exactly how did our D improve? PR already posted that the points scored, yards, etc., etc. (all the “statistical” data) were virtually the same. And a “vastly improved run D” just means teams knew they could pass on us, so they did. Meanwhile, they gave up 41 and 46 straight (numbers that are likely to stand for a VERY long time), and then blew a 21-0 lead against MSU with the playoffs on the line, giving up a 29-3 run to end the game. We went 6-5, remember? You can measure success however YOU want. I measure it in wins and losses, not in feel good individual awards.

And I stand by my comment: If last year’s performance had been a SEMORE coached D, Kem (and you, apparently) would be leading the pitchfork brigade. But because Baer was hired by BH and has that magical FBS experience, a mediocre D is suddenly seen as a huge upgrade.

Again, the obvious and significant differences are that Semore would have been doing it with his/Stitt's recruits in his 4th year, and Baer was doing it with mostly Semore's recruits in his first year. Huge difference.

If Baer and Hauck repeat this season in their 4th year, they will be run out of town.

Gotta call partial BS here. If there was no expectation Hauck and his coaches couldn't do better with the same players he shouldn't have been hired.
horribilisfan8184 said:
PlayerRep said:
AZGrizFan said:
garizzalies said:
WTF are the “numbers” you’re talking about?
The first Buchanan finalist in almost a decade?
The first freshman all-American in IDK how long? Maybe since Tru or about four decades?
A vastly improved run D?
No? Let me guess? You want to focus on a few, very specific, second half meltdowns as if there’s only one side of the ball, or as if Semore didn’t have meltdowns when his D never showed up in the first place.
You are not making any sense because you are clearly wrong and trying to prop up Semore makes you look even dumber. I don’t understand why a Griz fan would try to defend Semore’s D in any context. Once NAU cracked Semore’s simple code (which was basically max protect and abuse the man coverage), the gig was up. Only reason a Griz fan might support Semore’s over the current D is: you took an unsupported position early on, and now apparently you feel like you have to make shit up to defend it.
If you can’t see that our D improved this year, then you truly don’t know shit about FB. It’s got a long ways to go, but it’s better than the last bunch. I don’t know how that’s even up for debate. I actually saw some advanced zone coverage schemes this year. Semore didn’t even have any in his playbook

I’m not trying to prop up Semore. If you get that out of my posts, you might want to go take a basic reading comprehension course. Exactly how did our D improve? PR already posted that the points scored, yards, etc., etc. (all the “statistical” data) were virtually the same. And a “vastly improved run D” just means teams knew they could pass on us, so they did. Meanwhile, they gave up 41 and 46 straight (numbers that are likely to stand for a VERY long time), and then blew a 21-0 lead against MSU with the playoffs on the line, giving up a 29-3 run to end the game. We went 6-5, remember? You can measure success however YOU want. I measure it in wins and losses, not in feel good individual awards.

And I stand by my comment: If last year’s performance had been a SEMORE coached D, Kem (and you, apparently) would be leading the pitchfork brigade. But because Baer was hired by BH and has that magical FBS experience, a mediocre D is suddenly seen as a huge upgrade.

Again, the obvious and significant differences are that Semore would have been doing it with his/Stitt's recruits in his 4th year, and Baer was doing it with mostly Semore's recruits in his first year. Huge difference.

If Baer and Hauck repeat this season in their 4th year, they will be run out of town.

Gotta call partial BS here. If there was no expectation Hauck and his coaches couldn't do better with the same players he shouldn't have been hired.

Don't agree at all with what you said. It's not just coaching up, it's recruiting, teaching good football skills, and teaching/instilling the winning attitude. Hauck wasn't hired to do better than Stitt with Stitt recruits.

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