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Who's your pick for QB?

Spanky said:
We have three FCS average-above average quarterbacks in the program. The success of the quarterback will depend upon the on the job training of the coaches for offense, defense and special teams, not to mention the ongoing oversight from Kent Haslam.
IntuitiveGriz said:
Griz are looking better on paper:

Montana returns 19 players who made three or more starts, and a robust 41 lettermen from last year's 6-5 squad, who produced the 30th winning season in the past 31 years of Griz football. Stitt and his staff also added four high-level transfers in the offseason, giving UM plenty of in-game experience to build on for 2017.


So, with all that to look forward to, including an offensive genius, not even including that dynamic play the " fly sweep " we should advance from a winning season of 6-5 and loosing to arguably the worst team in the BSC at home, to winnng the BSC and pre ordering NC accommodations.

Or just be patient and wait for about another 12 years to be sure to give coach Stitt the benefit of doubt.
spsyk said:
IntuitiveGriz said:
Griz are looking better on paper:

Montana returns 19 players who made three or more starts, and a robust 41 lettermen from last year's 6-5 squad, who produced the 30th winning season in the past 31 years of Griz football. Stitt and his staff also added four high-level transfers in the offseason, giving UM plenty of in-game experience to build on for 2017.


So, with all that to look forward to, including an offensive genius, not even including that dynamic play the " fly sweep " we should advance from a winning season of 6-5 and loosing to arguably the worst team in the BSC at home, to winnng the BSC and pre ordering NC accommodations.

Or just be patient and wait for about another 12 years to be sure to give coach Stitt the benefit of doubt.
Sad days, ain't it spysk? I see little to nothing to be hopeful for.

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Copper Griz said:
Member Berries said:
Copper Griz said:
brewskis said:
I agree....although my gut tells me Hill, although similarly for no real reason. They both sound like confident gunslingers. I'm guessing it'll come down to whichever one does the best job of limiting their critical mistakes.

We will see!

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Certainly nice to have options. I really don't think the QB position can be worse than last year. Inconsistent, inconsistent, inconsistent. I have high hopes this year will be better. UW is a tough way to start the season though. Trial by fire if nothing else. My bet is on RP. I think a year learning the system gives him a leg up.

We had some of the best QB play in the country last season... But some inconsistencies. Our offensive line was poor and our receivers were average as a unit. It's simply ridiculous to say it can't be any worse this season. Infact, it's VERY likely that it will be worse. None of those QB's on the roster have any meaningful experience. Phillips was our 3rd best option last season... Let's be honest with ourselves... We are probably going to stink up the field for the first half of the season, then improve to a .500 team by November (when we'll be sitting at home again during the playoffs and looking for a new coach ).

Correct about the o line. Correct about the young receives. Blinders on concerning some of the best QB play in the country. I didn't see it. Immobile and off target many, many games.

And yet BG was your best QB option "By far" as Stitt mentioned many, many times. Most of you guys just don't get it, but Member Berries does. Stitt's "system" puts waaaaaaay too much pressure on the QB, and that's why it will never be consistently successful. Not to mention the fact you need not only one phenom QB to run your offense effectively but rather you need at least two and probably three. Stitt is dead set on that maximum offensive snap count which almost always leads to injuries. It's simple math.
poorgriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Member Berries said:
Copper Griz said:
Certainly nice to have options. I really don't think the QB position can be worse than last year. Inconsistent, inconsistent, inconsistent. I have high hopes this year will be better. UW is a tough way to start the season though. Trial by fire if nothing else. My bet is on RP. I think a year learning the system gives him a leg up.

We had some of the best QB play in the country last season... But some inconsistencies. Our offensive line was poor and our receivers were average as a unit. It's simply ridiculous to say it can't be any worse this season. Infact, it's VERY likely that it will be worse. None of those QB's on the roster have any meaningful experience. Phillips was our 3rd best option last season... Let's be honest with ourselves... We are probably going to stink up the field for the first half of the season, then improve to a .500 team by November (when we'll be sitting at home again during the playoffs and looking for a new coach ).

Correct about the o line. Correct about the young receives. Blinders on concerning some of the best QB play in the country. I didn't see it. Immobile and off target many, many games.

And yet BG was your best QB option "By far" as Stitt mentioned many, many times. Most of you guys just don't get it, but Member Berries does. Stitt's "system" puts waaaaaaay too much pressure on the QB, and that's why it will never be consistently successful. Not to mention the fact you need not only one phenom QB to run your offense effectively but rather you need at least two and probably three. Stitt is dead set on that maximum offensive snap count which almost always leads to injuries. It's simple math.

You may have a point, but are not the Cat's in the same boat? In fact they may be in a worse predicament. Your quarterback is a running quarterback. He is going to get hit many more times a game than anyone else's. In fact because he comes in at QB1 next year, he is going to be hit more often because he will be the starter from the beginning of the season. What happens to him as those hits mount throughout the year? I would argue that every team has a huge drop from starting to back up QB,
poorgriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Member Berries said:
Copper Griz said:
Certainly nice to have options. I really don't think the QB position can be worse than last year. Inconsistent, inconsistent, inconsistent. I have high hopes this year will be better. UW is a tough way to start the season though. Trial by fire if nothing else. My bet is on RP. I think a year learning the system gives him a leg up.

We had some of the best QB play in the country last season... But some inconsistencies. Our offensive line was poor and our receivers were average as a unit. It's simply ridiculous to say it can't be any worse this season. Infact, it's VERY likely that it will be worse. None of those QB's on the roster have any meaningful experience. Phillips was our 3rd best option last season... Let's be honest with ourselves... We are probably going to stink up the field for the first half of the season, then improve to a .500 team by November (when we'll be sitting at home again during the playoffs and looking for a new coach ).

Correct about the o line. Correct about the young receives. Blinders on concerning some of the best QB play in the country. I didn't see it. Immobile and off target many, many games.

And yet BG was your best QB option "By far" as Stitt mentioned many, many times. Most of you guys just don't get it, but Member Berries does. Stitt's "system" puts waaaaaaay too much pressure on the QB, and that's why it will never be consistently successful. Not to mention the fact you need not only one phenom QB to run your offense effectively but rather you need at least two and probably three. Stitt is dead set on that maximum offensive snap count which almost always leads to injuries. It's simple math.

This coming from a Bobcat? I completely disagree that Stitt's system puts too much pressure on the QB. That is the game in general for any QB. You are the field general, not the lieutenant or sargeant. You run the show and a good QB is comfortable doing just that. Would you say the same thing about the Patriots or Clemson? Just replace the QB because it is just that simple. You don't need Brady. Any run of the mill QB works in a simplified system. It is simple! You only need two or three reads. Ridiculous. Stitt is innovative, but it is not rocket science. Make the read and get rid of it. Of course you need to use all of the players on offense and especially the damn o line. BG had mediocre protection and the running game was anemic at times. The Griz need a QB who does not overthink, has a leaderhip persona and is mobile when necessary. BG may have been a leader, but he held the ball too long and was frequently inaccurate. (I would say his post season performance with other seniors from across the nation confirmed this). Couple that with young receivers who missed a lot of balls and it was a rough season (Don't forget the O line mess). This season should be better because the O line should be improved, the running game will keep defenses in check and the receivers should be better. There is also a crop of QB's who will be competing for the job. One job, no need for multiple QB's. You hope the system does not work because you are afraid of what happens if it does click and there is a solid QB running it. Unlike many of the live in the past Hauck lovers, I have confidence the program is going to get right back on track. Worry about Bozeman. You have your own QB situation and offense to worry about. I would not classify the Bobcats situation as rosy. Lots of unanswered questions there as well.
Oh no we have to have a good quarterback if we expect to win a lot of games.

Show me one great team that doesn't have a great quarterback (aside from bama). If you want to win then you need to have very good QB play.

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poorgriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Member Berries said:
Copper Griz said:
Certainly nice to have options. I really don't think the QB position can be worse than last year. Inconsistent, inconsistent, inconsistent. I have high hopes this year will be better. UW is a tough way to start the season though. Trial by fire if nothing else. My bet is on RP. I think a year learning the system gives him a leg up.

We had some of the best QB play in the country last season... But some inconsistencies. Our offensive line was poor and our receivers were average as a unit. It's simply ridiculous to say it can't be any worse this season. Infact, it's VERY likely that it will be worse. None of those QB's on the roster have any meaningful experience. Phillips was our 3rd best option last season... Let's be honest with ourselves... We are probably going to stink up the field for the first half of the season, then improve to a .500 team by November (when we'll be sitting at home again during the playoffs and looking for a new coach ).

Correct about the o line. Correct about the young receives. Blinders on concerning some of the best QB play in the country. I didn't see it. Immobile and off target many, many games.

And yet BG was your best QB option "By far" as Stitt mentioned many, many times. Most of you guys just don't get it, but Member Berries does. Stitt's "system" puts waaaaaaay too much pressure on the QB, and that's why it will never be consistently successful. Not to mention the fact you need not only one phenom QB to run your offense effectively but rather you need at least two and probably three. Stitt is dead set on that maximum offensive snap count which almost always leads to injuries. It's simple math.

Stitt openly discussed taking the pressure off the QB after the season ended in his last presser. He also sent a letter to QB Club members detailing a whole lot more about this which I won't delve into here. Expect Stitt to be the play caller and expect the fast pace to slow down a bit in 2017. This is certainly a big change from his philosophy of maximizing play count from prior seasons. My guess is if Stitt finds the right QB then you will see him navigate back to his original philosophy of QB calls and maximum play count.
go96griz said:
poorgriz said:
Copper Griz said:
Member Berries said:
We had some of the best QB play in the country last season... But some inconsistencies. Our offensive line was poor and our receivers were average as a unit. It's simply ridiculous to say it can't be any worse this season. Infact, it's VERY likely that it will be worse. None of those QB's on the roster have any meaningful experience. Phillips was our 3rd best option last season... Let's be honest with ourselves... We are probably going to stink up the field for the first half of the season, then improve to a .500 team by November (when we'll be sitting at home again during the playoffs and looking for a new coach ).

Correct about the o line. Correct about the young receives. Blinders on concerning some of the best QB play in the country. I didn't see it. Immobile and off target many, many games.

And yet BG was your best QB option "By far" as Stitt mentioned many, many times. Most of you guys just don't get it, but Member Berries does. Stitt's "system" puts waaaaaaay too much pressure on the QB, and that's why it will never be consistently successful. Not to mention the fact you need not only one phenom QB to run your offense effectively but rather you need at least two and probably three. Stitt is dead set on that maximum offensive snap count which almost always leads to injuries. It's simple math.

Stitt openly discussed taking the pressure off the QB after the season ended in his last presser. He also sent a letter to QB Club members detailing a whole lot more about this which I won't delve into here. Expect Stitt to be the play caller and expect the fast pace to slow down a bit in 2017. This is certainly a big change from his philosophy of maximizing play count from prior seasons. My guess is if Stitt finds the right QB then you will see him navigate back to his original philosophy of QB calls and maximum play count.
He's a good coach. I believe we'll get there with him at the helm.

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So, with all that to look forward to, including an offensive genius, not even including that dynamic play the " fly sweep " we should advance from a winning season of 6-5 and loosing to arguably the worst team in the BSC at home, to winnng the BSC and pre ordering NC accommodations.

Or just be patient and wait for about another 12 years to be sure to give coach Stitt the benefit of doubt.

The "fly sweep". Have Griz run that play in Stitt's first two years? I don't recall seeing it.
The “too complicated” thing is a false standard. What you need is someone who can quickly assess some fairly simple formations and actions on the part of the defense. It’s the quickness of recognition and decisiveness under pressure which is the key. Some minds are built like that; some of us like to ponder things for an hour or two before we swing into action, by then having clearly chosen either the custard pie or the chocolate pudding. I would have them practice quick chess during the off season.
Fat Bruno said:
The “too complicated” thing is a false standard. What you need is someone who can quickly assess some fairly simple formations and actions on the part of the defense. It’s the quickness of recognition and decisiveness under pressure which is the key. Some minds are built like that; some of us like to ponder things for an hour or two before we swing into action, by then having clearly chosen either the custard pie or the chocolate pudding. I would have them practice quick chess during the off season.

Probably did at Mines...
brewskis said:
spsyk said:
IntuitiveGriz said:
Griz are looking better on paper:

Montana returns 19 players who made three or more starts, and a robust 41 lettermen from last year's 6-5 squad, who produced the 30th winning season in the past 31 years of Griz football. Stitt and his staff also added four high-level transfers in the offseason, giving UM plenty of in-game experience to build on for 2017.


So, with all that to look forward to, including an offensive genius, not even including that dynamic play the " fly sweep " we should advance from a winning season of 6-5 and loosing to arguably the worst team in the BSC at home, to winnng the BSC and pre ordering NC accommodations.

Or just be patient and wait for about another 12 years to be sure to give coach Stitt the benefit of doubt.
Sad days, ain't it spysk? I see little to nothing to be hopeful for.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Well, when you live in a realty distortion field in lieu of reality, it's easy to falsely be hopeful. However, when you have a record of fifteen years of coaching at a lower level, and two years try to make his mark, which has not been two impressive.

I'll wait and see, without building my hopes up to high, by allowing to see if any changes are made in coach Stitts offense, it's fairly obvious that the coaches in the BSC have it mostly figured out , with that said, Go Griz.
Spanky said:
Hopeful, Yes. Honest, yes as well.

Honest? Dude, you make Eeyore look like a motivational fucking speaker. I'm not sure why you haven't just thrown in the towel altogether and become an EWU fan.
Fat Bruno said:
The “too complicated” thing is a false standard. What you need is someone who can quickly assess some fairly simple formations and actions on the part of the defense. It’s the quickness of recognition and decisiveness under pressure which is the key. Some minds are built like that; some of us like to ponder things for an hour or two before we swing into action, by then having clearly chosen either the custard pie or the chocolate pudding. I would have them practice quick chess during the off season.

BG's biggest issue was out of dozen or more options he only used one counterpunch. In essence, as was explained to me by someone who played the game, the other teams' D.C. was calling (manipulating) our plays. It also affected the attitude of the non default players and their execution. Both simple and complex offenses can be effective if properly executed. Toward the end of last season, execution went to the opponents ' Defenses. All of this can be fixed, so I'm told.
Fat Bruno said:
The “too complicated” thing is a false standard. What you need is someone who can quickly assess some fairly simple formations and actions on the part of the defense. It’s the quickness of recognition and decisiveness under pressure which is the key. Some minds are built like that; some of us like to ponder things for an hour or two before we swing into action, by then having clearly chosen either the custard pie or the chocolate pudding. I would have them practice quick chess during the off season.

BG's biggest issue was out of dozen or more options he only used one counterpunch. In essence, as was explained to me by someone who played the game, the other teams' D.C. was calling (manipulating) our plays. It also affected the attitude of the non default players and their execution. Both simple and complex offenses can be effective if properly executed. Toward the end of last season, execution went to the opponents ' Defenses. All of this can be fixed, so I'm told.

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