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The Book

El Griz said:
Wow. Scathing review from Independent Women's Forum ........ (dot Org)

http://www.iwf.org/news/2796914/Jon-Krakauer's-Campus-Rape-Crock" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;


Good grief. He didn't even win over the gimmes. This would be like Mondale losing Minnesota.
EverettGriz said:
I dropped by a large bookstore in Mill Creek this afternoon. I found two copies (evidently they aren't expecting a huge run on the thing) of the book in the Nonfiction section. I promptly carried them over to the table containing the new Fiction releases and set them down there.

Did you really expect a mad rush for this book in Washington? I mean really, other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans, who in the state of Washington would buy this book?
CV Griz Fan said:
EverettGriz said:
I dropped by a large bookstore in Mill Creek this afternoon. I found two copies (evidently they aren't expecting a huge run on the thing) of the book in the Nonfiction section. I promptly carried them over to the table containing the new Fiction releases and set them down there.

Did you really expect a mad rush for this book in Washington? I mean really, other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans, who in the state of Washington would by this book?

As a preemptive strike, I broke into a car of a co-worker who graduated from ewu and pooped in the backseat. Ironically, he didn't say a word about the book. He's in janitorial services so at least he has a good sense of cleaning up messes.
other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans

iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.

But yes, to answer your question, I would expect that in the Seattle area -- where Krakauer lived for sometime and has a large following particularly with the climbing crowd -- that if he published a book of finger painting done on toilet paper using the remnants thereof, that it'd sell tens of thousands of copies.
getgrizzy said:
statler & waldorf said:
UMGriz75 said:
Last week, Pabst said Krakauer had not agreed to her requests that he delay publication until he speak with "people who have actual knowledge of the events in his novel."
http://missoulian.com/news/local/pabst-made-last-ditch-effort-to-delay-publication-of-missoula/article_ac41cc34-0b39-5381-9200-e70c39757e56.html" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If he was quoted correctly, he is admitting two things: 1) he didn't properly research his 'book,' and, 2) it is a novel, a writing of fiction. :lol:
It's her birthday quote, not his. Maybe she doesn't know the difference. It wouldn't be a surprise.

Well it's readily fucking apparent that neither Krackwhore or his publisher know the difference. That is certain.
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.
Two weeks until the Krak comes to town. I wonder if book reviews will continue to roast this piece of work, and he cancels at the last minute, or Doubleday makes him come in an attempt to dump 490,000 unsold books. :(
IroneagleXP said:
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.

Hey! Cool it. Since UM was known as MSU for so long. Maybe the rape stats are skewed too...
IroneagleXP said:
Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault?
Nope. Outright lie. I don't "think the rape problem is twice as bad," the reported statistics over a significant period of time, and as reported by national publications show that. Write 'em a letter. Whine to the actual sources that expose MSU for what it has been.

There was never a "gang rape" but the lie must be important to you.

It is a nice touch illuminating your inanity to argue that "rape" is just a "run of the mill sexual assault." :shock: No wonder things have been so bad in Bozeman. You are indeed a sick puppy.
IroneagleXP said:
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.

IroneagleXP, I hope your youth is as young as your wit, because you are nowhere near the posts as your bobcat brothern "poorgriz", currently at 2185 posts.
IroneagleXP said:
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
other then Iron Eagle and a few other egriz Eastern fans
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.

Did momma beat you or abandon you as a child? Did daddy touch you inappropriately? Was it the '97 game and the feeling of violation? Where does this anger and resentment come from? Why do you feel inclined to post on another team's fan board such vitriolic hatred?
CV Griz Fan said:
IroneagleXP said:
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.

Hey! Cool it. Since UM was known as MSU for so long. Maybe the rape stats are skewed too...
HA! Undoubtedly!
El Griz said:
IroneagleXP said:
UMGriz75 said:
EverettGriz said:
iron eagle is neither a Washingtonian nor an ewoo fan.
He's also neither iron, nor an eagle, and is to "XP" what Windows ME was.

Keep working on the burns griz75, your definitely no CDA. Now, while your are so prompt to quote the rape "problem" at MSU, which according to you is twice as bad as it is at UM ( :roll: ), don't you think that multiple members of your football team gang raping students is a little worse than your average run of the mill sexual assault? Don't get me wrong, I'm not minimizing any kind of rape / sexual assault, but you guys are the MIGHTY GRIZ NATION. Can't have your poster boys running around and raping everything can we? It could be just me, but maybe UM has garnered all of this national attention for a reason? Call me crazy, just a thought. Commence with more distorted facts and another lame ass burn.

IroneagleXP, I hope your youth is as young as your wit, because as you are nowhere near the posts as your bobcat brothern "poorgriz", currently at 2185 posts.

El Griz: "Bobcat Brothern"? I think you're on to something.... That my friend is funny.....
CV Griz Fan said:
El Griz: "Bobcat Brothern"? I think you're on to something.... That my friend is funny.....
Given the local "water feature" in Bozeman, which appropriately graces and frames the athletic facilities, and the offended femininity of "IronEagleXP"," "Bobcat Sistern" works at two levels ...
The irresponsibility of "journalists" like Florio and Krakhauer reaches far beyond the legal arena of "standards of proof in rape cases" and "false claims" and associated and often politically-motivated social agendas. It isn't just "bad reporting."

These people hurt people, and intend to do so.
Nicole Eramo, the UVA dean of students portrayed as the face of administrative neglect of rape victims in Rolling Stone’s now-discredited story, revealed in a letter to the magazine’s publisher that she received death and rape threats as a result of Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s reckless reporting.
http://reason.com/blog/2015/04/22/uva-dean-maligned-by-rolling-stone-recei" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

“I saw my name dragged through the mud in the national press, and have received numerous abusive, vitriolic, and threatening emails, letters, and phone calls,” wrote Eramo in her letter. “Perhaps most egregious and shocking were the emails I received expressing hope that I be killed or raped, and commenting that they hoped I had a daughter so that she could be raped.”
Naturally, those invested in the social justice "lawfare," ostensibly for raising rape awareness, are often the ones who will be the first to threaten females who do not support the "Narrative," and threaten them with rape at the venal level of being female, and vulnerable, and having daughters. Just as every claim reported to UM was investigated, there is nothing "here," here, except that the social justice warriors are neither fair, nor good, nor seeking social justice.
Indeed, the police and Columbia investigations later determined that Eramo had directed Jackie to go the police, contrary to what Erdely wrote.

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