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I havent been angry since 2003

Maybe you should make a law about that forcing people to do things you want them to do?

Very freedom like are you.
I havent been angry since 2003
On the other hand, "denial" is an onset symptom of dementia, which is also a result of that "dame-bramage" you believe is worth any kid's sacrifice for your viewing pleasure. The technical name is "anosognosia" in case you want to mention it to your doctor. Well, I guess you'd have to remember it, right? Sorry about that.
grizcountry420 said:
and i bet that UMGriz75 thinks that shooting an AR-15 will give you PTSD as well..
In case you care:

Although, that writer was completely sh!t, PTSD is no joke. And frankly, PTSD can occur for any stressful reason. One person's trauma is not yours.
Let me know when you find those people and actually help.

I will be doing man stuff until then. Enjoy the pecan nut loaf and hummus.
Let me know when you find those people and actually help.
Refusal to take medical advice and prescriptives is also a symptom of the onset of dementia. You're hitting on all diagnostic cylinders today. Just curious, have you pooped your pants today as well?

UMGriz75 said:
Let me know when you find those people and actually help.
Refusal to take medical advice and prescriptives is also a symptom of the onset of dementia. You're hitting on all diagnostic cylinders today. Just curious, have you pooped your pants as well?


I dont remember.
grizpsych said:
grizcountry420 said:
and i bet that UMGriz75 thinks that shooting an AR-15 will give you PTSD as well..
In case you care:

Although, that writer was completely sh!t, PTSD is no joke. And frankly, PTSD can occur for any stressful reason. One person's trauma is not yours.

Never said PTSD was a joke.
maroonandsilver said:
Remember when this thread was about the Stadium? (they started digging today BTW).
It's typical. When thread bashers erupt and the "mod" doesn't like it, "he gets right on it." When certain people, however, thread crash, there is a different standard and then he is "not right on it."

It isn't just a weakness of "egriz," it is why a forum like this ultimately and invariably shoots itself in the foot; for anyone seriously interested in the Griz, there's just too much tolerated -- even encouraged -- crap here for anyone that might know or care.

I know a number of knowledgeable posters who enjoy talking about the Griz, know something about sports at UM, and don't mind "banter," but are looking forward to a substitute for "egriz" where moderation is both reasonable and consistent. It just doesn't exist here. There is invariably some level of "chaff" on internet forums. There is also a point reached ...
As long as you recognize you are part of the problem, then I am cool with your observation.
"Projection" is a commonly known side-effect of Griz Derangement Syndrome, as well as dementia, but as long as you recognize that .... oh, wait. There's the "denial" symptom raising, again, its ugly, misshapen head again.
UmGriz75, I think you've already found that substitute on Bobcat Nation. I see you have been posting there quite a bit. Or at least, someone under the name Grizgirl is posting almost identical commentary about Coach Stitt that you do over there. If that's not you, it's certainly your twin because the anti-Stitt posts by that poster are a word-for-word match of yours on here.
grizcountry420 said:
grizpsych said:
grizcountry420 said:
and i bet that UMGriz75 thinks that shooting an AR-15 will give you PTSD as well..
In case you care:

Although, that writer was completely sh!t, PTSD is no joke. And frankly, PTSD can occur for any stressful reason. One person's trauma is not yours.

Never said PTSD was a joke.
Sure. But that writer made it a joke.
grizpsych said:
grizcountry420 said:
grizpsych said:
grizcountry420 said:
and i bet that UMGriz75 thinks that shooting an AR-15 will give you PTSD as well..
In case you care:

Although, that writer was completely sh!t, PTSD is no joke. And frankly, PTSD can occur for any stressful reason. One person's trauma is not yours.

Never said PTSD was a joke.
Sure. But that writer made it a joke.

You're are correct about that..
havgrizfan said:
UmGriz75, I think you've already found that substitute on Bobcat Nation. I see you have been posting there quite a bit. Or at least, someone under the name Grizgirl is posting almost identical commentary about Coach Stitt that you do over there. If that's not you, it's certainly your twin because the anti-Stitt posts by that poster are a word-for-word match of yours on here.
Wow. "Anti-Stitt" posts! You ARE obsessed by that. And on a Stadium thread!

FYI. I have my own account on Wombat Nation. I have used it twice, months ago. I used the screen name I use here. None were about Stitt. Interesting though that you found other commentary about Stitt. I've always said that I thought he was a good hire, and have posted numerous times that I hoped that he does well. And gets a raise!

Still doesn't make me thrilled about his public relations qualities when dealing with the athletes, nor with "game strategies," such as they were, at Cal Poly, Weber, Idaho State or NDSU, and many posters have offered more in detail on those than I have. My main complaints have been in the public relations department, personnel policy, and bus maintenance. Others have commented more critically on his qualities as a coach. Nuance, boy, nuance!

I know, to people like you, that's anti-Stitt because it does not go far "enough," and does not rise to your level of holy worship, but that's probably just because I've been around coaching as a profession longer than you, tend to be more skeptical, and leaven idolatry with reality. You hope for the best, but that doesn't mean you need to pretend that every word is gospel, every promise invariably kept, or every brag supported by reality.

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