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UM is 5th best average ranked FCS team in past 3 seasons

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Oldschoolhornet said:
It never occurred to me that RTD would be 1-5 vs. Sac State and Montana State over the last three seasons.

How about being 5th in average post-season poll rankings? Did that occur to you?

Did it occur to you that SS and MSU were top seeded teams in the playoffs and good teams? Even though, SS won only 1 playoff game in 3 years, despite having been seeded twice. Do you think Griz fans would be happier if UM won only 1 playoff game in that 3-year period, like SS did, instead of winning 3 playoff games?
Oldschoolhornet said:
It never occurred to me that RTD would be 1-5 vs. Sac State and Montana State over the last three seasons.

It never occurred to me that 1:5 would be an acceptable ratio of Bubbie coaches to get arrested and THEN have their contracts extended. That’s the kind of program Duchess Waded, Duke Costello, and Dork Sixx have proved they want to run, though.
So Hoops it surprises me to hear you say that Griz fans are happy losing to Sac State and Montana State as long as they win a couple inconsequential games in the playoffs. Interesting.
Oldschoolhornet said:
So Hoops it surprises me to hear you say that Griz fans are happy losing to Sac State and Montana State as long as they win a couple inconsequential games in the playoffs. Interesting.
So playoff wins are now inconsequential. Understandable when you factor in how many of those inconsequential playoff games SacSt has won.
Oldschoolhornet said:
So Hoops it surprises me to hear you say that Griz fans are happy losing to Sac State and Montana State as long as they win a couple inconsequential games in the playoffs. Interesting.

I understand that you folks at Sac haven't really had experience with this, but playoff wins are what move you toward the National Championship, which is the goal. The regular season is what sets the seeding for tournament to reach that. The closer you get to that goal, the better. So winning playoff games is important, and losing there ends the whole thing. Losing in the regular season sucks, but it is less consequential than a playoff loss, which ends your season.

I'm sure that sooner or later, though, Sac State will win one and you will get to have that experience and gain some understanding.
I understand that the Griz are being dominated by Sac State and Montana State and all the SEMO win did was put the Griz in a position to take an ass whooping from a legitimate playoff team. RTD?
Oldschoolhornet said:
I understand that the Griz are being dominated by Sac State and Montana State and all the SEMO win did was put the Griz in a position to take an ass whooping from a legitimate playoff team. RTD?
It's ironic that it's a SacSt troll that criticizes any team's playoff performance.
kemajic said:
Oldschoolhornet said:
I understand that the Griz are being dominated by Sac State and Montana State and all the SEMO win did was put the Griz in a position to take an ass whooping from a legitimate playoff team. RTD?
It's ironic that it's a SacSt troll that criticizes any team's playoff performance.

That's probably because he's not a Sac fan.
Oldschoolhornet said:
Elrod/Hoops you a coward to throw that racist remark around as you hide behind that keyboard.

Not at all, bud, you made attacks on a person based on their race. On a public message board. I'm a white guy, and even I immediately knew that was over the line. And I'm not really hiding behind anything?
ElrodGrizzly said:
Oldschoolhornet said:
Elrod/Hoops you a coward to throw that racist remark around as you hide behind that keyboard.

Not at all, bud, you made attacks on a person based on their race. On a public message board. I'm a white guy, and even I immediately knew that was over the line. And I'm not really hiding behind anything?

Will you please post what he said...I missed it. If it's bad - the mods will band the dude...quickly.
SoldierGriz said:
ElrodGrizzly said:
Not at all, bud, you made attacks on a person based on their race. On a public message board. I'm a white guy, and even I immediately knew that was over the line. And I'm not really hiding behind anything?

Will you please post what he said...I missed it. If it's bad - the mods will band the dude...quickly.

I'm sure they already saw. I don't know if it is bannable or not. But he flat out said Hoops only got in to school base on his race, and I believe he used a phrase along the lines of "played his (color) card to get in."

Also, I'm not refraining from being specific out of being scared to say it, I just don't want to doxx Hoops, because that isn't cool. I don't know how much he has made public about his background, so I'm not trying to throw too much personal info out there.

I'm not here to get anybody canceled or banned over speech. But I also don't think I'm obligated to refrain from mentioning his racism when he comes here to troll about the Griz.
mthoopsfan said:
Oldschoolhornet said:
It never occurred to me that RTD would be 1-5 vs. Sac State and Montana State over the last three seasons.

How about being 5th in average post-season poll rankings? Did that occur to you?

Did it occur to you that SS and MSU were top seeded teams in the playoffs and good teams? Even though, SS won only 1 playoff game in 3 years, despite having been seeded twice. Do you think Griz fans would be happier if UM won only 1 playoff game in that 3-year period, like SS did, instead of winning 3 playoff games?

This "playoff win" thing you're stuck on? Is it a Dartmouth Ivy League jealousy thing?
ElrodGrizzly said:
SoldierGriz said:
Will you please post what he said...I missed it. If it's bad - the mods will band the dude...quickly.

I'm sure they already saw. I don't know if it is bannable or not. But he flat out said Hoops only got in to school base on his race, and I believe he used a phrase along the lines of "played his (color) card to get in."

Also, I'm not refraining from being specific out of being scared to say it, I just don't want to doxx Hoops, because that isn't cool. I don't know how much he has made public about his background, so I'm not trying to throw too much personal info out there.

I'm not here to get anybody canceled or banned over speech. But I also don't think I'm obligated to refrain from mentioning his racism when he comes here to troll about the Griz.

Again - please post then bandable content. I am sure the mods would not let it pass...if it was bad - the mods would have band that dude without question.
SoldierGriz said:
ElrodGrizzly said:
I'm sure they already saw. I don't know if it is bannable or not. But he flat out said Hoops only got in to school base on his race, and I believe he used a phrase along the lines of "played his (color) card to get in."

Also, I'm not refraining from being specific out of being scared to say it, I just don't want to doxx Hoops, because that isn't cool. I don't know how much he has made public about his background, so I'm not trying to throw too much personal info out there.

I'm not here to get anybody canceled or banned over speech. But I also don't think I'm obligated to refrain from mentioning his racism when he comes here to troll about the Griz.

Again - please post then bandable content. I am sure the mods would not let it pass...if it was bad - the mods would have band that dude without question.

I never said bannable. I don't even know the rule specifics on that. I'm not seeking the banning of anyone. I don't remember what thread it was in. It was a thread a short while ago, I'm sure most people involved in the conversation remember. I recall it being deleted by the end of the thread.
Egriz has frequently allowed racist comments. They let Alpha get away with it for years. He used to go after Tru and other black players. A number of people have gone after Native Americans. Given some of your comments, I wonder about you.
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