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Main Hall Prospect

BDizzle said:
tnt said:
I'm not sure but what a no confidence vote by the faculty isn't a recommendation............

The thing is, most loved her. The former president of the university and a few other powerful people, didn't like her. I don't believe the real reasons will ever come up but it sounds like some people didn't like having a woman of her origin in power. Students loved her and her success speaks for itself.

From Transylvania???
CFallsGriz said:
hokeyfine said:
CFallsGriz said:
hokeyfine said:
i agree. as a person who came from academia, waded cruzado sure has sucked at msu......... :roll:

You're not listening to the whole discussion...
im listening, just a poke at the people who don't want another" liberal acadamian" to run the ship but would prefer a "conservative leaning" person.
how that lady got into the final three is beyond me. if shes a top three out of 96 applicants then thats not saying much about the pool or the process.

Not sure how anyone can conclude the guy is "conservative leaning." I'm sure there are plenty of successful people that started in the military who now work in the private sector and are "liberal leaning." I don't know his "leanings," don't care to, and just wanted to avoid those references for obvious reasons (people get way too confrontational).
i don't care if someone is leaning left, right, up, down, etc.... the university is in trouble. enrollment will be down again this year. to say that the U needs strong athletics to attract students is wrong(see msu). strong leader? yes, but more important um needs someone with a vision.
hokeyfine said:
to say that the U needs strong athletics to attract students is wrong(see msu).

No on'e saying that. Here's the quote from my OP:

"success of the football program, and most other sports, is directly tied to the academic (and otherwise) success of the University, especially in terms of enrollment..."
Grizzoola said:
I do not believe UM's enrollment decline was due to its emphasis on the humanities. Our society has, always has, and always will have, places for graduates in the humanities.
So the MSU emphasis on engineering has provided no advantage vs. the Montana emphasis on the humanities? This is every bit as wrong as your Trump assertion.

Having "places" is quite different than having demanding jobs with competitive salaries that pay off student loans from increasing tuitions.
A case could be made for all four of the candidates. The search committee deserves praise for a what looks like a job well done. The best candidate will not be chosen based solely on the Missoulian profiles but only after on campus interviews and input from all stakeholders, including the public. It's a little surprising that some posters are already so cock sure they know who the best candidate is, but you are encouraged to make your opinions known to those entrusted with the decision. Go to the forums if you can and leave feedback. Heads up: They probably won't consult egriz before moving forward.
srgrizizen said:
A case could be made for all four of the candidates. The search committee deserves praise for a what looks like a job well done. The best candidate will not be chosen based solely on the Missoulian profiles but only after on campus interviews and input from all stakeholders, including the public. It's a little surprising that some posters are already so cock sure they know who the best candidate is, but you are encouraged to make your opinions known to those entrusted with the decision. Go to the forums if you can and leave feedback. Heads up: They probably won't consult egriz before moving forward.

What? They won't consult egriz? So this was all for naught? Shame really... so do you think the Russians will have an impact?

Where's Everett when you need him?
srgrizizen said:
The best candidate will not be chosen based solely on the Missoulian profiles but only after on campus interviews and input from all stakeholders, including the public.
Really? What public input is possible from outside Missoula?
bgbigdog said:
srgrizizen said:
A case could be made for all four of the candidates. The search committee deserves praise for a what looks like a job well done. The best candidate will not be chosen based solely on the Missoulian profiles but only after on campus interviews and input from all stakeholders, including the public. It's a little surprising that some posters are already so cock sure they know who the best candidate is, but you are encouraged to make your opinions known to those entrusted with the decision. Go to the forums if you can and leave feedback. Heads up: They probably won't consult egriz before moving forward.

What? They won't consult egriz? So this was all for naught? Shame really... so do you think the Russians will have an impact?

Where's Everett when you need him?

Sadly, no, they won't. But those who so often pose as the fount of all wisdom on this board to the point of verbally abusing all contrary opinion holders are still invited to exercise their right to weigh in through the appropriate channels. It's every Montanan's University/ ;)
kemajic said:
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
Sure, bring in an academic, former provost and professor like Engstrom, who was well known, and he goofs up virtually every decision at UM. Academics generally don't know how to run anything.

It's time to get in an energetic leader, something who is used to running things, setting goals, and getting stuff done.

yeah, for instance look at the crap job the dartmouth president, an academic/mathematician, is doing.

in other words, i'm reading a lot of people here jumping to conclusions about the ability of academics to run universities based, it seems, solely on engstrom. maybe it is worth remembering that the griz football success everybody is pining for again happened under an academician - dennison, who was a historian.
Dennison was in no way an ideal president, albeit far more capable than Engstrom. He was a well-known control freak (often referred to as King George) and distorted University accounting systems for his personal agendas. His self-designed legacies were campus buildings, some that were needed and others that were not. The campus is now very overbuilt with its inherent cost burden and overcrowded appearance. He also used his control of the accounting to create a large deficit for the popular AD who he wanted out because he did not have him in his hip pocket.

yeah, i knew dennison a tiny bit, and was well aware of his reputed shortcomings. that wasn't the point i was trying to make. some folks here want to equate football success with university success, and also tie that in directly with whoever is president of the university at the time. football success was at it's peak under dennison. so, in many ways, was um's overall success. period.
argh! said:
kemajic said:
argh! said:
PlayerRep said:
Sure, bring in an academic, former provost and professor like Engstrom, who was well known, and he goofs up virtually every decision at UM. Academics generally don't know how to run anything.

It's time to get in an energetic leader, something who is used to running things, setting goals, and getting stuff done.

yeah, for instance look at the crap job the dartmouth president, an academic/mathematician, is doing.

in other words, i'm reading a lot of people here jumping to conclusions about the ability of academics to run universities based, it seems, solely on engstrom. maybe it is worth remembering that the griz football success everybody is pining for again happened under an academician - dennison, who was a historian.
Dennison was in no way an ideal president, albeit far more capable than Engstrom. He was a well-known control freak (often referred to as King George) and distorted University accounting systems for his personal agendas. His self-designed legacies were campus buildings, some that were needed and others that were not. The campus is now very overbuilt with its inherent cost burden and overcrowded appearance. He also used his control of the accounting to create a large deficit for the popular AD who he wanted out because he did not have him in his hip pocket.

yeah, i knew dennison a tiny bit, and was well aware of his reputed shortcomings. that wasn't the point i was trying to make. some folks here want to equate football success with university success, and also tie that in directly with whoever is president of the university at the time. football success was at it's peak under dennison. so, in many ways, was um's overall success. period.

The president of the U of South Carolina has already told the state that ENROLLMENT AND FUNDRAISING increased dramatically this year and, after a survey of new students, has credited the athletic programs, mostly basketball,men and women, for that. Athletics is a huge draw for many young people. That is a fact.
CFallsGriz said:
Allezchat said:
argh! said:
on the one hand, he sounds like an interesting candidate. on the other, people who talk a lot about 'leadership', 'leadership training', 'leading dynamic teams', etc... typically are more sound-bite machines than real leaders. in my experience, real leaders get sh-t done, and don't waste a bunch of time talking about 'leadership'.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Oh, so he shouldn't tout his strengths, which have been proven out in the success he's had? Nice that you're pigeon-holing though with ridiculous phrases like "sound-byte machine." You don't achieve what he has without the ability to "get sh-t done." Ridiculous.

Just to be clear, I have no interest or other stake in his candidacy, other than I think he would do a great job steering this institution out of the muck.


of course he should tout his strengths - i.e. how did he tangibly help the army, and general electric. maybe i should have used the 'in my experience' preface for both my statements instead of just the latter one, i.e. in my experience, people who talk a lot about 'leadership' are often more sound bite machines than real leaders. my experience is mostly in academia, and off the top of my head i can think of a half dozen or so academics who spent a lot of time talking about leadership, in leadership training programs, etc... nobody looked up to them as leaders, and eventually all of them got fired from leadership positions. the real leaders were those who tackled tasks, especially hard to do ones, for the greater benefit and without a lot of fanfare.

as to your later comment about me wanting only an academic as president, i didn't say that and don't think it.
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
GrizLA said:
argh! said:
kemajic said:
argh! said:
yeah, for instance look at the crap job the dartmouth president, an academic/mathematician, is doing.

in other words, i'm reading a lot of people here jumping to conclusions about the ability of academics to run universities based, it seems, solely on engstrom. maybe it is worth remembering that the griz football success everybody is pining for again happened under an academician - dennison, who was a historian.
Dennison was in no way an ideal president, albeit far more capable than Engstrom. He was a well-known control freak (often referred to as King George) and distorted University accounting systems for his personal agendas. His self-designed legacies were campus buildings, some that were needed and others that were not. The campus is now very overbuilt with its inherent cost burden and overcrowded appearance. He also used his control of the accounting to create a large deficit for the popular AD who he wanted out because he did not have him in his hip pocket.

yeah, i knew dennison a tiny bit, and was well aware of his reputed shortcomings. that wasn't the point i was trying to make. some folks here want to equate football success with university success, and also tie that in directly with whoever is president of the university at the time. football success was at it's peak under dennison. so, in many ways, was um's overall success. period.

The president of the U of South Carolina has already told the state that ENROLLMENT AND FUNDRAISING increased dramatically this year and, after a survey of new students, has credited the athletic programs, mostly basketball,men and women, for that. Athletics is a huge draw for many young people. That is a fact.

not sure if you are trying to say i'm wrong? because if you are, you are reading way more into what i wrote than what's there. i don't think anybody would dispute that high-level athletic achievement can help a university in many ways. determining what ultimately creates such high-level achievement isn't so simple, though.
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.
kemajic said:
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.

I'm getting damn tired of reminding you people that BSU is ranked as the 2nd best secretarial school west of the Mississippi. Write it down!
Ursa Major said:
kemajic said:
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.

I'm getting damn tired of reminding you people that BSU is ranked as the 2nd best secretarial school west of the Mississippi. Write it down!

Bull crap. Just talked to a BSU grad. She said it was the very best secretarial school east of the Mississippi.
Sam A. Blitz said:
Ursa Major said:
kemajic said:
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.

I'm getting damn tired of reminding you people that BSU is ranked as the 2nd best secretarial school west of the Mississippi. Write it down!

Bull crap. Just talked to a BSU grad. She said it was the very best secretarial school east of the Mississippi.

POTY nomination! :lol: :lol: :clap:
Sam A. Blitz said:
Ursa Major said:
kemajic said:
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.

I'm getting damn tired of reminding you people that BSU is ranked as the 2nd best secretarial school west of the Mississippi. Write it down!

Bull crap. Just talked to a BSU grad. She said it was the very best secretarial school east of the Mississippi.

So much with so few words. Very, very well done, sir.
Ursa Major said:
kemajic said:
tnt said:
BUT a president who will use the tools at hand effectively build his University including athletics is rare. Look at how Gonzaga or BSU have morphed into top tier programs both athletically and academically. When I was at Gonzaga, we actually worried the power would get shut off...........
BSU - top tier academically? Really? Tell me more.

I'm getting damn tired of reminding you people that BSU is ranked as the 2nd best secretarial school west of the Mississippi. Write it down!

:lol: I'm going to write it down so I can say it when I'm at the dinner table with my extended family there at Thanksgiving. That's hilarious
argh! said:
CFallsGriz said:
Allezchat said:
argh! said:
on the one hand, he sounds like an interesting candidate. on the other, people who talk a lot about 'leadership', 'leadership training', 'leading dynamic teams', etc... typically are more sound-bite machines than real leaders. in my experience, real leaders get sh-t done, and don't waste a bunch of time talking about 'leadership'.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G920A using Tapatalk

Oh, so he shouldn't tout his strengths, which have been proven out in the success he's had? Nice that you're pigeon-holing though with ridiculous phrases like "sound-byte machine." You don't achieve what he has without the ability to "get sh-t done." Ridiculous.

Just to be clear, I have no interest or other stake in his candidacy, other than I think he would do a great job steering this institution out of the muck.


of course he should tout his strengths - i.e. how did he tangibly help the army, and general electric. maybe i should have used the 'in my experience' preface for both my statements instead of just the latter one, i.e. in my experience, people who talk a lot about 'leadership' are often more sound bite machines than real leaders. my experience is mostly in academia, and off the top of my head i can think of a half dozen or so academics who spent a lot of time talking about leadership, in leadership training programs, etc... nobody looked up to them as leaders, and eventually all of them got fired from leadership positions. the real leaders were those who tackled tasks, especially hard to do ones, for the greater benefit and without a lot of fanfare.

as to your later comment about me wanting only an academic as president, i didn't say that and don't think it.

Fair enough. The purpose of the thread for me was to find out what other people thought about this. There's a pretty decent sampling here. For the record, I don't think I 'know' that this dude is the best candidate, but I knew it would get some reactions, and I find the prospect intriguing. Here's to hoping that the powers that be get it right for the U, whatever that be.

Now that the resident jokers have chimed in for some much-needed levity, I'm happy to let this one sail off into the sunset. Appreciate your thoughts! :thumb:

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