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McDowell back in the portal

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When Cliff left, he obviously was not enrolled at UM and had lost his scholarship. So, with or without a scholarship, he couldn't have played spring ball (unless he had come back in a week or two).

I agree with Rico that free agency and testing the waters can't be encouraged or tolerated at a school like UM. It would be impossible to deal with and a huge mess.

The Ivy League is in a different situation.
Is this the standard UM has adopted? Hmm, let me refresh your memories. Seems I remember a HS recruit, about a year and a half ago, a real Missoula 'kid,' 18 years old, who dreamed of becoming a Griz football player ever since he could remember. He wrote some typically boneheaded adolescent crap on some social media site, was outed by a disgruntled former Griz player, resulting in feigned, entitled indignance by a
segment of the team, causing his scholarship offer to be revoked.
Using racial slurs on the internet is not even remotely close to the same thing as trying to transfer into a FBS school. What a weird parallel you're trying to draw there.
Having trouble understanding that analogy. Are you saying Crews should've been forgiven and thus Clif should be as well? Or do you have to be a "real Missoula kid" to be forgiven? Kinda seems like you're saying the opposite of what you're trying to say . . .
Nah man, trying to go prove yourself at a higher level and leaving the Griz program is infinitely worse than being disgustingly racist when you don't think you'll get caught. How can you even compare the two?
Using racial slurs on the internet is not even remotely close to the same thing as trying to transfer into a FBS school. What a weird parallel you're trying to draw there.
From what we have seen since, I'm glad that kid wasn't added to the team. He seems like a real head case, with his fake Twitter accounts and all
The fake twitter was the funniest thing I've ever seen. He actually fits in perfectly in Bozeman because the Griz clearly live in his head.
Will live in his head forever, at this point. I felt a little bad for the person who exposed the fake twitter at the end of it, but man, I was giggling at times going through that. I wonder what is fake @ is now?
"....Kinda seems like you're saying the opposite of what you're trying to say . . ."
"I can explain it to you, but I can't comprehend it for you."
--Edward I. Koch

I've been spending too much time around politicians. Election year, y'know. If you think my post means 'X' then it means 'X,' to you.

I will narrow the focus of my posts in the future.
"I can explain it to you, but I can't comprehend it for you."
--Edward I. Koch

I've been spending too much time around politicians. Election year, y'know. If you think my post means 'X' then it means 'X,' to you.

I will narrow the focus of my posts in the future.
I'll do the same, so I'll ask again: Are you saying that both players should/should've been welcomed back? Or are you saying that neither should/should've? How is the "real Missoula kid" thing relevant?

You made the comparison claiming a double standard; I'm just trying to understand it.
Answer #1: Crews, yes. He did what was asked, but the race card got played. All over a written post.
McDowell hasn't been asked to do anything. He didn't write anything, he quit the team thinking he would get snapped up real quick by a Power 5 team. No indication he wants back in FCS or anywhere specifically, but consistent with his narcissistic nature. He is gaming everyone.

Answer#2: Crews is a native Montanan, from Missoula. The type of Montana recruit UM and MSdUi are after, one of the few genuinely elite athletes both schools are looking for each year. He's like the scats Tommy Mellot. Its a Montana issue. THATS why he's relevant.
This also feeds into the #37 debate. By and large, native(real)Montanans like it, out-of-staters(carpetbaggers)don't.

The double standard is hypothetical, as McDowell hasn't asked for anything from UM. Its posters here that think he wants to come back. If he asks, then we can have that discussion(argument).
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Answer #1: Crews, yes. He did what was asked, but the race card got played. All over a written post.
McDowell hasn't been asked to do anything. He didn't write anything, he quit the team thinking he would get snapped up real quick by a Power 5 team. No indication he wants back in FCS or anywhere specifically, but consistent with his narcissistic nature. He is gaming everyone.

Answer#2: Crews is a native Montanan, from Missoula. The type of Montana recruit UM and MSdUi are after, one of the few genuinely elite athletes both schools are looking for each year. He's like the scats Tommy Mellot. Its a Montana issue. THATS why he's relevant.
This also feeds into the #37 debate. By and large, native(real)Montanans like it, out-of-staters(carpetbaggers)don't.

The double standard is hypothetical, as McDowell hasn't asked for anything from UM. Its posters here that think he wants to come back. If he asks, then we can have that discussion(argument).
77, McDowell did ask Bobby if he could come back after several weeks.
Answer #1: Crews, yes. He did what was asked, but the race card got played. All over a written post.
McDowell hasn't been asked to do anything. He didn't write anything, he quit the team thinking he would get snapped up real quick by a Power 5 team. No indication he wants back in FCS or anywhere specifically, but consistent with his narcissistic nature. He is gaming everyone.

Answer#2: Crews is a native Montanan, from Missoula. The type of Montana recruit UM and MSdUi are after, one of the few genuinely elite athletes both schools are looking for each year. He's like the scats Tommy Mellot. Its a Montana issue. THATS why he's relevant.
This also feeds into the #37 debate. By and large, native(real)Montanans like it, out-of-staters(carpetbaggers)don't.

The double standard is hypothetical, as McDowell hasn't asked for anything from UM. Its posters here that think he wants to come back. If he asks, then we can have that discussion(argument).
Cool, because you’ve been informed that Clif asked to come back shortly after entering the portal, yet continue say he shouldn’t be allowed back if he wanted now, but the keep beating the “Crews got Screwed” drum, I think I do see a bit of double standard; just not from UM.
What people don't seem to get about the Crews situation is that UM did not owe him anything. No matter how much donor money his parents gave, how good he was, or whatever. The players also voted NO, to bringing him in. And I know for a fact that some anti-UM media writer somewhere would pick up that Crews came in and UM would be labeled as a racist school. And yes, as we have seen his burner accounts were ridiculously funny but shows his mentality.

As far as Cliff goes, he has obviously gotten some crappy advice on what to do. He should have stayed at Montana for his last year and he could have potentially had a NC on his resume. If I was Hauck, if he left on good terms for good reason and then realized, "oops I F'd up, can I come back?" I would welcome him back. But if he left for some "promised" NIL payday, no GTFO. Obviously you think the grass is greener on the other side (sometimes it is) and you only care about money. Feel sorry for him but he did this to himself.
Probably gonna be an unpopular opinion, but I would be excited to see him back in Missoula. I've heard the story about him asking to come back and BH saying "no". I think sometimes it can be a good thing to welcome somebody back, especially in light of the comments re: him getting bad advice, etc. We're not discussing a backup punter here. What has it been? Three months? Just act like he never left. 🤷‍♂️
With you on this one, a pied piper of sorts, left our team pretty much in good standing, knows the system, great skills...why not. I prefer Ah Yat this year, Cliff plays in back of Ah Yat.
I agree that a player's spot shouldn't be held. If you want to come back after trying to transfer up, and you're a player like him, I think I'd have to say yes on the condition that he has to earn back whatever spot I give him. A dude in that situation might be the most manageable and motivated guy on the team, right?

Sure, we may have found a better QB in Fife, but we really don't know. I thought the same about Vidlak. Conversely, we saw what Clif can do at this level. At worst, I wouldn't mind having a backup like him if he knows he has to earn that spot. If he thinks otherwise, then peace out.

As for the Hauck analogy, he abandoned a program he just led to the NC game for greener pastures (I don't fault him), it didn't work out, and he was welcomed back. A lot of similarities. One difference is Hauck spent years trying to make it at the next level instead of months.

“Finally, I have to wonder if some peoples' thinking would change if Clif was a "good local kid" from a "strong Montana family" who made a three-month mistake. I think it would.”
Cool, because you’ve been informed that Clif asked to come back shortly after entering the portal, yet continue say he shouldn’t be allowed back if he wanted now, but the keep beating the “Crews got Screwed” drum, I think I do see a bit of double standard; just not from UM.
Wow! you really want Cliff to come back? Are you selfish? He never wanted to be here. It showed in his attitude thru-out the season and esp. in the naddy. He was not good enough for a FCS program of our caliber. He though himself better than Montana.
He was a user. I am glad we will never see him back here.
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Yep, CDA, PR informed me at 3:36pm today. Read his post. You know this site, rumors, innuendo, lies, damned lies. I'm not in the eGriz Club, or QB Club, don't live in the Zoo. The information coming out of the Athletic Dept. is next to non-existent, newspapers have disappeared, local sports TV coverage is sporadic, and I gave up on Colter Cat Nuanez long ago.

I made the post answering your 'questions' at 2:53 pm, today. The full story of McDowell and Crews has never, to my knowledge, been told by the Athletic Dept. The Crews family did tell it's side of the story, either on eGriz or in the Missoulian(don't remember which). McDowell hasn't clarified anything. If he's up for Sainthood somewhere, I'm unaware of the narrative. Maybe a local Bishop somewhere can get the ball rolling with the official Cause for Beatification and Canonization(the first step toward Sainthood). So, yeah, I will keep beating the drum for Crews and his family. They were the victim of reverse discrimination, IMHO.

Keep an eye on McDowell, as he is a well documented self serving manipulator. He is using that Psychology degree very well.

Jeopardy format and 30 seconds of theme music for the following:
Answer: A code or policy which favors one group or person over another.

Time is up, CDA.
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