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Having an adaptable defense

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PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
Thank you. Glad to see someone who gets it. Of course you can compare teams from one year to the next. That had NOTHING to do with the fact that UM75 claimed Ty was a better D Coord than Semore based solely on the stat that his D only gave up 7 to MSU and Semore gave up 35. My ONLY point was you cant use two different years, teams, etc to make that conclusion. That's just dumb. An awful comaprison that leads to an awful conclusion. Ace and Gary like to spin it into something completely different. It's all they know how to do.

Here's some of Hook's progression, in reverse order, as he does his best Trump imitation. So which is it, no. 1, no. 2 or no. 3? If you can now admit that it's no. 1, that's great, but don't know what you had to call people assinne and other names for what you know apparently think is fine. Or did you change your mind because your boyfriend CV said it was fine to compare teams from year to year? (I think I will keep using your name-calling back at you.)

1. "Of course you can compare teams from one year to the next."

2. "I can no respect you as even a Griz fan for making a comparison like that when it involves two different years, teams, players, coaches, and arenas."

3. "To use two entirely different years, two different defenses, and playing two very different offenses (bleskin and his 4 interceptions vs prukop) is just assinine and is a total apples to oranges comparison."

Nice try Jackie Boy. Every one of your bullets point to one very SPECIFIC thing (not a general thing like you're trying to make it)....UM75's awful comparison of Ty being a better DC than Semore based on scores from two different Cat-Griz games. Don't spin in, don't put your lawyer retardedness into it, and take your bias for Ty out of the equation and answer one simple question....how does that make any sense and how is that a valid comparison? Go.

Hey Hook, 2 questions.

1. Is it okay to compare games in different seasons? You have said several times that it isn't, and then said once that is is okay? Which is it?

2. Where did 75 say that TG was a better DC than Semore based on scores for 2 games? I don't recall seeing 75 post that. Please post 75's quote when he said that.

And a general statement. Why do people like you have to make up and lie about things that other posters, and then attack the "straw man"? Why can't you just stick to the what posters actually said?

And just like I thought you couldn't do any of what I asked and answer a simple question. Exactly what I figured you'd do. Try again. Go.
UMGriz75 said:
Bloomberg75 said:
UMGriz75 knows pretty much nothing about football. He is nothing more than a number cruncher.
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
Bloomberg75 said:
UMGriz75 knows pretty much nothing about football. He is nothing more than a number cruncher.
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.

That quote doesn't say TG is better than Semore. 75 just says that MSU scored 7 points one year and 35 points the following year.
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
Here's some of Hook's progression, in reverse order, as he does his best Trump imitation. So which is it, no. 1, no. 2 or no. 3? If you can now admit that it's no. 1, that's great, but don't know what you had to call people assinne and other names for what you know apparently think is fine. Or did you change your mind because your boyfriend CV said it was fine to compare teams from year to year? (I think I will keep using your name-calling back at you.)

1. "Of course you can compare teams from one year to the next."

2. "I can no respect you as even a Griz fan for making a comparison like that when it involves two different years, teams, players, coaches, and arenas."

3. "To use two entirely different years, two different defenses, and playing two very different offenses (bleskin and his 4 interceptions vs prukop) is just assinine and is a total apples to oranges comparison."

Nice try Jackie Boy. Every one of your bullets point to one very SPECIFIC thing (not a general thing like you're trying to make it)....UM75's awful comparison of Ty being a better DC than Semore based on scores from two different Cat-Griz games. Don't spin in, don't put your lawyer retardedness into it, and take your bias for Ty out of the equation and answer one simple question....how does that make any sense and how is that a valid comparison? Go.

Hey Hook, 2 questions.

1. Is it okay to compare games in different seasons? You have said several times that it isn't, and then said once that is is okay? Which is it?

2. Where did 75 say that TG was a better DC than Semore based on scores for 2 games? I don't recall seeing 75 post that. Please post 75's quote when he said that.

And a general statement. Why do people like you have to make up and lie about things that other posters, and then attack the "straw man"? Why can't you just stick to the what posters actually said?

And just like I thought you couldn't do any of what I asked and answer a simple question. Exactly what I figured you'd do. Try again. Go.

You didn't ask a simple question, or even a question that made any sense? 75 hasn't said in this thread that TG is better than Semore. You just made that up. I truly can't believe how dumb you are.
PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
Bloomberg75 said:
UMGriz75 knows pretty much nothing about football. He is nothing more than a number cruncher.
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.

That quote doesn't say TG is better than Semore. 75 just says that MSU scored 7 points one year and 35 points the following year.

And what would any person with a brain deduce from this comment? Was the comment made to just point out the fact the scores were different? Or was there a reason for the comment. Of course there's a reason for the comment, Jack. Are you that blind to it?
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.

That quote doesn't say TG is better than Semore. 75 just says that MSU scored 7 points one year and 35 points the following year.

And what would any person with a brain deduce from this comment? Was the comment made to just point out the fact the scores were different? Or was there a reason for the comment. Of course there's a reason for the comment, Jack. Are you that blind to it?

It means exactly what it says; no more, no less. It sure doesn't say TG is a better DC than Semore. Since Semore has never been a DC except a year or two at Mines, how could be possibly know who good Semore is or will be for UM?

If I said UM beat EWU by 41 points, and Oregon beat EWU by 19 points, would you view or interpret that as me saying UM is better than Oregon? I know this is going to go way over your head, but others on the board will understand.
Maybe the title of this thread should be "having an adaptable defensive coordinator"

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PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep said:
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.

That quote doesn't say TG is better than Semore. 75 just says that MSU scored 7 points one year and 35 points the following year.

And what would any person with a brain deduce from this comment? Was the comment made to just point out the fact the scores were different? Or was there a reason for the comment. Of course there's a reason for the comment, Jack. Are you that blind to it?

It means exactly what it says; no more, no less. It sure doesn't say TG is a better DC than Semore. Since Semore has never been a DC except a year or two at Mines, how could be possibly know who good Semore is or will be for UM?

If I said UM beat EWU by 41 points, and Oregon beat EWU by 19 points, would you view or interpret that as me saying UM is better than Oregon? I know this is going to go way over your head, but others on the board will understand.

Someone gets it!! It means exactly what it says. You definitely know your way around the football field and in the locker rooms. I totally get you! We're just going to have to wait and watch it unfold cause who knows how well Semore is going be? I wish TG nothing but the best!
grizindabox said:
bloody hell......why the fukc does 75 keep bringing me into this POS thread.....I am not Bloomberg.....I must be living in 75's head....I don't even have to be involved in a thread.....and he keeps throwing my name around......seriously 75......you need to get a life.....or at least a couple hobbies that are not posting on egriz.....off to the lake again......later bitches....
Sorry, I've been at the Lake for the past two days; I was unable to feed the Troll. Glad to see that you could still take the bait that was not offered.
Actually the title of this should be: How can 3 or 4 guys be so defensive that they can go on arguing
about one silly little point for 30 or 40 thousand words. Please actually talk about football, oh and
my caveat is each post must be under 200 words. For god's sake take a business writing course so you
can learn to make your point in under 100 words.
oh crap this must be over 200 words. sorry. i'm better now.
PlayerRep said:
That quote doesn't say TG is better than Semore. 75 just says that MSU scored 7 points one year and 35 points the following year.
Of course, in the context of a variety of actual "facts," it speaks for itself. Facts do that. It is the accumulation of facts that support conclusions. In this case, "facts" support one set of conclusions. Guys with giant remote controls and giant screen TVs such as B75/grizindabox claiming "Football Knowledge!" argue conclusions contrary to "facts."

Gregorak has a "record," the "facts" of which show one of the best defenses in the Conference, and continuing improvement. Semore has a much shorter record here. The "facts" don't match up well. But, his record is a short one. It is not likely "statistically" significant, but it is what it is. What is interesting is that the Giant Remote Control geniuses argue that "facts" don't count. I'm sorry, but I've been around sports longer than most of you.

"Facts" count. We measure them by final scores.
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
Bloomberg75 said:
UMGriz75 knows pretty much nothing about football. He is nothing more than a number cruncher.
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.
Hookedongriz argues that 35 points against the same team shows a better defense than 7 points. Those were facts. They may not prove that Ty was a better DC than Semore, but you are an idiot if you claim it proves that Semore was a better DC than Ty.

That's how it works.

There is almost nothing that can be done with that level of denial.
I think it proves that they gave up 7 in a game and 35 in a game the next season.....and won them both.....not sure it proves anything more than that......and the lake was great....
grizindabox said:
I think it proves that they gave up 7 in a game and 35 in a game the next season....
That's why we follow sports. Scores mean nothing. Statistics mean nothing. Sports revolves, for four or five frauds on these threads, around a bunch of fat guys with remote controls claiming "Sports Knowledge!" while they float, with extra buoyancy, at the Lake clutching with a frantic and aggressive enthusiasm, their latest issue of "Sports Illustrated."
grizindabox said:
I think it proves that they gave up 7 in a game and 35 in a game the next season.....and won them both.....not sure it proves anything more than that......
Of course, that would misunderstand the thread topic, but proceed, you've done it before.
UMGriz75 said:
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
Bloomberg75 said:
UMGriz75 knows pretty much nothing about football. He is nothing more than a number cruncher.
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.
Hookedongriz argues that 35 points against the same team shows a better defense than 7 points. Those were facts. They may not prove that Ty was a better DC than Semore, but you are an idiot if you claim it proves that Semore was a better DC than Ty.

That's how it works.

There is almost nothing that can be done with that level of denial.

Wrong again. You made the comment to try and make a point that one defense was superior to the other. Another poster said that's a bad comparison and you're comparing apples to oranges since they were two different teams and two different seasons. I agreed with that poster and said I agreed it was an awful comparison and truly was apples to oranges. If you don't understand that football is a game of match ups, and those match ups change each year based on different personnel, coaching, schemes, etc.....then no one can help you. Well no one except player rep as he is an even bigger idiot for not seeing this.

Oh and player rep, um75 post above proves exactly what I claimed....he made the comment in an attempt to compare Ty and Semore. And in his idiotic world (which you seem to reside in) he thinks Ty is a better DC over the scores from two different seasons, teams, coaches, and schemes. Wow you guys need to lay off the retard sandwiches.
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
You need to flatter yourself, of course. That's the only way you can do it. :roll:

Under Ty, MSU scored scored seven whole points. Under Semore, 35.

Flatter yourself some more. Crunch those numbers.

PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.
Hookedongriz argues that 35 points against the same team shows a better defense than 7 points. Those were facts. They may not prove that Ty was a better DC than Semore, but you are an idiot if you claim it proves that Semore was a better DC than Ty.

That's how it works.

There is almost nothing that can be done with that level of denial.

Wrong again. You made the comment to try and make a point that one defense was superior to the other. Another poster said that's a bad comparison and you're comparing apples to oranges since they were two different teams and two different seasons. I agreed with that poster and said I agreed it was an awful comparison and truly was apples to oranges. If you don't understand that football is a game of match ups, and those match ups change each year based on different personnel, coaching, schemes, etc.....then no one can help you. Well no one except player rep as he is an even bigger idiot for not seeing this.

Oh and player rep, um75 post above proves exactly what I claimed....he made the comment in an attempt to compare Ty and Semore. And in his idiotic world (which you seem to reside in) he thinks Ty is a better DC over the scores from two different seasons, teams, coaches, and schemes. Wow you guys need to lay off the retard sandwiches.

It's not worth it. Let Grizindabox take it from here. He has been on vacation so he has the energy to go on for a few more pages battling 75 and his "merry go round" of thoughts. If your smart, you'd just take an Advil like me and go to bed. Nobody needs to be a egriz martyr here.....
I had a great weekend.. Thanks for asking!

HookedonGriz said:
Oh and player rep, um75 post above proves exactly what I claimed....he made the comment in an attempt to compare Ty and Semore.
The Horror. The Horror.

Hookedongriz objects to comparisons, using facts. He finally admits. The slightest reference to .. actual facts ... are despicable to him. Those happened to be the "facts." HOG fears, absolutely fears, that they might actually compare coaches. You know, like final scores do.

OK, can real sports people move on from the the rantings and ravings of ideologues and Great Big Remote Controls operated by flakes like "Hookedongriz" to ... real sports, and how the real world analyzes results?
CV Griz Fan said:
HookedonGriz said:
UMGriz75 said:
HookedonGriz said:
PlayerRep here is the quote you requested. What kind of point do you think he was trying to make with this comment? If you can't honestly answer that one either you may need to just give up on life all together.
Hookedongriz argues that 35 points against the same team shows a better defense than 7 points. Those were facts. They may not prove that Ty was a better DC than Semore, but you are an idiot if you claim it proves that Semore was a better DC than Ty.

That's how it works.

There is almost nothing that can be done with that level of denial.

Wrong again. You made the comment to try and make a point that one defense was superior to the other. Another poster said that's a bad comparison and you're comparing apples to oranges since they were two different teams and two different seasons. I agreed with that poster and said I agreed it was an awful comparison and truly was apples to oranges. If you don't understand that football is a game of match ups, and those match ups change each year based on different personnel, coaching, schemes, etc.....then no one can help you. Well no one except player rep as he is an even bigger idiot for not seeing this.

Oh and player rep, um75 post above proves exactly what I claimed....he made the comment in an attempt to compare Ty and Semore. And in his idiotic world (which you seem to reside in) he thinks Ty is a better DC over the scores from two different seasons, teams, coaches, and schemes. Wow you guys need to lay off the retard sandwiches.

It's not worth it. Let Grizindabox take it from here. He has been on vacation so he has the energy to go on for a few more pages battling 75 and his "merry go round" of thoughts. If your smart, you'd just take an Advil like me and go to bed. Nobody needs to be a egriz martyr here.....

Great advice. A few others PMd me and said you can block both UM75 and PR and never see a post again. They said best decision they have ever made. That is also great advice and will be my next move.
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