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Question for Military & ex-military?

Hey, Dutch:


Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Michael Gilday reversed course and said Friday the U.S. Navy will not reinstate Capt. Brett Crozier to command the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt, after he wrote a letter warning about the coronavirus outbreak aboard the ship. The letter was later leaked to the San Francisco Chronicle.

After a formal investigation, Gidlay changed his mind about reinstating Crozier upon learning more details about what led to 1,200 of the 5,000 sailors aboard the ship testing positive for COVID-19, the Navy announced Friday.

In addition, the promotion of Capt. Crozier’s commanding officer Rear Adm. Stuart Baker to two-star admiral will be delayed.

Gilday learned “following the finding of facts” that Crozier “did not meet the standard expected for a commanding officer,” a senior defense official told Fox News.

The Navy stressed Crozier was not released from duty for the email or for firing the red flare about the outbreak on his ship.

However, the Navy concluded that Crozier had multiple opportunities to alert his chain of command to his concerns before writing the leaked email. Also on the email he only addressed fellow aviators, leaving off a key submariner who was in his chain of command.

Rear Adm. Baker as well did not voice his concerns up his chain of command, according to the defense official. “They did not get people off the ship fast enough. They chose comfort over safety.”

The investigation found that upon learning that coronavirus had made its way onto the ship when it was forced to dock in Guam, COVID-positive sailors did not depart the ship expeditiously and Crozier did not enforce social distancing on the ship.

Crozier chose “the comfort of his sailors” over quickly offloading them from the ship because there were not comfortable hotel rooms immediately available, according to the official.

:coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee: :coffee:
Talk about goal posts moving. The letter to hundreds or more...the leaked letter...not informing his chain of command...now not fast enough and crappy hotels.

He was never getting reinstated.

Guarantee his crew still respects the shitbout of him. Too bad really.
SoldierGriz said:
Talk about goal posts moving. The letter to hundreds or more...the leaked letter...not informing his chain of command...now not fast enough and crappy hotels.

He was never getting reinstated.

Guarantee his crew still respects the shitbout of him. Too bad really.

Soldier he was in a no-win situation, really...and I feel sorry for the guy....but Dutch was just CERTAIN he was getting reinstated.... :lol:

He’s not the first CO to get canned for a BS reason. And he won’t be the last. But the Navy maintains its perfect record of NEVER reinstating one after they’re fired. :coffee:
AZGrizFan said:
SoldierGriz said:
Talk about goal posts moving. The letter to hundreds or more...the leaked letter...not informing his chain of command...now not fast enough and crappy hotels.

He was never getting reinstated.

Guarantee his crew still respects the shitbout of him. Too bad really.

Soldier he was in a no-win situation, really...and I feel sorry for the guy....but Dutch was just CERTAIN he was getting reinstated.... :lol:

He’s not the first CO to get canned for a BS reason. And he won’t be the last. But the Navy maintains its perfect record of NEVER reinstating one after they’re fired. :coffee:

Touché and well played Az, the navy’s coc is still batting .1000 in spite of Trump, but I would wager this ain’t over tell the fat lady (or potus) sings and polling data is analyzed. 5 months until the election and you never know when we will get a midnite tweet reinstating him in order to gin up the lagging military vote, so there’s that. If Biden wins I see sec of navy in croziers future. Lol. So navy rationale now is he didn’t do enough to protect his crew like social distancing in the sleeping berths and getting his fellas off the ship fast enough into quarantine. Wasn’t that what his letter to the coc was about?
Dutch Lane said:
AZGrizFan said:
Soldier he was in a no-win situation, really...and I feel sorry for the guy....but Dutch was just CERTAIN he was getting reinstated.... :lol:

He’s not the first CO to get canned for a BS reason. And he won’t be the last. But the Navy maintains its perfect record of NEVER reinstating one after they’re fired. :coffee:

Touché and well played Az, the navy’s coc is still batting .1000 in spite of Trump, but I would wager this ain’t over tell the fat lady (or potus) sings and polling data is analyzed. 5 months until the election and you never know when we will get a midnite tweet reinstating him in order to gin up the lagging military vote, so there’s that. If Biden wins I see sec of navy in croziers future. Lol. So navy rationale now is he didn’t do enough to protect his crew like social distancing in the sleeping berths and getting his fellas off the ship fast enough into quarantine. Wasn’t that what his letter to the coc was about?

Hey I’m not saying it makes logical SENSE. I’m just saying there was no WAY your scenario was going to happen. There wasn’t a military officer on this board who thought it was going to happen. And I’ll take the CNO bet for $100,000. Seriously. THAT is how certain I am that won’t happen, even if (god for bid) Ol’ Mushbrain gets elected.
AZGrizFan said:
Dutch Lane said:
Touché and well played Az, the navy’s coc is still batting .1000 in spite of Trump, but I would wager this ain’t over tell the fat lady (or potus) sings and polling data is analyzed. 5 months until the election and you never know when we will get a midnite tweet reinstating him in order to gin up the lagging military vote, so there’s that. If Biden wins I see sec of navy in croziers future. Lol. So navy rationale now is he didn’t do enough to protect his crew like social distancing in the sleeping berths and getting his fellas off the ship fast enough into quarantine. Wasn’t that what his letter to the coc was about?

Hey I’m not saying it makes logical SENSE. I’m just saying there was no WAY your scenario was going to happen. There wasn’t a military officer on this board who thought it was going to happen. And I’ll take the CNO bet for $100,000. Seriously. THAT is how certain I am that won’t happen, even if (god for bid) Ol’ Mushbrain gets elected.

Will happen once the election is over and didn't Ol’ Mushbrain get elected, barely.
fanofzoo said:
AZGrizFan said:
Hey I’m not saying it makes logical SENSE. I’m just saying there was no WAY your scenario was going to happen. There wasn’t a military officer on this board who thought it was going to happen. And I’ll take the CNO bet for $100,000. Seriously. THAT is how certain I am that won’t happen, even if (god for bid) Ol’ Mushbrain gets elected.

Will happen once the election is over and didn't Ol’ Mushbrain get elected, barely.

Different mushbrain.
Ida and AZ. What say you? I understand you are squids and I was a ground pounder so I'm curious as to what you feel our strategy ought to be going forward and knowing we are facing severe shortcomings tactically (even this newspaper reporter is aware how we've fallen behind with the battleships).

While we were sending our kids all over the face of the globe in the war on terror, they've invested quite a bit on new and better equipment. I'm too lazy to go read Jane's right now but I guess my question is: Do we really need to bring our assets home and build our stockpile in order to catch up really fast?

CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Ida and AZ. What say you? I understand you are squids and I was a ground pounder so I'm curious as to what you feel our strategy ought to be going forward and knowing we are facing severe shortcomings tactically (even this newspaper reporter is aware how we've fallen behind with the battleships).

While we were sending our kids all over the face of the globe in the war on terror, they've invested quite a bit on new and better equipment. I'm too lazy to go read Jane's right now but I guess my question is: Do we really need to bring our assets home and build our stockpile in order to catch up really fast?


Battleships, seriously, those went out of style in WW2, aircraft carriers are the latest bad boy but that is changing too. Squid member.
fanofzoo said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Ida and AZ. What say you? I understand you are squids and I was a ground pounder so I'm curious as to what you feel our strategy ought to be going forward and knowing we are facing severe shortcomings tactically (even this newspaper reporter is aware how we've fallen behind with the battleships).

While we were sending our kids all over the face of the globe in the war on terror, they've invested quite a bit on new and better equipment. I'm too lazy to go read Jane's right now but I guess my question is: Do we really need to bring our assets home and build our stockpile in order to catch up really fast?


Battleships, seriously, those went out of style in WW2, aircraft carriers are the latest bad boy but that is changing too. Squid member.

Serious question. I know how badly outmanned we are militarily. If we've lost our huge advantage technically to not just China while being spread so thin, what does that say about our ability to defend our own borders? Just as Nam and Korea (with more than a little help from China) simply waited us out, so did Afghanistan. Look at the reality of NBC warfare today and what is happening to our communications. I intend to spend the next few days reading Janes.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
fanofzoo said:
Battleships, seriously, those went out of style in WW2, aircraft carriers are the latest bad boy but that is changing too. Squid member.

Serious question. I know how badly outmanned we are militarily. If we've lost our huge advantage technically to not just China while being spread so thin, what does that say about our ability to defend our own borders? Just as Nam and Korea (with more than a little help from China) simply waited us out, so did Afghanistan. Look at the reality of NBC warfare today and what is happening to our communications. I intend to spend the next few days reading Janes.

Do you really think the chinese are going to physically invade us ?
Cut back on the fox, it's showing.
fanofzoo said:
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Serious question. I know how badly outmanned we are militarily. If we've lost our huge advantage technically to not just China while being spread so thin, what does that say about our ability to defend our own borders? Just as Nam and Korea (with more than a little help from China) simply waited us out, so did Afghanistan. Look at the reality of NBC warfare today and what is happening to our communications. I intend to spend the next few days reading Janes.

Do you really think the chinese are going to physically invade us ?
Cut back on the fox, it's showing.

Physically? Nope. Economically they are hurting us now. They hurt my parents generation really bad in Korea and my generation in Viet Nam. They've been a pain in the ass since Henry went to visit and they still are.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
fanofzoo said:
Battleships, seriously, those went out of style in WW2, aircraft carriers are the latest bad boy but that is changing too. Squid member.

Serious question. I know how badly outmanned we are militarily. If we've lost our huge advantage technically to not just China while being spread so thin, what does that say about our ability to defend our own borders? Just as Nam and Korea (with more than a little help from China) simply waited us out, so did Afghanistan. Look at the reality of NBC warfare today and what is happening to our communications. I intend to spend the next few days reading Janes.

We outspend every other nation combined and it is not even close. Our technological offset is reduced and reducing. But, no other nation has a global reach to conduct military campaigns. Not Russia...not China.

This is all true with or without our alliances. We are obviously far better off with them.

Space, electro magnetic spectrum, cyber, ballistic missile defense, next gen stealth, and hypersonic are big rocks. Dominating in multiple domains is key.

Ultimately, wars are won politically...fought on land. There will never be enough Infantrymen.

This Soldier prays daily for peace.
CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
fanofzoo said:
Battleships, seriously, those went out of style in WW2, aircraft carriers are the latest bad boy but that is changing too. Squid member.

Serious question. I know how badly outmanned we are militarily. If we've lost our huge advantage technically to not just China while being spread so thin, what does that say about our ability to defend our own borders? Just as Nam and Korea (with more than a little help from China) simply waited us out, so did Afghanistan. Look at the reality of NBC warfare today and what is happening to our communications. I intend to spend the next few days reading Janes.

Never, in our country’s history, have we depended on winning a war of attrition. We’ve ALWAYS been “outmanned”. But we always have had a significant technology and war fighting advantage. Also, waaaaay better training, and an all-volunteer force.

China’s biggest threat right now is their diesel sub capability. They’re quiet and stealthy.

If we’re “spread so thin”, it’s not because of where current troops are deployed, its’ because we’ve done nothing but CUT the military since 1992.
AZGrizFan said:
Hey, Dutch! Wanna make a bet as to what happens to the CO of the USS Bonhomme Richard?

I bet he doesn't get his boat back...gives "Coming in hot!" a whole new meaning for those of us who liked riding around and rappeling out of whirly birds into RB8s...
Talk about a ring knocker...

I especially like the last paragraph to further solidify the ring knocker label "His awards are based upon being surrounded by incredible shipmates..."

He's definitely a hot commodity compared to this politically incorrect move on the part of the Navy!

CatGrad-UMGradStu said:
Talk about a ring knocker...

I especially like the last paragraph to further solidify the ring knocker label "His awards are based upon being surrounded by incredible shipmates..."

He's definitely a hot commodity compared to this politically incorrect move on the part of the Navy!


Come on, man. Dude is a "mustang". Any good leader gives credit to the folks who make him look good... :thumb: :thumb:
AZGrizFan said:
Hey, Dutch! Wanna make a bet as to what happens to the CO of the USS Bonhomme Richard?

Well my first comment is where in the hell is Peyton and why is he allowing this political bs on the FCS football board again? Don’t you and the other fella (he must have suffered some trauma and abuse from West Pointers who looked down there collective noses at land grant college rotc boys) have any respect for our traditions and institutions here on egriz? Smdh. Posting this political crap on the main board is an affront to the thousands of alum and fan faithful who genuflect at the alter of Griz nation. Why its no different then some clown kneeling during the playing of the national anthem at a for profit professional sporting event. Just what in the hell is your major malfunction private Gomer Pyle?

Ps. Don’t know much about the Bonhomme Richard fire yet, but once again I will wager a grand that Trump loses in November, :thumb:
Dutch Lane said:
AZGrizFan said:
Hey, Dutch! Wanna make a bet as to what happens to the CO of the USS Bonhomme Richard?

Well my first comment is where in the hell is Peyton and why is he allowing this political bs on the FCS football board again? Don’t you and the other fella (he must have suffered some trauma and abuse from West Pointers who looked down there collective noses at land grant college rotc boys) have any respect for our traditions and institutions here on egriz? Smdh. Posting this political crap on the main board is an affront to the thousands of alum and fan faithful who genuflect at the alter of Griz nation. Why its no different then some clown kneeling during the playing of the national anthem at a for profit professional sporting event. Just what in the hell is your major malfunction private Gomer Pyle?

Ps. Don’t know much about the Bonhomme Richard fire yet, but once again I will wager a grand that Trump loses in November, :thumb:

What a complete non answer.

And I can only post where the thread is. I’m not a mod, and I have no power to move it.

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