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We Support Coach Hauck!!! WE'VE HIT 2500!! Updated the OP

SoldierGriz said:
GGNez said:
GrizMusician said:
GGNez said:
I posted this on another thread, so pardon the redundancy:
Something I’m trying to piece together here so that I can help...
I’m an active volunteer/advocate for crime victims (focusing on domestic abuse and child sexual abuse)
I’m an avid Grizzly football fan and Hauck supporter.
I recently spoke at an event in Minneapolis where I met Matthew Sandusky (adopted son and victim of Jerry Sandusky)
Bear with me...this all somehow connects
So, the Penn State/Sandusky scandal was all over the news at the same time that Missoula was under investigation for their handling of sex crimes
I was going through the process of prosecuting my ex for sexually abusing my child
I wrote a book, detailing my experience and educating about child sexual abuse and victim blaming
Now...Matt Sandusky and I are planning speaking engagements together all over the US

How do we wrap this all together to help the UM??


Maybe instead of breast cancer awareness day, we have a sexual assault awareness day?

I like it!

Just do both together:

Don't assault humans with breasts. Cancer is bad enough.

Just spitballin' here....


Raider said:
HookedonGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
alabamagrizzly said:
You can sit there and literally watch it count up. In about 30 seconds I watched it go from 900 to 923. Is 5,000 a reachable goal? Of course you know the opposition will still put a negative spin on this.

5,000....then raise it to Wa-Griz capacity...

I was hoping for like 500 signatures over the course of a couple of days. To hit 1000 in about 9.5 hours is mind blowing. Social media is a game changer and can continue to drive this. The key is everyone sharing it where they can. Awesome to see!

I wonder how we could pressure the Missoulian into running a story on this petition. Any thoughts?

I have a thought, keep the Missoulian out of this, they’d just f it up with agendas, innuendo, and lies. You know, the reason for needing this petition in the first place.
astutegriz said:
Raider said:
HookedonGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
5,000....then raise it to Wa-Griz capacity...

I was hoping for like 500 signatures over the course of a couple of days. To hit 1000 in about 9.5 hours is mind blowing. Social media is a game changer and can continue to drive this. The key is everyone sharing it where they can. Awesome to see!

I wonder how we could pressure the Missoulian into running a story on this petition. Any thoughts?

I have a thought, keep the Missoulian out of this, they’d just f it up with agendas, innuendo, and lies. You know, the reason for needing this petition in the first place.

:thumb: :clap:
get'em_griz said:
I noticed on the Griz Football Fan Facebook Page that Lisa Davey tried to "jump on the bandwagon" and posted a link to her petition in the comments of the Hauck support thread! :lol: [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

That's odd because I am certain she implied she wanted to move on after the hire.

"Friends.....I'd love to have this die down and move forward. However, Mike is continuing to obsess over me on his board...."

She posted that four days ago. (...love to have this die down and move forward...) And then to have her friends release the letter they drafted. Ah yes, I'd love to have this die down and move forward.

FYI. There has been hardly anything but a couple posts you have to search for over on MB referencing this since the shit hit the fan but the phrase "continues to obsess" is catchy. Not sure who is obsessed if she is the one visiting the page instead of letting it go.

She goes on to encourage people to call Kent and complain about "AG1."

He broke no laws so now their team will try and persuade the campus cops to do something.

"die down and move forward..."

*rolls eyes*
astutegriz said:
Raider said:
HookedonGriz said:
SoldierGriz said:
5,000....then raise it to Wa-Griz capacity...

I was hoping for like 500 signatures over the course of a couple of days. To hit 1000 in about 9.5 hours is mind blowing. Social media is a game changer and can continue to drive this. The key is everyone sharing it where they can. Awesome to see!

I wonder how we could pressure the Missoulian into running a story on this petition. Any thoughts?

I have a thought, keep the Missoulian out of this, they’d just f it up with agendas, innuendo, and lies. You know, the reason for needing this petition in the first place.

I’m going to submit a letter to the editor or guest column today.
GGNez said:
astutegriz said:
Raider said:
HookedonGriz said:
I was hoping for like 500 signatures over the course of a couple of days. To hit 1000 in about 9.5 hours is mind blowing. Social media is a game changer and can continue to drive this. The key is everyone sharing it where they can. Awesome to see!

I wonder how we could pressure the Missoulian into running a story on this petition. Any thoughts?

I have a thought, keep the Missoulian out of this, they’d just f it up with agendas, innuendo, and lies. You know, the reason for needing this petition in the first place.

I’m going to submit a letter to the editor or guest column today.

That's great! Thanks for doing that. Stick to the facts kid....just the facts.

I'll watch for the small print buried on the last page of the online version. I'm kidding....but not really.
Put some accelerant on this thing:

Share the link below:

GGNez said:
astutegriz said:
Raider said:
HookedonGriz said:
I was hoping for like 500 signatures over the course of a couple of days. To hit 1000 in about 9.5 hours is mind blowing. Social media is a game changer and can continue to drive this. The key is everyone sharing it where they can. Awesome to see!

I wonder how we could pressure the Missoulian into running a story on this petition. Any thoughts?

I have a thought, keep the Missoulian out of this, they’d just f it up with agendas, innuendo, and lies. You know, the reason for needing this petition in the first place.

I’m going to submit a letter to the editor or guest column today.

Please share the hell out if this people. FB posts, twitter, have your wives and husbands sign it.

At some point, I will deliver this to Kent Haslam (I beleive he is already aware of it) and will consider the Missoulian and Kaimin as well. Just to show the outpouring of support. We will make sure the Hauck family is aware of it, too. Keep sharing!
The number of signatures is going to be double the number of Ms. Davey’s w/in the hour.

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