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Rjones61 said:
PlayerRep said:
tnt said:
So did he tell the coach about the incident? The real problem is that if it was a one time deal, it's highly unlikely that there would have been enough cannabis after several days to exceed the 50 ng threshold for a positive pee test. Cannabis is fat soluble. I assume there was a fairly low level of body fat in the young man. A one time accidental use wouldn't do it. At worst there would have been amounts under 50ng. Not enough for a positive test. If the NCAA is calling it positive for less than 50, I see a check in JRs future.

I hesitate to point out, that even in states where pot is legal, it's still illegal. Try paying for it on a CC.

"Occasional Users

Someone who smokes occasionally — or for the first time — will likely test positive for 1-3 days afterward, according to a review by the National Drug Court Institute (NDCI).

But by the end of 4 days, infrequent cannabis users should be safely below the 50 ng/mL threshold.

“For occasional marijuana use (or single event usage), at the 50 ng/mL cutoff level, it would be unusual for the detection of cannabinoids in urine to extend beyond 3-4 days following the smoking episode.”


Congratulations, you made JR's innocence far more unlikely.

His birthday was on November 30th. The NDSU game was on December 5th. He had five nights to flush it out of his system, but did not.

The study I cited is 31 years old. Pot is many times more potent now. See below:

""Over the past three decades, marijuana's average potency level has steadily increased from just shy of 2% THC levels in 1978 to over 8% in 2013 according to medicalmarijuana.procon.com. That's onaverage, however, growers have developed a bit of a pissing contest to see who can grow the highest potency marijuana strain. Current reigning champion, "RB-26" of Denver, Colorado developed a strain called Gorilla Glue 4 with a reported 33% THC potency level (the original Gorilla Glue strain was developed by "Josesy Whales on ICmag.com). RB-26's other strain, Chiquita Banana is a close second tipping scales around 30%."
The problem is PR, is pee test doesn't test for THC. It tests for metabolites caused by liver enzyme breaking it down. In the case of EDIBLES, while it takes longer for them to have an effect, it lasts much shorter because of the way it's brought into the system (it doesn't show up as quickly as the story says in any event) and shorter yet in baked goods. A one time user will have it gone in 20 hours or less and totally undectable in less than 50. That would have been an awfully stale brownie.
So here's the high quality argument: Mr Nelson can't possibly know the truth because he is only getting second hand information yet I am right despite not even having third hand information. But who am I to question? Probably good enough to get you a diesel mechanics degree.
Rjones61 said:
Let's add up where eGriz has evolved this story to:

1. The drugs came from a mystery brownie that nobody knows where it came from. He couldn't taste which drug he took. Yet, JR knew immediately that he had been drugged, but he had no idea by which drug. Yet still, he didn't consult a doctor, he didn't file a police report, and he didn't tell his coach. He didn't check if he had been drugged by something more serious, didn't talk to his coach just in case he was drug tested, and didn't launch any sort of investigation into who drugged his basket. You know, any one of those things are the rational form of action.

2. The person who CONTRIBUTED TO HIS GIFT BASKET is completely anonymous. Did they leave a birthday basket at a fraternity labeled "For JR's birthday, please contribute random s***"? After six months, they have failed to track down this mystery brownie making maniac and nobody has come forward. Who else has fallen victim to this MJ terrorist?

3. He received a brownie on his birthday. Even though the story states that he took it home and ate it, he must have taken it home, waited two days, then ate it. Because that's how he would be innocent, so that's the story eGriz will take. Oh yeah, and it was a BIG brownie now too. He didn't realize until he had eaten the entire massive brownie that it was drugged. A first time, marijuana user took a high dose of marijuana, enough to set off a drug test several days later and only experienced "dizziness and a stomach ache".

4. He was completely blindsided. He was anonymously drug tested and there was no way he could have been proactive about his drug test. A playoff experienced football staff would have never informed their players that there are drug tests in playoffs.

This is somehow a way more likely story than him getting high and failing his drug test. PR, please quit your wishful thinking. You're working yourself into a delusion.

Why are you having so much difficulty accepting JR's Dad's version of the events? Jeez....Over the last sixty years or so the Amercan public has accepted much more with much less proof...

The "magic bullet" theory in the JFK assignation
Nixon getting caught doing what every other President does.
The "October Surprise" of Reagan's Presidental Campaign
Clinton "not having sex with that woman, Monica Lewinski".
Bush's WMD justification for war.....

Yet you take a stand on a 21 year old college football player that smoked some hippie lettuce....
The American public has never accepted the magic bullet theory.
Nixon DID get caught doing what every other president has done.
Nobody believes Clinton didn't have sex with Lewinski.
And there were WMD's in Iraq.

What do ANY of these facts have to do with JR's pot smoking habits?
Rjones61 was found sick in the alley behind Reds after swallowing parts of a moldy brownie.

Police dogs lost his scent and he has not been heard from since.
Rjones61 said:
Hahaha, let's just continue to tailor the story so that nobody is guilty except the big bad mystery brownie maker. Pathetic.

Darn near as pathetic as spending your weekend on e-griz arguing about it………………
Raider said:
Rjones61 said:
Hahaha, let's just continue to tailor the story so that nobody is guilty except the big bad mystery brownie maker. Pathetic.

Darn near as pathetic as spending your weekend on e-griz arguing about it………………

So you admit it is pathetic?
grizindabox said:
This thread is awesome....
completely agree. love catching up on these.

at the very least, this kid has just terrible friends. who the fuck gives a college kid a gift basket for his birthday?! and with brownies in it? jesus, what else was in there? maybe some soap? a can of assorted nuts? a mix tape?

at least a weed brownie would make some sense. he doesn't need friends like these. if the kid didn't knowingly put a weed brownie in the basket to elevate it from the worst gift ever, then JR needs to cut this clown from his circle asap. a fucking gift basket. give me a break. hell...even my old parents would hate a stupid gift basket.

It is comical that so many of you think you know what happened. Rjones61 is a prime example. FYI to all you dumb asses... everyone who was involved in the failed test/brownie making has written notarized letters to back up JR and the letters will be turned into the NCAA as part of the appeal. So no, Rjones61, the person who gave him the brownie is not anonymous, it's just not necessary to include the names of everyone involved for all you rude people to bash them like you are bashing JR because frankly, it is none of your business. If JR loses the appeal and misses half the season, then so be it, but you are all going to look really stupid (including the Missoulian) if he wins the appeal. Bet most of you who have been saying horrible things about him will be cheering for him on the sidelines when season rolls around. Hypocrites.
The only way he is getting out of this is if the "document" they are waiting for is a statement from whoever made the laced brownie stating he/she knowingly introduced drugs into a unknowing JR.

Then that person get to see jail, so I'm not holding my breath on that.
After talking to Alpha he mentioned he ate two of the tainted brownies and never felt a thing. No extra strange taste was noted and he said with vanila ice cream they were OK.

One of the Fargo dome pee mix ups, sure as hell.
shadow9 said:
It is comical that so many of you think you know what happened. Rjones61 is a prime example. FYI to all you dumb asses... everyone who was involved in the failed test/brownie making has written notarized letters to back up JR and the letters will be turned into the NCAA as part of the appeal. So no, Rjones61, the person who gave him the brownie is not anonymous, it's just not necessary to include the names of everyone involved for all you rude people to bash them like you are bashing JR because frankly, it is none of your business. If JR loses the appeal and misses half the season, then so be it, but you are all going to look really stupid (including the Missoulian) if he wins the appeal. Bet most of you who have been saying horrible things about him will be cheering for him on the sidelines when season rolls around. Hypocrites.

I wouldn't worry about Rjones61...he's an EWU troll. Anything he says can pretty much be taken as such. In other words his opinion counts as nothing.
Umista said:
After talking to Alpha he mentioned he ate two of the tainted brownies and never felt a thing. No extra strange taste was noted and he said with vanila ice cream they were OK.

One of the Fargo dome pee mix ups, sure as hell.

Please.. he has been real quiet lately... lets keep it that way.

Just some food for thought... what percentage of "news" stories about UM/ BSC athletes have been proven 100% accurate? I say less then 20 percent.

J. Johnson
"The night at the house during the rain"
Rjones61 said:
Raider said:
Rjones61 said:
Hahaha, let's just continue to tailor the story so that nobody is guilty except the big bad mystery brownie maker. Pathetic.

Darn near as pathetic as spending your weekend on e-griz arguing about it………………

So you admit it is pathetic?

Yes, 100%.

Making excuses for these kids is just sad....

...and so is a bunch of grown men who apparently have nothing better to do with their weekends than post about it on a message board.
shadow9 said:
It is comical that so many of you think you know what happened. Rjones61 is a prime example. FYI to all you dumb asses... everyone who was involved in the failed test/brownie making has written notarized letters to back up JR and the letters will be turned into the NCAA as part of the appeal. So no, Rjones61, the person who gave him the brownie is not anonymous, it's just not necessary to include the names of everyone involved for all you rude people to bash them like you are bashing JR because frankly, it is none of your business. If JR loses the appeal and misses half the season, then so be it, but you are all going to look really stupid (including the Missoulian) if he wins the appeal. Bet most of you who have been saying horrible things about him will be cheering for him on the sidelines when season rolls around. Hypocrites.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Like they seriously give two shits how they look. They've proven beyond a shadow of a doubt they do NOT care how they come across.
NDSUSR said:
The only way he is getting out of this is if the "document" they are waiting for is a statement from whoever made the laced brownie stating he/she knowingly introduced drugs into a unknowing JR.

Then that person get to see jail, so I'm not holding my breath on that.

100%. They ain't reversin nuthin. Can you imagine that precedent if any student athlete could now play the "I didn't know it had weed in it" card? There'd be a crap ton MORE stoned college athletes walkin around. :lol: