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Rachac tweets Jordan Johnson is expelled

You watch too much CSI grizpaw. There is not always DNA waiting to be collected and put in the supercomputer that has everyone's genetic code on file.

Regardless, I think the point is that what we are seeing more of the same victim-blaming that is typical with rape cases and it is the perfect example of why some women are reluctant to report rape. Some of the comments on here have been appalling and I would expect the women (wives, gf, daughters, siblings) in these poster's lives would have second thoughts about reporting an assault, given the scepticism, second-guessing and accusations that would be hurled their way.
Come on PR, looking at things through Maroon colored glasses is pretty close to rose colored.... and thats fine. We are so similar to other campuses that they ALL are being investigated, and some victims found things to be handled so well that all those who didn't think so are making it up. and the Barz report didn't point to difficulties from campus to the City. And the BOR wasn't concerned that the problems would pop up elsewhere.
FCS Go! said:
You watch too much CSI grizpaw. There is not always DNA waiting to be collected and put in the supercomputer that has everyone's genetic code on file.

Regardless, I think the point is that what we are seeing more of the same victim-blaming that is typical with rape cases and it is the perfect example of why some women are reluctant to report rape. Some of the comments on here have been appalling and I would expect the women (wives, gf, daughters, siblings) in these poster's lives would have second thoughts about reporting an assault, given the scepticism, second-guessing and accusations that would be hurled their way.

so i take it you beleive everything that has been said! :( as long as it proves to you that the football team raped these women :( . i just happen to think if something like this happens, you need to be able to prove it not just cry rape because he didn't want more from you than a one night stand(which is what i think happen to JJ)!
I'm very happy Jordan has not been expelled.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the harsh reality regarding the issue of date rape. It is very difficult to prove, even in the best of circumstances. It will frequently come down to the word of the man against the word of the woman. That's just the way it is.

Does that mean we should lower the standard for the burden of proof because we feel bad for the woman? Absolutely not, because a basic principal of our American justice system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for the woman who has truly been raped, she will be subjected to probing questions and the process is not fun. But the fact that she is someone's sister or daughter and we feel bad for her does not alter these facts. Remember, the accused is also someone's son and possibly someone's brother.

So what are we, as responsible women, to do? The answer: we should not put ourselves into vulnerable positions where we can be sexually assaulted and have it come down to a case of our word against someone else's. These situations include inviting a man to our dorm room in the middle of the night, or passing out when drunk at a party or in a man's bedroom. It's just common sense.

Unfortunately, when I express this opinion, I'm accused of blaming the victim and being a big meanie. This is simply not true. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that it's very difficult to establish blame at all.

Not that many generations ago, unmarried men and women weren't allowed to be alone in the same room together. Maybe our grandparents were actually onto something. Women wanted and fought for their sexual freedom. Now they have it. Maybe it's time for them to put on their big girl panties and act responsible by not putting themselves into positions of vulnerability where proof is difficult to establish. I'm not willing to lower the standard of proof to accomodate them and make them feel more comfortable.

Feel free to pass this opinion along to your friends. It comes from a woman.

There is a big difference in saying that women should avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable situation vs. saying that any woman who is in a vulnerable position is agreeing to have sex. We have had next to none of the former and way too much of the later on this board. The distinction between the two views seems very blurry to a lot of posters who seem desperate for anything that will wash away the responsibility that men have in these situations.
FCS Go! said:

There is a big difference in saying that women should avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable situation vs. saying that any woman who is in a vulnerable position is agreeing to have sex. We have had next to none of the former and way too much of the later on this board. The distinction between the two views seems very blurry to a lot of posters who seem desperate for anything that will wash away the responsibility that men have in these situations.

and you are doing the same thing on the other end :(
FCS Go! said:

There is a big difference in saying that women should avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable situation vs. saying that any woman who is in a vulnerable position is agreeing to have sex. We have had next to none of the former and way too much of the later on this board. The distinction between the two views seems very blurry to a lot of posters who seem desperate for anything that will wash away the responsibility that men have in these situations.

I am not disagreeing with you. I feel bad for any woman who has experienced date rape. I'm not saying that she agreed to have sex because she put herself in that position. I'm saying it's difficult to prove. So let me say it again: this does not justify any willingness to lower the burden of proof! Sometimes bad things happen to us in this world and we will not always get justice. It sucks. Therefore, we as women need to be smart and do what we can to avoid it.
grizzpaw said:
FCS Go! said:

There is a big difference in saying that women should avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable situation vs. saying that any woman who is in a vulnerable position is agreeing to have sex. We have had next to none of the former and way too much of the later on this board. The distinction between the two views seems very blurry to a lot of posters who seem desperate for anything that will wash away the responsibility that men have in these situations.

and you are doing the same thing on the other end :(

Nope. I'm not on the other end. I'm in the middle and waiting for more info.
FCS Go! said:
grizzpaw said:
FCS Go! said:

There is a big difference in saying that women should avoid putting themselves in a vulnerable situation vs. saying that any woman who is in a vulnerable position is agreeing to have sex. We have had next to none of the former and way too much of the later on this board. The distinction between the two views seems very blurry to a lot of posters who seem desperate for anything that will wash away the responsibility that men have in these situations.

and you are doing the same thing on the other end :(

Nope. I'm not on the other end. I'm in the middle and waiting for more info.

that is your problem you want others to tell you what happen, i on the other hand try to find out for myself and make an opinion based on the info i can find. not just what others are saying as you do. keep waiting the truth is coming out slowly but it's not half as bad as GF makes it out to be.

This thread for over 250+ postings, 11K+ views, all the ranting, venting, whining, sniveling. All for nothing....zip, nada....zing!!!

Thus enjoy the your Golden Raspberry for worse original score on a bulletin board. Everyone can relax on this topic, and take their chill pills.
rabid_griz said:
I'm very happy Jordan has not been expelled.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the harsh reality regarding the issue of date rape. It is very difficult to prove, even in the best of circumstances. It will frequently come down to the word of the man against the word of the woman. That's just the way it is.

Does that mean we should lower the standard for the burden of proof because we feel bad for the woman? Absolutely not, because a basic principal of our American justice system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for the woman who has truly been raped, she will be subjected to probing questions and the process is not fun. But the fact that she is someone's sister or daughter and we feel bad for her does not alter these facts. Remember, the accused is also someone's son and possibly someone's brother.

So what are we, as responsible women, to do? The answer: we should not put ourselves into vulnerable positions where we can be sexually assaulted and have it come down to a case of our word against someone else's. These situations include inviting a man to our dorm room in the middle of the night, or passing out when drunk at a party or in a man's bedroom. It's just common sense.

Unfortunately, when I express this opinion, I'm accused of blaming the victim and being a big meanie. This is simply not true. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that it's very difficult to establish blame at all.

Not that many generations ago, unmarried men and women weren't allowed to be alone in the same room together. Maybe our grandparents were actually onto something. Women wanted and fought for their sexual freedom. Now they have it. Maybe it's time for them to put on their big girl panties and act responsible by not putting themselves into positions of vulnerability where proof is difficult to establish. I'm not willing to lower the standard of proof to accomodate them and make them feel more comfortable.

Feel free to pass this opinion along to your friends. It comes from a woman.

That is a pretty good post. Thank you.

This is a hard issue. Date rape is a bad thing and is never ok, but Rabid's post is worthy of consideration by a lot of folks.
mcg said:
rabid_griz said:
I'm very happy Jordan has not been expelled.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the harsh reality regarding the issue of date rape. It is very difficult to prove, even in the best of circumstances. It will frequently come down to the word of the man against the word of the woman. That's just the way it is.

Does that mean we should lower the standard for the burden of proof because we feel bad for the woman? Absolutely not, because a basic principal of our American justice system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for the woman who has truly been raped, she will be subjected to probing questions and the process is not fun. But the fact that she is someone's sister or daughter and we feel bad for her does not alter these facts. Remember, the accused is also someone's son and possibly someone's brother.

So what are we, as responsible women, to do? The answer: we should not put ourselves into vulnerable positions where we can be sexually assaulted and have it come down to a case of our word against someone else's. These situations include inviting a man to our dorm room in the middle of the night, or passing out when drunk at a party or in a man's bedroom. It's just common sense.

Unfortunately, when I express this opinion, I'm accused of blaming the victim and being a big meanie. This is simply not true. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that it's very difficult to establish blame at all.

Not that many generations ago, unmarried men and women weren't allowed to be alone in the same room together. Maybe our grandparents were actually onto something. Women wanted and fought for their sexual freedom. Now they have it. Maybe it's time for them to put on their big girl panties and act responsible by not putting themselves into positions of vulnerability where proof is difficult to establish. I'm not willing to lower the standard of proof to accomodate them and make them feel more comfortable.

Feel free to pass this opinion along to your friends. It comes from a woman.

That is a pretty good post. Thank you.

This is a hard issue. Date rape is a bad thing and is never ok, but Rabid's post is worthy of consideration by a lot of folks.

Wow, I wish everyone could think with common sense and an open mind, regardless of sex. Sorry, guys and frequent posters, but Rabid_Griz gets my award for the most common sense and open minded post EVER on EGRIZ, Then again, those kind of posts are a rarity. I hope to see her post more often. Thank you for such a great well thought out, and worded point of view.
rabid_griz said:
I'm very happy Jordan has not been expelled.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the harsh reality regarding the issue of date rape. It is very difficult to prove, even in the best of circumstances. It will frequently come down to the word of the man against the word of the woman. That's just the way it is.

Does that mean we should lower the standard for the burden of proof because we feel bad for the woman? Absolutely not, because a basic principal of our American justice system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for the woman who has truly been raped, she will be subjected to probing questions and the process is not fun. But the fact that she is someone's sister or daughter and we feel bad for her does not alter these facts. Remember, the accused is also someone's son and possibly someone's brother.

So what are we, as responsible women, to do? The answer: we should not put ourselves into vulnerable positions where we can be sexually assaulted and have it come down to a case of our word against someone else's. These situations include inviting a man to our dorm room in the middle of the night, or passing out when drunk at a party or in a man's bedroom. It's just common sense.

Unfortunately, when I express this opinion, I'm accused of blaming the victim and being a big meanie. This is simply not true. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that it's very difficult to establish blame at all.

Not that many generations ago, unmarried men and women weren't allowed to be alone in the same room together. Maybe our grandparents were actually onto something. Women wanted and fought for their sexual freedom. Now they have it. Maybe it's time for them to put on their big girl panties and act responsible by not putting themselves into positions of vulnerability where proof is difficult to establish. I'm not willing to lower the standard of proof to accomodate them and make them feel more comfortable.

Feel free to pass this opinion along to your friends. It comes from a woman.

GREAT post, RG. Please post more often.
rabid_griz said:
I'm very happy Jordan has not been expelled.

Now that that's out of the way, here is the harsh reality regarding the issue of date rape. It is very difficult to prove, even in the best of circumstances. It will frequently come down to the word of the man against the word of the woman. That's just the way it is.

Does that mean we should lower the standard for the burden of proof because we feel bad for the woman? Absolutely not, because a basic principal of our American justice system is the presumption of innocence until guilt is proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Unfortunately for the woman who has truly been raped, she will be subjected to probing questions and the process is not fun. But the fact that she is someone's sister or daughter and we feel bad for her does not alter these facts. Remember, the accused is also someone's son and possibly someone's brother.

So what are we, as responsible women, to do? The answer: we should not put ourselves into vulnerable positions where we can be sexually assaulted and have it come down to a case of our word against someone else's. These situations include inviting a man to our dorm room in the middle of the night, or passing out when drunk at a party or in a man's bedroom. It's just common sense.

Unfortunately, when I express this opinion, I'm accused of blaming the victim and being a big meanie. This is simply not true. On the contrary, I'm suggesting that it's very difficult to establish blame at all.

Not that many generations ago, unmarried men and women weren't allowed to be alone in the same room together. Maybe our grandparents were actually onto something. Women wanted and fought for their sexual freedom. Now they have it. Maybe it's time for them to put on their big girl panties and act responsible by not putting themselves into positions of vulnerability where proof is difficult to establish. I'm not willing to lower the standard of proof to accomodate them and make them feel more comfortable.

Feel free to pass this opinion along to your friends. It comes from a woman.

You are a light in the darkness. I feel the same way about most of your comments but as a man no one seems to care.

Thank you for you post.
So lets say the University Court did decide to expel JJ last week and that is where Rachac got his "sources". I was reading the Student Handbook and it says the next step is to go to the President. Also see that it says he must make his decision in 10 working days from the date of the letter. So should we know for sure in about 2 weeks? Or if RE agrees with the University Court would the next step for JJ to appeal to the BOR? I wonder how long this is going to take one way or another? Two weeks, a month, first day of fall semester, first game??? You would think they would want this figured out one way or another so the University and JJ can move on. I'm guessing if he gets expelled without any actual criminal charges being brought he will want to and be allowed to transfer to another school to play football. So many different scenarios... :rule: :puppy:

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