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Kent Baer will be hired as Griz defensive coordinator

i_the_sky said:
Kent IS A GREAT PICK! DC stints at Cal., Stanford, Washington and Notre Dame. Head coach at ND one year and Broyles award finalist,2002 ( top assistant coach in America) So much experience and knowledge to offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bobby know's what he's doing! Go Griz! Tim will come back later on.He will honor his Philly contract first, I think?

WTF is wrong with you?
All I care about is if he knows how to defend 3rd and 27....and if he thinks its an appropriate down and distance to send the house on a blitz.....
Raider said:
i_the_sky said:
Kent IS A GREAT PICK! DC stints at Cal., Stanford, Washington and Notre Dame. Head coach at ND one year and Broyles award finalist,2002 ( top assistant coach in America) So much experience and knowledge to offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bobby know's what he's doing! Go Griz! Tim will come back later on.He will honor his Philly contract first, I think?

WTF is wrong with you?

Amphetamines, clearly.
jcu27 said:
Raider said:
i_the_sky said:
Kent IS A GREAT PICK! DC stints at Cal., Stanford, Washington and Notre Dame. Head coach at ND one year and Broyles award finalist,2002 ( top assistant coach in America) So much experience and knowledge to offer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bobby know's what he's doing! Go Griz! Tim will come back later on.He will honor his Philly contract first, I think?

WTF is wrong with you?

Amphetamines, clearly.

Ahh...which type? Does he use every day or did he miss a dose today? Tough call and could go either way imo!
PlayerRep said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
PlayerRep said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Well thanks for allowing me to have an opinion! And implying that I didn’t think you should have one...

Regarding the final paragraph, it’s absolutely ridiculous. That’s the point.

It’s the same ridiculous measuring stick that arrogant, self-important people like you used to beat Stitt over the head with from the moment he was hired over Hauck three years ago and to undermine him whenever things didn’t go well.

To be fair, I don’t know you. I’ve never met you, that I know of. I’m sure you’re a perfectly nice person in the real world, but when I read your comments I almost always end up saying or thinking to myself, “What kind of pathetic person claims to represent the Griz players?... This guy might be the most arrogant SOB on here... What kind of deranged loser has to chime in and attempt to correct people on a discussion board. Every. Single. Time...”

Your last reply is an absolutely perfect example. You repeatedly assert that “in your view” there really wasn’t any rebuilding going on. I fact you deny it was even necessary...

That statement alone undermines your credibility with me. It demonstrates that you are severely lacking objectivity...

The Griz haven’t had multiple playoff wins in a season since 2011 (and to the person who inevitably replies to clarify that the NCAA vacated those 2011 wins - piss off).

Another fun fact, the Griz have yet to get beyond the second round of the FCS playoffs since it was expanded to 24 teams.

Had it still been a 16-team playoff, it’s very likely that 2013 would have been the only playoff appearance the Griz would have had since 2011.

And that was the year they were humiliated by Coastal Carolina. A team making their first FCS playoff run. First time playing west of the Mississippi. First time playing in below freezing temperatures.

And with the Griz having three future professional linebackers playing for them that day.

It also happened to be Grergorak’s first year as a DC. Everyone seems to forget that for some reason now that say they want him back. Giving Semore time to gain experience and learn from his mistakes is too crazy to fathom for the geniuses here, but I digress.

The point is that whether you want to acknowledge it or not doesn’t mean a damn thing. There unquestionably was a need to rebuild the program.

Not because it was a losing program, but because it was stuck being pretty good program. It was complacent. Satisfied with beating the weak Bozeman teams more often than not, hosting a first round playoff game, and then losing on the road in the second round.

You know who wasn’t satisfied with that?

Bob Stitt.

He realized after his first season that the outcome of the 2015 was the ceiling for the program at that point in time.

He also realized that Gregorak, along with certain former players and influential donors were actively working against what he was trying to do. That’s what all the talk of a divided locker room was about. Honestly I don’t think it was fully unified locker room until this season. There was still division in 2016 and that’s why that team imploded in the second half of the season.

That’s what I appreciated about Stitt. He wasn’t a legacy Griz blinded by the amazing history of the program. He wasn’t stuck in the Montana football echo chamber full of people living in the past.

Stitt knew fundamental changes were necessary to begin competing with NDSUs and JMUs of the FCS world. And that was the rebuilding process he started after the 2015 season.

If you can compare the roster and staff from 2015 and 2106 and then attempt to argue that there wasn’t a rebuilding process in place, then there really isn’t anything more to be say to you because you’re delusional.

The 2016 team was a difficult season. No question about it. But the 2017 team was drastically better. Mentally they were much much stronger despite being much much younger. I was disappointed as anyone walking out of stadium in Bozeman, but I was beyond excited for next year.

There was another amazing recruiting class on the way in. The QB, who has since decommitted, was very impressive. The current class of redshirts would begin contributing along with the freshman and sophomores who saw significant time in 2017. The future was looking bright, then the program was turned upside down. By people who, at least to me, appear to be stuck in the past...

As far as Colter goes, it was his persistent negativity towards Stitt. I talked about it on this board the week leading up to NAU when he arrogantly trashes Stitt for not revealing his game plan during his weekly presser. Colter walked it back and “ate crow” the next week apparently, but he was back to trashing Stitt during Cat week.

I didn’t completely understand his blatant bias until Hauck’s first press conference. When Hauck addressed Colter like an old friend. It was pretty clear to me that he wasn’t covering the Griz as an unbiased journalist. He was actively using his platform on his website and radio to advocate against Stitt. And it worked.

Finally—what was disgusting is not the innocent fairytale you described. It was the shady politicking that was summarized quite nicely here:


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This post of yours is mostly ridiculous too.

First, I supported Stitt and never "beat him over the head".

Yes, I generally support players and sometimes coaches. I'm not a jerk like you who trashes players and others associated with Griz athletics on the internet.

UM, which finished nos. 12 and 8 in the final polls, beat the Cats and went to the playoffs in the 2 years prior to Stitt, did not need "rebuilding". It just didn't. Improvement, yes. Rebuilding, no.

UM was not "humiliated" by Coastal. UM lost by 1 TD to a very good Coastal team that played its best game the season (according to my friend and former teammate, who was their team doctor and at the game).

Your analysis of Stitt makes me laugh. I don't think a lot of egriz posters agree with you on that, and apparently Haslam didn't either.

I don't agree that 2017 was "drastically better" than 2016. Very similar, in my view. UM didn't finish those season in even the top 25 in the polls those years, probably not top 30, I don't think. Didn't check it, tho. Is that your idea of rebuilding Dropping 20 slots in the final polls.

The locker room was not united, at least on Stitt, this year either. Multiple seniors and juniors didn't like Stitt, and eventually told Haslam that.

Again, I don't recall Colter trashing Stitt, and I certainly don't believe your assertions. Feel free to provide some quotes/links.

You admit that you aren't an "insider", yet you think you know what went on with Stitt's firing and Hauck's hiring. And you know it's "shady". Sorry, but you are really out to lunch on this one.

If you really are a Griz fan, UM doesn't need "fans" like you.
Who the hell are you to declare who is and isn’t worthy of a being a Griz fan?!

But thanks for yet another example of what a pretentious narcissist you are with yet another anecdote where you’re privy to an unsubstantiated comment from an unverified third-party who supposedly had insider information and whose alleged comments negates my opinion.

Classic PR move.

My favorite example though is still how you jumped on the thread about Reece’s injury to tell everyone all about the time YOU injured YOUR foot in New York or wherever. Even then, while people were posting words of support and encouragement for Reece, you couldn’t resist trying make it about you.

Talk about being a jerk!

I’d insert a jerk store reference here, but I’m sure it’d go over your head. Then you’d have to call one of your kids and come back here with another blah blah blah post that is actually just another chance for you to tell everyone that your kids are attorneys or whatever back east...

I swear, if Amazon Echo Silver Edition was an actual product, I’d buy one for every room of your house just to keep you off egriz. The “uh-huh” feature would be perfect for you.

And for the record I haven’t trashed any players or coaches here. I’m trashing you and the arrogant elitist fans like you for being such blatant hypocrites.

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Mining, aren't I entitled to my opinion, or do you think that only you gets an opinion. My opinion is that UM doesn't need people like you as fans. It isn't pretentious or narcissistic to state an opinion.

I find it interesting that you are apparently so insecure that you can't stand it when someone who has more information, provides views ands opinions with support, and says things with confidence, offends you so much.

Yes, it's true that I once had an injury similar to Phillips' but not nearly as bad, and that I had experience on recovery. Providing that information was not making it about me in any respect. This is another example of your insecurity. Have you gone through life thinking everyone was getting more than you or people were picking on you?

I think it's funny that you get so worked up when someone knows more than you, and doesn't agree with your (silly) views.

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Mining, Stitt is gone, likely selling used cars. Why don’t you go away with him.
Most of us are pleased Bobby replaced him and we are supportive of his decisions regarding new coaches.
Lighten up on Player. He has forgotten more about football than you will ever learn.
Love Baer's experience, he has seen everything, and has worked with top-notch athletes.

Great hire.

ordigger said:
IntuitiveGriz said:
Love Baer's experience, he has seen everything, and has worked with top-notch athletes.

Great hire.


And still failed at every step.

Nope. Wait, my bad, I forget that we don’t analyze here. We just spread misinformation to sell our opinions. Carry on.
Well, if nothing else, he has the perfect last name to be a Griz coach.

Between that and a D line coach named Sacks, we should be good to go!
ordigger said:
IntuitiveGriz said:
Love Baer's experience, he has seen everything, and has worked with top-notch athletes.

Great hire.


And still failed at every step.

He didn't fail at every step. That's why he kept getting good to great jobs, including DC at 5 Pac-12 schools plus Notre Dame. My cursory look indicates that he was "moved on" at only 2 places, one of which was UW, and after Willingham had hired him at Notre Dame, Stanford and UW. For that 16 year or so period, I doubt that Willingham would have kept bringing him to the next school if he was failing at every step.
PlayerRep said:
ordigger said:
IntuitiveGriz said:
Love Baer's experience, he has seen everything, and has worked with top-notch athletes.

Great hire.


And still failed at every step.

He didn't fail at every step. That's why he kept getting good to great jobs, including DC at 5 Pac-12 schools plus Notre Dame. My cursory look indicates that he was "moved on" at only 2 places, one of which was UW, and after Willingham had hired him at Notre Dame, Stanford and UW. For that 16 year or so period, I doubt that Willingham would have kept bringing him to the next school if he was failing at every step.

He hasn't had a good defense since 2005. 12 straight years of fail. Circling the FBS drain of college coaching...going from ND to UW to SJSU to UNLV....THAT is not a trend line that is favorable....

Sweet hire.
Spanky said:
Mining, Stitt is gone, likely selling used cars. Why don’t you go away with him.
Most of us are pleased Bobby replaced him and we are supportive of his decisions regarding new coaches.
Lighten up on Player. He has forgotten more about football than you will ever learn.
Stitt will be fine. I feel bad for the way he and his family have been traeated . They are great people. The fact that their terrible treatment is celebrated by ignorant fans like you and PR speaks volumes. It just proves that class is one thing money can't buy.

Now go get your pat in the head from the PR. If you're lucky he won't tell you a long rambling story about himself.

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Everyone losing their damn mind, love it, I am mixed on the hire. One thing folks have to keep in mind is what types of coordinators you can get at the FBS level. Any great DC available at our level will be getting HC offers and that is tough. Same can be said for good FBS coordinators. That leaves us, generally speaking, with hiring a standout from D-II, an ok guy from FCS, or a guy that is on the outs at FBS.

Yes, he had some pretty abysmal defensive stats in certain years of his career. But, on the flip side, I also couch that with the fact that he spent 12 years as DC under Tyrone Willingham and Tyrone certainly does not have a world class record on the offensive side of the ball. So I have to give a little leeway that, and as a Denver Broncos fan I certainly know, any defense that is always on the field is never going to have stellar stats.

At the end of the day I don't doubt he has some great experience and knowledge and can help with technique. I hope that our schemes are successful, and at the FCS level, I think he will be more likely to find success when compared to ND, Stan., UW, etc.
I am curious to know what happens when our Defense becomes a top 10 defense in the FCS with this DC. Who will step up and say they were wrong?
Reinell, I hope to GOD I am wrong. I would LOVE to be wrong. Can't WAIT to be wrong....in fact, let me admit i was wrong about one thing. I said he hadn't had a good defense since 2005, but that was incorrect. He had a good defense in 2012. But please tell me what, other than that one season, gives you confidence when you look at these numbers:

2017 UNLV Team: 43 (FCS), 16, 54, 13, 41, 34, 52, 16, 23, 31, 35, 23 (32 average)
2016 UNLV Team: 13 (FCS), 42, 44, 33, 20, 26, 38, 42, 30, 66, 42, 45 (39 average)
2015 UNLV Team: Gave up 38, 37, 28, 8 (FCS), 17, 33, 31, 55, 21, 49, 52, 35 (37 average)

2013 Colorado Team: Gave up 27, 24 (FCS), 44, 57, 54, 10 (FCS), 44, 45, 59, 24, 47, 24 (42.5 average)

2012 SJSU Team: Gave up 20, 13, 20, 34, 0, 49, 24, 20, 13, 7, 14, 43, 20 (22 average)
2011 SJSU Team: Gave up 57, 27, 17, 24, 31, 29, 27, 38, 32, 34, 24, 24 (31 average)
2010 SJSU Team: Gave up 48, 27, 11, 56, 14, 35, 48, 33, 29, 38, 41, 45, 26 (38 average)
reinell30 said:
I am curious to know what happens when our Defense becomes a top 10 defense in the FCS with this DC. Who will step up and say they were wrong?

Wrong about what exactly? Looking at his past experience, it seems fair for people to question the hire based on his prior results. Will you step up and say you are wrong if they are not a Top 10 FCS defense?
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Spanky said:
Mining, Stitt is gone, likely selling used cars. Why don’t you go away with him.
Most of us are pleased Bobby replaced him and we are supportive of his decisions regarding new coaches.
Lighten up on Player. He has forgotten more about football than you will ever learn.
Stitt will be fine. I feel bad for the way he and his family have been traeated . They are great people. The fact that their terrible treatment is celebrated by ignorant fans like you and PR speaks volumes. It just proves that class is one thing money can't buy.

Now go get your pat in the head from the PR. If you're lucky he won't tell you a long rambling story about himself.

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How exactly has Stitt been mistreated? His family?

He did not perform at a level commensurate with expectations of the program, and was let go. Period, point blank, end of story. That is the coaching business. Why is that so hard for some of you to understand?
reinell30 said:
I am curious to know what happens when our Defense becomes a top 10 defense in the FCS with this DC. Who will step up and say they were wrong?

That is not what Griz fans do. They formulate a snap shot opinion of a coach (positively or negatively) and then ride that opinion out come hell or high water. You are seeing it as we speak with the pro-Stitt crowd.

If the Griz end up with a top 10 defense, it will be because we are playing shitty offenses, not because people were wrong about the Baer hire. Mark my words.
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Spanky said:
Mining, Stitt is gone, likely selling used cars. Why don’t you go away with him.
Most of us are pleased Bobby replaced him and we are supportive of his decisions regarding new coaches.
Lighten up on Player. He has forgotten more about football than you will ever learn.
Stitt will be fine. I feel bad for the way he and his family have been traeated . They are great people. The fact that their terrible treatment is celebrated by ignorant fans like you and PR speaks volumes. It just proves that class is one thing money can't buy.

Now go get your pat in the head from the PR. If you're lucky he won't tell you a long rambling story about himself.

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Could you elaborate on the bad treatment that coach Stitt and his family received.

Other than the fact that he failed as the HC and was fired, what other bad treatment was assessed to him or his family.

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