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Zac Crews - Updated

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MiningCityGrizFan said:
Zac didn't cause all of this. The entire episode was woke theatre manufactured by a former Griz player -- Keenan Curran. Corbin and Akem played a role, they all had their own motivation for taking part in the smear campaign.

If you read through the different exchanges on Twitter he had with some of the Sentinel parents last fall, Keenan acknowledged this:


"We’re bringing to light issues that you would sweep under the rug. Because it’s our responsibility because so many other adults don’t see how that statement is problematic."

Keenan's statement is self-righteous and arrogant. It's also disconnected from reality -- I haven't met a single adult who doesn't believe the statement was problematic -- but I digress.

Keenan appears to view himself as some kind of morally superior, community activist.


I think Keenan is a good young man, but he has an extremely over-inflated ego.

He recruited Sammy into the plan so he could meddle in the Griz program -- a program Keenan hadn't been a part of since 2018 -- while the 2021 team was getting ready to make a playoff run.

That Keenan put his personal agenda ahead of the football program demonstrates his hubris.

Keenan also asserts if he, Corbin, and Sammy didn't do what they did, "that would have went uncorrected."

It also sounds like he doesn't trust Hauck or Haslem and likely is still carrying animosity towards them. So he felt justified in causing a huge distraction for the program ahead of their first playoff game.


Keenan makes it clear they felt justified sabotaging Zac's post-season awards and destroying his Griz football career. They were teaching him a lesson and sending a message to white kids everywhere.

Keenan made Corbin the face of the campaign and had him push it on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that Zac wouldn't be considered for the Gatorade POY and the Shrine Game. It was a no-brainer he was a lock for both.

For those who don't know, Corbin had a tremendously underwhelming Griz football career. He had one reception for 12 yards and one total tackle while playing in four games in 2017. He switched to tight end during the spring of 2018 and transitioned to the defensive line midway through 2019 spring camp.

He had an ax to grind with Hauck because he cut Corbin after spring drills concluded in 2019.

If you notice, he was using Zac to call out Hauck in the original Tweet. To him it wasn’t about Zac, it was about Hauck.

Also, Corbin is not a guy who is easily offended. That's why tried to hide his Twitter posts in the spring when the Kaimin article was published.

Unfortunately for him, his account was public last fall. All of his racially offensive and misogynistic comments were easy to find. And there were plenty of pissed-off people who support the Crews family that took screenshots of the offensive things he said. It looks like some of those are starting to come to light.


So Keenan believed it was his responsibility to destroy Zac. And Corbin still resented Hauck. Sammy’s motivations appear to be linked to his support of with the BLM movement. You can look at the header image in his Twitter bio.

Sammy always seemed like a happy kid, which is why it seemed out of character when I noticed him aggressively calling for a high school coach to be fired because the coach voiced his frustrations with the BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in 2020.


His passive-aggressive comment about "good ole MT!" was what I found most surprising.


This is a community that embraced Sammy and provided him with an opportunity to get an education while developing into one of the best receivers in the FCS.

Yet he basically implied that Montana was racist and didn't bother to clarify he wasn't in any danger when a person told him to "stay safe" -- as if racist mobs were roaming the streets of Missoula.


And yet, for a kid who was so offended, he didn't seem upset when his friends made racially insensitive jokes.


And he didn't worry about offending anyone with the "white girl" jokes he posted on Twitter.


It appears that Sammy has fallen for the divisive woke, BLM extremism and has gone from the kid from Oklahoma with an infectious smile, to an angry young man who sees racism everywhere he looks — even among the community that embraced him for the last five years.

Keenan took advantage of Sammy’s anger and conspired with him to promote Corbin’s tweet.

Sammy’s retweet was important because no one in Montana remembers or cares about Corbin. As a current Griz player, Sammy had a much bigger presence.

So to conclude this point — nothing about this was authentic.

Keenan, Cobin, and Sammy each had their own motivations. They lit the match and intentionally started a fire for their own selfish reasons. The fact that they intentionally destroyed Zac’s Griz football career over an unintentional private message that was made public is of no consequence to them.

Those of you still trashing Zac because he and his family finally shared their side of the story need to ask yourself why. He's already moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.

Yeah, there’s just no way it could’ve been avoided. Everyone else’s fault.

Corbin and Curran must be jerks, at the core. I'm glad he got cut him. These guys are not team players. I would never hire or help people like that. My view of Akem has changed too.
AllWeatherFan said:
I wish all the stupid-ass things I’ve ever done in my life had been “private.”

I can’t think of ever not feeling sorry for doing something stupid after I was caught.
garizzalies said:
Yep, I don't disagree. I'm just saying a complaint against the way it was handled obfuscates the cause of the handling. There would be no delay about which we can speak if someone didn't say racist things. Giving the administration a bomb and expecting to have them handle it exactly the way I want it handled comes off a tad whiney. That's it.
Exactly. I love how all these posters with the power of retrospect are going to tell us the proper way to handle a tar baby. I think Hauck did exactly the right thing. He didn’t create this mess and should not be responsible to fix it or even address it.
So, how do you handle a tar baby??—you don’t! Am I the only one who remembers that nursery tale? You don’t touch it—exactly what BH did—because you can’t set it down. It’s like Coaching 101.
All the posters that wanted ZC to meet with the team—hell no! Are you nuts? You are all assuming it will be sunshine and rainbows and I can guarantee you the opposite. The lame duck explanation would never fly. And there would never be consensus on this issue anyway, so why would you invite unnecessary dissension into the locker room?

Hey, gariz, do you not know the term tar baby is racist? You are worse than Crews. You said that on a public board and weren't making a joke. Talk about hypocrites.

"Racist interpretation

Many consider tar baby to be a pejorative term for African Americans.
The Oxford English Dictionary mentions tar baby as "a contemptuous term for a black person", and the subscription version also mentions "a derogatory term for a Black (U.S.) or a Maori (N.Z.)".

I can wait to see all the hypocrites in this thread not condemn this poster.
mthoopsfan said:
EverettGriz said:
An "insulting" and "contemptuous" term based solely on the color of a person's skin. Sounds a great deal like "racism" to me.

But in any event, in this matter, it doesn't matter one bit what you and I believe, pr. It only matters what the African-American players on the GRIZ roster believe.

As an aside, if the word isn't racist, why do you refuse to write it out, and why does this board refuse to accept it? Might it be because 99.99997% of people know it is absolutely racist? And is it acceptable for an otherwise intelligent 18 year old to claim not to know that?

Learn to read. That definition doesn't use the word racism.

I don't refuse to write it out. Egriz changes it. I don't talk of Prairie N-words. I use the real thing. Heck look at the definition in the link. It sues the written out word. Look at the link and tell us what it says. Do you think Merriam Webster is racist? And you are wrong; many people don't think the term/word, without circumstances, is racist. You are such a white guy removed from people of color, that you don't have a clue what racism is.


Goooood grief.

Well, I'm beginning to see why this shit's still with us in the year 2022.

And I dated an Asian-American for 3 years. I have a pretty good idea what constitutes racism, and have experienced my share. Unfortunately not as much as my former girlfriend did. I wish I could have taken all she experienced in her stead, because God knows she didn't deserve even one minute of it.
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Crazy how he totally caused all of this. I bet he wishes he wouldn’t have made the racist comment that caused everything to have befallen him. Welp, maybe it’s time to move on from a Griz never was.

Zac didn't cause all of this. The entire episode was woke theatre manufactured by a former Griz player -- Keenan Curran. Corbin and Akem played a role, they all had their own motivation for taking part in the smear campaign.

If you read through the different exchanges on Twitter he had with some of the Sentinel parents last fall, Keenan acknowledged this:


"We’re bringing to light issues that you would sweep under the rug. Because it’s our responsibility because so many other adults don’t see how that statement is problematic."

Keenan's statement is self-righteous and arrogant. It's also disconnected from reality -- I haven't met a single adult who doesn't believe the statement was problematic -- but I digress.

Keenan appears to view himself as some kind of morally superior, community activist.


I think Keenan is a good young man, but he has an extremely over-inflated ego.

He recruited Sammy into the plan so he could meddle in the Griz program -- a program Keenan hadn't been a part of since 2018 -- while the 2021 team was getting ready to make a playoff run.

That Keenan put his personal agenda ahead of the football program demonstrates his hubris.

Keenan also asserts if he, Corbin, and Sammy didn't do what they did, "that would have went uncorrected."

It also sounds like he doesn't trust Hauck or Haslem and likely is still carrying animosity towards them. So he felt justified in causing a huge distraction for the program ahead of their first playoff game.


Keenan makes it clear they felt justified sabotaging Zac's post-season awards and destroying his Griz football career. They were teaching him a lesson and sending a message to white kids everywhere.

Keenan made Corbin the face of the campaign and had him push it on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that Zac wouldn't be considered for the Gatorade POY and the Shrine Game. It was a no-brainer he was a lock for both.

For those who don't know, Corbin had a tremendously underwhelming Griz football career. He had one reception for 12 yards and one total tackle while playing in four games in 2017. He switched to tight end during the spring of 2018 and transitioned to the defensive line midway through 2019 spring camp.

He had an ax to grind with Hauck because he cut Corbin after spring drills concluded in 2019.

If you notice, he was using Zac to call out Hauck in the original Tweet. To him it wasn’t about Zac, it was about Hauck.

Also, Corbin is not a guy who is easily offended. That's why tried to hide his Twitter posts in the spring when the Kaimin article was published.

Unfortunately for him, his account was public last fall. All of his racially offensive and misogynistic comments were easy to find. And there were plenty of pissed-off people who support the Crews family that took screenshots of the offensive things he said. It looks like some of those are starting to come to light.


So Keenan believed it was his responsibility to destroy Zac. And Corbin still resented Hauck. Sammy’s motivations appear to be linked to his support of with the BLM movement. You can look at the header image in his Twitter bio.

Sammy always seemed like a happy kid, which is why it seemed out of character when I noticed him aggressively calling for a high school coach to be fired because the coach voiced his frustrations with the BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in 2020.


His passive-aggressive comment about "good ole MT!" was what I found most surprising.


This is a community that embraced Sammy and provided him with an opportunity to get an education while developing into one of the best receivers in the FCS.

Yet he basically implied that Montana was racist and didn't bother to clarify he wasn't in any danger when a person told him to "stay safe" -- as if racist mobs were roaming the streets of Missoula.


And yet, for a kid who was so offended, he didn't seem upset when his friends made racially insensitive jokes.


And he didn't worry about offending anyone with the "white girl" jokes he posted on Twitter.


It appears that Sammy has fallen for the divisive woke, BLM extremism and has gone from the kid from Oklahoma with an infectious smile, to an angry young man who sees racism everywhere he looks — even among the community that embraced him for the last five years.

Keenan took advantage of Sammy’s anger and conspired with him to promote Corbin’s tweet.

Sammy’s retweet was important because no one in Montana remembers or cares about Corbin. As a current Griz player, Sammy had a much bigger presence.

So to conclude this point — nothing about this was authentic.

Keenan, Cobin, and Sammy each had their own motivations. They lit the match and intentionally started a fire for their own selfish reasons. The fact that they intentionally destroyed Zac’s Griz football career over an unintentional private message that was made public is of no consequence to them.

Those of you still trashing Zac because he and his family finally shared their side of the story need to ask yourself why. He's already moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.

Kem is gonna hate this post😂.
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Crazy how he totally caused all of this. I bet he wishes he wouldn’t have made the racist comment that caused everything to have befallen him. Welp, maybe it’s time to move on from a Griz never was.

Zac didn't cause all of this. The entire episode was woke theatre manufactured by a former Griz player -- Keenan Curran. Corbin and Akem played a role, they all had their own motivation for taking part in the smear campaign.

If you read through the different exchanges on Twitter he had with some of the Sentinel parents last fall, Keenan acknowledged this:


"We’re bringing to light issues that you would sweep under the rug. Because it’s our responsibility because so many other adults don’t see how that statement is problematic."

Keenan's statement is self-righteous and arrogant. It's also disconnected from reality -- I haven't met a single adult who doesn't believe the statement was problematic -- but I digress.

Keenan appears to view himself as some kind of morally superior, community activist.


I think Keenan is a good young man, but he has an extremely over-inflated ego.

He recruited Sammy into the plan so he could meddle in the Griz program -- a program Keenan hadn't been a part of since 2018 -- while the 2021 team was getting ready to make a playoff run.

That Keenan put his personal agenda ahead of the football program demonstrates his hubris.

Keenan also asserts if he, Corbin, and Sammy didn't do what they did, "that would have went uncorrected."

It also sounds like he doesn't trust Hauck or Haslem and likely is still carrying animosity towards them. So he felt justified in causing a huge distraction for the program ahead of their first playoff game.


Keenan makes it clear they felt justified sabotaging Zac's post-season awards and destroying his Griz football career. They were teaching him a lesson and sending a message to white kids everywhere.

Keenan made Corbin the face of the campaign and had him push it on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that Zac wouldn't be considered for the Gatorade POY and the Shrine Game. It was a no-brainer he was a lock for both.

For those who don't know, Corbin had a tremendously underwhelming Griz football career. He had one reception for 12 yards and one total tackle while playing in four games in 2017. He switched to tight end during the spring of 2018 and transitioned to the defensive line midway through 2019 spring camp.

He had an ax to grind with Hauck because he cut Corbin after spring drills concluded in 2019.

If you notice, he was using Zac to call out Hauck in the original Tweet. To him it wasn’t about Zac, it was about Hauck.

Also, Corbin is not a guy who is easily offended. That's why tried to hide his Twitter posts in the spring when the Kaimin article was published.

Unfortunately for him, his account was public last fall. All of his racially offensive and misogynistic comments were easy to find. And there were plenty of pissed-off people who support the Crews family that took screenshots of the offensive things he said. It looks like some of those are starting to come to light.


So Keenan believed it was his responsibility to destroy Zac. And Corbin still resented Hauck. Sammy’s motivations appear to be linked to his support of with the BLM movement. You can look at the header image in his Twitter bio.

Sammy always seemed like a happy kid, which is why it seemed out of character when I noticed him aggressively calling for a high school coach to be fired because the coach voiced his frustrations with the BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in 2020.


His passive-aggressive comment about "good ole MT!" was what I found most surprising.


This is a community that embraced Sammy and provided him with an opportunity to get an education while developing into one of the best receivers in the FCS.

Yet he basically implied that Montana was racist and didn't bother to clarify he wasn't in any danger when a person told him to "stay safe" -- as if racist mobs were roaming the streets of Missoula.


And yet, for a kid who was so offended, he didn't seem upset when his friends made racially insensitive jokes.


And he didn't worry about offending anyone with the "white girl" jokes he posted on Twitter.


It appears that Sammy has fallen for the divisive woke, BLM extremism and has gone from the kid from Oklahoma with an infectious smile, to an angry young man who sees racism everywhere he looks — even among the community that embraced him for the last five years.

Keenan took advantage of Sammy’s anger and conspired with him to promote Corbin’s tweet.

Sammy’s retweet was important because no one in Montana remembers or cares about Corbin. As a current Griz player, Sammy had a much bigger presence.

So to conclude this point — nothing about this was authentic.

Keenan, Cobin, and Sammy each had their own motivations. They lit the match and intentionally started a fire for their own selfish reasons. The fact that they intentionally destroyed Zac’s Griz football career over an unintentional private message that was made public is of no consequence to them.

Those of you still trashing Zac because he and his family finally shared their side of the story need to ask yourself why. He's already moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.

Good to know Sammy and Keenan are to blame for all of poor innocent Zac’s problems. Can we now drop this pointless discussion and start a thread about how evil they are?
Who knew Griz nation had so many racists still. I guess some boomers will never change and will continue to ruin the world for the rest.
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Crazy how he totally caused all of this. I bet he wishes he wouldn’t have made the racist comment that caused everything to have befallen him. Welp, maybe it’s time to move on from a Griz never was.

Zac didn't cause all of this. The entire episode was woke theatre manufactured by a former Griz player -- Keenan Curran. Corbin and Akem played a role, they all had their own motivation for taking part in the smear campaign.

If you read through the different exchanges on Twitter he had with some of the Sentinel parents last fall, Keenan acknowledged this:


"We’re bringing to light issues that you would sweep under the rug. Because it’s our responsibility because so many other adults don’t see how that statement is problematic."

Keenan's statement is self-righteous and arrogant. It's also disconnected from reality -- I haven't met a single adult who doesn't believe the statement was problematic -- but I digress.

Keenan appears to view himself as some kind of morally superior, community activist.


I think Keenan is a good young man, but he has an extremely over-inflated ego.

He recruited Sammy into the plan so he could meddle in the Griz program -- a program Keenan hadn't been a part of since 2018 -- while the 2021 team was getting ready to make a playoff run.

That Keenan put his personal agenda ahead of the football program demonstrates his hubris.

Keenan also asserts if he, Corbin, and Sammy didn't do what they did, "that would have went uncorrected."

It also sounds like he doesn't trust Hauck or Haslem and likely is still carrying animosity towards them. So he felt justified in causing a huge distraction for the program ahead of their first playoff game.


Keenan makes it clear they felt justified sabotaging Zac's post-season awards and destroying his Griz football career. They were teaching him a lesson and sending a message to white kids everywhere.

Keenan made Corbin the face of the campaign and had him push it on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that Zac wouldn't be considered for the Gatorade POY and the Shrine Game. It was a no-brainer he was a lock for both.

For those who don't know, Corbin had a tremendously underwhelming Griz football career. He had one reception for 12 yards and one total tackle while playing in four games in 2017. He switched to tight end during the spring of 2018 and transitioned to the defensive line midway through 2019 spring camp.

He had an ax to grind with Hauck because he cut Corbin after spring drills concluded in 2019.

If you notice, he was using Zac to call out Hauck in the original Tweet. To him it wasn’t about Zac, it was about Hauck.

Also, Corbin is not a guy who is easily offended. That's why tried to hide his Twitter posts in the spring when the Kaimin article was published.

Unfortunately for him, his account was public last fall. All of his racially offensive and misogynistic comments were easy to find. And there were plenty of pissed-off people who support the Crews family that took screenshots of the offensive things he said. It looks like some of those are starting to come to light.


So Keenan believed it was his responsibility to destroy Zac. And Corbin still resented Hauck. Sammy’s motivations appear to be linked to his support of with the BLM movement. You can look at the header image in his Twitter bio.

Sammy always seemed like a happy kid, which is why it seemed out of character when I noticed him aggressively calling for a high school coach to be fired because the coach voiced his frustrations with the BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in 2020.


His passive-aggressive comment about "good ole MT!" was what I found most surprising.


This is a community that embraced Sammy and provided him with an opportunity to get an education while developing into one of the best receivers in the FCS.

Yet he basically implied that Montana was racist and didn't bother to clarify he wasn't in any danger when a person told him to "stay safe" -- as if racist mobs were roaming the streets of Missoula.


And yet, for a kid who was so offended, he didn't seem upset when his friends made racially insensitive jokes.


And he didn't worry about offending anyone with the "white girl" jokes he posted on Twitter.


It appears that Sammy has fallen for the divisive woke, BLM extremism and has gone from the kid from Oklahoma with an infectious smile, to an angry young man who sees racism everywhere he looks — even among the community that embraced him for the last five years.

Keenan took advantage of Sammy’s anger and conspired with him to promote Corbin’s tweet.

Sammy’s retweet was important because no one in Montana remembers or cares about Corbin. As a current Griz player, Sammy had a much bigger presence.

So to conclude this point — nothing about this was authentic.

Keenan, Cobin, and Sammy each had their own motivations. They lit the match and intentionally started a fire for their own selfish reasons. The fact that they intentionally destroyed Zac’s Griz football career over an unintentional private message that was made public is of no consequence to them.

Those of you still trashing Zac because he and his family finally shared their side of the story need to ask yourself why. He's already moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.

Hopefully all this Twitter action will completely f**k up this thread cus it’s a goin’ no where. That’s how you properly be an asshole or shithead or whatever it was you called me. Not for questioning why some might think it’s ok to raise their children that it’s ok to just casually throw out probably the most racially charged word in the country. Yet they still blame others for what’s happening to Zac. Doesn’t surprise me either. Good luck Zac. Life’s full of pot holes. Time to learn how to get on the other side of em. I’m out!
PR Wrote:
Corbin and Curran must be jerks, at the core. I'm glad he got cut him. These guys are not team players. I would never hire or help people like that. My view of Akem has changed too.

Great post! How dare three black recent UM student athletes express their opinions on racism. Don’t they know you control the racism narrative for UM sports?

The beauty of this is your narcissism won’t allow you to see the hypocrisy and pettiness of your posts. It’s too bad, it’s fucking hilarious!
Ursa Major said:
PR Wrote:
Corbin and Curran must be jerks, at the core. I'm glad he got cut him. These guys are not team players. I would never hire or help people like that. My view of Akem has changed too.

Great post! How dare three black recent UM student athletes express their opinions on racism. Don’t they know you control the racism narrative for UM sports?

The beauty of this is your narcissism won’t allow you to see the hypocrisy and pettiness of your posts. It’s too bad, it’s f###[#] hilarious!

Ha, right? He’s missing a really good chuckle.
I’m confused by Jack Marshall’s tweet. “Allegations against Hauck”? It seems pretty apparent that the Kaimin didn’t want Zac to be on the team, so they wrote the article. And now Zac responds saying that the article is what kept him off the team. And now Jack is trying to start another uprising against Hauck for what the Kaimin seemed to already know.
mthoopsfan said:
garizzalies said:
Exactly. I love how all these posters with the power of retrospect are going to tell us the proper way to handle a tar baby. I think Hauck did exactly the right thing. He didn’t create this mess and should not be responsible to fix it or even address it.
So, how do you handle a tar baby??—you don’t! Am I the only one who remembers that nursery tale? You don’t touch it—exactly what BH did—because you can’t set it down. It’s like Coaching 101.
All the posters that wanted ZC to meet with the team—hell no! Are you nuts? You are all assuming it will be sunshine and rainbows and I can guarantee you the opposite. The lame duck explanation would never fly. And there would never be consensus on this issue anyway, so why would you invite unnecessary dissension into the locker room?

Hey, gariz, do you not know the term tar baby is racist? You are worse than Crews. You said that on a public board and weren't making a joke. Talk about hypocrites…
Barking up the wrong tree, pal. Go back and look at my posts. I’ve tried to stand up for ZC.
My post was about coach Hauck and the posters who seem to want his head on a pike over this. Are you one of them? How would you have handled it? I thought the article said UM could not even comment on kids in HS, so how could Hauck force a meeting with the team? I’ve never heard of a team meeting with some future recruit, let alone a high schooler. Have you?
1. No one is entitled to be a Griz, it's a privilege that must be earned.

2. Mr. Crews posted an evil, violent, racist post on his twitter.

3. The head coach concluded he didn't want someone on his team that makes evil, violent, racist posts on twitter. This decision is entirely a function of what Mr. Crews did. Mr. Crews is now dealing with the consequences of what he did. What's the old saying?, he made his bed now he's got to lay in it.
AZGrizFan said:
I’m not going to quote Mining’s post, as it’s too damned long, but let’s be honest: Only ONE Person lit this match, and it wasn’t Corbin or Keenan or Akem (no matter WHAT their motivations might be).

But the match didn't have to start a huge fire. That was caused by a couple jerk former players and the Kaimin, and maybe some UM profs.
Ursa Major said:
PR Wrote:
Corbin and Curran must be jerks, at the core. I'm glad he got cut him. These guys are not team players. I would never hire or help people like that. My view of Akem has changed too.

Great post! How dare three black recent UM student athletes express their opinions on racism. Don’t they know you control the racism narrative for UM sports?

The beauty of this is your narcissism won’t allow you to see the hypocrisy and pettiness of your posts. It’s too bad, it’s f###[#] hilarious!

I would be happy to tell those two to their faces. My posts are actually right on, on this subject. You are and always have been an idiot. Happy to tell you to my face. Come up to me the next time you see me, and give me the chance.
alabamagrizzly said:
MiningCityGrizFan said:
Zac didn't cause all of this. The entire episode was woke theatre manufactured by a former Griz player -- Keenan Curran. Corbin and Akem played a role, they all had their own motivation for taking part in the smear campaign.

If you read through the different exchanges on Twitter he had with some of the Sentinel parents last fall, Keenan acknowledged this:


"We’re bringing to light issues that you would sweep under the rug. Because it’s our responsibility because so many other adults don’t see how that statement is problematic."

Keenan's statement is self-righteous and arrogant. It's also disconnected from reality -- I haven't met a single adult who doesn't believe the statement was problematic -- but I digress.

Keenan appears to view himself as some kind of morally superior, community activist.


I think Keenan is a good young man, but he has an extremely over-inflated ego.

He recruited Sammy into the plan so he could meddle in the Griz program -- a program Keenan hadn't been a part of since 2018 -- while the 2021 team was getting ready to make a playoff run.

That Keenan put his personal agenda ahead of the football program demonstrates his hubris.

Keenan also asserts if he, Corbin, and Sammy didn't do what they did, "that would have went uncorrected."

It also sounds like he doesn't trust Hauck or Haslem and likely is still carrying animosity towards them. So he felt justified in causing a huge distraction for the program ahead of their first playoff game.


Keenan makes it clear they felt justified sabotaging Zac's post-season awards and destroying his Griz football career. They were teaching him a lesson and sending a message to white kids everywhere.

Keenan made Corbin the face of the campaign and had him push it on Thanksgiving morning to ensure that Zac wouldn't be considered for the Gatorade POY and the Shrine Game. It was a no-brainer he was a lock for both.

For those who don't know, Corbin had a tremendously underwhelming Griz football career. He had one reception for 12 yards and one total tackle while playing in four games in 2017. He switched to tight end during the spring of 2018 and transitioned to the defensive line midway through 2019 spring camp.

He had an ax to grind with Hauck because he cut Corbin after spring drills concluded in 2019.

If you notice, he was using Zac to call out Hauck in the original Tweet. To him it wasn’t about Zac, it was about Hauck.

Also, Corbin is not a guy who is easily offended. That's why tried to hide his Twitter posts in the spring when the Kaimin article was published.

Unfortunately for him, his account was public last fall. All of his racially offensive and misogynistic comments were easy to find. And there were plenty of pissed-off people who support the Crews family that took screenshots of the offensive things he said. It looks like some of those are starting to come to light.


So Keenan believed it was his responsibility to destroy Zac. And Corbin still resented Hauck. Sammy’s motivations appear to be linked to his support of with the BLM movement. You can look at the header image in his Twitter bio.

Sammy always seemed like a happy kid, which is why it seemed out of character when I noticed him aggressively calling for a high school coach to be fired because the coach voiced his frustrations with the BLM and Antifa rioting and looting in 2020.


His passive-aggressive comment about "good ole MT!" was what I found most surprising.


This is a community that embraced Sammy and provided him with an opportunity to get an education while developing into one of the best receivers in the FCS.

Yet he basically implied that Montana was racist and didn't bother to clarify he wasn't in any danger when a person told him to "stay safe" -- as if racist mobs were roaming the streets of Missoula.


And yet, for a kid who was so offended, he didn't seem upset when his friends made racially insensitive jokes.


And he didn't worry about offending anyone with the "white girl" jokes he posted on Twitter.


It appears that Sammy has fallen for the divisive woke, BLM extremism and has gone from the kid from Oklahoma with an infectious smile, to an angry young man who sees racism everywhere he looks — even among the community that embraced him for the last five years.

Keenan took advantage of Sammy’s anger and conspired with him to promote Corbin’s tweet.

Sammy’s retweet was important because no one in Montana remembers or cares about Corbin. As a current Griz player, Sammy had a much bigger presence.

So to conclude this point — nothing about this was authentic.

Keenan, Cobin, and Sammy each had their own motivations. They lit the match and intentionally started a fire for their own selfish reasons. The fact that they intentionally destroyed Zac’s Griz football career over an unintentional private message that was made public is of no consequence to them.

Those of you still trashing Zac because he and his family finally shared their side of the story need to ask yourself why. He's already moved on. Maybe it's time you do to.

Hopefully all this Twitter action will completely f**k up this thread cus it’s a goin’ no where. That’s how you properly be an asshole or shithead or whatever it was you called me. Not for questioning why some might think it’s ok to raise their children that it’s ok to just casually throw out probably the most racially charged word in the country. Yet they still blame others for what’s happening to Zac. Doesn’t surprise me either. Good luck Zac. Life’s full of pot holes. Time to learn how to get on the other side of em. I’m out!

You are being an asshole. And are adding nothing to the thread. Get out of here. You are a very ignorant person. Can't even write in good English. I'm tired of your BS. Either back off, or I am going to hammer you on your BS.
garizzalies said:
mthoopsfan said:
Hey, gariz, do you not know the term tar baby is racist? You are worse than Crews. You said that on a public board and weren't making a joke. Talk about hypocrites…
Barking up the wrong tree, pal. Go back and look at my posts. I’ve tried to stand up for ZC.
My post was about coach Hauck and the posters who seem to want his head on a pike over this. Are you one of them? How would you have handled it? I thought the article said UM could not even comment on kids in HS, so how could Hauck force a meeting with the team? I’ve never heard of a team meeting with some future recruit, let alone a high schooler. Have you?

I'm just talking about your racist tar baby post. Way worse than what Crews said. You are an idiot.
EverettGriz said:
mthoopsfan said:
Learn to read. That definition doesn't use the word racism.

I don't refuse to write it out. Egriz changes it. I don't talk of Prairie N-words. I use the real thing. Heck look at the definition in the link. It sues the written out word. Look at the link and tell us what it says. Do you think Merriam Webster is racist? And you are wrong; many people don't think the term/word, without circumstances, is racist. You are such a white guy removed from people of color, that you don't have a clue what racism is.


Goooood grief.

Well, I'm beginning to see why this shit's still with us in the year 2022.

And I dated an Asian-American for 3 years. I have a pretty good idea what constitutes racism, and have experienced my share. Unfortunately not as much as my former girlfriend did. I wish I could have taken all she experienced in her stead, because God knows she didn't deserve even one minute of it.

That is pretty funny, Everett. You are an expert in racism because you once dated an Asian woman? That is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen on egriz. How many decades ago was that? If that's where your knowledge came from, I can see why you have made so many stupid posts in this thread.
Mining , thanks for all the good info and posts. I liked seeing the many tweets of the complaining former players too. Their tweets are more inappropriate than Crews' one post. And, I loved how you owned some of the idiots and hypocrites, and kept your cool. With them not knowing any of the facts, and seemingly not being very smart, I was surprised how they kept spewing total nonsense at you.
mthoopsfan said:
AZGrizFan said:
I’m not going to quote Mining’s post, as it’s too damned long, but let’s be honest: Only ONE Person lit this match, and it wasn’t Corbin or Keenan or Akem (no matter WHAT their motivations might be).

But the match didn't have to start a huge fire. That was caused by a couple jerk former players and the Kaimin, and maybe some UM profs.

No, it didn’t have to. But it did. And that genie can’t be excused away or put back into the bottle. I’d love to see Crews on the team, but it was pretty much fair accompli as soon as it was made public. This isn’t the fault of “a couple of jerk players”. It’s Zac Crews’ fault, and nobody else’s.
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