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GRIZ/weber state thread

Hey Vandy,

Is that a picture from the Grizzly Marathon up in Choteau? My wife and I would have worked the aid station just before that as it looks like you are just finishing up. Just curious.
rcscott said:
Hey Vandy,

Is that a picture from the Grizzly Marathon up in Choteau? My wife and I would have worked the aid station just before that as it looks like you are just finishing up. Just curious.

Sure is! From 2009. This is at that hill right after mile 20...
MadHatterGriz said:
That Zebra they just showed, was that the one that blew the safety call last week. GO GRIZ!!

He was suspended. Should have suspended the entire crew.

/end rant
MadHatterGriz said:
That Zebra they just showed, was that the one that blew the safety call last week. GO GRIZ!!
I highly doubt it, the guy from last week was suspended for hhis week
they are just running right thru us. Gurnz said they have two sophomores and one freshman on their line and they are dominating up front
Wow! That was easy for Weber...of course the Griz penalties sure helped.....every week....what is with these guys?

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