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McDowell back in the portal

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Did Hauck have to compete for the position after he came back?
Well, it could be argued that he had to prior to coming back. But I'm unsure how your question impacts the discussion around Cliff. No doubt if he came back he'd have to compete for the position.
I just don't understand why McDowell left in the first place or entered the portal. He had so much going for him. I just don't understand the thought process on leaving, especially entering the portal as quickly as he did
Someone out there is putting nothing but, crap in his brain. That someone has destroyed his career. I hope whoever that person is, pulls their head out of their ass and do whatever they can to make it up to him.
Well as it goes the grass ain't always greener but man people now a days always think it is and I see at my work and other industries it back fires a lot and the grass is just prickly weeds and dry dirt
Yes I did.
I think it would be pretty cool if we took the "Once a Griz, always a Griz" and "We Are Montana" thing and made it real and permanent. Unless you actually did something to wrong the program, the University, or the Missoula community, you are always welcome back and always a part of our culture if you want to be and you want to buy in. I've left jobs and come back, and been more dedicated the second time around after realizing what I had lost by leaving.

We already have enough "brain drain" in Montana with so many of our best young people leaving. Thankfully, many are starting to come back in their 30's and 40's.
Quoted in 'Owls Daily' and '247 Sports.com':
"Ever since the first school I was at, the Ragin' Cajuns, it had always been my goal to go back to FBS...and I stayed on FCS just a little bit to get some film and show them what I could do. And thankfully the Temple coaches came by and trusted me to come and make a difference in their program."

Louisiana, Kilgore, Central Arkansas, SOUTHERN commit/decommit, Montana, Temple, and now ___________.
THIS is what some want to see back at Montana? And that 'kid' is 23 or 24 y/o.
Quoted in 'Owls Daily' and '247 Sports.com':
"Ever since the first school I was at, the Ragin' Cajuns, it had always been my goal to go back to FBS...and I stayed on FCS just a little bit to get some film and show them what I could do. And thankfully the Temple coaches came by and trusted me to come and make a difference in their program."

Louisiana, Kilgore, Central Arkansas, SOUTHERN commit/decommit, Montana, Temple, and now ___________.
THIS is what some want to see back at Montana? And that 'kid' is 23 or 24 y/o.
Yep. I would love to see him back playing for the Griz in whatever capacity he can. I know, I know, not going to happen for myriad reasons, but he can play. And when it comes to players, I like the ones who can play.
I just don't understand why McDowell left in the first place or entered the portal. He had so much going for him. I just don't understand the thought process on leaving, especially entering the portal as quickly as he did
He was listening to some dumbasses from Nebraska and thought he could get a big payday...

Dumb Dumb Move
He clearly looked down at FCS football. Wanted the title "D1 QB" and all the clout that goes with that. The problem is he woefully overestimated his own ability. The SEC was never going to come knocking for Cliff. I think he really thought he was going to have multiple NIL offers for big schools if he entered the portal but clearly that wasn't the case. I think we as fans could all see his best option was to be the guy and carve out a real legacy at little ole FCS Montana. But in his mind he's bound for greater things. It's certainly looking that was a mistake today, but it's hard to fault a guy for following his dreams. Nobody really knows what went on behind closed doors with him and the coaching staff too. I think there's a 0% chance it happens but if he were to somehow come back, show some contrition and humbly ask for forgiveness I think the team should welcome him back. Hauck left for D-1 ball once upon a time too...
He clearly looked down at FCS football. Wanted the title "D1 QB" and all the clout that goes with that. The problem is he woefully overestimated his own ability. The SEC was never going to come knocking for Cliff. I think he really thought he was going to have multiple NIL offers for big schools if he entered the portal but clearly that wasn't the case. I think we as fans could all see his best option was to be the guy and carve out a real legacy at little ole FCS Montana. But in his mind he's bound for greater things. It's certainly looking that was a mistake today, but it's hard to fault a guy for following his dreams. Nobody really knows what went on behind closed doors with him and the coaching staff too. I think there's a 0% chance it happens but if he were to somehow come back, show some contrition and humbly ask for forgiveness I think the team should welcome him back. Hauck left for D-1 ball once upon a time too...
I disagree. It opens up a whole can of worms every season of players doing this. Cliff left and Griz went out and found in my opinion a better QB in the portal. Bobby left for multiple seasons and it was determined (and it appears correct) that he was the best option when the opening happened. It is rare a coach comes back to a school. I can think of Bobby, Riley at Oregon St and John Robinson at USC. But if you just have free agency each Spring and players think they can go test the waters without the consequence of not having their spot held for them then you set a very bad precedent. It is hard to see what Cliff wanted with all his movement. I know 100% from a pretty reliable source that he didn't think there should be an open competition in the Spring.
"I think there's a 0% chance it happens but if he were to somehow come back, show some contrition and humbly ask for forgiveness I think the team should welcome him back. Hauck left for D-1 ball once upon a time too..."

What total BS! McDowell is a phoney, self-serving, manipulator who used Montana, and a lot of other schools, in his single-minded pursuit of the unattainable(for him). He bailed out of Montana when it suited him, sh*tting on his former teammates(all of whom showing their true character and returned to finish the 'unfinished business'). He showed his true colors two months ago. Here's a link to an article written yesterday which says in many words what I just condensed for brevity(I'll call it 'Clifton's Notes':


'...show some contrition...humbly ask for forgiveness...the team should welcome him back.'

Is this the standard UM has adopted? Hmm, let me refresh your memories. Seems I remember a HS recruit, about a year and a half ago, a real Missoula 'kid,' 18 years old, who dreamed of becoming a Griz football player ever since he could remember. He wrote some typically boneheaded adolescent crap on some social media site, was outed by a disgruntled former Griz player, resulting in feigned, entitled indignance by a
segment of the team, causing his scholarship offer to be revoked. He was told to 'show some contrition and humbly ask for forgiveness, and let the 'team' welcome him back.' The 'team' sh*t on him, sending this 18 year old to MSdUi. He's a scat footballer now. The stark double standard gall of this post is undeniable, and obvious as black and white, pun intended.
I disagree. It opens up a whole can of worms every season of players doing this. Cliff left and Griz went out and found in my opinion a better QB in the portal. Bobby left for multiple seasons and it was determined (and it appears correct) that he was the best option when the opening happened. It is rare a coach comes back to a school. I can think of Bobby, Riley at Oregon St and John Robinson at USC. But if you just have free agency each Spring and players think they can go test the waters without the consequence of not having their spot held for them then you set a very bad precedent. It is hard to see what Cliff wanted with all his movement. I know 100% from a pretty reliable source that he didn't think there should be an open competition in the Spring.
I agree that a player's spot shouldn't be held. If you want to come back after trying to transfer up, and you're a player like him, I think I'd have to say yes on the condition that he has to earn back whatever spot I give him. A dude in that situation might be the most manageable and motivated guy on the team, right?

Sure, we may have found a better QB in Fife, but we really don't know. I thought the same about Vidlak. Conversely, we saw what Clif can do at this level. At worst, I wouldn't mind having a backup like him if he knows he has to earn that spot. If he thinks otherwise, then peace out.

As for the Hauck analogy, he abandoned a program he just led to the NC game for greener pastures (I don't fault him), it didn't work out, and he was welcomed back. A lot of similarities. One difference is Hauck spent years trying to make it at the next level instead of months.

Finally, I have to wonder if some peoples' thinking would change if Clif was a "good local kid" from a "strong Montana family" who made a three-month mistake. I think it would.
What total BS! McDowell is a phoney, self-serving, manipulator who used Montana, and a lot of other schools, in his single-minded pursuit of the unattainable(for him). He bailed out of Montana when it suited him, sh*tting on his former teammates(all of whom showing their true character and returned to finish the 'unfinished business'). He showed his true colors two months ago. Here's a link to an article written yesterday which says in many words what I just condensed for brevity(I'll call it 'Clifton's Notes':


'...show some contrition...humbly ask for forgiveness...the team should welcome him back.'

Is this the standard UM has adopted? Hmm, let me refresh your memories. Seems I remember a HS recruit, about a year and a half ago, a real Missoula 'kid,' 18 years old, who dreamed of becoming a Griz football player ever since he could remember. He wrote some typically boneheaded adolescent crap on some social media site, was outed by a disgruntled former Griz player, resulting in feigned, entitled indignance by a
segment of the team, causing his scholarship offer to be revoked. He was told to 'show some contrition and humbly ask for forgiveness, and let the 'team' welcome him back.' The 'team' sh*t on him, sending this 18 year old to MSdUi. He's a scat footballer now. The stark double standard gall of this post is undeniable, and obvious as black and white, pun intended.
Having trouble understanding that analogy. Are you saying Crews should've been forgiven and thus Clif should be as well? Or do you have to be a "real Missoula kid" to be forgiven? Kinda seems like you're saying the opposite of what you're trying to say . . .
I agree that a player's spot shouldn't be held. If you want to come back after trying to transfer up, and you're a player like him, I think I'd have to say yes on the condition that he has to earn back whatever spot I give him. A dude in that situation might be the most manageable and motivated guy on the team, right?

Sure, we may have found a better QB in Fife, but we really don't know. I thought the same about Vidlak. Conversely, we saw what Clif can do at this level. At worst, I wouldn't mind having a backup like him if he knows he has to earn that spot. If he thinks otherwise, then peace out.

As for the Hauck analogy, he abandoned a program he just led to the NC game for greener pastures (I don't fault him), it didn't work out, and he was welcomed back. A lot of similarities. One difference is Hauck spent years trying to make it at the next level instead of months.

Finally, I have to wonder if some peoples' thinking would change if Clif was a "good local kid" from a "strong Montana family" who made a three-month mistake. I think it would.
Agree fully. Cliff absolutely would have to understand that he would need to come into camp and win the job to play, and even that he may have to be more than a little better and work a lot harder to do so. But what's the downside of taking him back? The only reason I wouldn't consider it is if there legitimately isn't a scholarship available, or if giving him one makes us thin at another position.
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