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Same ole Stitt different week

PhxGriz and brewskis attempt to squash criticism of Coach Stitts decisions and current tunnel vision, by suggesting
critics haven't competed, or should become MSU fans, is typical behavior of folks who consider these chat boards their exclusive domain and their OPINIONS infallible. Ignoring an opportunity to seriously consider opposing OPINIONS, and respectfully rebut them with facts and/or examples, destroys their credibility immediately, and discourages serious fans from offering their analysis or opinions. Bob Stitt was provided an opportunity to coach the Griz and embraced Griz Nations dedication and scrutiny. Calling for a new coach at this time is ridiculous. Bullying his critics is irresponsible.
I apologize for "deflecting and ignoring the actual question".
Was it "So you are a big baby too.........."
I assumed it was one of your typical immature put downs.
You forgot to punctuate it with a question mark.
I WAS a big baby years ago but grew and matured into manhood.
And you?
How many of us have started a new job, or know someone who started a new job? Their growing pains and a transition period for everyone that works for the employer. Rather it be coaching football, or any other job, very seldom is the transition is quick, smooth, and better than the previously in a short period period of time. Normally, it takes everyone adjusting to new personnel, and eventually new ways of doing business and each position within the company to make everything work ideally.

I am relieved and happy to know the people calling for Stitt's job are not in charge at my job. I've been on a new job for almost 3 months now. I am much better doing the job now than when I started, but have a ways to go to be most efficient at the new job. Hell, I'd be without that job in less than a month with some of you in charge, and the turmoil at the job would be even worse.

Rather you support Stitt, or not, can we please give this transition the proper time for everyone involved to properly adjust? Calling for someones job 6 games into a new coaching job with someone elses players is absolutely ridiculous!!! To make it worse, there are actually a few saying the defense is terrible, and average at best. Tell you what, if it were not for that defense, this team would be a lot worse off than it is.
Stanley said:
I apologize for "deflecting and ignoring the actual question".
Was it "So you are a big baby too.........."
I assumed it was one of your typical immature put downs.
You forgot to punctuate it with a question mark.
I WAS a big baby years ago but grew and matured into manhood.
And you?

Small world...me too. I am currently getting a big laugh out of all the Griz fans that struggle with realism and are standing with their toes dangling over the ledge...
PhxGriz said:
brewskis said:
Shut up. If you're going to call for his head after 6 games and a win versus NDSU then go buy some blue and gold.

What I love is how the "downers" on this site seem to forget, is that Stitt has clients at levels much higher than us. Levels that respect his abilities and seek them out.

The defeated attitude is a for sure sign to me that not only have many not played the game, but have never competed in much of anything.

Probably not many calling him today? But, we did collectively buy what he was selling. Now, he needs to show us what we bought. I will cheer as hard as anyone, but really doubt he is busy answering his phone right now from his clients.
The issue is lack of play calling (same 4-5 plays all game) and bone head decisions. Attempt a 55 yard FG yet we dont take a 20-30yarder late in the game which ultimately would have won the game, as long as we make it.

That 4th and 1 deep in the redzone was fine by me, but to throw it? Why? Nguyen cant get 1 yard or man up and run thru the middle then he shouldnt be playing college ball.

If the avg fan can tell you what plays are coming then what do you think the other teams coaches and players are doing ...
Cool several programs have adopted a tricky play from him but I dont notice many of those "high level clients" running a 4-5 play offense
I use to post here about fifteen years ago, but the derogatory comments by some bloggers led me to stop posting. I have followed the Griz closely for over 20 years, I did participate in athletics at the college level, and I have coached before. In all the years of watching football, I have seen some fine coaching, some average coaching, some mediocre coaching , and some lousy coaching. I have seen Innovative coaching and admire it. I have also seen boneheaded coaching and abhor it. The coaching decisions that I have seen this year disturb me more than past years because it is not based on football strategy, statistics, or any other method of sound coaching strategies. We can moan about the O line, the injuries, and all the rest, but these players have been good enough to win even with these problems. The bottom line remains that two games were given away by the lack of solid coaching decisions during the games. We should be no less than 5-1 at this time and that is a fact. This team has potential both on offense and defense and has some tremendous players. But, with this coaching strategy continuing, EW and MSU will be beyond difficult at best. That is unfortunate for all the Griz players.
Joseppy said:
The bottom line remains that two games were given away by the lack of solid coaching decisions during the games. We should be no less than 5-1 at this time and that is a fact.

The Weber game has been posted about time and time again with the passing over on the 2 shorter fieldgoal attempts. I'm curious which other game the "coaching staff lost" this season?
Also, there is no way to know how the game plays out if the Griz kick the FG. People just want to look at the score and say they would have won, but a quarter and a half of football would have been played differently by the changing events....
grizindabox said:
When did the Griz have a 20-30 yard FG opportunity "late" in the game?

Well geez idk the exact yardage forgive me for not writing it down. It was 4th and 2 and we decide to pass, when its obvious the FG is within range when we banked one off the upright from 55

Like i said in a previous post, provided we MAKE the FG, its potentially the game winner. Youre right the rest of the game may have been different it may not have been. But leaving points out on the field due to a "gut" feeling is just piss poor. He wants to win games well its hard to do when certain key decisions are goofed.

Same goes for punting .. our punter may not be the greatest but i'll gladly try and make a team work from their own 40 instead of our 20, with momentum because they stopped our bubble screen
quise2024 said:
grizindabox said:
When did the Griz have a 20-30 yard FG opportunity "late" in the game?

Well geez idk the exact yardage forgive me for not writing it down. It was 4th and 2 and we decide to pass, when its obvious the FG is within range when we banked one off the upright from 55

Like i said in a previous post, provided we MAKE the FG, its potentially the game winner. Youre right the rest of the game may have been different it may not have been. But leaving points out on the field due to a "gut" feeling is just piss poor. He wants to win games well its hard to do when certain key decisions are goofed.

Same goes for punting .. our punter may not be the greatest but i'll gladly try and make a team work from their own 40 instead of our 20, with momentum because they stopped our bubble screen

you do realize that both short FG opportunities were in the 3rd quarter of the game...not what I would deem "late"

Also, would a FG that did not give you the lead really be a "game winner" or would that be saved for the score that actually won the game?
mtgrizrule. Coach stitt had been doing the same job for 15 yrs quite sucessfully at Division 2. He brought many of his "coworkers" with him to Missoula. He continues to coach young men familiar with the basics of the game, block, run, tackle, kick, throw and catch. Coach Stitt has also installed the same offense he used at Colorado Mines. I hardly believe he gets a pass because of the "new job" syndrome. Many of his critics question his judgement and inability to adapt to situations. Every coach is committed to providing their team with the tools to succeed. Bob Stitt is no exception. However when a coach makes play calls based on his "gut feelings" that undermine the efforts of his team on the field, responsible fans should speak up. Thats the purpose of this forum.
So Stanley wants Stitt to adapt to what is available for possible short term success as opposed to stick to what he wants for perceived the long term success....
Did our special teams all of sudden get to be outstanding? Why just five short weeks ago people were complaining about kicking field goals. If you line up the field goal team and they ATTEMPT these two field goals and they miss one or both, then everyone says, Stitt should have went for it. There is just no pleasing people. Jeez....
grizindabox said:
So Stanley wants Stitt to adapt to what is available for possible short term success as opposed to stick to what he wants for perceived the long term success....
No reason he can't do both...minor adjustments given current situation is not incompatible with what he wants to do long term.
SoldierGriz said:
grizindabox said:
So Stanley wants Stitt to adapt to what is available for possible short term success as opposed to stick to what he wants for perceived the long term success....
No reason he can't do both...minor adjustments given current situation is not incompatible with what he wants to do long term.

So you want him to use TEs and FBs?
grizindabox said:
SoldierGriz said:
grizindabox said:
So Stanley wants Stitt to adapt to what is available for possible short term success as opposed to stick to what he wants for perceived the long term success....
No reason he can't do both...minor adjustments given current situation is not incompatible with what he wants to do long term.

So you want him to use TEs and FBs?

Wait, we have some? Kidding. 2 back set occasionally, add some designed plays, fewer reads...there are ways I believe.

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