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a thread with adult conversation

Growler1 said:
Obama is a socialist ideologue, and also a hypocrite (see the lavish party he just held at taxpayers expense which he tried to hide from the public), with no clue how to run this country .

Growler's pants are on fire!

http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/statements/2012/jan/08/rick-perry/rick-perry-says-barack-obama-socialist/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Porcupines are sneaking in and killing my pine trees. I wonder would placing a salt lick nearby entice the buggers to hang out in the open so I can... send them off to porky nirvana? Any help out there?
Grizzlies1982 said:
Porcupines are sneaking in and killing my pine trees. I wonder would placing a salt lick nearby entice the buggers to hang out in the open so I can... send them off to porky nirvana? Any help out there?
I don't know about salt licks, but they love cat food. Of course so do skunks so you might have to deal with some if you try it. And a 12 guage is equally effective on either skunks or porcupines
Last year, I won $24,754.00 playing a slot machine in Palm Springs...I gave it all to the elect Jerry Brown fund and the rest to the Barbara Boxer Senate campaign.....I get to deduct it...twice, if my tax guy is as clever as usual.
RobGriz said:
dancingbear said:
I once owned a 1954 Nash Rambler convertible.
in 1976 I had some nash jeans

I remember these jeans...
MrTitleist said:
Does anyone else think that Sarah Jessica Parker may be part appaloosa?

I, for one, do not think that she is good looking nor looks good - for years.

If she and John Elway bred, would they have a pony?


TheBud said:
MrTitleist said:
Does anyone else think that Sarah Jessica Parker may be part appaloosa?

I, for one, do not think that she is good looking nor looks good - for years.

If she and John Elway bred, would they have a pony?


Yes, but the little equine would be able to throw a football thru a brick wall
DuCharme said:
The American version of Top Gear sucks.
A conversation with my mom:
Mom: Have you seen Top Gear?
Me: Yeah! Which guy do you like better, Jeremy or Richard?
Mom: Who? I like the fat guy with the beard!
Me: :| Have you seen the British version?
Mom: There's a British version....?
there are quite a few montages on you tube of tom cruise in the process of running.

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