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"Caitlyn Jenner says she opposes transgender girls competing in girls’ sports"

SoldierGriz said:
EverettGriz said:
For a guy who doesn't watch cable news, wtf does "woke" mean, and why does the right keep using it?

You know what it means...go look outside - you live among the wokest folks in the world...

I honestly do not. As I said, I don't watch cable "news" channels. But I see all my right wing nut job friends on social media use it, and I truly have no idea what it means. Is this like some potato head thing again?
EverettGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
You know what it means...go look outside - you live among the wokest folks in the world...

I honestly do not. As I said, I don't watch cable "news" channels. But I see all my right wing nut job friends on social media use it, and I truly have no idea what it means. Is this like some potato head thing again?

Just stop.
eGriz Club
Posts: 21641
Location: The Shadel, Mill Creek, WA
Thu May 06, 2021 4:45 pm

SoldierGriz wrote: ↑Thu May 06, 2021 12:21 pm
EverettGriz wrote: ↑Thu May 06, 2021 11:32 am

For a guy who doesn't watch cable news, wtf does "woke" mean, and why does the right keep using it?
You know what it means...go look outside - you live among the wokest folks in the world...
I honestly do not. As I said, I don't watch cable "news" channels. But I see all my right wing nut job friends on social media use it, and I truly have no idea what it means. Is this like some potato head thing again?

If it is of any help, and probably isn't, this is the way I look at it. Like you I jettisoned cable several years ago and have no intention of looking up the newest terms right wing cable TV hosts and right wing politicians use to mold their base. So I view "woke" in its original meaning - awake, aware, and conscious of what is going on around me. So I actually view the term as a compliment. Using this logic we must assume that those calling people "woke" are "unwoke" meaning sleepy, lazy dullards not able to summon the mental capacity to discern total lies from reality. So the Fakreriots have such a minimal capacity to discern real issues vs. what they hear from their right wing TV heroes that we must assume that this is just the newest term they have chosen to divide the country ending up in the endless morass of bullshit that keeps us, as a nation from accomplishing anything. It is no wonder that China is now surpassing the US as the most powerful nation because we have wasted the last 8 years, and almost certainly the next four, accomplishing nothing (i.e. see Mitch McConnell's comments on his current goals). So it will be twelve years wasted and no wonder other countries are moving ahead. If people call you "woke" you are probably ok - the country on the other hand is F.....ed.
tourist said:
When a actual transgendered person, world class decathlete(gold medal winner, 1976 Olympics) comes out against transgendered females competing against biological females, THAT is coming from the 'horses' mouth. Irrefutable. No delicatessen joke, but based on real life experience. End of discussion.


Oops. :oops:

On the verge of making the Olympics as a woman at 43. Never came close as a male before transitioning.

SoldierGriz said:
EverettGriz said:
I honestly do not. As I said, I don't watch cable "news" channels. But I see all my right wing nut job friends on social media use it, and I truly have no idea what it means. Is this like some potato head thing again?

Just stop.

I'll happily stop, but I still don't understand the term and why I see it every third post in my feed these days. Is it supposed to be a slam, like the ridiculous "libtard" thing was awhile back?
EverettGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
Just stop.

I'll happily stop, but I still don't understand the term and why I see it every third post in my feed these days. Is it supposed to be a slam, like the ridiculous "libtard" thing was awhile back?

I'm with you. I hear my kid use it but she's a 16 year old girl and I don't understand half of what she says so I just added it to the list.
ilovethecats said:
EverettGriz said:
I'll happily stop, but I still don't understand the term and why I see it every third post in my feed these days. Is it supposed to be a slam, like the ridiculous "libtard" thing was awhile back?

I'm with you. I hear my kid use it but she's a 16 year old girl and I don't understand half of what she says so I just added it to the list.

ilovethecats said:

On the verge of making the Olympics as a woman at 43. Never came close as a male before transitioning.


At some point there will be zero world records achieved by biological women...

That seems like a good thing, I guess.

That's woke EG.
ilovethecats said:
I'm with you. I hear my kid use it but she's a 16 year old girl and I don't understand half of what she says so I just added it to the list.

We've all had those moments. For some reason, I flashed back to my early youth. My folks were in the habit spelling words they didn't want to say I'm front of me. One day I just put the letters together and said the word. Didn't know mom's eyes were that big. That was the end of the spellathon days.
Please rank in order of magnitude/importance:

A. The global pandemic;
B. The January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection;
C. Too many people voting for Democrats in the 2020 election;
D. Transgender women beating other women in track meets;
E. Bobcats suck.
AllWeatherFan said:
Please rank in order of magnitude/importance:

A. The global pandemic;
B. The January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection;
C. Too many people voting for Democrats in the 2020 election;
D. Transgender women beating other women in track meets;
E. Bobcats suck.

... And, as always, NO snowflake answers!
AllWeatherFan said:
Please rank in order of magnitude/importance:

A. The global pandemic;
B. The January 6, 2021 Capitol insurrection;
C. Too many people voting for Democrats in the 2020 election;
D. Transgender women beating other women in track meets;
E. Bobcats suck.

Bobcats suck.
Pretty much all else is nonsense.
tourist said:
This thread is now played out. Gov signed the bill today. Selah!
Source? Nothing on social media. I see he's at UM today and signed HB 14 that gives UM the money to build the new forestry building but I see nothing on 112.

Edit: On the bill lookup. Great, now we get to go duke it out with the courts :roll:
Can the Griz realistically compete for a national championship if they can’t host playoff games? Four straight road playoff games seems impossible to me
Boscoe said:
Can the Griz realistically compete for a national championship if they can’t host playoff games? Four straight road playoff games seems impossible to me
No it's gonna be impossible. There's no way you're winning a national championship playing all road games.

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