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2015 Season Predictions

I think Herpes would be a more fitting name. You can wish and hope all you want that it'll go away, but...
Raider said:
I could give two shits about banning posters and the personal pissing matches you guys have.

But for your own sake, wouldn’t it be better to find a more productive and healthy hobby? You have got to be 60+ years old, and you are absolutely obsessed with an anonymous message board related to Griz football. How many screen names have you had to create to get back in the game? Think about it man. That alone should tell you something.

Howard Johnson: Y'know Nietzsche says "Out of chaos comes order."
Olson Johnson: Oh, blow it out your ass, Howard.

Take your own advice, Howard. :lol:
mtgrizrule said:
Oh crap, he's back and has other screen names ready to use. I don't mind his posts, if and when he sticks to football only. Here is to hoping he can keep himself from crossing other lines, which often derail threads and turn them into pissing contests. As for BW, I honestly don't see a reason to call him out for not taking criticism, or not agreeing with him. He takes criticism well. Like others, he likely gets upset when someone else turns it personal and adds insults to things.

BW may not be the harshest poster when there is something negative or a difficult subject being covered. Then again, he is a positive person for the most part. He gives criticism with a grain of salt. Then again, with so many other naysayers, there really is not much reason for him to be very critical. Other posters certainly take up the slack in that regard.

This site would be much better if you could voice your opinions without turning it into anything personal with whomever it might be on any given day. I don't understand why you come off as having an agenda or ax to grind with BW. Is it you feel too many go beyond appreciating his efforts on this site? I appreciate his efforts and insight, but admit a few go a little too far in their praising.

It is comical when BW takes a break from egriz for whatever reasons (he does have a life beyond EGRIZ), we see people begging and pleading for him to do what he does. Some come off as bowing at his feet, and kissing ass. That is taking things a little too far. I feel for BW at times from fall practices throughout the season because of what others expect from him. I honestly wish at times we would see others take the initiative to do their own work, and give their own previews and summaries without feeling EGRIZZERS rely on him so much.

Either way, every day that passes is one day closer to football season. I look forward to seeing if Growler can actually break a record for time without getting banned. Can he do it? I will be surprised if he does. Welcome back Growler.

They ban me routinely without cause. Why should this time be any different. I promise to play nice and not bite. The sandbox should welcome me with open arms. :roll:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:
Atlanta huh? That's your season prediction?

NDSU is 50% Minnesota! hardly a bunghole.... And WE GOT OIL!! black gold baby.

I predict that your drinking your ensure and popping a geritol b4 bed. Night night!
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

Are you saying that you didn't voluntarily exile yourself from MaroonBlood?
CV Griz Fan said:
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

Are you saying that you didn't voluntarily exile yourself from MaroonBlood?

You're either a liar or a fool, Stevie. I didn't think anyone was ever kicked off of MB? Perhaps they all grew sick and tired of you too.

The over/under of your new screen name is 20 days.
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

So now the mods on MB are also out to get you too?

It's all one big conspiracy maaaaaan!
CV Griz Fan said:
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

Are you saying that you didn't voluntarily exile yourself from MaroonBlood?

You are correct. I VOLUNTARILY left MaroonBlood. I was NOT kicked off.
BWahlberg said:
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

So now the mods on MB are also out to get you too?

It's all one big conspiracy maaaaaan!
Ursa Major said:
CV Griz Fan said:
Atlanta Griz1 said:
Ursa Major said:
Let's not get carried away here with amnesty or amnesia. His own words...

Please consider this my final post.

For years I’ve stood against these “experts” such as Brinty, Playarape, and others – but today I came to a realization. I was having coffee with a former player and he would not stop talking about one poster who was always wrong, said stupid things, was off-base, and clearly was the most simple-minded dolt on the board. I expected him to quickly call out many of the usual pinheads on here.

Instead my world was rocked. He mentioned “growler” as the biggest idiot poster he’s ever seen. At first I thought that clearly he’s been hit in the head too often. I run circles around almost all of you morons. As we kept talking he mentioned how growler (me) would always cite made-up info and bad opinions. How he would threaten people that disagreed with him. Straight to my face he told me that growler is the kind of griz fan scum who ruin the message boards. He looked me in the eye and admitted that he knew I was growler. The pencil-dick then left me with the tab, said I could shove it up my arse and walked out leaving me to think about the error of my ways.

I’m done with this. I’m changing teams to cheer for and I’m off this board. Alpha I’m sorry that I let it get this far but now I’m wide awake to the world around me. I will continue to stand for excellence and I wont let thin-skinned, sugar coating little wimps get in my way, but I need to find another team to help do that. If anyone knows of a mascot position I could apply for please send me an email. I am good at being a gorilla that ends up knuckle deep in my own ass and making sugar cookies.

Cordially yours,

Steve D
Anthem, AZ / Missoula, MT and several dozen other IP Addresses and screen names.

Are you that gullible to think that I wrote that? Don't be stupid. Here's a news flash for you....... it is easy, when you are a mod, to write sh*t under any poster's screen name. Do I need to make it clearer for one of Jerry's kids? :roll:

Are you saying that you didn't voluntarily exile yourself from MaroonBlood?

You're either a liar or a fool, Stevie. I didn't think anyone was ever kicked off of MB? Perhaps they all grew sick and tired of you too.

The over/under of your new screen name is 20 days.

Why don't you go away. You never post anything about football, just try (lamely, I might add), to f*ck with other posters. I am done wasting key strokes on a non-entity poster like you. I am here to discuss Grizzly athletics with knowledgeable posters, not get into a pissing contest with one of Jerry's kids.

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